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The freaky aunt sends Christine a stuffed animal as a gift.
April is sentenced to her new slave rank.
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Two people are abducted to be placed in an alien zoo.
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Home for Horny Monsters Ch. 01 Mike inherits an old house. There's a nymph in the tub!
The Missing Dragon An elusive fire breathing monster leads him to a new world.
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That's What Friends Are For Justin's best friend Samantha will do anything for him.
Roommates or More? Co-ed roommates deal with clothing-optional living.
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"Chief Scientist Zor!! We believe we have found the perfect male specimen to take back with us," said the Wuug Scientist.
The Chief came out from behind and came over to stand with all the other scientists.
"Well it's about time. Show him on the display, now," she demanded.
The Wuug pressed a button and a holographic 3D image of the earthling appeared. She was not at all what Zor was hoping for. Earthlings always looked strange to her due to only having one penis and two arms but this Earthling was different.
"That...thing does not look very big," she said, pointing to his genitalia.
"I- I know Ma'm but you need to remember that the Wuug has much bigger penises compared to humans. When compared to other males of his species, his is on an average scale,"
"True however, what happened to that other male we were looking into? The one with huge muscles for a human and enourmous genitalia?" She asked.
"We decided that this one is better than him because he has less of a chance of hurting a female with his penis. Also that male was acquiring females for sex a lot where this one has not had sex before by all accounts and is probably more likely to mate faster," he explained.
"Fair enough, bring up the surveillance we've been keeping," said Zor.
The Wuug pressed a button and a bunch of screens shot up depicting the male. One showed him masturbating where another showed him trying to attract a mate only to have the female laugh at him and walk away leaving him with a sad look on his face. Next screen showed a group of people laughing at him as he tried his best to hold hands over his groin.
"What happened there?" Asked the captain.
"We believe he was hugged by a girl and his penis became erect. One of the girls noticed and started laughing. Others joined in soon enough,"
"Why be embarrassed of an erection? He should be proud of it, flaunt it for the world to see!!," said the captain.
"Their sexual traditions are much different than ours captain, so what do we do?"
"This boy is perfect!! Being the age of 24 and still a virgin must mean his sex drive is through the roof. You may abduct him when safe," she said, walking away.
John walked through out the front door holding back tears. A guy called from the front door.
"Have a good night pulling yourself John you stupid fucking virgin," he yelled out, drunk and laughing.
John cried all the way down the road. It was only 8:30 so there was still people on the street. A couple of kids saw him and laughed at his tears which made him cry more. He shook his head and reached his car. He sat down in the drivers seat and buried his head in his hands.
"It's not fair!!" He thought to himself, "everyone my age has lost their virginity but me. I have always been nice to girls and flirted with them but i always come off as creepy. When will i ever have sex!!"
Once he had done crying, he turned around to start the car but it wouldn't start. He slammed his hands down on the wheel and made the horn honk. This meant he had to call his dad who always talked constantly about what a loser he was and how crappy his car was.
He got out his phone to text but it was off. It wouldn't turn back on either. He looked at his watch and the hands had stopped turning. He looked outside and all the houses had their lights turned off. John was worried. He tried to open the door but it was locked and wouldn't unlock.
He screamed help but no one came. A blue light illuminated the vehicle and suddenly John found himself in a small, circular metal room. He panted as there was nothing he could do but wait and see what happened.
"Animal secured captain," announced the Wuug scientist.
"Good, now we should find him a mate. How goes the search for a female?"
"There are multiple candidates. But there is one we are completely satisfied with," he said.
"Bring her up then," said the captain.
A light again shot up and the beautiful naked body of a teenage girl appeared before them. She had short blonde hair and nice breasts.
"She is 18. Her womb is at a prime state for breeding and she is considered very attractive by other mates her age," said the Wuug.
"Through observation we have found that she has engaged in sexual acts such as sucking the male instrument and having hers eaten out and then theres also hand acts but never full genital penetration,"
"Could be better but it'll have to do. Bring her up when ready," said Zor, walking away.
Nicky opened the bag and started loading it up with as much money as she could grab whilst Emily opened a bottle of whiskey she took off the shelf before having a swig and offering the bottle to Nicky.
"To partners in crime!!" She said, laughing.
"What the hell are you doing?! I thought we were just grabbing this and running?!" She asked in a hushed tone.
"Just a lil fun Nicky. We'll be outta here in no time," she smiled.
"Ok whatever I think I got enough anyway. Let's get going."
Emily got out of the front door of the bottle shop first and suddenly an alarm went off and a big metal door slammed down between the two girls.
"Holy shit EM!! What do I do!?!" She yelled.
"Uh... I dunno!! Quickly check the back!!" She suggested.
Nicky ran to the back only to find the door locked as well and wouldn't open. She was at the front door again and was halfway through telling Emily that it wouldn't open when she realised she was across the road and running through the park. Nicky just groaned and sat down. Sure enough the officers would come through the front and arrest her. There was nothing she could do.
Half an hour later she had just gotten her mugshot done and was being led to her cell by officer Jackie. Nicky turned to go to the empty cell on the left that was reserved for minors when Jackie grabbed her and forced her to the cell on the right which had four ladies in it already.
"Hey what gives!!?" She asked Jackie.
"Came to your house on your birthday last week Nicky. You were told that you're an adult now and if you break the law again you'll be tried as one. And for starters that means going in the adult cells," she said, smiling.
This gave a chorus of woos and cheers from the girls in the cell as Nicky was thrown in with them.
"Can you at least call my dad and tell him to pick me up?" She asked.
"You'll get your bail when and if the judge awards it to you in your trial whenever that is. In the meantime enjoy your stay. Showers are at 9 tomorrow. You'll get your uniform then inmate,"
This let off an even louder chorus of cheers as an inmate or two pinched her on the butt. Lights out was 20 minutes later and by then Nicky was on a top bunk trying to sleep. She couldn't sleep however. She could only sit up and think about how bad it had gotten. She thought about her dad. A man who had tried so hard to keep things together after her mother had died and give Nicky a good life and how had she repaid him? By getting arrested robbing a bottle shop. She sat up and promised to herself that she would do better once out of here. She'd do her dad proud.
Suddenly she realised how bright it was getting. The windows were shining blue and all of a sudden there was a flash. She suddenly found herself in a small circular metal room with some guy in his 20's looking at her shocked.
"Wh- who are you?!?" He asked, stuttering.
"Who am I!? Who are you!?" She screamed.
The two edged away from each other frightened
"They appear to not be settling in well," said the wuug.
"I'm sure they'll manage it in time. Let's get the other Wuug in for the preparation," said Zor, making a call on the intercom
John stared at the teenager who had just arrived. She looked as shocked and scared as he did.
"M- my names John," he said, finally.
"Nicky!!" She shouted back with an english accent.
"Where do you think we are?" He asked, looking around.
She was cut off by a door opening on the side of the room. In walked four little men who were about the height of John's knee with blue skin and a red crest atop their head.
Nicky screamed as they grabbed the two of them and pulled them outside and down a corridor. They were clearly strong despite their size. John screamed as well but looked out a big window in the corridor to find earth staring back at them. They were in space on a spaceship.
They got to a big room with several other of the creatures who then crowded around Nicky. They then held Nicky down and began ripping off her clothes.
"Hey!! Stop that!!" He shouted as Nicky said more or less the same thing and screamed at them. A moment later, Nicky rose from the ground completely naked and John saw she had a fairy tattoo on her left butt cheek. His erection rose looking at her and he felt a lot of shame. They then slapped some strange bracelets on her arms and legs. Also a collar round her neck.
All the creatures then turned to John and he knew what was coming. They all held him down and ripped off his clothes giving him the bracelets and collar too.
Nicky was huffing and puffing whilst covering her body. She looked at one of the aliens and tried to kick him. The anklet that was on her leg suddenly turned red and stopped her mid way. The alien then looked at her and pressed a button on his tablet putting a shock through her collar making her collapse to the ground in agony.
John moved to help her up. Once they were on their feet their bracelets turned red again and they were pulled over to a platform and made to stand up straight with their hands above their heads facing each other. They both stared at each others naked bodies and then looked away in embarrassment.
"I know I'm sorry," he said with shame.
Another door opened and the two were rushed along a conveyor belt to where a bunch of hoses were positioned. They then sprayed warm water over the two of them like a car wash. Then came a weird soap that went all over their bodies.
The conveyor started up again and stopped them by a bunch of razors. The two were both noticeably scared but then the razors started shaving the two of them of all hair save for their heads. When it was done it squirted them with a blue liquid that was absorbed through the skin.
The conveyor then continued to move and dropped them off in an empty room still bound by the bracelets.
"I can't move," she said, wiggling around whilst her breasts were jiggling around. Jack stared at them and was caught watching as she stopped.
"How can you have a boner at a time like this? We just got abducted by aliens!!" She shouted.
"Guys don't need to be turned on to get a boner. It just happens sometimes," he said. He knew he was wrong. He did find her very attractive.
"Oh yeah, sure. That's what it is," she said rolling her eyes.
The bracelets suddenly released them and the collars came off. They then floated out of the room leaving the two alone and free. Nicky ran to the door but it shut before she made it. She banged on the door but to no use. She then turned back to see John standing there and then remembered she was naked. She clapped one hand over her boobs and another over her vagina and turned red. John couldn't help but admire her sopping wet nude body
"Uhh ive seen you naked a bunch of times now you can just show me. You don't have anything to hide that i haven't already seen," he said,
"I don't care I don't want you looking at my good stuff!!"
This line actually made John giggle a little.
"Fine," she said, putting her hands to her sides.
An hour passed and nothing happened. John looked at his now hairless baby smooth cock. He looked over at Nicky who was rubbing her hands all over her body feeling herself. John's erection returned.
"Those little fucks shaved every inch of me. No pubes, leg, or body hair anymore. What the hell do they want with us?" She asked, confused.
"I don't know. To study i guess?" He said.
"Who are you and where are you from?" her voice was showing signs of anxiety.
"Uhhh... John Wilson, I'm from Australia," he said.
"Nicky Campbell, England. I'm 18 how old are you?"
"24, what's with the interrogation!?," he yelled.
"I don't know I'm just trying to figure out if we have any similarities but we're from different countries and you're 6 years older than me. I don't get it. Why did they take us!?"
"Well they've settled in nicely," said the Wuug.
"Yes they have. I did hope they would have mated by now but theres time later i guess," said the captain.
"Yes it is disappointing but at least we have two good specimens,"
Zor simply smiled and nodded and the Wuug pressed a button and some gas was released into the cage. They watched on the security feed as the two naked humans panicked and tried to get out of the room before slowly falling to the ground, unconscious from the gas.
"Lets load them into the cryo pods and get to Wuugala. Should take about 4 months and the zookeepers said their enclosure should be ready," said Zor.
I love your submissions, keep up the good work!
This story has Potential. Some good character development and dialog could make this a lot if fun.
Hi. Think about your characters, who are they, and how would they react? Your dialog is what is know as "nose-on" which is the equivalent of someone shaking their fist and saying "I'm so mad right now I could slug you." There is no subtext, no hidden backstory, etc. and as a result, they and the aliens all seem one dimensional. Try checking out God of Mischief and Lies by FireFaery. It also features an abduction, by Loki, who finds something he can't control.
This was a good setup and story development chapter, definitely want to read more of it!
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6 Stories 61 Followers "Chief Scientist Zor!! We believe we have found the perfect male specimen to take back with us," said the Wuug Scientist. The Chief came out from behind and came over to stand with all the other scientists. "Well it's about time. Show him on the display, now," she demanded.
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