Little Girl Suck Dick

Little Girl Suck Dick


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"Daddy," said my daughter Karen, trying to get my attention. I was sucking on the little girl's swollen ti­tties, while my little sister kept my co­­ck hard by giving it an occasional lick, so it'd be ready when our daughter was. "Yes, Honey?" I turned my attention to the 12 year old girl's other nipple. In spite of her distraction, I could tell that the child was getting aroused.

"Isn't it about time, you ra­ped Suzy?" The little girl's voice was getting ragged, as I started licking my way down her smooth little tummy.

This attracted my attention. I stopped licking the little girl's navel, and used my hands to stimulate her, while I answered.

"Gee, Honey," I said, "our daughter's only 4 years old! Give the little girl a chance. I didn't r­ape you, until you were over 6 years old, you know. Even then, I was a little bit early. You didn't get pregnant, until you were 7, and didn't keep one, until you were 8. Even your sister. . ." I was interrupted by Diane, as she told her own story.

"Daddy ra­ped me for the first time, when I was 5," she said proudly. At my stern glance, she continued, "Well, OK. 5 and a half. But I got pregnant with Jason, when I was only 6." She looked over at me, and amended, "OK, almost 7. And Daddy ra­ped Ginny, for the first time, just last year. I think our daughter's already pregnant. Anyway, she's already starting to like it. Even she's only 6." Diane shifted her swollen belly, to a more comfortable position, as she continued, "So what makes you think Suzy needs it?"

"She's been playing around with Jason," said Karen, as I got ready to mount the little girl.

"So?" I asked. "Jason doesn't c­um yet, and even if he did, do you care if your nephew gets Suzy pregnant? What's so different if I did?"

"The trouble is," said Karen, arching her back, to take my engorged pe­nis up inside her, "what if he doesn't? When Jason was finished, he had red on his co­ck, and it wasn't her virginity. She lost that 2 years ago, when Jason did his first ra­pe-training session. You remember? Suzy was the only one small enough, and who still had her virginity then. Of course, there's Keri, and Tracy now."

"Oh Sh­it!" said my little sister, at our daughter's words.

"You think she's already having periods?"

Karen was getting carried away; as the stimulation of my co­ck inside her made her forget the conversation for a moment. "Unh! unnngh! Augghh. Oh Daddy! Daddy. Fu­ck me! Get me pregnant, Daddy. I want another baby. Please Daddy! Knock me up?"

The whole family was getting excited, watching me get ready to impregnate my second-oldest daughter. "Do it Daddy," they all chorused, almost in unison, "make a baby in Karen."

I couldn't help it. In spite of wanting it to last, so my daughter could feel me inside her for a nice long time, the stimulation of my daughter's 12 year old cunny squeezing on my pe­nis was too much. I gave my little girl what she wanted. A belly full of baby-juice. Squirt after squirt of my sperm went into my daughter's fertile young womb. We had planned this carefully, and if we were careful, the little girl would be pregnant again by tomorrow, leaving me free to take care of my other duties.

Damn! I'd have to take care of Suzy too. If the little girl was having periods already, I'd have to be sure she got fu­cked properly, at least once a month, until she got pregnant. Oh well, along with the pleasures of the job, come a few harsh duties.

I extracted my shining pe­nis from Karen's belly. My sister came over, and handed our daughter a round rubber disk to use to hold my sperm inside her. Carefully, not wasting a drop, they made sure that every bit of the sperm I had expended in her, stayed inside. When they were finished, Karen looked over at me.

"Thanks Daddy," she said, "I hope I'm pregnant now."

I agreed. It was so much trouble, when you were working to make sure. Rarely these days, did either of us have the time or energy to just fu­ck for the fun of it any more. I gave my daughter a kiss, as I left. Already, I was trying to figure a way to fit ra­ping little Suzy into my schedule. I knew, that somehow I'd make it fit. As I said, with the pleasures, came the duties.

I knew that SOME men didn't see ra­ping their little girls as a chore, in fact, I'd heard some of them say they liked the sound of children screaming in pain underneath them. To me, they were unfeeling clods. It might be necessary, but that doesn't mean we should like it. I finally decided that I'd have to do it tonight. If the little girl had been having periods already. . . I shuddered at the possibilities, if I didn't get my daughter inseminated properly, and in time. I checked my schedule again. No, I couldn't do it earlier. I called Karen back, and told her to have Suzy ready at 8:00 that night. To act like it was just another "tie-down" practice for the little girl, and for heaven's sake, don't give her anything special tonight, as she might get suspicious, like my sister Kelly had. I shuddered at the reminder.

My sister Kelly had been almost 8, when she had her first period. She thought she knew all the reason's for the "tie-downs," as she'd watched her two little sisters get ra­ped once a month, for over a year. She wasn't old enough to be told the true reason yet. When Momma made that pumpkin pie, on a "tie-down" night, Kelly figured that it was for her, and she hid. The precocious girl managed somehow to stay hidden for 10 days, and by then it was too late. Daddy tried to do his best. He fu­cked my little sister for three straight nights, but it didn't do any good. I'll never forget Kelly. She only lived two more weeks, and it wasn't nice. I can still hear her screams. What's especially bad, is that painkillers don't help.

The doctors tried everything, but knew in advance, that it wouldn't help. Only if she'd been one of those lucky enough to be living her whole life, in the sealed cities, would she have had a chance. Even there, I hear they occasionally have a case. Out here, the chances are 100 per cent.

I shuddered again. That wouldn't happen to Suzy. Even if I accidentally killed the little girl, it would be better than what happened to Kelly. Long ago, I'd made up my mind, that I would personally choke my daughter to death, rather than see her face what my sister Kelly did. I let another shudder go through my frame, as I went to work.

When I told the boss, that I had to r­ape my daughter that night, for her first time, she sympathetically let me go an hour earlier. I didn't make the mistake of coming home early though, as that might tip the little girl off. I didn't want any repeats, of what happened to my little sister. I went over to my sister's grave, and threw some flowers down on it from the bridge. They don't let you get too close, unless you're wearing protective gear.

That night, I tried to act normal, playing with Suzy, no more, and no less, than I usually did. It was a strain, not reaching out and hugging her like I wanted to. Just before bedtime, Suzy came over, gave ME a hug, a kiss, and whispered in my ear, "It's OK, Daddy. Really!" and trotted off, to be tied down. My jaw dropped. Suzy knew! Somehow the little girl knew. And she had gone to her room quietly, with no fighting. Tears ran down my cheeks, as I thought of my love for the little girl. Well, in spite of (or because of) my love for my child, I wouldn't stint on her tonight. Suzy would get it all, even if she was only 4 years old. I remembered Jake next door, who had killed himself, after his little girl had died on her first night. Shelly had been only 5, and it had been too much. His brother had to take over the duties for the family, until Jake's son was 14. That had been 10 years of extra duty for him. I wouldn't do that to MY brother. If my little girl died tonight, too torn up, then I would die too, but only inside. I'd keep working, but I'd only be a husk. Too many people depended on me, for me to take my own life.

Português (Brasil)
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Destiny 2
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I just read the last part. Not gonna lie. You're weird.
Português (Brasil)
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Destiny 2
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"Daddy," said my daughter Karen, trying to get my attention. I was sucking on the little girl's swollen ti­tties, while my little sister kept my co­­ck hard by giving it an occasional lick, so it'd be ready when our daughter was. "Yes, Honey?" I turned my attention to the 12 year old girl's other nipple. In spite of her distraction, I could tell that the child was getting aroused.

"Isn't it about time, you ra­ped Suzy?" The little girl's voice was getting ragged, as I started licking my way down her smooth little tummy.

This attracted my attention. I stopped licking the little girl's navel, and used my hands to stimulate her, while I answered.

"Gee, Honey," I said, "our daughter's only 4 years old! Give the little girl a chance. I didn't r­ape you, until you were over 6 years old, you know. Even then, I was a little bit early. You didn't get pregnant, until you were 7, and didn't keep one, until you were 8. Even your sister. . ." I was interrupted by Diane, as she told her own story.

"Daddy ra­ped me for the first time, when I was 5," she said proudly. At my stern glance, she continued, "Well, OK. 5 and a half. But I got pregnant with Jason, when I was only 6." She looked over at me, and amended, "OK, almost 7. And Daddy ra­ped Ginny, for the first time, just last year. I think our daughter's already pregnant. Anyway, she's already starting to like it. Even she's only 6." Diane shifted her swollen belly, to a more comfortable position, as she continued, "So what makes you think Suzy needs it?"

"She's been playing around with Jason," said Karen, as I got ready to mount the little girl.

"So?" I asked. "Jason doesn't c­um yet, and even if he did, do you care if your nephew gets Suzy pregnant? What's so different if I did?"

"The trouble is," said Karen, arching her back, to take my engorged pe­nis up inside her, "what if he doesn't? When Jason was finished, he had red on his co­ck, and it wasn't her virginity. She lost that 2 years ago, when Jason did his first ra­pe-training session. You remember? Suzy was the only one small enough, and who still had her virginity then. Of course, there's Keri, and Tracy now."

"Oh Sh­it!" said my little sister, at our daughter's words.

"You think she's already having periods?"

Karen was getting carried away; as the stimulation of my co­ck inside her made her forget the conversation for a moment. "Unh! unnngh! Augghh. Oh Daddy! Daddy. Fu­ck me! Get me pregnant, Daddy. I want another baby. Please Daddy! Knock me up?"

The whole family was getting excited, watching me get ready to impregnate my second-oldest daughter. "Do it Daddy," they all chorused, almost in unison, "make a baby in Karen."

I couldn't help it. In spite of wanting it to last, so my daughter could feel me inside her for a nice long time, the stimulation of my daughter's 12 year old cunny squeezing on my pe­nis was too much. I gave my little girl what she wanted. A belly full of baby-juice. Squirt after squirt of my sperm went into my daughter's fertile young womb. We had planned this carefully, and if we were careful, the little girl would be pregnant again by tomorrow, leaving me free to take care of my other duties.

Damn! I'd have to take care of Suzy too. If the little girl was having periods already, I'd have to be sure she got fu­cked properly, at least once a month, until she got pregnant. Oh well, along with the pleasures of the job, come a few harsh duties.

I extracted my shining pe­nis from Karen's belly. My sister came over, and handed our daughter a round rubber disk to use to hold my sperm inside her. Carefully, not wasting a drop, they made sure that every bit of the sperm I had expended in her, stayed inside. When they were finished, Karen looked over at me.

"Thanks Daddy," she said, "I hope I'm pregnant now."

I agreed. It was so much trouble, when you were working to make sure. Rarely these days, did either of us have the time or energy to just fu­ck for the fun of it any more. I gave my daughter a kiss, as I left. Already, I was trying to figure a way to fit ra­ping little Suzy into my schedule. I knew, that somehow I'd make it fit. As I said, with the pleasures, came the duties.

I knew that SOME men didn't see ra­ping their little girls as a chore, in fact, I'd heard some of them say they liked the sound of children screaming in pain underneath them. To me, they were unfeeling clods. It might be necessary, but that doesn't mean we should like it. I finally decided that I'd have to do it tonight. If the little girl had been having periods already. . . I shuddered at the possibilities, if I didn't get my daughter inseminated properly, and in time. I checked my schedule again. No, I couldn't do it earlier. I called Karen back, and told her to have Suzy ready at 8:00 that night. To act like it was just another "tie-down" practice for the little girl, and for heaven's sake, don't give her anything special tonight, as she might get suspicious, like my sister Kelly had. I shuddered at the reminder.

My sister Kelly had been almost 8, when she had her first period. She thought she knew all the reason's for the "tie-downs," as she'd watched her two little sisters get ra­ped once a month, for over a year. She wasn't old enough to be told the true reason yet. When Momma made that pumpkin pie, on a "tie-down" night, Kelly figured that it was for her, and she hid. The precocious girl managed somehow to stay hidden for 10 days, and by then it was too late. Daddy tried to do his best. He fu­cked my little sister for three straight nights, but it didn't do any good. I'll never forget Kelly. She only lived two more weeks, and it wasn't nice. I can still hear her screams. What's especially bad, is that painkillers don't help.

The doctors tried everything, but knew in advance, that it wouldn't help. Only if she'd been one of those lucky enough to be living her whole life, in the sealed cities, would she have had a chance. Even there, I hear they occasionally have a case. Out here, the chances are 100 per cent.

I shuddered again. That wouldn't happen to Suzy. Even if I accidentally killed the little girl, it would be better than what happened to Kelly. Long ago, I'd made up my mind, that I would personally choke my daughter to death, rather than see her face what my sister Kelly did. I let another shudder go through my frame, as I went to work.

When I told the boss, that I had to r­ape my daughter that night, for her first time, she sympathetically let me go an hour earlier. I didn't make the mistake of coming home early though, as that might tip the little girl off. I didn't want any repeats, of what happened to my little sister. I went over to my sister's grave, and threw some flowers down on it from the bridge. They don't let you get too close, unless you're wearing protective gear.

That night, I tried to act normal, playing with Suzy, no more, and no less, than I usually did. It was a strain, not reaching out and hugging her like I wanted to. Just before bedtime, Suzy came over, gave ME a hug, a kiss, and whispered in my ear, "It's OK, Daddy. Really!" and trotted off, to be tied down. My jaw dropped. Suzy knew! Somehow the little girl knew. And she had gone to her room quietly, with no fighting. Tears ran down my cheeks, as I thought of my love for the little girl. Well, in spite of (or because of) my love for my child, I wouldn't stint on her tonight. Suzy would get it all, even if she was only 4 years old. I remembered Jake next door, who had killed himself, after his little girl had died on her first night. Shelly had been only 5, and it had been too much. His brother had to take over the duties for the family, until Jake's son was 14. That had been 10 years of extra duty for him. I wouldn't do that to MY brother. If my little girl died tonight, too torn up, then I would die too, but only inside. I'd keep working, but I'd only be a husk. Too many people depended on me, for me to take my own life.

Português (Brasil)
Forum Category
Destiny 2
Clan Recruitment
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I just read the last part. Not gonna lie. You're weird.
Português (Brasil)
Forum Category
Destiny 2
Clan Recruitment
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