Livia Andrade
Livia Andrade
Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.
↑ «Entrevista no Portal Terra» . Terra . 8 de fevereiro de 2006 . Consultado em 18 de setembro de 2011 . Arquivado do original em 17 de janeiro de 2010
↑ «Ronaldo revela a Silvio Santos que ainda não sabe o sexo de seu terceiro filho» . SBT . Programa Silvio Santos - Notícias. 2011. 1 páginas . Consultado em 18 de setembro de 2011
↑ Beatriz Mota. «Após acidente, Livia Andrade fala da relação com Silvio Santos» . Jornal O Dia . Terra. 1 páginas . Consultado em 18 de setembro de 2011
↑ «Lívia Andrade é alvo das piadinhas de Silvio Santos, mas jura que não é protegida» . O Dia Online . Região News. 24 de Agosto de 2010. 1 páginas . Consultado em 18 de setembro de 2011
↑ Terra (11 de agosto de 2011). «André Vasco, Lívia Andrade e Michel Teló comandam programa 'Eliana ' » . Terra . 1 páginas . Consultado em 18 de setembro de 2011
↑ «Lívia Andrade e Beto Marden assumem o programa Eliana deste domingo» . SBT . SBT Notícias. 16 de setembro de 2011. 1 páginas . Consultado em 18 de setembro de 2011
↑ «Lívia Andrade e Yudi avisam acidente de carro via Twitter» . A Crítica . 18 de março de 2013
↑ Ir para: a b «Lívia Andrade comemora 20 anos de Carnaval: "Me entrego de copo e alma " » . . 21 de janeiro de 2014 . Consultado em 18 de junho de 2021
↑ «Veja as celebridades que torcem para o Corinthians» . UOL TV e Famosos . Consultado em 18 de junho de 2021
↑ Flávio Ricco (25 de julho de 2010). «Está aprovada» . UOL . Entretenimento - Televisão. 1 páginas . Consultado em 18 de setembro de 2011
↑ «André Vasco, Lívia Andrade e Michel Teló comandam programa 'Eliana ' » . Terra . 11 de agosto de 2011 . Consultado em 6 de março de 2013
↑ «SBT repete versão nacional de 'Chaves' e estuda incluir programa na grade em 2012» . Revista Caras . 9 de dezembro de 2011 . Consultado em 6 de março de 2013
↑ Flávio Ricco (25 de agosto de 2010). «Tudo em Cima» . UOL . Entretenimento - Televisão. 1 páginas . Consultado em 18 de setembro de 2011
↑ Flávio Ricco (25 de julho de 2010). «Está aprovada» . UOL . Entretenimento - Televisão. 1 páginas . Consultado em 18 de setembro de 2011
↑ «Lívia Andrade estreia na Globo no 'Domingão com Huck ' » . Gshow . 17 de agosto de 2022 . Consultado em 17 de agosto de 2022
↑ Carla Bittencourt e Gabriel Vaquer (16 de agosto de 2022). «Huck tira Lívia Andrade de enrascada na Band para trabalhar no 'Domingão ' » . Consultado em 16 de agosto de 2022
↑ Aconteceu com Shirley Taylor estréia em São Paulo
↑ Redação (21 de dezembro de 2019). «FOFOCALIZANDO E LÍVIA ANDRADE SÃO VENCEDORES DO PRÊMIO F5» . SBT . Consultado em 22 de dezembro de 2019
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Lívia Regina Sórgia de Andrade ( São Paulo , 20 de junho de 1983 ), mais conhecida apenas como Lívia Andrade , é uma apresentadora , atriz , modelo , radialista e empresária brasileira. Ficou mais conhecida por integrar o elenco do quadro Jogo dos Pontinhos , do Programa Silvio Santos . Como atriz, Lívia ganhou destaque por seu papel como Suzana Bustamante em Carrossel . Iniciou sua carreira como assistente de palco em 1997, no programa Fantasia . Lívia Andrade comandou o programa de rádio Consultório Sentimental , da Band FM .
Iniciou a carreira como modelo aos 13 anos, fazendo algumas campanhas publicitárias. Em 1997 foi para a TV como assistente de palco do programa "Fantasia" no SBT . Em 2000 fez parte do grupo As Mallandrinhas do programa Festa do Mallandro na TV Gazeta , onde chamou a atenção das revistas masculinas Playboy e Sexy e gravou dois álbuns nos estilos pop e funk carioca . De 2004 a 2010 fez parte do elenco de A Praça é Nossa , onde fazia personagens que encantavam por sua beleza. [ 1 ] Em 2010, gravou a música "Sou Corinthiana". [ 2 ]
Desde 2008 participa do quadro Jogo dos Pontinhos no Programa Silvio Santos, que conquista grande audiência nas noites de domingo do SBT. [ 3 ] [ 4 ]
No teatro protagonizou a peça Aconteceu com Shirley Taylor, dirigida por Fafy Siqueira em 2006. Atuou nas telenovelas Vende-se Um Véu de Noiva (2009), Uma Rosa Com Amor (2010) e Corações Feridos (que foi gravada em 2010 e exibida em 2012). Ainda participou dos especiais de natal e ano novo do humorístico 30 Anos de Chaves , interpretando Dona Florinda . Apresentou o programa Eliana no SBT, nos dias 14 de agosto e 18 de setembro de 2011, cobrindo a licença-maternidade de Eliana . [ 5 ] [ 6 ]
Em 2012 interpretou sua primeira vilã, a professora Suzana na telenovela "Carrossel". Em 2013 passou a trabalhar na Band FM como locutora do Consultório Sentimental (do Projeto Liberta), ao lado de Roberta Tiepo e Marcelo Dias.
Em 2014 apresentou o programa Arena SBT , que foi ao ar nas noites de sábado por pouco tempo. Lívia também gravou participação na telenovela Chiquititas , interpretando a coordenadora Bárbara. Junto com Roberta Tiepo gravou a música Erva Venenosa para a trilha sonora da telenovela.
Em dezembro de 2017, substitui Mamma Bruschetta em suas férias no Fofocalizando . No dia 3 de janeiro de 2018, foi efetivada como apresentadora fixa no programa.
De 2004 a 2014 foi casada com o empresário Fagnani Nilton Júnior, mas devido ao desgaste na relação, se divorciaram amigavelmente após dez anos de união. Algum tempo depois, conheceu o empresário Roberto Villa Real Júnior, e casaram-se em outubro de 2016. Apesar de a artista ter optado por não revelar a identidade do atual marido para a imprensa, visto que o mesmo não pertence ao meio artístico, no início de 2019 a relação entre os dois foi exposta na internet, e os dois então assumiram o casamento publicamente.
No dia 16 de março de 2013, Lívia envolveu-se em um acidente de carro junto com o apresentador Yudi Tamashiro , quando estava indo para um evento em Tabapuã , no interior de São Paulo . O carro caiu em uma valeta e por pouco não capotou. Quem dirigia era o pai do apresentador. [ 7 ]
Em 2014, Lívia completou vinte anos de presença confirmada na folia carnavalesca paulistana, no Sambódromo do Anhembi . Seu primeiro desfile foi aos dez anos de idade na ala das crianças da Unidos do Peruche , mas foi na Gaviões da Fiel que ela ganhou fama após frequentar o samba da escola por mais de dez anos. Também já desfilou na Leandro de Itaquera , X-9 Paulistana , Acadêmicos do Tucuruvi e Império de Casa Verde . [ 8 ] No Rio , desfilou no no Sambódromo da Marquês de Sapucaí , onde foi destaque de abre-alas da Caprichosos de Pilares e musa da Inocentes de Belford Roxo . Atualmente é rainha de bateria da Paraíso Do Tuiuti, no ano de 2020 desfilou como destaque de carro alegórico da Pérola Negra em São Paulo. [ 8 ] Muito fã do Corinthians , possui uma tatuagem na nuca com o símbolo do clube e de um gavião. [ 9 ]
Dentre as inúmeras capas de revistas, Lívia figurou nas seguintes revistas masculinas:
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Livia Andrade is a Brazilian actress, model, radio host, and businesswoman.
She became famous after being part of the cast of the game “Game of Pointinhos,” of the “The Silvio Santos Program.”
She was married to Fagnani Nilton Junior who is a businessman in 2004.
The couple got divorced after being married for ten years . The reason behind the couple’s separation is unknown.
A later rumor about her affair with another businessman named Roberto Villa Real Junior started to spread.
Roberto was husband of one of Livia’s friend. The duo after dating for sometimes planned to tie knot.
Their wedding took place on October 2016. She kept private about her marriage with her partner as he did not belong to the entertainment industry .
In was in 2019 when the wedding picture of the couple go leaked then the name of her husband was known otherwise, she has managed to keep him anonymous.
She is delighted with her relationship with her present husband.
Here is a picture of the couple from their wedding ceremony
There is no information about Livia kids neither from her previous marriage nor from her current partner .
The information about the net worth of the Brazilian beauty is not known and is under review .
She has her earning through her appearances in different TV shows and programs. Her salary is also not known.
She started her career as a model at a very age of 13. She also did some advertising campaigns.
When she was part of the group As Mallandrinhas of The Mallandro Party program on TV Gazeta in the year 2000, she grabbed the eye of the men’s magazines Playboy and Sexy .
She was featured in Playboy September Edition in 2001 and sexy August Edition in 2003.
She also acted in television soap opera such as for Sale A Bridal Veil (2009), A Rose With Love (2010) and Injured Hearts (which was recorded in 2010 and aired in 2012).
She also made an appearance playing as Dona Florinda in the Christmas New Year specials of the humorous 30 Years of Chaves .
She also presented the Eliana program at SPT on August 14 and September 18, 2011, cover for the maternity leave Eliana.
She portrayed the role of villain in the soap opera Carrousel in the year 2012, where she played the character Suzana who is a teacher.
She also worked at Band FM as an announcer for Sentimental Office (Project Liberta) along with Roberta Tiepo and Marcelo Dias.
She also presented the program SBT Arena in 2014 which aired on Saturday nights for a limited time.
She replaced Mamma Bruschetta on her Fofocalizando vacation on December 2017. From January 3, 2018, she was made permanent presenter in the program.
Here is the list of top actresses and their net worth.
She lives an exotic life, and she shares pictures of luxuries on her Instagram account. She has uploaded this one with a caption,
Here is a picture of her which she shared on her Instagram account.
Celebrity Facts
Celebrity Details, Body Statistics & More ...
Livia Andrade is a Brazilian model, actress, presenter and businesswoman. She is best known for her work as a host on a variety of SBT original programs including Teleton, Focalizing, and SBT Arena. As a model, she was appeared on the cover of Playboy in September 2001 and also the cover of Sexy in August 2003. As an actress, she has starred in a variety of successful telenovelas, including The square is ours, Sells a Bride Veil, Wounded Hearts, and Carousel. Born on June 20, 1983 in São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, her birth name is Lívia Regina Sorgia de Andrade . She started her career as a model at age 13. From 2004 to 2014 she was married to the businessman Fagnani Nilton Júnior. She remarried in 2015 but kept the name of her husband private from the public.
Livia Andrade Personal Details:
Date Of Birth: 20 June 1983
Birth Place: São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Birth Name: Lívia Regina Sorgia de Andrade
Nickname: Livia Andrade
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Occupation: Model, Actress, Voice actor, Presenter, Businesswoman
Nationality: Brazilian
Race/Ethnicity: White
Religion: Unknown
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Gray
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Livia Andrade Body Statistics:
Weight in Pounds: 130 lbs
Weight in Kilogram: 59 kg
Height in Feet: 5′ 9″
Height in Meters: 1.75 m
Body Build/Type: Average
Body Measurements: 35-25-35 in (89-64-89 cm)
Breast Size: 35 inches (89 cm)
Waist Size: 25 inches (64 cm)
Hips Size: 35 inches (89 cm)
Bra Size/Cup Size: 34C
Feet/Shoe Size: 11.5 (US)
Dress Size: 6 (US)
Livia Andrade Family Details:
Father: Unknown
Mother: Unknown
Spouse/Husband: Fagnani Nilton Junior (m. 2004–2014)
Children: *
Siblings: Unknown
Livia Andrade Education:
Not available
Livia Andrade Facts:
*She was born on June 20, 1983 in São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.
*She began her career as a model at age 13.
*She was a part of the group Mallandrinhas on Festa do Mallandro in 2000.
*She is an avid fan of Corinthians, and has a tattoo on the back of the neck with the club symbol and a hawk.
*Follow her on Twitter , Facebook and Instagram .
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Celebrities Fashion Livia Andrade: Top 10 Must-Know Facts About Model
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Livia Andrade (Model) was born on the 20th of June, 1983. She was born in 1980s, in Millennials Generation. Her birth sign is Gemini and her life path number is 11. Livia’s birth flower is Rose and birthstone is Pearl, Moonstone and Alexandrite. What does this all mean? Let’s find out!
Discover all the facts that no one tells you about Livia Andrade below ↓
Livia Andrade, best known for being a Model, was born in Brazil on Monday, June 20, 1983. Model, actress, and television host who is best known for her work as a presenter on a variety of SBT original programs including Focalizing, Teleton, and SBT Arena. She is also known for sharing additional modeling shots to her Instagram where she has over 4.1 million followers.
Family: She was born and raised in Sao Paulo, Brazil. She married businessman Fagnani Nilton Junior from 2004 until 2014 and in 2015 she remarried but kept the name of her husband private from the public. Livia Andrade father’s name is under review and mother unknown at this time. We will continue to update details on Livia Andrade’s family.
Education: The education details are not available at this time. Please check back soon for updates.
Dating: According to CelebsCouples , Livia Andrade is single .
Net Worth: Online estimates of Livia Andrade’s net worth vary. It’s easy to predict her income, but it’s much harder to know how much she has spent over the years. CelebsMoney and NetWorthStatus does a good job of breaking most of it down.
Livia Andrade zodiac sign is a Gemini. Dates of Gemini are May 21 - June 20. Those born under the Gemini zodiac sign enjoy socializing and love surrounding themselves with people. They enjoy chit-chat and tend to have expression and communication very high on their list of priorities. They are intelligent, adaptable, agile, communicative, informative, and connected. Although, they can be too talkative, exaggerating, deceptive, cunning, superficial, and inconsistent.
The Brazilian model has been alive for 14,208 days or 341,004 hours. There were precisely 482 full moons after her birth to this day.
Livia Andrade was born on a Monday. People born on Mondays are motherly, sensitive, adaptive, and kind.
The world’s population was 4,701,530,843 and there were an estimated year babies born throughout the world in 1983, Ronald Reagan (Republican) was the president of the United States, and the number one song on Billboard 100 was "Flashdance...What A Feeling" by Irene Cara.
451 – Battle of the Catalaunian Plains: Roman and Visigoths forces defeat Attila the Hun in north east France.
1214 – The University of Oxford receives its charter.
1789 – Tennis Court Oath (for a new constitution) in France made at Versailles.
1840 – Samuel Morse patents his telegraph.
1895 – 1st female PhD from an American University, earned by Caroline Willard Baldwin (in Science) at Cornell University.
We’re currently in process of confirming all details such as Livia Andrade’s height, weight, and other stats. If there is any information missing, we will be updating this page soon. If you any have tips or corrections, please send them our way .
Livia Andrade was born in the Year of the Pig. People with Chinese zodiac Pig sign are considerate, responsible, independent and optimistic. They always show generousness and mercy to endure other people's mistakes, which help them gain harmonious interpersonal relationships. Their strengths are being warm-hearted, good-tempered, loyal, honest, and gentle. But they can also be naive, gullible, sluggish, short-tempered. Their lucky numbers are 2, 5, 8 and lucky colors are yellow, grey, brown, gold.
Livia Andrade was born in the middle of Millennials Generation.
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