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See how her a selfie stick helped Erynn Johns and her father, who were rescued by Good Samaritans and lifeguards.

so we were having sex and right after I enter her, "Bob" barges into her room. "bob" is 14 years old and just entering high school. he immediately shut the door and said "I didn't expect to see that." moments later I go to her brother and try and explain what had happened. I basically told him that things like this happen in high school and it's normal for couples to engage in sex. during this time he started ignoring me and started doing other things (ie. playing with his new phone). He's already told me that he wasn't going to say anything about this to anyone but I'm confused what to do from this point.

my girlfriend's panicking and horribly unstable at the moment and I don't know what to do.

guys, what would you do in this position.

girls, how would you feel if you were in my girlfriend's position?
i'm more concerned how I can comfort my girlfriend about this because in the past hour and a half she's cried twice and she says she can't even look at her brother now.i understand it'll go away but I want to show her that I'm here for her
My girlfriend's little brother just caught us having sex?
I would be worried that my brother would tell my parents, and that's what would freak me out majorly, especially if I'm not ready for them to know that I am sexually active. She is probably freaking out that her brother is going to say something to her parents or something to one of his friends and then it will get around to her parents. She might also be worried that he will use it as black mail or something. If you want to show her you are there for her just keep holding her when she cries, or if your not around her keep saying "I love you, and I will always be there for you through this, everything will be alright." just soothe her and calm her down. and hold her as much as you can.
Don't worry about him so much he seems like he will get over it probably just a shock 2 him but he's at the age were he is startin 2 understand all that stuff anyway.

As 4 ur girlfriend she obviously feels so embarrassed and as if she has let her brother down by down such things. Just explain 2 her that it will work out and that ur there 4 her. You may b expected 4 her 2 fight with you and start blamin you but don't fight back she is just upset and needs time 2 deal with it herself. Best 4 every1 really 2 do is just 4get it ever happened and be more CAREFUL next time.
Ok when she rants and raves about this don't provide her with an answer to the problem just nod and say yeah I know and stuff like that. The point when you should provide her with your opinion is she asks you a question directly like "What should we do?". Trust me fella when we are venting we don't want answers we just want to vent. If we ask you a question that is your que to put in your two cents. So just listen and she will know you are there for her.
I think he's fine with it. It's not like he's scarred for life, it was just a "holy shit I did not need to see that" moment. It would be even more awkward to bring it up to his mom because guys that age are weird about talking about that kind of stuff, especially with their parents of all people.

Just calm down, let him be, and be more careful about when you have sex and who's at home.
89 opinions shared on Sexual Health topic.
All I can say is try not to get caught again and just go with the flow it will die down sooner or later.
Girlfriend's family caught us having sex?
Should I tell my boyfriend that his brother kissed me (and a little more)?
When you first met your partners or spouses, did you hit it off?
i guess she's crying because she's embarrassed. is she living with her parents? is she scared he's going to say something? I know that had to be embarrassing, but she'll get over it. I can't believe she's taking it so hard though.
314 opinions shared on Sexual Health topic.
ah well he's 14 he's had to know what people get up to, he will be grand he's probably just going through a ew I seen my sister have sex thing and I'm sure he's taken it out of his head totally and doesn't want to think or mention it again

yeah your girlfriend must be totally embarrassed but she will be grand its not the end of the world just try make her see the funny side lol
madd embarrassed honestly but its natural.just let him be tell him if he has ?s to ask you and tell him NOT to tell on you guys lol
I think she should have sex with your little brother
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