Literotica Virus

Literotica Virus


Literotica Virus
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Moms have to have to help sons get over strange new virus.
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Dr Sandra Lee, her sister Maxine and her mother Rose
Connie Tucker and her son Jimmy, and his grandmother Nancy
Connie's sister Cheryl and her sons Colin and Eric
Barbara Schmitt and her sons Steve and Brian
Suzy Baker and her sons Derek and Paul, and their grandmother Gerri and her sister Robin
This story is absolutely absurd. I've also revised it several times and may do so again as I write new chapters. Everyone in this story is over 18 or older.
Jimmy Tucker wasn't sure what exactly was wrong with him. Ever since he had gotten back from the summer abroad trip that he took to China for school before his senior year, he had noticed a weird sensation in his crotch and could have sworn that his erections as well as his balls seemed bigger. He felt pressure down there along with a strange arousal. At first he didn't think anything of it since after all, as a healthy 18 year old kid he was frequently in a state of arousal anyway. But as the days went on it seemed to increase and started to cause him a lot of discomfort. The only thing that gave him relief and reduced the pressure and swelling is when he beat off to orgasm. And the other thing he noticed was that his loads had increased in size. He finally got concerned enough to mention it to his two cousins Eric and Colin and their mutual friends Brian and Steve who were brothers, and also Derek and Paul who were fraternal twins. He was surprised and somewhat relieved to discover that they were going through the same thing. They were all mystified as to what could be going on. Like everyone else with an unknown problem, they turned to Google but found nothing. Eric, who was always the most inquisitive of the group of friends, did discover a few things and shared his thoughts.
"Have you guys been hearing about this supposedly new virus in China? It's only affecting young males and appears to be boner related," he asked the group. "Apparently once a guy gets infected his erections become more uncontrollable. He basically has to jerk off or fuck twice as much as usual."
There had been some reports in the news of a strange new virus that came out of China, but most people paid no attention to anything happening far away. Apparently it only affected young males which was more reason that people ignored it.
"I remember seeing something about it on the internet but I didn't read too far into it. The internet is for sports scores, games and porn as far as I'm concerned," said Derek. "And besides, that's all the way over in China."
"Dude, Jimmy must have got from there for his foreign exchange semester! And we all spent a weekend together at the lake house two weeks ago!" Eric reminded everyone. "Our symptoms are pretty much the exact same as what I'm reading about. Jimmy brought it back with him and we all got infected from him at the lake house. What other explanation could there be?"
"Oh shit...I'm sorry guys...I had no idea. The symptoms must not act up for several days," said Jimmy.
"And you're in more pain than we are which means your further along with the virus," said Eric. "It all checks out. We're sick guys."
" we have this boner virus? Oh mean I'm going to be twice as horny as I usually am? I haven't even been laid yet!" cried out Paul.
"That's because the girls all look at that hammer you got Jimmy and then run away!" Said Colin, never missing an opportunity to razz his friend and cousin.
In fact most of them were still virgins with very little sexual experience. Paul and Eric once banged a slut from the other side of town in the back of Eric's car after a football game. But that was a hurried drunken mess. A few blowjobs and a handjob here and there was mostly it. And what Colin teased about Jimmy was true. Twice he managed to get a girl naked and both times they reneged once they saw his package. The one girl even remarked that she'd like to live to experience college.
Jimmy's tool was easily five inches long when flaccid and very fat. His full erection was around a nine inch diamond cutter. He knew that is was supposed to be a good thing, but so far all it did was scare girls.
"So is this going to be like a permanent thing? Or is it gonna kill us?" Asked Steve.
"From what I read it eventually will go away after several weeks, but the infected person has to blow frequent loads to relieve the pressure and swelling. And if they can't, they can come down with deadly infections or permanent side effects, like impotence," said Eric.
"Fuck! Are you serious," asked Brian. "We could die or never get to fuck?"
"I think so. We really don't want to mess around with this fellas. The problem is it gets much worse before it gets better. It's gonna be a lot of frustration and ham on the bone sessions in our future boys."
"I already jerk off too much as it is. And now I gotta jerk off more?" asked Steve.
Not knowing what else to do, the boys all went to their respective homes to process this information.
Jimmy got home and headed to the kitchen to grab a Gatorade. He planned on just taking the drink to his room and beat off since the pressure had been building. He walked into the kitchen to find his mom prepping veggies for dinner.
Connie Tucker was a very pretty 45 year old MILF. She was about 5'5" and 135 pounds. She graduated college at 120 pounds and over the years and after childbirth had added another 15 pounds. But that extra 15 pounds was beautifully distributed across her mature body. She had natural D cups and gorgeous shapely legs with strong calves tapering down into thin ankles and pretty feet. Running, tennis, hiking and Zumba kept her in shape. She was a sun worshipper and usually had a gorgeous brown tan even though she had a naturally dark complexion. She had a beautiful face with high cheekbones, a pronounced jawline, and the warmest smile with a hint of mischief that always lit up a room. She kept her light brown hair in a short layered pixie cut. Connie was not a beautiful girl. She was a beautiful woman. And it was this last year that Jimmy was finally resigned to acknowledging that. Ever since middle school he would hear comments from the other boys about how hot his mother was. At the same time his cousins Eric and Colin were also hearing the same thing in regards to their mother and Connie's sister, Cheryl. Once they got to high school the other boys just flat out told them what hot MILFS their mothers were.
Connie was wearing a white and blue striped tank top and khaki shorts that went just above mid thigh. She was wearing sandals with a slight two inch wedge that enhanced her shapely legs. The tank top and shorts allowed her beautiful tanned limbs to be on full display. She heard him enter and gave him a big smile and let him know that dinner would be ready in an hour. She took a second to admire how much he had grown. He was now 5'10" and 180 pounds, all of it lean muscle thanks to wrestling and track. He was no longer the awkward, gangly teenager but instead a strapping young man with beautiful green eyes and chiseled facial features. She was sure that the girls at school must be taking notice, but he was still painfully shy and had not made much progress in that department.
Jimmy greeted her, grabbed his drink and started to head to his room. He turned around to look at his mother who had turned back around to focus on dinner. He took a second to admire her smooth tan legs and full, firm butt in their khaki shorts. He then turned to go to his room and had a highly stressful wank thanks to all of the new information he had learned. He then went to have dinner and his mom pestered him about girls at school. After dinner they watched tv and then went to bed.
In the middle of the night Jimmy woke up to the pressure building and had to have another wank session in order to get back to sleep.
"It's getting worse," he admitted to himself.
He woke up in the morning to his mom knocking on the door. She entered and came into his room. Connie was wearing the t-shirt and the short sleeping shorts that she had slept in the night before. The shirt hugged her ample bosom and the shorts showed off her smooth tan legs. She walked across the carpet in her bare feet and sat at the edge of Jimmy's bed.
"Hey sweetie, hope you slept ok. Listen, last night after dinner I was on the phone with some of the other moms. Your aunt Cheryl, and Barbar and Suzy. Apparently your cousins told Cheryl about the problems you guys are having and..."
"Just listen sweetheart please. Colin was getting worried so he told your aunt and she asked Eric and he said he was experiencing the same problem and that you all were. That it's probably this weird virus from China. Is this true? Are you having this issue of, uh, pressure on your privates?"
Jimmy was mortified that he was having this conversation with his mother. He was at a loss so all he did was gently nod his head yes.
"Ok then sweetie. Listen, I've already made an appointment for you to see Dr Lee this morning. So let's get showered up and on our way."
"But mom, they don't even know what this is? What's Dr Lee gonna do?"
"I'm not going to let this go without you seeing a professional" replied Connie. "This sounds very serious and I'm not just going to let my boy suffer without at least having Dr Lee examine you. Now get in the shower. That's final. And if it makes you feel better your aunt Cheryl made appointments for Colin and Eric too."
Jimmy resigned himself to his fate and headed into the shower. The pressure was back and he really needed to get some relief. But he wasn't able to bring himself off in time in the shower, even while thinking about the hot Dr Sandra Lee. The thought that she was going to 'examine' him while he was in this condition just threw off his concentration.
At the Dr's office Jimmy was extremely uncomfortable. The pressure was getting bad and his dick wouldn't come down from the quarter chub he was sporting. Just when he was about to excuse himself to use the bathroom to try and get some relief the door opened and there was Dr Lee.
"Jimmy! Connie! So good to see you both this morning. Come on back and let's get you in one of the examining rooms."
Dr Sandra Lee was the general practitioner for several of the families in town. This included Jimmy's cousins as well as his friends' families.
Jimmy thought Dr Lee was one of the sexiest women he had ever seen. She was American but of Chinese descent, petite at 5'2" but thick in all of the right places, especially in her tits and ass, with long wavy brown hair with lighter brown highlights and an amazing smile. She was in her late 40s with very maternal qualities. But it was the bedside manner that just did it for Jimmy as well as his cousins and friends. She had been his family doctor since he was in middle school, and the way she talked to him just made him swoon. Once, he broke his arm in a bicycle accident and while Dr Lee was administering pain killer and setting the cast she kept giving him her sexy look and smile while saying things like, "Oh Jimmy, you're gonna feel so good when this is all over." Or "Jimmy, don't you worry about anything. I'm going to take such good care of you that you won't want to leave," while smiling and caressing his face with one hand, and looking into his eyes with her head sexily cocked to the side. As soon as he got home he rubbed himself out repeatedly with his good hand.
Dr Lee was a frequent topic amongst Jimmy, his cousins, and friends. They all loved her and her maternal yet flirty nature and how she always promised to 'make them feel sooo good.' They would jokingly imitate her to each other. "Oh Brian, you're going to feel sooo much better when I get done with you" they would tease each other. Dr Lee was definitely the largest deposit in all of their spank banks.
His last visit was so far his favorite one and he obsessed about what had happened.
He had stopped by her office by himself for his annual physical so that he could play sports. He was brought to the examining room and told she would be in momentarily. When she entered she gave him a "Hey Jimmy" with her killer smile followed by the usual hug, squeezing her big boobs up against his lower chest. Jimmy wrapped his arms around her and squeezed tight, loving the feel of her big tits and firm body rubbing up against his. She then broke the hug and rubbed her hands up and down his chest and biceps. "Oh Jimmy, my have you turned into one helluva hunk! All of that wrestling sure has gotten you into shape!" He blushed but just loved the feel of her pretty hands rubbing his muscles.
"And look how tall you've gotten," she said as she looked up into his eyes with her amazing smile. "I bet the girls are just going crazy trying to get your attention."
"I, uh, I'm still trying to figure that stuff out Dr Lee. I just can't seem to talk to girls."
"Oh, Jimmy, you're probably just overthinking it. How's your gorgeous mom doing?"
"She's doing well and she says hello," responded Jimmy.
"I need to learn what her secret is on staying so beautiful. She's such a looker," said Sandra.
"I'm sure she would want to know the same from you Dr Lee," Jimmy shocked himself with how quickly he came back with that smooth reply.
Dr Lee beamed and went in for another hug, squeezing Jimmy into her body. "Oh Jimmy, you're a natural! I'm probably blushing. See what I said, just don't overthink it. I could just eat you up!"
Jimmy was feeling all tingly inside with his beautiful woman squeezing him so tight.
"Ok, let's get this physical started sweetie."
Sandra started the exam, the whole time smiling and being flirty withhim. She was letting her hands linger over his muscles while driving him crazy by saying things like, "Oh Jimmy, you've really been working those pecs haven't you. Just look at these sexy muscles." Or, "Jimmy, Connie really shouldn't let you come here by yourself. I'm tempted to take you home with me." She would always make eye contact while saying this stuff.
All of the sexy bedside manner talk and rubbing of muscles had Jimmy at half mast.
When there was just one thing left to do Sandra looked at him with a warm flirtatious smile and said, "Ok stud, it's time. You know the routine."
Jimmy knew that meant the hernia test and nervously hoped his woody wasn't too obvious. He stood up and unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down along with his boxers.
Dr Lee's eyes watched this with a closed mouth smile, and when Jimmy's hammer, which had chubbed up to six inches, presented itself her eyes lit up and she opened her mouth in the widest smile.
"And there he is! Oh my god Jimmy. Oh sweetie you have grown up haven't you," she said. Then she gave him a sexy wink and said, "I just love examining you sweetie. It's so much fun for me. Let's do the test now."
But instead of taking her hand and holding his balls and telling him to cough, Dr Lee reached out and gently took hold of his cock. Jimmy amazingly managed to stifle a gasp. She held the shaft and was unable to get her fingers all of the way around it. She lifted it as if testing its heft. She moved it all around while leaning her head in and giving it a thorough inspection.
"Mmmmmm," she said while slowly licking her lips. "Oh my my my Jimmy. I'm so lucky to have you as my patient. This is just, it's just so damn beautiful."
Then she reached in her other hand and took hold of it with both fists. She let a few seconds go by and then she slowly stroked her fists up and down the length of his cock. Jimmy couldn't believe what was happening. His visits to Dr Lee always filled him with tingly eroticism that left him with months worth of wank material. But this was a whole new level.
Dr Lee looked up at Jimmy and caught his eye.
"Jimmy, I just love taking care of you and your friends. I really do. I just love making you guys feel good whenever something is wrong," she said as she continued to slowly pump up and down his shaft with her hands. Jimmy was now sporting a fully engorged nine inch erection.
"But Jimmy, you have always been my favorite. Did you know that," she asked him while never breaking eye contact.
'Uh, no," was all Jimmy could manage.
"Oh yes. You've always been special. I've just loved watching you," she looked down at his enormous cock and then back up to his face, "grow up. You're a senior now and soon you'll go away to college. I just wanted to make this a very memorable visit for you sweetie," she said while continuing to stroke his cock.
"Thanks, uh I mean thank you so much Dr Lee. You're the best doctor ever."
"Oh baby you are so stinking cute. I just want to take you home with me. We could have so much fun don't you think?"
Jimmy just nodded. He felt like he was floating.
"I hope I made you feel really really good today Jimmy. Now, let's finish up here."
And with that she stopped stroking his cock, and gently grabbed his balls and had him cough.
"You passed Jimmy. You did so good. You can put away that beautiful specimen and pull your pants up now."
Jimmy stood up and awkwardly pulled his boxers and jeans up over his huge cock. Dr Lee handed him his completed physical certificate and then leaned in for another fantastic hug.
Jimmy squeezed her for all he was worth and she ground her upper hips into his still hard cock and said, "Jimmy, I hope you enjoyed your exam today and that you go home feeling really good."
"Dr Lee, I wish I had an appointment with you everyday. I really do," he said as he pressed his aching cock into her.
With the side of her face pressed into Jimmy's muscular chest Sandra said, "See Jimmy, you're a natural. You're going to be fighting off those girls in no time. Now you be careful with that gorgeous cock. Don't let it knock over anything on your way out," she teased.
Jimmy took off his hoodie and held it in front of him to hide his massive erection as he left the examining room and walked out to the main office. There he ran into Ebony, the nurse practitioner. Ebony was a busty black woman in her mid 40s. She looked like something out of a 70s blaxploitation movie. She had a very dark complexion and was built like a brick shithouse with a very stern, chiseled face and short, styled Afro. Jimmy thought she was very sexy and loved to check her out.
Ebony knew the effect that Dr Lee and she had on all of the boys and couldn't help but notice Jimmy's strategically placed hoodie.
"Everything ok there Jimmy," she sarcastically asked him. "Do you need to sit down and collect yourself maybe?"
"Uh no, I'm fine. Thank you nurse Ebony. I need to get home. Have a good day."
"Oh I bet you do need to get home Jimmy. Get home so you can take care of things right?" She couldn't help but giggle as Jimmy hurried out of the office. He then floated all of the way home.
Jimmy thought about that last appointment every day, and now here he was, ready to get his Johnson examined by the sexy Dr Lee again.
After a few pleasantries Dr Lee had Jimmy sit on the end of the examining table. Sandra was in her usual pink scrubs that clung so sexily to her curvy frame. While they obviously weren't skin tight they still managed to show off her ample bosom and firm, thick ass. Once again she gave Jimmy a big hug that just sent thrills through him. And then she asked him to describe what was going on with him.
The whole time Jimmy was embarrassingly explaining what his issue was, Dr Sandra was look
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