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Hello, there, all my Omegleheads. To state the obvious, you opened this webpage because you are looking for the best sites like Omegle. I commend you.
You are familiar with how works like the back of your head, but you are tired of conversing with the same people. You have a desire to explore the new.
You visited the homepage. Instantly, you noticed 56,000+ people online right now, but you also know this claim is a crock. If that number is accurate, how is it possible to continually open cams to the same meat-pleasers, treacherous trolls, and tumultuous legal teens grouped up inside a messy bedroom?
Here, brewing under the webcam chat utility hole is a list of video chat alternatives similar to Omegle in terms of the user interface, populous, and overall user experience. You will get nothing better than this!
Have no fear, because Mr. Informer is here. I will discuss the most popular Omegle alternatives that either make the site look puny or recognizably identical like twins. Let me stop with the colorful words and colloquialisms and start with the list of websites like Omegle.
Ever since Tosh.O featured Omegle on his program, the site ranked #1 for random chat video sites. You could not talk about webcam chatting unless mentioning this new software program that attracted everyone, from teens to celebrities. However, Jerkmate is the ultimate chess master and pulled a move that quickly snatched the crown from Omegle and ranking 10/10 for the exclusive cam-to-cam adult content. Many meat-pleasers would hop on Omegle, whip out their birthday surprises, and get banned. However, Jerkmate allows nudity between users and live cam models, and that is why the site is the winner.
If you ever used Omegle, then you should know that nudity is generally a no-no, but people whip their ding-a-lings anyway. Some of them will bunny hop their asses on there to see naked bodies or expose their privates like they are at an art show in Greece.
Jerkmate is an adult version of Omegle where you can pay real cam models to stare at your meatless MorningStar polish sausage with a smile on their faces. is for users 18+, obviously, so you can perform all the nasty stuff you want without getting cam-banned.
What that means is no more persuading chicks to get nude and pressing ‘Next’ forever until you land on a cam, hoping it’s a ‘real’ girl willing to study your albino python.
More importantly, your cam will never connect to underage girls because all users on Jerk mate are either fully grown or men who do not play immature games.
If you are over 18, the best course of action is to log off Omegle and logon to a real adult cam site with live xxx honies who will hop on your carrot like bunny rabbits - Welcum to Jerkmate!
Chatroulette is the closest prototype you will get to Omegle. This free video-to-video online chatting portal with no strings attached sounds very familiar to the common ear.
Every feature on CR is almost the same as Omegle. For example, no sign up is required. Connections are instant without getting kicked. And you can remain completely anonymous by selecting ‘Text only’.
Since Chatroulette is a 100% copycat of Omegle, or maybe it’s the other way around, all the features are the same. However, verifying phone numbers before continuing to spool through groups of strangers ready to chat is different on Chatroulette than Omegle. Moreover, you are forced to allow access to your camera and microphone when you first enter the site - putting you dead smack in the middle of the action. Can you say ‘Big Brother’? Omegle only requires instant video broadcasting if you go to the Unmoderated Section and press ‘Video’.
If you are an extrovert who loves to talk with people from around the world, then you’re in luck. Although you can do this on Omegle, what you cannot see is their locations. However, on Chatroulette, you can see details about their location (name of country or state if they are in the USA).
For example, I talked to a ‘homey’ from Papua, and some young lads from Russia who wanted me to ship them a pack of BubbleYum (Apparently, they like American snacks?).
Unfortunately, Chatroulette has flushed down the drain over the years. Most cam videos are endless streams of weiner jackers with no filter.
Bro, TinyChat is so different from Omegle because you can see multiple cams of strangers. The system does not connect only one-on-one cams unless you give one of your closest friends a specific link to the room, and even then, strangers pop out of nowhere, interrupting your conversations.
Unlike Omegle, TinyChat gives you the power to ban users from the room and choose how long you want to keep them on the list. However, if you try to broadcast your cam in another room, you might get banned by some random mod for the craziest reason: maybe your mic’s volume was too loud, or perhaps you said ‘hello’ to a girl they liked - yes, that stuff happens there often.
However, Tinychat is more fun than Omegle, but very restrictive. For instance, if you’re new to the site, you can broadcast your cam for about 5 minutes until you are prompted to sign up for an account.
CamFrog is a lot different from Omegle in many ways. First, it requires downloading an external exe client to start the program. Many people might be confused about how this is done or generally distrust random programs wanting full access to their computers.
CamFrog is more similar to Tinychat than Omegle, except you have to click on a username to see the person behind the cam. If you click on the most popular cams, there might be only one person you can see, but you can hear other voices talking. So, you will need to click on all usernames to see them.
On the positive side, CamFrog has better visuals than Omegle and Tinychat. It feels good looking at the site.
You could look at Omegle like an early 2000’s Bentley Continental. It’s old, but it’s still luxurious and a classic in some respects. However, CamFrog is like a late-model Hyundai. All the tech is upgraded and new, but do you want to invest in this vehicle long-term?
SlutRoulette seems to live up to its name because all you will see are sluts on roulette cams. However, the majority of these sluts are fake. They are not fake as in they are not real, but fake as they are professional cam girls on other sites.
It seems the only ‘real’ people are the guys. Moreover, you are forced to create an account and deposit money if you want to chat. But it has an Omegle feel, just without the real people but plenty of porn activity.
DirtyRoulette is exactly like Omegle as it has random cams online spawning from all over the world.
Omegle has SOME girls on there, but DirtyRoulette has guys primarily.
There is a section to see cams of women, which Omaegle does not have, but payment is required to get that section.
The signup form directs from DR to Flingster, a different site, and your cam is re-routed back to the peter wackers from earlier.
ChatRandom is much easier to use than Omegle, but finding girls is harder than jackers on ChatRoulette. If you use ChatRandom through to August, this season will be a Polish Sausage Summer, and I am not talking about the kind in a butcher’s shop.
On the positive side, you can see the user's exact location (shows city and state).
Most of these sites are free, but seeing full nudity without getting banned requires you to cough up the dough. If you join the moderated section, there will not be any nudity. The chat to chat section has no nudity, but you cannot see the person on the other end of the screen. This section is suitable for people who want to talk about random topics.
If you’re a woman, then you will enjoy the endless streams of stroking and self-pleasure.
NONE of these sites is safe for children. Omegle attracts teens, but the rest of the sites are for grownups. Anyone under the age of 18 should steer clear of these sites because of the high risk of nudity. To a certain degree, some of these sites are not safe for adults.
Another significant risk is intentionally or accidentally exposing your private information to randoms. Some of these users are not wrapped too tight mentally, and you could end up getting swatted, arrested, or robbed. These sites should be used for fun times online and not offline dating or meeting up.
Tinychat is my favorite, and Camfrog is pretty cool, but learning the ropes is hard. Dirty Roulette and SlutRoulette are meh, but Chatroulette and ChatRandom are a couple I can rock with.
The best Omegle alternative depends on what you want. If you're going to talk to random people and be a troll, then Tinychat is your best bet. If you're going to jack off with real women, then DirtyRoulette and Jerkmate are best. If you're going to have a friendly conversation with no nudity, maybe CamFrog, Chatroulette, and even ChatRandom are ok. Leave Omegle for the youngsters.
Copyright © 2022 Austin Chronicle Corporation. All rights reserved.

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Juvenile Justice Information Exchange

One day in 1998 when my mother picked me up from school, she was carrying a large white envelope. I was in 10th grade and had applied to join the Spirit of America National Honor Band , a group of young musicians from around the country that toured Europe each summer. The envelope contained the group’s decision.
“Remember, you’re younger than most members of the band, so if you don’t make it this year we will just reapply next year,” my mom said to me as I tore into the package. Inside were several pages of multi-colored paper, but sitting on top was a patriotic-looking letter from the director. I read the first word, “Congratulations,” and my body flooded with excitement.
A few months later I was getting off a plane in Frankfurt, Germany, one of the youngest of a 150-member group touring with just a handful of adults. We were given just three rules for the trip: Be at dinner together in the hotel each night; Be in our rooms by curfew (usually 11pm), and be on the bus in the morning at the time designated. Apart from that, I was free to explore Europe without supervision as a 16-year-old inexperienced and naïve boy.
That amount of freedom at such a young age could ruin some kids’ lives. Lucky for me, I was mostly able to avoid trouble. But today, that same amount of freedom, or perhaps even more, is easily accessible to teens or even children without ever leaving their bedrooms.
The Internet provides an opportunity to explore the world and, because social media is so ubiquitous , offers the ability to communicate with anyone at any time in any part of the world. This is an awesome privilege, just as exploring different European cities was for me as a teen, but with it comes some very serious dangers.
Because I work in digital media, I constantly experiment with new tools online. One trend that has seen explosive growth in the last couple years is live-streaming, using a webcam to broadcast live, usually to complete strangers. This is a neat tool that allows users to meet new people and organizations to extend their reach by inviting people from around the world to attend events or meetings without the hassle of traveling. But like most things, there is a dark side. is the most popular live-streaming site for teens with about 9 million users. After registration, a user is given a “room” that can be basically customized — a lot like Facebook. With the click of a button, a user can broadcast from her/his webcam to the world. As other users troll the site looking at single images of “who’s live” they decide which show to watch. The fact that the decision to watch someone is made from a single image is telling enough as to the potential for meaningful connections. And because users know they will get more viewers with a compelling profile image, they customize it in ways that make it stand out. For many teens, this often means posing in a sexually suggestive manner.
If you enter one of the rooms on Stickam (or any one of the other live-streaming websites such as or ), you’ll quickly find nearly-anonymous users who are chatting via an AOL-style chat room with the user who is broadcasting live. Very often (more often than not, actually) teenage girls in these chat rooms are asked repeatedly and aggressively to do sexual things, to strip, pose, kiss, or more depending on how accommodating the girl is to the requests. When given the prospect of attracting more viewers, many of these girls oblige without thinking of the long-term consequences .
Online predators are familiar with ways to save and share these broadcasts. A cursory Google search reveals that these once live broadcasts are archived on pornography websites, forever preserving the mistakes of teens, sure to haunt them in the future.
There has been a lot of criticism of these sites, Stickam especially, in the recent years as they’ve become so popular. The New York Times found that the company that owns, Advanced Video Communications, is owned by Wataru Takahashi, a businessman who also owns DTI Services, a network of websites offering live sex shows. Despite these revelations, it is nearly impossible to govern the actions of users on a site that allows users to post content in a live environment. For example, it is as simple as a single click to lie about your age in order to create an account, and retroactively deleting the accounts of those who abuse any terms of service does little to stop the lasting consequences of some of these actions. Some sites like BlogTV have separated their underage users from their 18+ users so that the two can’t interact. Unfortunately, predators easily circumvent the age barrier by simply posing as a teenager.
Traveling around Europe as a 16-year-old boy was a life-changing experience for me. The freedom I was afforded allowed me to gain confidence as I navigated foreign streets, sampled unidentifiable foods, and managed what seemed then like Monopoly money. I got lost, I drank alcohol (legal in Europe at 16), and I even got robbed once. But despite the dangers, that freedom in many ways defined who I am today. Likewise, the web, with all of its scary corners and potential dangers, is a wonderful thing. Teens should be allowed to explore and experiment, to get lost and even discover what we wish they wouldn’t. But parents must understand just how much freedom the web provides in order to set productive boundaries that protect teens.
The solution is not to forbid the use of these tools, but to teach users how to handle the freedom they offer. Further, simple things can be done in the home to safeguard your teenager. Ask your teens to leave their doors open when they are using the computer, or just keep a computer in a family room rather than in their bedrooms. Allow your kids to explore the web, but keep aware of emerging trends so that you can help them navigate their online life safely. And I think the single best way to protect your children is to communicate, to ask them questions about what they find and what they are doing on the web, to make them feel as if they can share with you when some creep asks them to remove their clothes in a chatroom.
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