Living in Costa Rica is "Pura Vida"

Living in Costa Rica is "Pura Vida"

Living is Costa Rica is similar to surviving in paradise. The Costa Ricans refer to this as 'Pura Vida' -The Pure Life. Costa Rican is a wonderful way, and place, to live. The hardest part may be the decision on where to live.

In an exceedingly small geographical area, Costa Rica can provide a cosmopolitan urban setting perfect for the socialite in you; tropical beaches for sunlight worshiper in you; hot, humid rain forests for the nature lover in you; or temperate, mountain living for the adventurer in you. Regardless of how Click here to find out more intend to live, you can get a place to suit your desires, while only living a couple of hours away from a totally different climate and lifestyle.

Most Americans relocating to Costa Rica prefer to reside in the temperate climates provided by the Central valley or the hillsides of the Nicoya peninsula in the Provence of Guanacaste. Both areas are higher in elevation compared to the coastal regions and also have a drier, cooler, and much more comfortable climate, to which most Americans tend to be more accustomed.

International Living, the magazine specialized in promoting and educating Americans about living abroad, lists both areas in Costa Rica as top places on the planet in which to retire. The advantages of Guanacaste are price, proximity to beaches, and development potential. The federal government has made a significant commitment to improve infrastructure, especially roads, in the area to greatly help promote development in the 'Gold Coast' of Costa Rica,

Once you choose where to live, another decision will be on how best to live in your new country. As in America, you have a wide selection of housing choices. It is possible to rent or buy, live luxuriously or modestly, urban or rural. Here, again, the Guanacaste region offers the new emigrant all of these choices. From modern beachfront condos to rural, agricultural opportunities, the choice is yours.

No matter where your home is, or how you reside in Costa Rica; one common denominator will undoubtedly be you can live the lifestyle of your choice a lot more inexpensively than you could in the U.S. From housing costs to food to medical expenses, almost everything you must live comfortably is less expensive compared to the same item in the us. Even real estate taxes are less taxing.

About the only items that can cost you more will be imports, because of the high tariffs placed on imports to the country. For the savvy buyer, the Government has established a duty free zone in Golfito, a little southern Pacific town. The most you can purchase in this tax free zone has recently been raised to $1000 every half a year ($2,000 annually). The only catch is that you need to spend one night in your community to qualify for the duty free purchases.

Pura Vida is enjoying life as you find it. Which means eating pure, fruit and vegetables available year round from local producers. Meat, fish, and seafood are all available locally and inexpensively, so eating healthy is one major advantage of living in Costa Rica.

Enjoying all the natural beauty the country provides is right at your doorstep. Costa Rica consistently ranks high on every way of measuring environmentalism by numerous rating organizations. If leaving as small of a carbon footprint as you possibly can is important for you, then you will be hard pressed to locate a better place, and way, to live.

Living on the list of Costa Rican people is delightful and rewarding. Costa Ricans rank first on earth in the 'happiness index', and so are ranked very high in Latin America in almost every category that's measured. Most Americans feel right in the home in a very short period of time after moving to Costa Rica. The culture and lifestyle is simple to adapt to rather than as completely foreign as other overseas destinations could be. The fact that a quick trip back again to the states is only a 3-6 hour flight from Costa Ricans airports helps to alleviate any 'homesickness' which could occur.

Come, begin your brand-new life, and help us maintain our number 1 'happiness index' on the globe. Pura Vida is Pure Living in Costa Rica.

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