Little Girl Masturbating Pussy

Little Girl Masturbating Pussy


Little Girl Masturbating Pussy
9yr old daughter started masturbating?
Completely normal. My eldest did it around that age, havent spotted my youngest one at it yet but shes only 9 Walked in on my son (11) in the bath a few weeks ago, his wanger was stuck up like a sore thumb. As soon as he heard me go in the bathroom he flipped over onto his side (id already seen in lol), went bright red and when i apologized for walking in on him (whilst trying my best not to laugh), he said "Sorry Mum, I had water in my ear " 😂😂
Not a very helpful comment - it's perfectly normal behaviour
Just because someone disagrees with you doesn’t make their comment unhelpful Sent from my iPhone using Netmums
My eldest DD is 8. She used to share baths with my youngest but recently asked if she can start having a shower in private. She's also had a bit of irritation down below so I had to get her some cream which she's been applying herself. A few times, not long out from her bath, I've caught her rubbing down there whilst under a blanket on the sofa. When I've looked at her she's said "I'm just making sure the creams still there" lol. I just remind her that we don't touch ourselves in front of people & if for any reason you do you must wash your hands after as we don't want noonie & bum germs coming into contact with things. My youngest DD is always poking herself too, not in a pleasurable way though. She's one of those children who always seems to have a back & front wedgy lol so her poking about is more to rearrange her underwear.
I wouldn't worry, it is normal for children of all ages to mastubate and play with themselves, with young children it is nothing sexual, they have just discovered that area and do it because it feels good
I know this ain't no help but I didn't even know about stuff like that at 9 I started when I was 13. But it seems normal all girls figure it out at different ages but I wouldn't be concerned I would just leave her to it. I would however only be concerned if she had sex which she hasn't that's only when I would start to worry. So don't worry what she is doing is normal behaviour... I'm no expert but I think why your worrying is because she is your little girl and she's still a little young but don't stress yourself out it's totally normal. X
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I have a 9 and 11 yr old daughters,and was cort masturbating by my 9 year old.i didn't realize she was stood watching,and now I've seen her masturbating!I feel so guilty thinking its my fault:(
Just because someone disagrees with you doesn’t make their comment unhelpful Sent from my iPhone using Netmums
The initial quoted post has been deleted
Thank you that makes me feel loads better. I walked in on her shower a few weeks ago and saw her - she immediately pretended she wasn't doing anything and bless her, my heart went out to her. She asked me to close the door when I went out which I did but I lingered on the other side listening to the rhythmic noise and aching that my baby girl was growing up Since then she asks to shower in private. I did have a heart to heart with her about growing up and experimenting etc but she wasn't keen to persue it so I let it be. It only bothers me because she's still so young and I didn't realise that she would be having these feelings at such a young age.
I have a 9 and 11 yr old daughters,and was cort masturbating by my 9 year old.i didn't realize she was stood watching,and now I've seen her masturbating!I feel so guilty thinking its my fault:(
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Its perfectly natural. My daughter ( now 11) masturbates pretty openly at home
We are pleased that she is not ashamed of her body and its natural functions and can enjoy them!
Much better this way then in hiding.
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Nothing to feel guilty about its normal for a 9 year old girl
It’s not really anything to do with you she’s finding her body her body! How do you know anyway yes it’s young very young but hear things at school ,
would you want someone ask you why you masterbate aslong as she knows the birds and bees safety etc and knows to talk to you no need embarrass her and say you know it’s not really your issue
My 11 month old has started crying/whinging all the time - please help!
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12 yr old daughter has had sex. Help!!!
14 year old daughter still not started periods
How do you know that's what she's doing
Realize I'm way late to the original discussion, but I'm new, a father of 4, and found this interesting. Its been a while since I recognized that my 6 year old daughter had found her nether region and the joy that can be had from it's stimulation. I wasn't for sure at first, but she would always have her hands under a cover or other object and had this far away look in her eyes. When interrupted she was always nervous and didn't wish to discuss.
I was a bit weirded out by it, but after deliberation I realized I wasn't much older than her when I first found the pleasure in my parts. I'm a single father so the best that I could do was just to tell her if she would rather be somewhere private with her thoughts that maybe she could go elsewhere to get away from me and here brother and sisters.
That was pretty much all that was needed. I had never caught or noticed her older 3 siblings doing this and it always made me a little uncomfortable.
Mostly I just wondered what she was thinking. I'm quite sure she had never seen me performing like that nor did she ever see me with a partner to my knowledge.
She turned out just fine, is in high school and performing well and normally. I did enjoy reading the other comments and was wondering if any other fathers were commenting. There were and all comments are good ones to think about and consider.
Two months ago which was totally my fault I walked into my 9yr old daughter's room and accidentally saw/caught
her masturbating. I quickly walked out while saying sorry.
It's not something I see as bad it's just I didn't think she was at that self pleasuring stage yet.
Pretty sure this person is just a perv...
13 year old daughter and boyfriend?
my 12 year old is out of control and has started to hit me.
12 yr old daughter has had sex. Help!!!
9 is not young it's totally normal at that age if you had said 7 that would've been different
It's was going to happen one day bet the 11 Yr old is too if they share a room
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Why are small children so obsessed with their genitals, and what do you do if your 3 year old starts fiddling with himself in the supermarket?!
Does your child seem fascinated with genitals – both his own and other people’s? Don’t worry: according to experts, his interest is a normal part of his development.
Masturbation is a common childhood habit that starts early.
“Babies naturally explore their bodies and if something feels pleasurable, they want to repeat it,” says Viviane Green , child psychotherapist at London’s Anna Freud Centre .
“Young children also masturbate as a source of comfort, much like thumb-sucking, so you might find them doing it when they’re tired or anxious.”
During toilet training, youngsters become more aware of their genitals and how they differ from the opposite sex, particularly if they have an opposite-sex sibling. This can have amusing consequences.
“Adelaide refused to sit on the toilet to wee – she kept saying, ‘Mackenzie doesn’t sit down, so why should I?’ It was only after several weeks of trying, unsuccessfully, to wee standing up that she realised copying her brother was a non-starter,” recalls Anna, mum to Mackenzie, 5, and Adelaide, 3½.
While some little girls wish they had a willy, others, like Chloe, 5, definitely do not.
“Chloe’s very happy to be different from her three brothers, but doesn’t like them teasing her about it and already values her privacy,” says Emily, Chloe's mum.
Once they can talk, children have no qualms about commenting on people’s body parts – even if their observations aren’t complimentary.
“When Lacey was 2½ she went up to her nursery teacher, pressed her bosoms and said, ‘Why have you got flat boobies? My mummy doesn’t have flat boobies,’” admits Lacey’s mum, Samantha.
“Fortunately, the teacher saw the funny side and proceeded to explain to the class that people – and their boobies – come in all shapes and sizes.”
Comparing private parts is a favourite activity of many young children, particularly from around the age of 4, when curiosity about other people’s bodies really kicks in.
“Alfie, my 5 year old, is the only uncircumcised boy in his class. When a friend and her son (also uncircumcised) came to stay, I heard Alfie, who’d kindly taken 3-year-old Jake to the toilet, exclaim, ‘Hey, you haven’t got a Jewish willy either.’ I also recently found Alfie and his mate with their trousers down showing each other their bottoms,” says Alfie’s mum, Becky.
Apparently this is all quite normal. “Little kids love taking their clothes off, and most of the time it’s harmless. Obviously, if the game is getting rough or a child isn’t enjoying it, you should intervene,” says Viviane Green.
Great, so knowing our kids are having the odd fiddle is nothing to worry about. But what if they happen to be doing it in public?
Suzie Hayman , spokesperson for Parentline Plus , a national charity that works for and with parents, believes the worst thing you can do if a child is masturbating is tell him off.
“Telling a child that his genitals are something to be ashamed of can affect how he feels about himself later. I’ve seen lots of adults who think of themselves as disgusting because of negative messages they received as children,” Suzie says.
But surely, as far as playing with one’s privates is concerned, there’s a time and a place, even when you’re 2 years old?
“Yes,” says Suzie, “and we need to teach our children that – we just have to do it in the right way. Explain that touching your body is fine, but it’s something people do when they’re alone. Distract younger children with a toy or give them something else they can do with their hands. Never tell them it’s wrong,” she advises.
But in practice it’s not always that simple. “Taylor was playing with himself one day as my mum was about to walk in. Knowing she’d disapprove, I asked him to stop. But he just said, “Why? It feels nice,”’ laughs Siobhan, mum to Taylor, aged 5.
“The problem for some parents is that they, themselves, grew up in an atmosphere in which masturbation was frowned upon, so they panic when they see their own children doing it, says Suzie.
“It’s important to stay calm. If you react strongly you’re giving your child the impression he’s done something wrong and you’re also giving him lots of attention, which might make him do it more.”
Experts stress that how we respond to our children when they’re young will determine whether or not they feel able to talk to us about sex and body parts later.
Dr Polly Carmichael , consultant clinical psychologist at Great Ormond Street Hospital , believes we shouldn’t make a big deal of these matters.
“Let children know that talking about genitals is fine – they’re just another part of the body. And reassure them that everyone is different – kids can get very anxious about this,’ Polly says.
Using pet names for genitals can be helpful, although experts recommend we also teach toddlers the correct ones.
Mum Jacqui taught 6-year-old Emilia the word vagina early on and got more than she bargained for. “For weeks it was Emilia’s favourite word – I even heard her telling her dolls about their vaginas. Luckily, she eventually lost interest,” Jacqui recalls.
So as parents we should lighten up about kids and genitals. But is there ever a time when a child’s fascination with them could be a cause for concern?
“If a little one is masturbating constantly, there might be something going on in his life that’s causing him anxiety,” says Polly Carmichael. “If a youngster seems overly sexualised – if he’s trying to copy adult sexual acts or using adult language – he may have been exposed to something inappropriate. If you’re worried, keep an eye on him or talk to your GP or health visitor.”
Such cases, however, are the exception. Ninety nine times out of a hundred, young children fiddling with their genitals is entirely normal and as they get older, most do it less or in private.
“When I asked my son once why he was playing with his willy he replied, ‘Because it’s fun.’ And who can argue with that?”

9yr old daughter started masturbating?
My thought exactly Lucy. I don't believe my 9yr old even knows what to do. she is quite a 'nieve' (sp?) 9yr. old, much prefers to play with younger girls that older or same age. I don't think i even thought about it until high school, And I think the OP's feelings about it at this age is about on par with mine.
It's all normal love. It can be terrifying for the parents though because to us they're still our babies! I'm dreading it when my toddler and baby starts getting older and starts to come of age where they're developing and exploring. Even though I know it's all normal it doesn't mean it's not going to be scary nor big reality shock for us Moms and Dads x
It is not "sexual" to a child ... it just feels nice. Anything that feels nice you are going to want to do. My sister once walked in on my nephew who had a hard winky and he was gently tickling it with a craft feather. My sister asked what he was doing and he giggled, got a bit embarrassed and said "it feels nice!" My sister smiles, rolled her eyes and then closed the door. She didn't embarrass him about. He was 8 at the time. My youngest son is only 4 and forever has his hands down his pants playing. We tell him to stop only because of hygiene reasons. We don't try to embarrass him about it. The only time I would have a concern, is if a child was doing this, accompanied by making sexual comments and displaying a more sexual behaviour towards other children.
I was just about to say what Emma Louise said There is nothing sexual about it. Those parts of the body are designed naturally to feel nice when they are touched, even from very early on. I bet sex hadn't even entered her head! It is just the same as scratching your bum of something:lol:
I was just about to say what Emma Louise said There is nothing sexual about it. Those parts of the body are designed naturally to feel nice when they are touched, even from very early on. I bet sex hadn't even entered her head! It is just the same as scratching your bum of something:lol:
Lol scratching your bum! Im a nursery nurse and alot of younger kids 'touch' themselves obviously not in a sexual way just exploring. Maybe thats all she was doing not actually masturbating. We arent meant to discourge them from doing it either as it can be detrimental
My eldest is 9 i wouldnt feel comfortable knowing that either. How do you know she does this? and does she just touch her bits or actually masterbate? i wouldnt have known how to at 9
Don't feel uncomfortable about this, I can only re-iterate that it's NORMAL behaviour. The worst thing would be to have an issue with it. Stop worrying about NATURAL human development which happens at different ages for all of us!
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Hi, my daughter was distraught after her bath last night and admitted to me she had been touching herself with her barbie doll in the bath and now thought she was pregnant! I reassured her it was perfectly normal to experiment etc and that she certainly wasnt pregnant but she is still very anxious about it and keeps getting worked up into such a state that she's almost sick. She went pn to admit she has been doing it with her teddy for some months, i again reassured her it was perfectly normal and not to give it another thought but i don't seem to be getting through to her. Has anyone else had a similar experience with their daughter and would they reccomend getting a book that explains these things?
We gave our daughter this book: [...] growing+up Now when she wants to discuss something, she will bring the book and show us, if she is too embarrassed to start the conversation. e.g. when she wanted a proper bra she used the book on the page about getting a bra to start the conversation. They do a girl version and a boy version. She has had the book since she was about 7/8 because one of her friends had started her periods.
We bought the usbourne book too when my daughter noticed her body changing. Just as the previous post mentions, my daughter will refer to different sections of the book as and when she feels she needs to. It's an excellent book, and I've read it too so we are on the same page, so to speak!
My 22 month old daugher doesnt leave her fairy alone It mortifies my OH. I have been introducing the potty and she will literally sit there messing with it giggling! Iv had to explain to my OH its only natural, its a sensitive area that feels nice to touch so shes gonna touch it but he goes mad!!
Hi, my daughter was distraught after her bath last night and admitted to me she had been touching herself with her barbie doll in the bath and now thought she was pregnant! I reassured her it was perfectly normal to experiment etc and that she certainly wasnt pregnant but she is still very anxious about it and keeps getting worked up into such a state that she's almost sick. She went pn to admit she has been doing it with her teddy for some months, i again reassured her it was perfectly normal and not to give it another thought but i don't seem to be getting through to her. Has anyone else had a similar experience with their daughter and would they reccomend getting a book that explains these things?
This made me LOL. Bless her thought she was pregnant! I have masterbated since i remember, perfectly normal!
It is not "sexual" to a child ... it just feels nice. Anything that feels nice you are going to want to do. My sister once walked in on my nephew who had a hard winky and he was gently tickling it with a craft feather. My sister asked what he was doing and he giggled, got a bit embarrassed and said "it feels nice!" My sister smiles, rolled her eyes and then closed the door. She didn't embarrass him about. He was 8 at the time. My youngest son is only 4 and forever has his hands down his pants playing. We tell him to stop only because of hygiene reasons. We don't try to embarrass him about it. The only time I would have a concern, is if a child was doing this, accompanied by making sexual comments and displaying a more sexual behaviour towards other children.
Sorry but this made me nearly choke on my lucozade!!
[QUOTE=Nicky P(121);9744485]I have a 9 and 11 yr old daughters,and was cort masturbating by my 9 year old.i didn't
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