Little Sister Anal Sex Stories

Little Sister Anal Sex Stories


Little Sister Anal Sex Stories
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My Sexy Little Sister ist eine US-amerikanische Pornofilmreihe des Labels Digital Sin. Regisseure der Filme ist Paul Woodcrest. Sie ist dem Genre Teen und Family Role Play zuzuordnen.

Seit 2016 sind 9 Folgen der Filmreihe erschienen. Sie wurde 2021 mit dem AVN Award in der Kategorie Best Ingénue Series Or Site ausgezeichnet.

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Won't Let it Go!
Elsa and Anna walked towards the courthouse doors, hand in hand. Elsa was trembling slightly, still afraid of what the outcome would be. Would the judge side with her? Would the jury? Would ANYONE? She didn't want to think about the worst… Elsa tried to replay the staff's words of encouragement in her head, as well as Anna's words. Like they've said: Losing the case didn't seem possible. Anna was nervous, too. Even though she had high hopes of Elsa winning the trial, she was still afraid of something bad happening. She knew how cunning her father was, and he also had a good lawyer. But Mr. Marsh was a good lawyer, too… She was sure he would be able to put up a good fight. She was also not looking forward to seeing her parents, particularly Agdar. Just being in his presence filled her with terror. When the sisters reached the front of the double doors, Elsa faced Anna, gently gripping her shoulders. "Are you ready?" Elsa asked. "Well… I would say that I was born ready,
Anna and Elsa sat in the back of Eugene's car, awaiting their meeting with Elsa's lawyer. The ride was silent for a while, until Anna piped up. "Elsa?" she asked, looking up at her. "Hmm?" Elsa hummed in response. "Are you sure this will go okay?" Anna asked. "Of course. Mr. Marsh is very nice. He just wants to go over what will happen in court on Monday and ask you some questions. It won't take long, I promise," Elsa said. Anna smiled a little bit. "Okay. Where are we meeting him?" she asked. "My house," Elsa answered. "You mean, our house?" Anna asked, winking playfully. Elsa grinned widely at her little sister. "That is correct," she said, tweaking Anna's nose, making her giggle. Eugene looked at the girls in the rearview mirror, smiling slightly. "Okay, ladies, we'll be at Elsa's house in five minutes," he said. "Great, thank you, Officer Eugene," Elsa said. "Hey, about that… No need to put 'officer' in front of my name anymore," he said, still smiling. "Okay…E
Later in the evening, Elsa finally returned to the facility. Belle looked up from her paperwork at the front desk and saw her walk in. The platinum blonde looked exhausted. "Good to have you back, Elsa. How did it go?" Belle asked, standing up. "It was tiring. My lawyer and I talked about a lot of things," Elsa said, plopping down on one of the leather chairs. "Great! So, what's going on right now?" Belle asked, taking the seat next to her. "Well, since my parents are in prison for child abuse, it's very likely that their parental rights will be terminated, so they can't have a say in Anna living with me, which makes the process a little easier," Elsa said. "Are you going to court?" Belle asked. "Yes. The court date is next Monday… A week from now...," Elsa said nervously. "Do you think you'll be able to easily get custody?" Belle asked. "I don't see why not. I'm 21, have a good paying job, and no criminal record. My lawyer also said that the court always tries to focus on the ch
The next day, in the afternoon, Belle walked up to Anna and Elsa's room and knocked on their door. Elsa opened it and smiled at the brunette. Anna peeked at Belle over Elsa's shoulder. "Hey, Belle," Elsa greeted. "Hi, Elsa. I came by to let you know that Anna has a visitor," Belle said. Anna quickly became afraid. The last two times she had visitors, it were her parents. "Oh…who is it?" Elsa asked. "His name is…um…what was it…? Um…Christopher?" Belle said, scratching her head. Anna's face immediately went from fear to excitement. "Kristoff!" she exclaimed. The strawberry blonde pushed past Elsa and Belle and ran towards the visiting room. The two women laughed at the adorable teen. Elsa actually asked the staff a while ago about having Kristoff visit Anna. They said it would be no trouble at all. All he had to do was call them. Elsa also thought it would be nice to have one of Anna's close friends visit her, especially after all that's happened. Anna hasn'
A week after Agdar and Idun's arrest… Anna sat against the headboard of her bed, working on a drawing. Elsa was in the bathroom, having just finished a shower. While the strawberry blonde drew, she had a special idea in her mind that wouldn't go away. Part of her thought it wouldn't be a good thing to do, but other part said to do it. She put down her blue pencil and put her head in her hands, really unsure of what to do. She jumped a little when she heard the bathroom door open. She quickly grabbed her pencil and continued her work, as if she never paused. Elsa smiled at her little sister, trying to dry her hair a little with a towel. "Whatcha drawing?" Elsa asked. Anna shrugged mischievously. "Nothing," Anna answered. "Nothing, huh?" Elsa said, smirking. Elsa tried to take a peek of her sister's drawing, but Anna swiftly closed the sketch pad. "Hey, no peeking! It's a surprise. I'll show you when it's finished," Anna said. "Fine, then... But it's getting late.
WARNING: You will find out how Anna got those scars on her side, and it's pretty dark. ---------------------------------------------------------- Elsa nearly fell over in disbelief. How was it possible? Her parents shouldn't have been able to get Anna back. It seemed impossible. Anna began to cry, shaking uncontrollably. Elsa quickly wrapped her arms around her, holding her tightly. The younger sister latched onto Elsa as if her life depended on it. "How?! How is this possible?!" Elsa asked Belle. "I…I'm not even sure myself," Belle said. "What?! I don't understand! They saw the baseball bat, the belt, Anna's scars and bruises! What more do they need?!" Elsa practically screamed. "Your father has recanted what he has said about the baseball bat and belt," Belle said. "What does that mean?!" Elsa asked. "It means that he's now denying doing any harm to Anna at all. He has a rock-solid lawyer who is going to support all of his claims. And if your father is proved correct, Anna will
Anna stirred and opened up her eyes. She saw her big sister next to her, sleeping peacefully. Seeing Elsa's arm wrapped around her, Anna snuggled into the embrace, happy to have her sister back. Elsa felt the movement and opened her eyes. She looked down and saw a pair of big blue eyes looking at her. "Hello there," Elsa said. Anna giggled. "Hi, Elsa," Anna said. "Did you enjoy your nap?" Elsa asked. "Yep… I sure did," Anna said. Elsa smiled and sat up. She looked at the clock on the wall. It was almost 5 o' clock. Anna sat up and rubbed her eyes. "So, what did you do while I was gone?" Elsa asked. "I ate breakfast, went outside, and I drew you a picture," Anna said. The strawberry blonde picked the drawing up and handed it to Elsa. "It's you and me…building a snowman. We used to do it every winter. Do…do you like it?" Anna asked. Elsa smiled warmly at her little sister. She leaned over and gave Anna a kiss on the cheek. "I love it," Elsa said. Before Anna could reply
Ariel walked into the building, looking for any signs of the scared teen. She walked up to the lobby desk and looked up at Belle. "Miss Belle? Did you see a girl come through here?" she asked. "Um…I've seen a lot of girls today, honey. What does this girl look like?" Belle asked. "She's probably about 15 or 16, and she had red hair in two braids," Ariel said. "Oh, you must be talking about Anna. She ran in here a few minutes ago. She looked upset, so Miss Aurora took her to the art room to help her feel better," Belle said. "Thanks! Can I go see her?" Ariel asked. "Sure! I think having a friend would lift her spirits," Belle said. Ariel walked towards the art room, which was around the corner. She peeked inside and saw Aurora sitting at a table with Anna with a big box of colored pencils and some sheets of paper. "Can you draw a picture of something that makes you happy?" Aurora asked Anna. Anna nodded her head and grabbed a hand full of colored pencils. Art had always been her f
WARNING: Elsa and Anna both have flashbacks of their abusive pasts. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After Eugene merged onto the freeway, he began to talk to his passenger. "The detective searched your parents' house from top to bottom. They didn't find any direct evidence of abuse, but after searching harder, he found a few things," Eugene said. "What did they find?" Elsa asked. "In the basement, he found a baseball bat. It had marks on it, showing that it had been used many times," Eugene said. Elsa clenched her eyes shut, a painful flashback erupting. "Elsa! Get over here now!" Agdar yelled. 14-year-old Elsa timidly approached her father, anticipating what her next punishment would be. "Didn't I tell you and Anna to finish your homework before you ate dinner?! Huh?!" Agdar asked. "Papa, you didn't let us eat breakfast and you wouldn't let M
After the x-rays were finished, Elsa and Anna were led back to the room they were previously in. Jasmine told them to wait a few minutes while she took her papers to another staff member. Elsa recalled what she saw when Jasmine revealed Anna's x-rays. A few of her sister's bones didn't look right, making her worry increase. She wanted to ask Anna about it, but didn't want to upset her. The sisters sat in silence, clutching each other's hands. After a few minutes, Jasmine walked back in. "Elsa, is it okay if I speak to you out in the hallway?" she asked. Anna squeezed her big sister's hand in protest. "I'll be right back, Anna," Elsa said softly. The strawberry blonde shook her head vigorously, refusing to let Elsa leave the room. "Sweetheart, you're safe. No one can hurt you. You have to trust me. Okay?" Elsa said. After a minute, Anna slowly let go of her sister's hand, allowing her to briefly step out. Jasmine shut the door behind Elsa and motioned to two chairs against the wall, rig
Elsa felt like the drive would never end. She saw Eugene checking on her and Anna in the rearview mirror every so often. Her baby sister was still unconscious. Elsa shifted a little to look at Anna's face. She cringed at the sight of the blood that was mostly dried coming from her sister's nostrils. "Officer Eugene? Would you happen to have a tissue, or something?" Elsa asked. "Sure," he said. He reached into the glove box and handed Elsa a pack of tissues. Elsa took one and began to gently wipe the blood off of Anna's face. "We should be there half an hour," Eugene said. "Okay, thank you…for everything," Elsa said. "It's my pleasure," Eugene humbly said. Elsa smiled and continued what she was doing. She ended up getting most of the blood off, but the rest would have to be removed once they got to their destination. The platinum blonde rested her head on Anna's and sighed deeply. After a few minutes, she dozed off. "Elsa?" Eugene said. Elsa jerked awake and rubbed her eyes, at fi
Elsa finally finished checking out Arendelle Village online and shut her laptop. Before she decided what she was going to do next, her phone rang. She looked at the caller ID and saw it was her parents' house. She answered without hesitation. "Hello?" she said. "E-E-E-El…Elsa?" Anna hiccupped. Elsa immediately became worried. "Anna? What's wrong? Are you alright?" Elsa asked. "P-P-Papa…i-i-is g-gonna h-h-hurt m-me," Anna said. Elsa could hear her father's yelling on the other end. If you don't come out right now, so help me! "What happened?! Why is he mad?!" Elsa asked. "P-P-Progress reports w-were sent out t-t-today. He s-saw m-m-my grades," Anna said, shaking very badly. Elsa was scared for her sister. She just wanted to run over there and protect her, but she knew that wouldn't end well with her father. She thought about what she had read on Arendelle Village's website. All she had to do was call the hotline. "Anna, I'm going to call for help," Elsa said. "No!
Anna walked through the hallways with her head down. Kids pointed at her and whispered. She saw Kristoff outside the library, talking to Sven. She walked up to them. "Hey," she said. "Hey, feisty pants," Kristoff said. "Hey…what happened to your face?" Sven asked. "Oh, um… I was…babysitting my little cousin last night, and…he threw one of his toys at me," Anna said, feeling pathetic. "Geez, that must've been a very solid toy," Sven said. "You have no idea…" Anna mumbled. Kristoff knew the strawberry blonde was lying. "Hey, Sven? Anna and I need to get to Geometry. We'll see you at lunch," Kristoff said. "Okay, later," Sven said, walking away. Kristoff and Anna walked side by side on their way to their next class. "What did he do this time, Anna?" Kristoff asked. "I…I got in trouble…for coming over to your house after school," Anna said. "What? Anna, I'm sorry. If I knew it would get you in trouble, I would've never—" Kristoff said. "Hey,
This Modern AU story has a lot of sisterly fluff and some intense situations. Just putting that out there... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anna heard the angry yelling coming from outside. Her parents were arguing again. She knew she did something wrong. She breathed raggedly, hiding under the table in the dining room. She heard her parents come inside and into the kitchen. "Anna! You better come out right now!" her father bellowed. "Sweetheart, please listen to your father," her mother said, on the verge of tears. Anna, knowing she couldn't escape this time, timidly crawled out from under the table. As soon as she was out of her hiding spot, Agdar grabbed her chin. "Didn't I tell you not to go anywhere but home after school?! Huh?! Did I?!" he screamed. "I-I-I…I f-f-forgot," Anna uttered weakly. Wrong answer. A slap made contact with Anna's cheek, sending her to the floor. Anna loo
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Six family secrets. Six incredible stories

“I asked, ‘does anybody else know?’ and she said, ‘no, I will go to the grave with this and you're to tell nobody.’"
"Everyone knew except me. How didn’t I know for the whole of my life?”
“She was a mess. She begged us not to tell our dad, and she said she’d stop.”
“I was angry. It was like it wasn’t a big thing, it was almost dropped in conversation."
"My father very nearly fell off his chair."
"I have to know and I can’t rest until I know who he is."

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All families have secrets of one kind or another.
Woman’s Hour on BBC Radio 4 asked listeners for their experiences of family secrets. Lots of people got in touch.
But six shocking stories stood out.
Reporter Jo Morris met Ellen*, Christine, Jess*, Liz*, Moira and Prue to hear them reveal their family secrets.
When Ellen* (not her real name) was a teenager, she decided to tell her mother that she was gay. She was not expecting her response.
“I’d been living my gay life quite quietly away from the family home and I just got to the point where I needed to talk to my parents about my life. I didn’t think I could continue not being honest with them.
“We were just standing between the living room and the kitchen and Mum was busy cooking.
“I eventually just turned around and said ‘Mum, I’m gay’. I said, ‘you don’t know what it’s been like’. She just span round and said, ‘I think I do’.”
Ellen’s mum told her that she’d had a relationship with a woman, but that she had married Ellen’s father and had never told anybody.
“I then asked, ‘does anybody else know?’ and she said, ‘no, I will go to the grave with this and you are to tell nobody.’ The way she fixed her gaze on me, when she said that, I knew she was serious.
“She said that she’d had a relationship, quite a long standing relationship with a woman and that her parents had written her a letter saying that if there was any form of relationship going on, that they didn’t approve and that it wasn’t an appropriate way to live a life.”
Ellen kept her mum’s secret for nearly 20 years. Her mum has now died. She feels like she’s finally able to talk about it.
“I’ve been able to have a career, have a family, and still be gay. My mum was technically denied the one thing she wanted, which was to be with probably the woman she loved. Now whether that was a relationship that would have continued, for the rest of her life, I don’t know.
“If you
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