Literotica Warlock

Literotica Warlock


Literotica Warlock
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The beginning of a new adventure for John and his imp.
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A week has passed since Enchanted. John and Zynga are back and well, living on the last of his earnings from the treasure found in the Sunset Isles.
Ela slipped through the open door and turned. She grinned and reached up to the clasp on her dress over her left shoulder. She pulled it loose and let it fall, revealing her young and supple body.
John chuckled and pulled the door shut behind him. "Eager, I like that."
"I know what I want, why waste time?" she asked.
John nodded and pulled his robe over his head. "Why indeed?"
They embraced. Ela attacked his face, kissing his lips like a woodpecker chasing a bug through the bark of a tree. John tried to keep up as best he could but it wasn't until he slipped his hand into her long dark hair and cupped the base of her head that he was able to guide her and slow her down.
Her lips continued to try rapid-fire kissing his until he pressed his lips against hers and forced her to slow down. She struggled and pulled back, retreating from him.
"What... am I doing something wrong?" she asked.
John smiled. "Not wrong... just relax. Let me lead."
"You have this planned out, don't you? You know what you want and you already scheduled it out in your head. Tell me, what happens next?"
She blushed. "If you're going to make fun of me I can—"
"No, I'm not. I don't want to disappoint you, that's all."
"Disappoint me? Well... you've done this before, right?"
"I thought so. A handsome man and clearly well bred man such as yourself... Yes, well, I expected we would kiss a bit and then move on from there."
She blushed. "To the bed, of course. You would bed me."
She blinked. "Then what? You mean there's more? I need to get back... I'll be expected..."
"Oh, I see. So we have a time limit. Well then, come, Ela, let's move along."
"Oh, it's no bother. If you don't have time we should probably—"
"No!" she snapped. She blushed and held up a hand. "I'm sorry. That was harsh. I... I mean, I want to know. I... well, I've never done this before, but I need to... tonight too."
John nodded. "All right, well... a slower start might help. Relax you a bit."
John took her hand and led her to his bed. It was a proper bed this time, not the scratchy straw pallet he'd stayed in when he'd awoken into his new life a month back. He sat her down on the edge and guided her to keep her legs facing out. He knelt in front of her and leaned in to press his lips against hers.
John coaxed her lips open and he surprised her by slipping his tongue in. She sucked in a breath and pulled back, creating space between them. John waited... and she returned. Her lips met his again and the kiss deepened as he coaxed her tongue into a dance. She pressed against him, moaning and taking what she learned from him to become more aggressive until she realized she had to breathe too.
John took the break and kissed his way down her neck and chest. Her brushed his hand under her breast and held it up so he could breathe on it and make her squirm at his hot breath. He captured her thickening nipple between his teeth and sucked on it.
"Oh!" Ela breathed. "Oh... oh that's nice! Yes... yes, you can do that. Keep doing that."
John chuckled around her turgid flesh. Her reached for her other breast and stroked it. Ela shivered and thrust her chest against him, knocking him off balance for a moment. John pushed back with his hand on her breast and gave her nipple a light pinch. She squeaked and jerked back, then returned, eager for more.
John dropped lower, kissing her belly and then again lower and lower. He reached the junction of her legs and torso and planted a kiss in the brown curls that peaked out between them.
Ela gasped and then whimpered when John slipped his hand between her knees and gently pushed them apart. "Okay... is it time."
"Time for something," John said before he reached around her and scooted her closer to the edge of the bed.
She squeaked and then nodded to herself. She leaned back, catching herself on her palms and then her elbows.
John crawled on his knees between hers and, to Ela's open-mouthed shock, he bent forward and kissed her directly on her curls. She squealed above him and reached down to push him away. Her legs pressed against his shoulders, trying to close. John ignored her and slipped his tongue in between the part in her flesh.
Ela froze when she felt what he was doing. He was tickling her, but in a very private and sensitive place. And it wasn't tickling, really. Not the type that would make her giggle, at least. It was... he was...
Her hands left his shoulders and went to his head. The back of his head. She cried out and pulled him into her, trying to mash his face into her cunt. John worked his tongue into and around her in spite of the smile that her inexperience caused. She squealed and bucked like a runaway horse. There was no stopping her unless he stopped, and it may have been too late even for that.
Ela's body began to twitch and jerk. Her cries were stuttering as each crest of pleasure broke through her and left her distracted and disconnected. A few moments more of John circling her sensitive button and then swiping the tip of his tongue across it rapidly were her undoing.
The poor girl locked up. She seized, her entire body going so stiff John worried he might have broken her for good. The raspy pant of her breathing was gone too, leaving Ela with her head thrown back and her back arched in ecstasy beyond anything the young woman ever imagined.
John continued to please her, driving pleasure into her even though she'd grown almost catatonic. He knew she was all right in spite of her appearance. He felt her orgasm. He drank of it in fact, supping at the release of her youthful energies that her climax yielded to him. He nursed from her cunt, licking her juices that ran free even as he gathered the energy of her soul in slow, measured amounts.
He fought against his magic. It wished to drain the sweet, naïve girl entirely. She would give it to him without a fight too... but John would not do that to her. He kissed her gently upon her split and eased her down. She collapsed on the bed, her body going from cramping muscles to mush in an instant.
John cleaned her with his mouth, kissing, licking, and sucking around her sex but not directly on it. A few times he got a shiver out of her but mostly she lay still on the bed, panting for breath and lying still in a stupor.
He rose at last and looked down at her. She was a swampy mess, no matter how long he worshipped at her temple. Her body wanted more but her mind... well, her mind was still lost in the realm of rainbows and dancing stars.
John laid down on the bed next to her and pulled her to him. She went without complaint and barely more than a purr of a moan. He embraced her and she nuzzled into him, finding some strength at last to acknowledge and show some appreciation.
At last, after several minutes had passed, she whispered into his skin, "I never knew a kiss could be like that."
John struggled to keep from laughing. "We may act like animals at times, but we can do many things an animal cannot or will not."
She moaned into him again. "That was... I never knew it would be like that!"
She squeaked. "You mean there's more? Wait... of course there's more. You didn't mount me yet... oh sweet Saint Millesius! What am I to do?"
John raised an eyebrow at her strange plea.
She nodded to herself. "All right, I can do this. That's why I'm here, after all. To finally know what it's like. To have left that behind would have been a crime against nature... but oh, John, I'm scared. If your kiss felt like that... what will your... what will that feel like?"
He smiled as she tilted her face up to his. "Only one way to find out, but I promise you will enjoy it."
She nodded. "Okay... but... I feel so tender now. Please be careful?"
"Very careful," he agreed even though he knew this girl could, and most definitely would, be aching for him to do anything and everything to her if they had the chance.
"Kiss me again?" she begged. "Up her, on my lips not..."
John kissed her and let her taste herself on his lips and tongue. Her eyes shot open and her nostrils flared as she realized her mistake, but she didn't pull back. She squeezed her eyes shut again and, after a moment moaned into his mouth as their tongues danced.
John rolled her onto her back and slipped between her legs. He was more than ready and glad that she hadn't seen him fully aroused yet. He'd shaken her wits with her first orgasm. Seeing his size might push her off the cliff's of insanity.
He reached down and guided his cock to her lips and gently spread them. His firm spongy tip slid along her soaked flesh, making Ela gasp and squirm under him. She was panting through her nose since he did not relinquish her mouth.
Once John was sure he was wet enough he guided himself down to her opening and nudged himself inside slowly. Ela froze again as he spread her. She shivered and tightened around him, slowing him further.
"Breathe," John whispered into her lips. "Relax."
She nodded a tiny bit and began to take quick steady breaths. Her pussy let up a bit too, allowing him to gently rock more of himself inside of her. A few inches more was all until he bumped up against her maidenhead.
"Oh!" she gasped when she felt the pressure. "Is that it? All of you?"
John chuckled. "No, dear one, that's only me making you a woman."
"Making me a.... oh! You mean... so that's it, I'm no maiden?"
She bit her lip and nodded. "Yes... please, yes!"
John jerked his hips down, driving through her intact flesh before she'd even finished asking for it.
She jerked and gasped. Her lips worked but it took her a moment to make a noise. "Ow! That hurt. Felt like you pinched me... inside, I mean."
John shared a touch of his magic with her, soothing and number her soreness and taking away the blood. She was excitable enough he feared the sight of her blood after would worry her.
"It's getting better... okay, more please. This feels amazing!"
He smiled and kissed her again before sliding deeper inside of her. She lost her voice again as he slowly rocked back and forth, burying his cock into her one thrust at a time. She was harder to get into than a dwarven vault, but John was patient and he had the key... or as his familiar, Zynga, would call it: a battering ram.
Ela's head lolled back and forth as John worked himself deeper and deeper inside of her. He bumped her cervix eventually, making her grunt and curse. Another probe of his magic eased her worries, and her cervix, allowing him to fully bury himself and grind his flesh against hers.
Ela was lost in the sensations. John was deep inside of her— so deep she wasn't sure where he ended and she began. He stretched her wide and made her feel complete... and then he pulled back and left her empty, only to fill her again. His hands were one her breasts, teasing and rubbing her tender flesh and occasionally pinching and twisting at her buds. That made her jump and ache and...and... Saints, she loved it! She wanted that spark. That pain. That extra touch that woke her up and made her feel alive.
Through it all he kept fucking her. Driving into her faster and harder and she urged him on. Not with her words, but with her body opening and accepting him. Her legs wrapped around him and coaxed him inside her. Her arms clawed his back and grabbed his ass to pull him against her. All while she built up this incredible pressure inside of her that she knew would break her. It was right there... a wall that was straining to hold back something amazing. Something overwhelming. Something that would change her forever.
And then, with a final thrust and a growl, John slammed into her so hard that when his sack slapped against the pucker of her arse, the wall burst.
Ela's eyes went white as her body arched and lifted John off the bed. Only her head, shoulders, and bottom were touching the sheets, the rest of her was clenched tight. John was trapped inside of her too, her cunt squeezing down on him like a velvet fist that would not be denied. He braced his hands against the bed, taking his weight off her as best he could, and set his hips to circling against her, driving her orgasm so high it would look down on the clouds.
John's motives were far from pure. Yes, he enjoyed the sex and he enjoyed giving Ela pleasure, but he enjoyed a great many things. The problem was, he needed to bed the young woman. Any woman, really, but Ela had stricken him as his best option tonight. He needed her release to fuel his magic. Her orgasm opened a door into her soul where he could drain her energy slowly or quickly. He always chose slowly. John was no murderer, but he was a demon... in part. This was how his demonic magic was fueled... and how he, in turn, paid tribute to his Mistress.
When he knew he dared take no more from the young woman he let her down by pulling slowly from her sheath. She collapsed on the bed when he finished and lay gasping for breath. Her hand went to her battered cunt, only to find that touching herself was too much. She jerked and let go, then tried again and found a way to hold herself safely. She curled up in a fetal position while John sat beside her and watched.
She opened her eyes after her breathing began to slow and looked up at him. "You are amazing," she breathed.
Her eyes took him in, marveling at his wide shoulders and smooth body. The tufts of hair on his chest led to a trail that led down his belly to his... She sat up and stared at his glistening cock. It was wet with her juices from tip to stem. "That was inside me?" she gaped.
John nodded. "You took it well," he said and didn't bother to point out he'd had to open her up with his magic to make it possible.
She looked down at her belly and then at his manhood. It took her a few more double takes before she shook her head and said, "I don't know how it fit!"
"It can fit many places," John said. Perhaps in a moment, I can show you."
Her eyes widened. "Wait... you mean... you're not finished yet? But the other women said that men always finish first! I thought myself lucky that... oh, I guess I was lucky."
John stifled his laugh and said, "I'm not like most men."
She eyed his throbbing erection and shook her head. "No, most certainly not. Unless my sisters were lying to me."
"Sisters?" John asked. "Do you have a large family?"
"Oh, not those sisters. I meant my sisters at the church."
"Yes," she said. "That's where I must get to yet tonight. I'm an acolyte for St. Millesius. I take my vows on the morrow. Tonight was my last chance to... to see what it was like. Sew my oats, the priestess called it."
Her smile turned into a yawn. She shook her head and said. "Well, what's this about you finishing? Trying to see where else it fits? I'm a bit confused about that."
"Yes, well... I've been told I taste wonderful."
She squeaked and stared at the shiny drop at tip of his cock.
"Or... well... there are other options."
John smiled sadly and shook his head. "No, never mind... that's enough for now."
She sat up straighter. "Tell me! What else could there be? Where else could that... you... go?"
John took in a deep breath and let it out. It didn't help but he spoke anyhow, "I loved a woman once who liked to have me take her from behind."
John smiled at her innocence. "No, I mean... in her bottom."
Her mouth dropped. When she found her breath she said, "Oh! I... um, I don't think..."
"I told you not to worry about that, but you insisted."
She nodded. "And this woman... was she a whore? No, she wouldn't be, you said you loved her. What happened to her?"
She clamped her mouth shut and winced. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean—"
John waved her silent. "We're here now, let's not worry about what happened before."
John tilted his head and looked her over. She was a beautiful and buxom young woman. His eyes fell to her heavy breasts. He smiled. "There's something I've never done, actually. I'm not sure how much pleasure it would bring you though."
She followed his eyes and then looked up at him. "What?"
"Sit on the edge of the bed again," he instructed her and took her hand to help her rise. He positioned her where he wanted her and then spread her legs. She winced a little as her overworked muscles were stretched.
John stood between her legs and lifted his sex-slick cock up. He let it slap against chest and took her hands and guided them to her breasts. "I'm going to fuck your tits," he said.
Ela gasped. She held herself tight around him and then gasped again as John thrust himself into her buxom embrace. A few more thrusts rocked her body and her breasts. She chewed on her lip and then began to work with him, sliding her breasts up and down as he thrust his shaft between them.
John watched as she got into it. He waited until she worked her boobs so her nipples were brushing against his cock on each stroke. She lowered her chin to her chest and watched as he worked himself between her breasts.
"Is this all right?" John asked her.
"Yesss," she hissed, her eyes glued to his cock. She jerked her head up to look at him. "Am I doing it right?"
John chuckled and nodded. "Look and see."
She snapped her head down and yelped as the tip of his cock jabbed her in the lips. He pulled back, stroking back out while she licked her lips subconsciously. She gasped and licked them again, hoping for another taste.
John brushed her chin on the next stroke and she groaned. She opened her mouth and tried to round her back to lean lower. John grinned above her and decided enough was enough. He willed his orgasm forth and triggered the rush that made him swell and surge as his seed raced up his length.
He thrust out of the warm confines of her cleavage and launched his first pulse straight into Ela's chin. It splashed under her chin and into the hollow of her throat before starting to run back down her chest. She yelped at the hot liquid and jerked her head back in shock.
John continued to launch rope after rope onto her chest, soaking her skin and leaving her streaked until the last dribbled out between her breasts. He took a deep breath and let it out, enjoying not only the fading tremors in his body but the faint buzz he felt as his essence slowly soaked into her skin and connected her to him.
"Oh my..." Ela breathed as she stared at herself. She let go of her breasts and squeaked as some of John's cum slid through her cleavage and onto her belly. Her nose wrinkled and then smoothed. "It smells... odd."
Ela touched a finger to a glob of thick white cream and gasped. "It's so hot!"
She lifted her finger and stared at it, marveling at the consistency. She sniffed again and then moved it closer to her face. Her eyes were glassy as her lips parted and her tongue darted out to touch her finger. She jerked it back and gasped. Her finger followed after no more time than it took an eye to blink. She sucked his flavor from her flesh and then looked down. She gathered her breast in her hand and heft it up, stretching and straining to lick his essence directly.
John smiled and nodded as she cleaned herself with her tongue and fingers. He watched, appreciating the decadence thanks to the demonic heritage his Mistress had corrupted him with not so long ago. His only regret, if it could be said to be a regret, is that she didn't drink directly from him. Spillin
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