Little Buddy Furry Comic

Little Buddy Furry Comic


Little Buddy Furry Comic

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Yep I did, it was packaged well. I had to tear it apart to open it, and I liked the extra sheets it was in to keep it in great condition. I like how it looks even to art in it looks better than it online and all. In the picture their is my requested doodle, thinking back on it maybe I should've asked of like John blowing me or fucking me or something. Lolz, cause that Puma is HAWT. Hehe thanks <3

EDIT: rotated it due to dumb phone angle crap and had to reupload I apologize ^^'


Category Photography / General Furry Art


Hooray! Glad it got there alright! And glad you like both the book and sketch :D

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Artwork (Digital) / General Furry Art




Next comic for Clubstripes is underway, little gay romance story called Little Buddy.

I wanted to post this first panel because of how much work I put into making the perspective look right :P And there are still some problems. It was even crazier when I had the guidelines for the chairs everywhere, but then for some reason I deleted the layers that had them. The chairs look simple, but arg perspective perspective

anyway, enjoy this sneak peek. I like the computer the best


Category Artwork (Digital) / General Furry Art


I just do it in 3D and vector render it. Go for it Meesh!


Yeah I really need to learn to do some 3D. Perhaps I should make that my goal this summer


Well I picked it up through Maya, which isn't that bad to learn, especially for simpler stuff like this. Hey, ya might find it fun


>.> Where can I learn this? More importantly what programs do you have that allow you to do this? o.o;


Google SketchUp is free and would be a pretty simple way to draw up a basic scene in 3D. It doesn't have a pretty rendering functionality by any means, but it would be good for doing a screenshot and drawing over it.
I've used it for architecture projects and hate certain things about it, but it's not actually too bad a program.

have you used google sketchup? i'm finding it a really useful tool for making 3d environments on the fly really easily, quick and without a lot of cpu processing like in bigger 3d rendering programs.

Oh wow, mindblowing effort into perspective!


But also a bitch.

I should know. I'm an architecture student. It's a bitch.


At this point I can work AutoCAD reasonably, though it still sucks. Currently, Rhino is being a bitch for me.

Perspective-wise you did a good job. The only thing I have to ask is why do you continue to use these bland, squared, somewhat featureless backgrounds? Look back at your previous works like the Coach and Corgi series. The backgrounds look like an amateur 3D mesh with awful rendering. Its just looks and feels empty. I know the focus is on the porn, but that doesn't mean you can neglect the rest of it. The background of any picture is practically a character in and of itself.

Lets make a quick comparison. Here's one of your pieces from C&C:
And here's an offering from Kacey:

Which picture has the better background? Which one feels more alive? Which one really sets the mood and scale and tone of the picture? Backgrounds go far beyond what the hell is happening over there. They tie into the scene as much the foreground. Sure, they cant be too intrusive, but they can't be detracting from the focus either.



When I’m drawing a series of pictures or a comic, I like to keep things simple/streamline the work so that I have more time for things like school and commissions. I only wish I had the time and skill to make each panel like a Kacey painting.

Do you have any specific suggestions on how I can improve?


I would say to do a basic model in some program, take a screenshot or a simple render, and draw over it. It's easier than constructing a 3D perspective from scratch, and it'll fit with the rest of the art better than any rendered background, no matter how much effort was put into the render.


I'm not saying you have to make an incredibly detailed background like Kacey (Hell, I can't make one that detailed.) and I can understand simplifying things on a bigger project, but try these things to improve the backgrounds and give them a bit more life.

1) Add some irregularities. Remember how neat and orderly the locker room looked in C&C? I have NEVER seen a locker room like that. Something like a towel hanging, an open locker, a locker with huge dent in it, graffiti, A sign that says "NO GROPING." Anything that can help to sell the environment and the situation helps. That locker room looked more like a low budget porno filmset than a high school shower, no offense.

2) Don't be a afraid to get messy! Look around your room. If you were to draw yourself sitting at your PC now, would your room look neat and orderly with everything in its place? I'm guessing not. The best example of this I can find of this is your Ordinary Sanctum stuff. There was a little bit of clutter to the place and it set the mood quite well. It looked like your average bedroom with random decorations and junk around. The orderliness of your scene goes a long way towards defining the characters and settings you convey. A stern corporate exec would have that super neat office with the random desk objects placed around him. The pothead dorm resident is going to leave his room full of Taco Bell wrappers and have wrinkly Bob Marley posters. Think of WHAT is going in your background when you think about WHO is in the picture.

3) You seem to have perspective down pretty well, so I don't need to teach you that, but just remember that the farther away something is from the foreground, the less detail and color it will have. Remember this picture? This picture shows what I mean. Everything in the foreground including the renamon and the objects around her, has plenty of detail to fully distinguish it. The farther back we go, the less detail and saturation everything gets. Air isn't is perfectly see-through, so eventually everything fades into nothingness, but to keep it simple, try this: Have your foreground, midground, background, and farground. Each with its own level of detail.

Above all, think about this. The background of a picture, is a character in and of itself. A background sets the stage for everything in a picture, be it porn, comics, or anything. A good background can make a situation feel real and enhance a character's personality and presentation.

Wow this comment got long.


One of these was a basic render from a 3D modeling program, and the other was traced (or closely referenced) from a photograph. In the former, the majority of the effort was probably put into the characters. In the latter, the character seems to have been put in practically as an afterthought.

It's somewhat unfair to compare the two. Both pictures focused on what was necessary. One, the porn, the other the fact that it was in a stadium. I would hesitate to say that the stadium is even a background. If anything, it's a landscape painting with a furry and a truck stuck in the foreground.


Ask yourself this about the Kacey picture. What was the very first thing you looked at? If you saw the truck first, the background did its job perfectly. Setting the scene is the main purpose of the background, and even if the foreground is a bit basic, well you took it all in, doesn't it just look and feel kinda real? You can really picture the furry guy standing there in front of the cheering crowd with his gigantic penis compensating ride.


I mean, yes it was an excellent landscape. I just don't think the dude and the truck added that much to it.


It's mentioned that he didn't do the background for C&C so I don't know how balanced it is to compare that to how another artist approaches backgrounds. Specially if it is a background done by someone else for the most part. Does that make sense? I see a lot of artists get compared to either Blotch or Kacey and they are great artists but even they have their flaws now and then. Taking that blue thunder image, it doesn't really feel more alive to me in sense of set up because the lighting is for the most part uniform, and the character and vehicle don't feel they are next to each other as opposed to lain over the background of the scene because they are not being affected by all those lights in that arena and because of it actually feels flat complared to:

However, I do agree with you points about setting up a scene. Don't take this as me saying "bah! That's not the focus! Who cares???" Only that folks shouldn't let bias direct them to see all the flaws in one and no flaws in the other.

wonderful work =) i know thats stuff's super hard

Incredibly technically impressive. :D

Perspective defeats me every time T3T


wow i feels so insignificant seeing how much technical precision is put into that while I... "eyeball it"

The damn grid, I need more practice with it.

ahhh reminds me of drafting days back in HS :3

omg the perspective lines look intense.
especially for all of the turned objects

... my biggest crush ever called me 'little buddy.' <3 sentimental attachment win.

I like the style setup you have going for it. Do keep up the great work.

It's cool that you're tackling perspective more; it's a difficult study. This is good practice. To be honest, at first blush, I thought that this was completely orthographic (lacking in perspective) because all the square objects look pretty much like parallelograms, because the perspective is very "weak", as if we're looking at a shot from far above with a telephoto lens. You'll notice that it has kind of a "bird's-eye" or architectural feel; this is because the vanishing points are too far away from the frame, making the perspective lines too parallel.

One thing you need to keep in mind when setting up perspective, which a lot of introductions gloss over, is the field of view of the lens. A viewer right at the ceiling (right behind that ceiling light), that is pretty much right above the left table, and sees the computer desk at at 45-degree angle, will have a really wide field of view - a 35mm lens has a 50 degree field of view, which is just about right here. But a 35mm lens, looking at objects that fill the frame, will have a lot of perspective distortion, with rather skewed perspective lines. You did a good job with the setup, you just need to bring the vanishing points closer to the frame so that the perspective is more extreme.

Check out the redline below with your Measure tool or whatever the Photoshop equivalent is; an example pair of NE-SW perspective lines in your illo are much more parallel than the ones from a 3D render.

model & perspective lines:

I could talk an ear off about Blender, a free/open and increasingly pro-capable 3D program. Once you know the basic keys, it just takes a few seconds to set up a mock-up like this. (A good-looking 3D render is a dif
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