Literotica Unbirth

Literotica Unbirth


Literotica Unbirth
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A mother unbirths her son to pleasure both of them.
A massage parlour reviewer encounters an unusual masseuse.
Virgin needs sex to survive, or she must unbirth someone.
Phil gets some extra tuition from Cέrμləa and a friend.
A group of lads find a nudist beach with a sinister secret.
He gets absorbed by a woman, and the world is conqured.
Mike isn't going to the summer school he expected.
A young woman is abducted by bee-girls to join their hive.
The First Story about the planet of triple-titted women
Picture a mermaid, replace the tail by one big (hungry) tit.
Frustrated Rob, stumbles upon a girl in need.
He left her to die, and die she did.
A creature wants a taste of its host's offspring.
Alice's Wonderland or Eat Me; Drink Me.
A man's night changes as a succubus gets her wish.
Angel goes from a virgin College Student to a Mother Goddess.
Tripletit is threatened by unscrupulous miners.
Be careful what you go hunting for...
I am a potential victim of two types of female aliens.
Hedorah will use females' bodies to plot his revenge...
He learns about the dark lamias mating cycle.
Little Mouse in the Lioness Den.. Nice knowing you Edovan!
I marry my Christmas Fairy and things go wrong...
Stories about the planet of triple-titted giant women.
Strange tale of gladiatorial combat on another world...
An agreement with a fertility spirit goes unexpected.
He looks for a Goddess with a wish for love.
Carol and Henri realize they may have forgotten something.
He never knew his wife was a witch.
Guy seeks revenge for bullies and screws up.
trick or treating leads him to chocolate slime.
A dragoness comes for a man to take him into her womb...
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Virgin needs sex to survive, or she must unbirth someone.
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New Version - Revised after helpful criticism from Yahoo Unbirth Group Members. 24 October 2002
I parked my van in the congested street and ran through the pouring rain clutching my tool box. It was early on Sunday morning when normally I'd have been sleeping off last night's party. As I pressed the doorbell I ruefully thought that I'd allowed myself to be seduced again by a winning smile. I was too easily persuaded to do odd jobs by any attractive woman who knew how to manipulate me. I am a useful amateur handyman and although it was only a hobby my skills were better than average. My friends got their wives to ask me to help if there was a maintenance task they needed another pair of hands for or didn't know how to tackle themselves. I knew that I wouldn't get anywhere with the wives but I still helped out in exchange for a free dinner or a couple of pints of beer. It would be the same with Gabrielle.
We'd both been invited, with our partners, to my cousin Nicole's birthday party last night. Both of us came alone, because I was still hurting from being dumped by Sophie and because Gabrielle's new husband had been sent on a residential course at short notice. When I'd accepted I thought the party might cheer me up. Now I wasn't so sure because I didn't feel like starting a new relationship or even looking for a one night stand. My friends might be sympathetic which I couldn't face so soon after the ending of a long relationship. Nicole introduced me to Gabrielle probably because we were the only people who'd come alone.
All I knew about Gabrielle was that she'd recently married Jonathan. Although I'd known him at school we'd gone to different universities and had met infrequently over the last few years. We had friends in common yet neither Jonathan nor I would have said we were "friends". We were acquaintances. We knew each other, would say hello in the street and that was about it.
Yet Gabrielle and I spent most of that evening together. We both felt detached from the party because almost all those there were couples. Gabrielle felt it more than I did because she was new to the town. I knew almost everyone at the party. Jonathan had intended to introduce his new bride to his friends but now he was away on an unexpected Management course. She'd been pleased to talk to one of Jonathan's "old" friends even if I didn't know who Jonathan might describe as friends. I introduced her to everyone that I thought Jonathan might know.
Nicole's party was a change from the usual birthday party because she'd insisted that it should be "black tie". It was more like a dinner dance except there was no dinner, only a buffet and bar.
Gabrielle was wearing a full blown ball gown in shimmering midnight blue taffeta with detachable puff sleeves. Under the wide spreading skirt she had layers of net and taffeta petticoats which rustled as she moved and showed when she span. The dress had a modest neckline scooped a little way below her necklace. As she moved the dress colour changed as the light caught the material. The effect was very noticeable across her bustline as she breathed.
Just after we'd been introduced the small band started to play a slow waltz. That I could manage so I asked her to dance. While we danced together I enjoyed the sensation of her skirt and petticoats rustling against my legs. I commented on it.
"I feel as if we could be in Vienna dancing to Strauss. I like the way your dress moves in a waltz. And the deep blue contrasts well with your blonde hair. It's a shame that Jonathan's not here to appreciate how well you look."
"I'm sorry he's not here too." Gabrielle said "He enjoys this sort of party. So do I when I'm with him but I tend to prefer more informal affairs. If he was here I wouldn't have worn this dress because he likes to throw me around in energetic dances such as the tango and the salsa. I like that too, but not in such a large skirt. I'd need to wear something closely fitting and slinkier."
"I'd like to see you two in action. You move so well that I'm ashamed of my limited repertoire of dances. I'm better at imitating the moves from "Saturday Night Fever" than a fox-trot. I think you deserve to partner a better performer."
"You're doing fairly well. You haven't trodden on my feet once."
"I think that you have been saved only by the width of your skirt."
After that first dance we sat out most of the time and talked to each other. Although she was a good dancer who could help me in the slow dances the floor was too crowded for her to attempt to teach me something faster. I didn't mind. While we were together my friends were unlikely to ask questions about Sophie that I couldn't answer.
She asked me about what Jonathan had been like at school. She didn't know much about his life before they met at university. We both understood that talking about Jonathan was an excuse. We were alone and neither was looking for a relationship. If Gabrielle hadn't been such a new bride I would not have been so sure that she wasn't looking. If she gave me any signals I didn't notice them. I was just happy to spend the evening in pleasant company.
She and Jonathan had only recently moved back to our town. He'd got a transfer to a larger part of his company. They thought that he'd stand a better chance of promotion in a larger office. They had extended themselves to their financial limit and beyond to buy a large old terraced house close to the university. The idea was that they would do it up and finance the work by letting rooms to students. Their only mistake had been timing. The purchase had taken much longer than they'd intended and when they finally moved in the university year was well started. All the students had found accommodation and Gabrielle and Jonathan couldn't find enough tenants. They could have been in real financial trouble but Jonathan was unexpectedly promoted. That was why he was on the management course. Now they would be able to afford the mortgage repayments when Jonathan's new pay came through at the end of the month. Until then they were really broke.
Then they'd had a break. Gabrielle had been talking to one of her friends in their old town. That friend knew a student who was unhappy in her bedsit here, who wanted to share with some of her other student friends.
One thing had led to another and the first student, Deborah, had contacted Jonathan and Gabrielle. Deborah had found two of her friends who were willing to rent the top floor if they could find a fourth to share the cost.
I asked what the students were like. Gabrielle replied:
"Deborah is an organiser. She's doing business studies and is sponsored by her employer. When she qualifies they want to make her a Branch Manager. I think she'll make a good one. She organises people but does it in such a way that they are happy to work for her. That's an unusual talent at her age."
"What does she look like? I've met a Deborah recently."
"She's petite. She's dark haired, it's almost black. She comes up to here on me."
Gabrielle held her hand at breast level. Gabrielle is taller than I am, even without her high heels. I could just see over her shoulder when we were dancing but it wasn't easy.
"Then she's not the Deborah I met. That one was your height."
"If you'd met this Deborah you wouldn't forget her. She may be small but her personality makes an impact. You soon forget how small she really is."
The band started another waltz so we took to the floor again. This time Gabrielle led us, not me. I relaxed and let her. I enjoyed that waltz more than the first because her gentle direction gave me confidence as we swirled around. She made me feel a far better dancer than I am but even so I had to concentrate and we didn't talk while we were dancing.
When we sat down again Gabrielle continued her description of her new tenants.
"Amy is studying English. You would think that anyone studying English would talk a lot. She doesn't or maybe it is the overwhelming effect of Deb. When Deb's there the others seem so much quieter. Amy's about as tall as you are. She has thick shoulder length mouse coloured hair which flies about as she moves. She tosses it back constantly because it flops over her face. I'm sure that she'll change her hairstyle soon now she's away from home. Either she will for her own convenience or one of the others will persuade her. I hope she will change. Under all that hair she's got a nice shaped face and very attractive eyes."
"You notice a lot, Gabrielle." I said.
"I should. I used to work on a cosmetics counter when I was at university. The company sent me on courses to show women how to make the best use of their assets and how to tone down any shortcomings. The courses didn't just cover cosmetics, but hair care, diet and general body care. I'm grateful to my employers for doing so much for a part-timer. I think they'd hoped that I would work for them when I qualified."
"History. My thesis was on a specific demand of the "Levellers" during the English Civil War."
"That doesn't seem obviously compatible with cosmetics."
"They didn't mind. As far as the company was concerned any "good" degree in an academic subject might qualify me for management trainee status. It was my brain they wanted, not the subject I'd studied."
"So you didn't work for them. I presume you joined some other company?"
"No. I'm doing a Ph.D. and I'm a reader at the University. I lecture about twice a week."
"I didn't realise I was in such exalted company."
"A reader isn't exactly a higher life form." she protested. "And the pay isn't much help to the family budget. I'd earn more working in a supermarket."
"What do you think of your student tenants' prospects?"
"I'm reasonably confident they'll make it. Deborah certainly will. Amy knows what she wants to do and has a real love of English. Cheryl - I'll talk about Cheryl in a minute or two.
It's the fourth one, Theresa, who has made the strongest impact on me after Deborah. She's known Deborah much longer than Amy or Cheryl have. I've been referring to her as "the fourth" but she seems familiar to me. I'd never met her until a few days ago but it seems as if I know her. I don't know why. It's just a feeling. She's a big girl, taller than me, heavily built and muscular. She should be. She's studying Physical Education and wants to teach it.
Theresa's better developed than I am, up here - " Gabrielle pointed to her breasts " - and although she's big, it's muscle not fat. She's not a "Jolly Hockey Sticks" type. If she takes part in a sport, I don't know yet whether she does, I'm sure she would be professional about it. She did far more than her fair share of the work when the girls moved in this afternoon. She treated heavy suitcases as if they were full of air. Even so there's just an impression that she's not at her best. Her skin seems greyer than it ought to be - "
"Your descriptions are far better than I could manage. Are you sure you are not reading too much into Theresa's skin condition? If she can throw heavy suitcases around like balloons she's not exactly unfit, is she?"
"No ..." Gabrielle paused "It's just something not quite right about her."
"Are you worried about having her as a tenant?"
"No! I like her. I like all of them. It's odd. I just think that Theresa is missing something. Of course! How stupid of me. How could I have forgotten? Theresa's mother died ten days ago. Her father left them about two years ago. She's no idea where he is. She's totally alone and doesn't seem to have any other relatives. That would explain why I feel that something is lacking. She hasn't got over her mother's death yet. Who could in only ten days?"
"That seems reasonable. You've made me feel sorry for her. It must be hard to start on a new stage of your life and lose your only parent at the same time. But let's change the subject for a while. How about visiting the buffet and bar? The crowd round them looks lighter now."
"Yes. That's a good idea, Keith. Let's go."
As we walked over the crowded floor I put my arm round Gabrielle's waist. It was a pleasant feeling. I was beginning to feel slightly jealous of Jonathan. I'd decided not to make any more compliments to Gabrielle. She was newly married and I was still hurting from my rejection by Sophie. Gabrielle was helping me get through the evening which could have been painful. As we were obviously together my friends didn't do more than acknowledge me as we passed. I preferred it that way. I didn't want commiseration. I wanted time to adjust and for the pain to lessen. Just talking to Gabrielle was making the party bearable.
We returned to our seats. I was curious about the last student, Cheryl. I had a good picture of the other three. It was a shame that I'd be unlikely to met Gabrielle's tenants. I would like to compare her descriptions with the real girls because Gabrielle's point of view might be very different from mine. Not that I was "interested" in any other sense. My break with Sophie was too recent. I was at the stage of swearing off women for life. Inside I could laugh at myself. I was spending the evening with an attractive and charming woman, yet I didn't want women. Gabrielle's real attraction for me at that moment was that she WASN'T available.
"What about Cheryl? You haven't described her. Has she got an unmentionable secret? You've made me curious."
"There's nothing unmentionable about Cheryl. She's a very nice girl. She's not as quiet as Amy, hasn't got the impact of Deborah, nor the build of Theresa. She has short brown hair that is well cut and glossy. She is taller than you but not as tall as Theresa or me. She is slim with curves in the right places. If you met all four, Cheryl is the one you'd look at first."
"How do you know? I might like tall girls or petite ones like Deborah."
"My apologies. Most men would like to look at Cheryl. We haven't discussed what sort of women you like, have we?"
"No. At the moment I've gone off women. I exclude present company because you have been kind to me all evening."
"I see. Sophie hurt you that much?" Gabrielle looked really concerned for me.
"Yes. You have been successfully keeping me distracted from her." I said.
"OK. Then we'll forget Sophie and return to Cheryl. She is intelligent but so bubbly that many don't see that she has a brain. She's reading Classics. I wouldn't be surprised if she got a First. She's going to be a shock to some of my colleagues. She impressed the selectors at her interview and it wasn't just her short skirt. She has legs that many women would kill for. She knows it which is why she wears short skirts. I can imagine male students following her down the street with their tongues hanging out."
"I get the picture. Are you worried that your house is going to be besieged by hopeful swains?"
"I think it might be. And not just for Cheryl. All four girls are attractive in their own way. I'd like ..." Gabrielle stopped.
"I shouldn't, but I'd like to teach all of them how to improve their appearance. They all have potential but aren't making the best of what they've got. I ought to stay at a distance as their landlady and not become a substitute mother. Anyway I'm too young to be their mother. I'll probably have enough work to do as their landlady. Which reminds me. I've got to find a handyman tomorrow morning."
"One of the sash cords broke in a window in the girls' part of the house this afternoon, leaving it wide open. I covered the gap with polythene but it needs fixing soon. I don't know where to look for a handyman on a Sunday. Even if I find one, I'm not sure I could afford to pay him. It is still two weeks until Jonathan's pay rise is in the bank."
That is when I made my mistake. I was intrigued by the four students. I had been enjoying Gabrielle's company.
"Perhaps you haven't looked near enough." I said.
"I can mend sash windows. I've done enough of them at my flat and at my parents' house."
"Who said anything about payment? What would it cost anyway? A few metres of sash cord, half a dozen nails, which I've got lying around and then an hour or so of my time. A cup of coffee should cover it."
"I think you would deserve more than a cup of coffee. How about Sunday lunch cooked by me? That seems a much fairer exchange. Is it a deal?" Gabrielle looked at me. She seemed desperate for me to accept.
"Yes. It's a deal. One repaired window for one Sunday lunch."
That is how I came to be standing on her doorstep in the pouring rain early on a Sunday morning feeling used.
Then the door opened and it was a beautiful day. Gabrielle grabbed me, pulled me in through the door, hugged me and kissed me hard. I was so surprised that I had difficulty breathing through the kiss.
"Keith!" she said as she ended the kiss "Thank you for coming. I thought you wouldn't. After all we only met last night."
I recovered my breath which was not easy. Gabrielle still had her arms wrapped around me. Even at that time in the morning Gabrielle looked stunning. I was still shell-shocked from her greeting.
"Why wouldn't I come?" I asked "I promised a beautiful lady who is my friend's wife."
It had been hard to add the bit about "friend's wife". I needed to remind m
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