Little Porn 13

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Son sues mom and dad for destroying his porn stash A man is seeking more than $86,000 from his parents in civil court for allegedly throwing out his large pornography collection.
Gaffney Police Department officials said an investigation is underway after five videos of different women's athletic teams in a locker room at Limestone College were discovered on a porn website.
Taboo is a pornographic movie series of the 1980s and 1990s, which eroticizes father-daughter & mother-son incest. It stars Kay Parker among others, and was directed by Kirdy Stevens among others. Taboo (1980) Taboo 2 (1982) Taboo 3 - The Final Chapter (1984) Taboo 4 - The Younger Generation (1985) Taboo 5 - The Secret (1987)
Watch this mom’s surprise reunion with her son after 2 years apart. A young British man had not seen his mother for two years after she moved to Australia before travel was shut down for the ...
Want to discover art related to mom _and_ son ? Check out amazing mom _and_ son artwork on DeviantArt . Get inspired by our community of talented artists.
In an Instagram snap posted by her daughter Tallulah on Sunday, Demi Moore showed that at 52 years old, she has the figure that a woman in her early 20's would be over the moon with.
A mother woke up in the night to find her 14-year-old son raping her, a court heard. Initially she thought it was a dream, but after realising the "enormity of the situation" she began screaming ...

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Disturbing new video shows the moment an Australian police department employee corners a 13-year-old girl in an elevator and gropes her as she frantically attempts to get away.
Glenn Roche, 54, who was found guilty of indecent assault this week, is seen in the footage chasing the youngster into the elevator after a day out with her family, the New Zealand Herald reported on Thursday.
Roche seems to be playfully chasing the girl but then the sicko grabs her, fondles her and tries to kiss her while she tries to wrestle free, the footage posted by TVNZ-TV shows.
The girl later told authorities that she still suffers nightmares from the harrowing July 2019 assault, according to the Herald.
But Roche told the judge he was just playing around and claimed there was “no sexual gratification on my behalf.”
“My hands have slid up her body as she slid to the ground,” the sicko told police. “My mind has gone off on a tangent like this is a challenge to me. I can get her and give her a kiss on the cheek like her two sisters and mum.”
“She contributed to that occurring by releasing her body weight and sliding through my hands,” he said, blaming his tiny victim.
Police said Roche had been out with the girl’s mom and siblings. It is unclear what his relationship to the girl and her family was.
The judge wasn’t buying his excuse, however, and found Roche guilty.
He was also suspended from the police department, where he worked as a civilian employee, according to the reports.








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“I’m not mad. Just very disappointed.”

Let’s say you find a history of porn searches on your 13-year-old’s computer, and let’s say it’s not weird or violent porn, but just run-of-the-mill, mildly off-putting porn. What should you do? I’d say nothing, but maybe I’m wrong.
There was much ado Tuesday on the Internet about one dad’s rather sweet solution to this scenario. He wrote a note to his son saying that he wouldn’t tell the kid’s mom, and that he did the same thing as a kid, and that there were sites safer for computers, which he listed. He basically said, “I won’t make a big deal or any-sized deal about it,” though he did go pretty deeply and somewhat creatively into the dangers of pornography to computers. 
It is a quandary. What should you do in this garden-variety situation? The most sensible thing I have ever heard on this topic came from the internet scholar Danah Boyd . She pointed out very sanely and sensibly that this isolated moment should be part of an ongoing, larger conversation with your child. One shouldn’t view this discovery as an event in itself, but more a part of the dialogue that has been going on for years about sex, body image, and all of that.
This seemed very wise and elegant to me as a child-rearing philosophy. But then when I think back to myself, at 13-ish, looking through someone’s stash of Playboys at a friend’s house, I am not so sure about how it would work in practice. I am quite certain that had my benignly feminist mother walked in the door as my friend and I perused the stewardesses and cowgirls au naturel, she would have loved to interject about how “real woman don’t look like that” and deliver a mini-discourse on exactly why these images do not represent “our values.” (She had only a few years earlier, after all, thrown out the Barbie Beauty Palace my grandfather had given me and told me it was “lost.”) But thinking back to that illicit confrontation with those pictures, would her words have meant anything to me? Or would they simply have reverberated, more parental noise, more blah blah blah issued irrelevantly from above?
It seems to me that those first sexual stirrings, by their very definition, are something you absolutely don’t want to talk to your parents about. Isn’t anything they say tainted, discounted, gross—just by the very nature of their being parents? Sexual curiosities are not something you want your parents to condemn, condone, or otherwise be chummy about. Other people, maybe—friends, an older cousin—but who on earth wants to hear from their mother or father anything at all about sex?
We sometimes act as though there are “facts” that we must convey, as if only we, the parents, are in possession of those facts. But really, after the basic conversation, is it so bad for kids to learn from books, from novels, from movies, from school, from friends? (I am not here suggesting that we should all be like Edith Wharton’s mother, who when the young Edith asked about the facts of life before being married, said “you’ve seen enough pictures and statues in your life.”) But short of that, is there some benefit in discretion, in stepping back, in allowing kids to work things out for themselves, offering help only when asked, or occasionally if awkwardly trying to put out some pathetic message about “our values.”
We have, most of us, certainly imbibed the received idea that we need to step in so our children are not warped, destroyed, or otherwise turned into perverts or masochists by pornography. But what if, in fact, even if those dangers are rampant, there is nothing your parents can say that you will actually hear? Furthermore, the fantasy that you can block off these images forever is, no matter how many child controls you have, clearly futile and possibly ominously overcontrolling.
In the end, kids probably learn most of what they know about everyday relationships by watching their parents. And in most cases, they do probably do catch on that adult life is not some triple-X fantasy of bubble-breasted girl-on-girl pornography. The intelligent 13-year-old is smarter than we think and maybe doesn’t need that note from his sweet father.
I know that we generally long to step in and clamor to interpret the world, offering opinions, footnotes, guidance, ideas about what to have for lunch. Much of childhood sometimes seems like it is spent trying not to listen to your parents. But maybe that impulse toward explication is sometimes to be resisted. Quiet is harder, restraint requires more faith. Maybe there is, when your 13-year-old is looking at not-that-ominous porn, nothing to do. 
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