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Little Yo6 8 Girls Sex Porno


Little Yo6 8 Girls Sex Porno

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Full text of " The Times News (Idaho Newspaper) 1976-07-04 "

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Ma*£iv VallvY's llothi* yvivspnfH*r

4p5 72nd Year


-I O W ' earrlvr dsllvary


, '■ ttnus-Newswriler

ytMilC VAIJ.KV Kcsliliiitsof ttii: Mavic
Vallfv jiilncil milliiins of olltcr AiiiiTtcnns in

cck'hniliiiK ttiL> luilum's Ilimili'iiniiil S:ilijril:iy -
Parades, ro(lTOSr-ln'nnl-umtfsts. ciuii-urls!
tlivalriciils mill arts am! crnlls (i-sliviils witc
amorin lliL* .ictlutivs cniwillii); Uii' sfti«liili's in
lownsHinmiihcraUlw Slavic ViilK'y-.Salur\la.v. '
SkiLs were samy uikI wUIi Uic hiA l-Unxin*

Uial slirtiiiik'il snut!iiTii"I(bti(!''fr)r tliri'i- (l:rys
ilis?^p,iUHl Tciiipri:iiliiri'> ■ rosL- to riiMr !"i
dt'[;rccs Tind fair skiL'^ MFMorTfiisr lur 1(k1;i>.
vvlion iiiost tow]i<; uill wind up llicir a'klu^hnns
Ot.t|if200tJi aiuilveriiiry ol llie (oiindlnf: <>i-ti»
UniletlSfaToK . . \ 'T
" Toil.iv. iti c flr si [[)€«■■; of many lliccnlcnnia l
__. , .... . ^

jjiraile" w'liidi ((Mliirql colrirs Irom cliiirdi,
rivil,' "tacrn and Imsiiii'ss orKaiii-^atiims
l|inm^lioiit (iiNNlni)' Ctiunty ,\ddlli[)nal floats
fruEn.JcriiElic alMi |):iilli'i|ialcd

Ihirinp- Mil' .i(trrnndlnf''s Main
Slrect Silunlaymornln'Atoviuwii Kiivnteriiiijil

(lie mall ntCSI-

llicrc were ^l^tt'l dances o

diirinj; tite evenin)'.

In Blaine Counly, rock music wntlcd from llic '
liast- of Bald Mniinlain, a sliool-oiil was stnficd '-— ■

on AIulii Slrecl In llailey, costumed clflldren

^ paraded, a rodeowa s jield, and n^sldtjnls tlaijci?t)

itienl^^lilnuViyalDicTlnllvy armory.

. _ Tliere was an Icccomlval In Sun Valley. -

ir t^ s d eeisieii-

*RiiEaiiti«ihite~aTidlFlne . . .

BOISK (UPli - U. S SiiprnnL- Coorl
decisions allowing tlii' dualli penalty apparently
knocked out capttnl punishment in Idaho
'FKday. Itieroliy savlnH I'lie lives of Iwti con'-. ■
dcmiieawil moq JcaHiww .'. ■' ' "'

— flitiy-btuinvokod-lhoy-sald .Judttc;f-and-JurJc& —
muM-tw alloHvd ROmc discn'tlon. Idaho-Iau^al —

'so ii does apiwar Idaho's is hivalldotwl
l)v the ilLfisinn, Tlic Supreme Courl dw;isinn .
which allows thc' death penalty to bo invoked
ironically' invaliitalcs 'Idaho's deatli penalty '

r-Jpnllad-SUtes - Bicentennial - ctlabrttlon -Ibis
j:;.,y-.:-j:tii;,a;-;.,c.;^T'\artlaiii'glwo^^ fUp.'tu± «B tUt at:

' ■ '. J.-- '■ Old Oliity thti yif, lad Bgnp^ ttlclcera have •

' Rrciuuae>I^nini3

' ' " »b y LM Ff wIh ian and .


— "nic^cRtsimmrTrnt-followlng- Iher eorl ler—
-case - and.toJhaLcAttbc^ttprp.nicjaHryjjl,
Ihero-was loo niuch jiiscrcMoiUn.lhe„GMflIla_

Ttig'ttt'cLsloas upheld de alli penally luwii. In

GcorBia^JcxosLand .Florida .wililc.alltttf.saiiK'_
lime dcclarhR unconsllliitiunal the (wnaKies in
North Carolina and Loulstunn',

Idaho'!! Iegislal;ia» rewTotp Itsjnw in 197.1 -
■after an curlier IiIeIi court dccisinn that too
much discretion would invalidate siifii a. law,
■The tJcm Siatc'm.ldc tlie di-atli penalty man-
j' arilofy' l«irnmvtciiO!nirttr!tflcRrt;c murder,--^
patlvrning (he laxv ulU'X am atltij^d^y Nnrtli

'^Yorturiatcly, Idaho cA|HjKl..U)tf....N(ir(h'
'Carolina slaliile and ft' does mil allow

'So the Idaho legislature 'In 1873 was a'; ■
lomptijiu IQ do whanilirsupro mc Court sa id 11
wassupposedtodo. ■"•* .

■ "Now. the Suiiremu Court has eroded or
almost chah'^eimiPlrlhinklnB from,-... Mhatl
(li-cision andj,ias adnjiled ;i new oppraoch. ,

-II appcar-s Idaho is poinK lo have Ip chanRc
Us stiitule. At lliis lime It looks like the GeorRia
-appmach-ls thctwst wnyto sn.-Thai-is-a-(w~
staRc approach; limt iht Jurj- must (tocldc it.a-;—
dcfcmlani Is ituilly of rirst-deureo murder and ■
llicn it must no liaiik and dwide |{ then"arc '
aUKravilllnR or mlil«allnB tlrcuniMances .ind . -
.(Sinllnuedwipage 12) ' ,.

rake Stars_ and Stripes



dcr 111 Washliiflton'iil Vorklown led to Ihe'

end n( British rule iiver Ihe-ia-cnlonios. loasti-d
(Juien ICIIiinlx'lh ai(d I'lvslilenI Ford and .it *
inidnifjit, low-eriirth'fi.Kritlsli thiR and. raised

bid i^wy - ^ -• ' :

Di essed in ciilontal tj'ari). w-veftil nicmljcrs of
Tnir^rmip^n!nnsctPd--ihe toast "bfttt'een
Wasliftiiitoir.YhdTorn^illls after llie Uiiltle of
■V^.^ltttl^ . _ ^
■ Miisl lil llie (lesenidanis wertr slrimtJiTK and . .
mere eatjer lo einiipiire liiiea[;e,
-' Burlon Kulianks u[ Austin. Tex., brouslil his
wile and thrti; Uvn-afie ilauiililtrs in "tlv

■\H'letirTili^1T- ' ■- " Israeli etin'inijlrnlo-.
■sliinttl a linlitinVi'ii'lx'nie raid on tin- i-:iiiel>ln'".'""
^Unanda_alrlleld. early Sunday iinii' liwil^ioi,
— ho?!ln[;^-lK-ld 1> y pro-l'ale-Mlnla». hijackers. Ihe
Itiraeli Army aniUiuncwt.
■ Isriicli-siHirces in I'acis1^aiii:Jiuieli jfN' ■
laiHlwl safely in.Naln)lii^t'!iy;i-a(lvr-'lliL' raid
nnd that mirtilcal upil!} rvslied lo llie airpnrl.
IndicallnRpossltilcwDiindMl. . -

"Israeli forces eSlricalwlT and freed tju^
l-Uiostatas and Air-Yiam:f-'j|vW-fj' I'iu'^"
irfs^and omr Hprciiles pljine. ' . ■■ ■"

' -- "We h:rtc sfune iif Ihe \Vashint;tnn silver.
j\n- will III hisnmlher." she said. -We-re proud:
bid not lir.'i"f;niiiK prmid. We iivi very liuliilile:"
. -. i.'niliv ItiUKs.-i! junjor liitlh ■•JchiKil principal.
Iriini liavlon. Ohiii. said he dalrVi fiiuroiil jilxiur.
his heriia'di' until his ,jp(HKlnwltwriliedikllCt3 he-
was 2» and led him .wimr papers.-,

Ford vasts 51st . , /

:_WA.smN(;T().\' a;Pif-'- "Pivsi(ieiit Korii ■
■ ii f T y,. ..'as l m^ 'TTTT : !— vi. 't u. K ' jir rl nc - :i-
poliiica!'ly 'scn.MllvcJitII that would have jiiven'

ifimtAltaiid ol! drillinc nii federal land leased to ".
privnt(*iiiditsli-,r =: ;

Amusements,. 8
-Bu$fness,-i4 ■
Farm^ 15- ^■
Moho. 10
Livlhg. 25-30
Opinion; 4-5 ' '
Sporis. 26 'i3~ .

Ihlltfils-^p.rliy -Mo/(e/. 13 -

_2_Tlmes-New8i'Twin F»l!a,.l(l*t)o Sunday, July4, 1976.

-BRLLEVllB Bellevoc .pity -^Climaii-

Krin G: Ha rper"

Rulph G. Gflfln. M. tlicd Sniuntoy In his home of

asiiitdcn Illness,
- '• H(i"r"n"Sopt'. li tau . I n KIrrt iicrly. He moved lo
. - ndicdllcal age4irilhhlslaraily. Iteallencln)"
'Bcllcvuo'schi)oiiinn(lwa!!arncmt)croflhcWoo(i' '
f' ■RtvprGcmirmiclMlnornlSoctefy.*-'^'^
l__HtJicci!eiiJn ihe-Arroy-ia-WofliUVar!!!. nnd —
wns a councilman for ihc last Zi years,

- RUPERT — Erln' Olcn'Hnriwrr-rSf-flon-ot-
Clyde and Vontia Merrill Harper. I'aul. dletl


when hc'j)C(!.tn worklnft lor Dlnlnc County Rood .
' Mnlnlcnnncc.J)lNl/lcl. Ilcscociiati-roreincn W
m. iinlcn nnce'- i ilslrlcl. for maiiy- years, and


"mnnarricd-llfiiry McK.-iyScpl. 13. im. In


-hrollwrrRfty^-CrJffin. Boljic.

. Sorvicea wlll be al U a.m- Tmwaluy al ihn ■-lheKm(aymW^irdjjychanrihv-lri^

"■^^^niclIWiic Kleraentary School wifh1lcv.~DouBliis
, J. Kadrey ofriclallng, Inicrmmenl will be In Ihe
'Itellcvuc Cemetery- Willi mllilary ({rnveslde
■■'rlgl.lts , by -the American- Usion CnOary
■ ^iBoiifihelcPosV.'"'. ' i- .

Wood Klver CImpi'l Is in chnrtic.

Veria M: HoopdH

BOISE^- FuricraUervia's for Mrs, Verl.i M;
-- H < ypt's. '4 fl! - BQ ( .w. h r m e rJrm i i fi gT aitfeiif-ni l il''
' died at a, Boise haspilal I'Viday evening nf
-nnttir^l causes, will be conducted Monday at |)i
* a.m. aritic Gooding Seciitlil Ward I,I>S Clmpcl
Willi Blsliop Ray Bnid-ilmwoiriclallnK.

Inlcnnont will follow nt (tie Liltk- "RijIIi-
-Cemetery. Annis, at Jr-TOpin.

Officials avacuale
rjnidwest foQdrarea^

h riaay ol injuriw^roceivtti iii an aulu accident

In Minidoka County.
~Tiorn7iHy"25riM0rat-ltupert. he-attended PaiiUncmcntary.Wesl.Minico Jutjlor

llighScliool and Mlnclco.Mif>h School.
.j.Hc^'ns qn.tlieVnistlinB lcani.of_bolh_.\YesL

^Tlnlcoahd MinlcoHlRh.

the lime of his dcqlhrwiis presidcnl of (be
loocbcrsquorum. '

'lUVOSacUVO iBAHMlllnR.-

Survlwrs besides his parchts

uoniiiii. iM.. Mi ll Aim anti i':iui tiacpor and
■"JcffrcyOi'de.Toruiito, finlarlo. Canada, and"

mulurnal (■randparcni.i, Mr, and-Mrti.

■ P^iiiern i Bf-rvtcia wfll'be at

-ByUnlietfPress-Interaatlonal — " ' " — ;
latlfltiar^ftuardsmcirrpolice-and - civir-t ief pn Be worker s—
mlcdjnort^Ui^iiiXOaapi'rNink (roni fliKxIed ariTas of south-
west Mls-wuri and souUieasl Kansas .Saturday, where up In 12
inchcsof |;aintiltinJuslmorellian2'thours, ' . ' .
' ^Authorities rescued the flood victims Jn ev,erythln(j from

iiiciicopicpiiffpciv'aiejjsiiini[iKi!iisr^^ , " ^
Not aslnBlctalality or serious Intury.hadlxrenrcportedM^^
Tlicf rains began early ' Friday' dropDinff 'si^ 'Ifl^ljffiLpn
Bcaumbnl. Kan., and about 7 incites In jQplln. Mo<] — : ~

Liierryviiie.' KahT"nWHilirt coUId \vi )j)ipecIciIlo~i>cl. at . I.(jn>niii and llirlL
mama(!e wassolcninzeit In ItHlG llie Idaho Falls
LDS Temple. '

. Gravcsldc.servia'SforMi;
at 10 a.m. Wediiewl(r

i Humphrey w ill Iw
llie Twill Falls

Island Pnrk and Rigliy ln'fore moving- lo-

The family sugKe.sts mcmorLds lo the li

' iiisliliile in o



Nearly all campgrounds are
now open, the weekly
rocrc;lriiiii rcporL-indlcatcs.
vtth the snow ling nnw al about

■plowed-onu - wll i -tw-oprn-
(hls weekend. However,
motorists - Arc warned tht're
may be some- wft. muddy
Ip the Fairfield nn;a.

-m iles-l r«iii-U,!»-U.I^C(UkklllK-
somc mountain streams is
hazardous Itecause of high

On the Salmon tllvor. lower .
O'Brjen campground is opon

Police rocelvcd a report al aiwOfgnffimirBavina-a-Mii nan -
'^'liad been knocked to the ground tTy-three younij men near
/ Marty's Market, Police took Mrs. Kerr to Wngic Valley

Memorial Hospital when she comphiined of a hip injury. She

was treated and released. ^ "

Mrs. Hoopcs had worked in Hie hoiisckpcpinE, .
department at Goodihg Memorial IIospil.-d for a
number of years and. then became dormitory
- supcrvLwr al the Idaho State School for the Deaf

jinHHijpt Mr n^H^^l^v,ll^)op f^JIlov^;^^aBoi«l-
thiw^wecks'aiio. '

a charity of llic donor's 8.500 feet in the Sawtooth . lakes an open wlth.snaw now

' Wilderness area. , * - * al l)ic' 9,Soa^Hl dcvation.

AH South Hills eainp(;rounds Dollartiide Summit is stllL

are opcnrThcdtslrlcl ranger's closied 3! miles from Ketchum"

■•- iifticc. Blue La k es" Blvd . in Snwlnolh Vallev. mad s

but Riverside is sllll elOsed.
Glacier View campground at
Rcdlish IaIsr is now open and
llfe^itor center al Redfish
T Jijiy tij npon fmm 9 a.m. tf> 7

She was lifelong mcmbcr of the 1 J)S Church. ■

; -Asonprecededhcrlndcatli.^ , . ,

She is survived l)y licr hiishand. four
djiughters. inchiding lielira Cnmstoek,
■Goodine; J yr parents. Iwo BranJcli lldrcn. foi^r
bi^llteirs a'na one stsicr. Marsha .lean Waltih. '




'niK\'BUtlN ^^iTyle'Kvi retl Hess, inlanl son Firewood Dcrm|ts.

of Steven V, and Sandra L. Savafie Hess was
■jtllllmm Friday in a helicopter en roulc to'
Fitzsuiions IlospltiitV Denver. Colo., from Fort

Sucx'ivnn; include his-parents ohWhitclield.

Colo,, former rcsiilenls brUcyburn .aml. his..,
sisters and brother maternal grandmother.

Witnesses apparently friglitened the tlirco assailants away

. Tom Swizcri Twin Falls, told police^ somconc.faroke Into his
pickup truck Wednesday, afternoon and took a cltizciis band*

>lotilc \'allo.y>lpmorlal

Tun' aefivities begin-
today at country club

T\VIN FA h LS - F.m n rllvillcs .in- ssi-licH i tiled for Blue I.lkcs

"RTrs! Arvelta- Savage, Hey burn: p;iternal
grandparents. Mrs, Don iVirglnlai Fousl and >
Vcrlan^Hess and great-Rrandfpthcr~Charlcs
Morrison, .ill Rupurt: great-grandparcnl.s. Mr.

resident— dled-Fridily-evenliig-nt-^iinidoka'-
MomorlnlHosnllnl fninmlnni.'lHne?'*'


_ _G r. TVcslde serv ices wi ll l ie conducted al 2 p.m.

- I.^iren Han.>»;n. George Warberg, Mrs. N. K,
Slnjmons. Mark Mattison.^anil Mrs Jtcnncth,.
Montgomery. all Twin -Falls: Robert Blumcr.

Kimlwrly: Jeflery Petty; B o t s c : Lfair Qatcsand
T.TrS7Pauruirlch. txitti Hansen; Jos^ Pncheco^

Admitted Priday

Cliff Smallwood. B. ' Y.. Hartley. Clyde-
Morrison. Leo .Mickclsoh, Todd 'Karroll an/
VclmaJohnson. all Twin Falls: lv;^ West. E de

. Country Club ir their Ricenlennial celebration today and

Tod.iy ft'ltriw the annuat_men's lionse race, tournament along
with a family day al ^ass Lake. Tliere wIU'Ik! games of all sorts

...^Bjirn Dec, 4. im at Sliinncr. Texi, she

Stowas a member of the Catholic Clmrifh, T~
_ Survivors include her.hH.'Jband. Rupert;- five
l»6n^.Ronian^Arrttiondo. Paul: Pablo, Domingo
antKIessc ArtCdondo, all Alaamo. Tex.; Nielus
Anwndondo Jr., Ruptrl: two daughters^ Mrs.
- .MaHo (Fclicllas) Marin and Mrs, Espirldion

(Sij D to sl Fuen tes; txith Hiiperl ; two Ijrnlhers.

■ PcfoJBnrcin. Al ii a mo. Tex. and Fell piTG nre I irT
He^iFunT; two sisters,' Mrs, I.upe ArrodoTwof'
Ahiamo. Tex., and Mrs, Juanlla Zepedia.; Plain'
TTcw, Tm.; .IC ivanilehlUlrvn and 15 ^reat-,
grnmlehtldrcih — - ,

Slie wns pa-ceedeil In" death by' one grand-
dauglitcr — . — — — .' _ ^i — ...

Tuosd.iy al the Riverside Ccmclery:with Bishop nni..nnNi

md Mrs. VvKcnnelh'tJowlt'r. t>oIh Hazclton. and'

Mrs7H>Tmir0rr3nd MrsrJamcfrWcighali; tjotli ■
Buhl; Mrs! l,4in HcPonaldr^JeraneTjjyr^
-Stev en Bunnj jjiroberiyrM^^ftrRartiQlA'littr-

ifdL'. McHrideoiiieiiiling.
Friends. may call at the Walk-llaiiscn Mor-

f n nii i ' cm i n. 'rm na ii Bt-floflS.thtfl Rr

jjMon(lay-itierejvlllJiEian.cycnlnu barbecue starting at 5:30
Asians Pissing Pussy
Step Incest
Facesitting And Fart Anime

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