Literotica Payback

Literotica Payback


Literotica Payback
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She knows he cheated. Paybacks are a bitch.
Tommy and Jennifer thought Steve was stupid. Big mistake
His catches wife cheating with his best friend.
Some folks are too clever for their own good.
I found out the truth and how I dealt with it.
Should a husband plan for his future, alone?
Betrayed man finds dream girl in a drainage ditch.
She didn't understand the big deal. He had to help her.
Young woman sleeps with best friend's father.
Some things are better left to chance.
Wife is seduced by a serial seducer.
Bimbo wife is taught a lesson by soccer moms.
The high cost of success in her business.
The foundation is shaken. Can it be rebuilt?
Wife confronts brother about her husband's affair.
Follow-up to Nici's cheating wife story.
Sequel to ustbfamous I Don't Want A Cheating Wife.
Hurt a member of a close family and pay the price.
Retribution was necessary, sure, and certain.
Dearest, I don't like the only choice you think you left me.
Payback isn't always sweet but this one was.
Their spouses had an affair; can Hal & Kay share payback?
My ending to Agena's A Joke - a fitting ending.
Is love of money the root of all evil?
Wife's plan to get what she wanted from husband.
Be careful what you put in your mouth.
Jake sees heart break in the mirror behind the bar.
Sent to my ex-wife, on my honeymoon cruise.
The bitch from high school gets her comeuppance.
It's all about the contract - sequel to RazorLyt's story
Sometimes a man has to do what a man has to do.
The price paid for payback. Aftermath.
Dealing with a Cheating Wife - sequel to fireballxl5's story.
Her adventure was her downfall - ending Irishdragon's story.
Toby finds some balls and Jerry almost loses his.
Part 3: She attempts to explain to her kids, and her husband.
Payback's Ramifications - cont. hansbwl's Does Honesty Pay?
...but not the cheater! A Loving Wives Tale.
Sorry, bitch, I make the rules - sequel to Puttyhund's tale.
The end of my story. Hope you like it.
No prisoners taken in these stories of love, loss, and justice (at least, closure).
Hot girl fucks stranger while drunk boyfriend snores nearby.
Kick a dog too often, he might bite you...
Guy teacher makes it with MILF co-worker
No harm no foul, right? Sequel to Dakota North's story
Revenge ramifications - ch2 of LaffWithMe's Becky's Revenge.
She always won, until her colleagues played by her rules.
The best laid plans, and all that crap.
I cum on my wife's face and she pays me back tenfold.
A man's wife has revenge sex for his alleged cheating.
Friend's attack on my wife goes haywire.
Jenna is loaned to Rob's friend, Billy.
Neighbor has to pay for stealing liquor.
Abused wife wins more in the separation than she expected.
Abused wife re-lives her night with several bikers.
A perfect Loving Wives story, Love, Justice & Retribution.
Hidden files show cheating wives, seek revenge with the SIL
Abi gets challenged to a public wrestling match.
Conclusion to posting pictures of my wife online
A helping hand, when most needed, to set things right.
My Turn Now - sequel to Goldeniangel's Secret Anal Sex.
Will these two EVER learn? The Conclusion.
All's Fair in Love and War - sequel to DamonX's 8 Days.
Kira and Chad are arch nemesis. But tonight, Chad wins.
Serena seeks revenge on her cheating ex- with his sister.
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First off, I have to tell you I love Angela. Honest to God, I really do. I've told her this a million times. And I kind of understand her outrage and why she's doing what she's doing. I wish she wouldn't but I can understand it. God, I wish she would stop and be mine again.
Okay, maybe that's not the best place to start. Maybe the beginning would work better.
I met Angela at a party some college friends of mine were giving. It wasn't anything special, like end of finals or someone finally graduating, just a get together where we chatted about what's going on and who's doing whom. It was college, so someone was always doing whom. A little friendly gossip. Some of the guys actually liked word getting out that they were finally getting laid. Like I said, college.
I mingled with some people, saying hi to the ones I knew and checking out the girls I didn't know. There was this one girl, a leggy blonde, who was getting a lot of attention. Guys were pasted to her like wallpaper and she seemed to be enjoying the attention. I watched her for a while and decided she was just trying to figure out which one of the hunks was going to get her pussy that night. I wasn't in the running.
After musing over the dynamics of that group, I wandered around and spotted a girl with dark hair and a bemused smile. She seemed to be looking at me, so I sauntered over.
I looked at her without speaking for a while. I was normally pretty shy and would struggle to strike up a conversation with a woman, particularly one that was drop dead gorgeous. This one was very pretty, but fell just a little bit short of tongue-tying beautiful. I decided I would try "smooth," not that I had any chance of pulling it off.
I smiled at her and she smiled back. "Okay," I started, "it's clear something is amusing you."
"Yeah," she said, "it's a little bit funny."
"Care to fill me in?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
She pointed her chin at the blonde surrounded by the dragging tongues. "I'm just wondering how long it will take her to make her decision."
She shrugged. "Which one she'll take home to fuck."
I was taken aback by the directness. "What makes you think that's what she's trying to decide?" I asked.
She smiled. "I've seen her before. She'll go to this party or that, hang around for a while, then drag someone off and we'll never see them again for the rest of the evening."
I turned to look at the group. "Ah," I said, "so that's what she's doing. I would never have guessed." She and I both laughed.
"The thing is," she said, "she's a nice girl, really sweet. It's just that she is insecure about herself and uses men to make her feel better. It's too bad, but it never works. After she screws someone, she always feels worse."
"Yeah," she said, "I went to high school with her. She had problems then, too, but it seems like they're worse now. I try to talk about it with her, but she's still in denial. It's a real shame, because she deserves better than what she's getting." She sighed. "Maybe she'll wise up after a while. Maybe."
We stared at the blonde and her groupies for awhile in silence. I finally put out my hand and said, "Brad, in case you were wondering."
She smiled as she shook my hand. "Angela. Glad to meet you."
Not much happened that night. I chatted with her until it was time for her to go. We talked about school, of course, and some of the things we had had time to do when we didn't have to study. I found out she liked to go to plays at small theaters. There were a number of them around and she said she really liked the Odyssey. I had never been there and said so. She suggested we try it out sometime. She said she could give me a call when a new play she wanted to see was going to be there. I practically broke my hand grabbing a pen to write my number down.
I didn't hear from Angela for a couple of weeks. One night, when I was trying to figure out some phase space problem that, as far as I could tell, was unsolvable, my phone rang.
"Hey, Brad," a voice said, "how are you? It's Angela. Remember me?"
"Of course I do," I said. "What's up?
"I was just wondering what you were doing," Angela said.
"Oh, sitting around by the phone, waiting for you to call," I said.
I could almost hear her eyes rolling. "Well, a good thing I finally did. You must be running out of food right about now."
"Yeah," I laughed, "I'm down to the last can of cat food. At least now I can go out and get some real food, like ramen or something." Students are always broke and laughing about how they eat cat and dog food, but I've never actually seen anyone do it. Well, except for Raymond, but that was a joke.
"It depends on when, but yeah, I'm up for it. What, where, and when?" I asked.
"The Odyssey, eight o'clock Thursday, and it's called Simple Pleasures. It's a story about a guy who slowly figures out that bigger isn't better and excitement at the expense of contentment isn't a good trade. Want to go?"
"Sure," I said. "I'll meet you there."
I showed up in front of the playhouse a little before eight and saw Angela walking toward me.
"Hi," she said with a smile, "glad you could make it."
"I wouldn't miss this for the world," I said. She took my arm and we walked in.
It was a good play and we had a great time. Afterwards, I bought her a burger at a little burger shack down the street that was known for good, unhealthy food. We talked about the play and what it meant. She was smart, clever, and kind, laughing at my jokes even when they weren't funny. I was smitten.
So was she, it turned out. I was stunned when she called me up again for a date. After a while, I lost my shyness and started calling her, but it was clear to me from the start that she was interested. We always had a great time, no matter what we did. Sometimes it was nothing other than studying together. Of course, sometimes studying together was fun because we were studying each other. We were really good at that. I'm sure that if there were a test on that, we'd both get A's.
It surprised no one when we got married. It was a big affair, with her parents and mine pooling their money together to give us a good start. I don't remember much of it now, except how people were starting to laugh when we danced the first dance as husband and wife. I was dancing backwards with her, her head on my shoulder, and I turned around just in time to see that I had almost danced into the table with the wedding cake. That certainly would have been memorable.
We both got jobs right out of school and were lucky they were close together. We picked a place that was more or less between our two jobs so each of us had pretty much the same commute time. We got comfortable in our jobs and we got comfortable with our lives. It was good.
And maybe that was the problem. It was comfortable. It wasn't crazy, it wasn't exciting, it wasn't a surprise every minute or two. It was comfortable.
We had been married for twenty years. There were no children, not by choice, exactly, but we accepted it. I guess we fell into something of a rut. It's easy to do. You know what your partner wants, you give it to her, or she gives it to you, and everyone is happy. Not deliriously so, but happy enough. I thought.
But it bothered me. I felt like I was missing something. I didn't know what it was, but something was just off, you know? I tried to figure it out but couldn't pinpoint what wasn't right. Didn't Angela give me everything I wanted? Of course she did. She'd make dinners for me, tell me about her day, ask about mine, make jokes about how everyone in the world is crazy except us, then run upstairs to make me come in her arms. What's wrong with that?
I didn't know, but I knew something was.
Every summer, my company hires interns. These are usually college students looking to get some work experience. They are generally not that useful, but the company gets a chance to see how they work, how enthusiastic they are, and how much knowledge they have. In short, it's a trial period for people the company might like to hire.
Sure enough, Patricia, the HR lady, came by with a couple of kids from college. She introduced them to me. Laura was a nice looking girl, with long blonde hair and an engaging smile. Susan, on the other hand, was more attractive and had a smile that was puzzling. It was a Mona Lisa smile. I couldn't quite make out what the feelings were behind it. I shook hands with both of them, welcomed them to the company, and told them I'd probably have some work for them in a day or two. It would take me that long to come up with something for them to do, although I didn't tell them that. Patricia explained that Laura would be working in another department, but Susan would be assigned to mine and that I should feel free to make use of her however I could; the company was paying them, so it would be a shame to waste the money. We all smiled at that.
At first, I didn't have anything for Susan to do, so I just sent her off to chat with others. Eventually, someone gave her some filing to do and that kept her busy for a while. I was glad, because I quite frankly couldn't think of anything for her. I am generally self-sufficient, doing everything myself. I figure I'm the best man for the job, so I don't think about handing work out to anyone else. It's hard for me to delegate. And it's really hard to delegate to some kid not even out of school who won't have the first idea of what to do. Still, the company would like to hire her, otherwise she wouldn't be an intern, and it was expecting me to size her up. Ugh.
One day, Tom dropped by to chat. Tom is a friend of mine at work. He's a good guy, about my age, married to a lovely woman named Jennifer. Jen is crazy about Tom, from what I can tell, and he's crazy about her. He tells me about some of their escapades. He laughed about having sex in some weird position and almost passing out when he came. He would have dropped Jen on her head if he had, he explained.
"Hey, Brad," Tom said, "got time for a beer after work?"
"Sure," I said, "let me call Angela and let her know I'll be late." I called Angela at work and told her about my plans. I asked if we could have dinner an hour later and she said sure. Angela's great about stuff like that; any sudden change in plans and she never bats an eye.
After work, Tom and I went to a local bar that has some pretty good beers. I prefer a porter and got a nice, rich one; Tom prefers lagers. I kidded him about being a wimp and we sat down at a small table to chat.
"Great!" Tom said. He had a smile a mile wide.
I looked at him for a while with raised eyebrows. "Okay," I said, "spill it."
"What do you mean?" Tom responded, still smiling.
"You look like the cat that just got the canary," I said. "What's going on?"
"Well," he said, giggling, "it's more like the canary getting the pussy." He laughed at his own joke.
I had a puzzled expression on my face, so he decided to fess up.
"You know that new intern, Laura?" Tom started.
"Yeah," I said, "she seems like a real sweet kid. Does she know how to do anything? I have to deal with Susan and I swear I have to show her how to do absolutely everything. It's maddening."
"Yeah," Tom smiled, shaking his head, "there's a bunch of stuff they don't know. You can't blame them, though; they're not even out of college yet." He leaned back in his chair. "But Laura knows a thing or two." He grinned.
I had a feeling he wasn't talking about work. "So what does she know?" I asked, pretty certain I knew the answer.
Tom leaned in close to me and whispered, "She certainly knows how to suck cock."
I wasn't shocked, but I was a bit surprised. Bedding a young college kid who works for you is generally a bad idea. I shook my head. "Tom, are you screwing this girl?"
Tom smiled wide again and said, "And how! Man, she has the tightest pussy and she is really responsive. Her tits aren't so big, but her nipples stand at attention almost immediately. She gets so wet that I can drive into her with ease and she absolutely screams when she comes. It's fantastic!"
I frowned. "So, does Jen like her, too?" I asked.
"Yeah," I responded, "you know, your wife? The one who gave you two children? Surely you remember her." I was glaring at him a bit at this point.
"Shit, Brad," Tom spat out, "Jen doesn't know about this, not directly. But she certainly is benefiting from it."
"Well," Tom said, "for one thing, our sex life has never been better. With Laura around, I've been banging Jen like there's no tomorrow. We have sex much more often than ever and it takes me longer to come. I can give Jen two, sometimes three orgasms a night. I never used to be able to do that. Once I get off on Laura, I have stamina. You know how that works."
I did indeed. I still thought it was a bad idea all around, but I could see how having a young pussy to fuck could spice things up at home.
"Jen will never know," Tom insisted. "I'm careful about it and I make sure she has no idea. What she doesn't know won't hurt her and she's certainly not complaining now." Tom couldn't wipe that smile off his face.
After the beer, I went home to Angela and had a nice dinner. All evening, I was thinking about what Tom had said. I had to admit, I found Susan to be attractive and had some fleeting fantasies about her. Who wouldn't? She was young and fresh, eager as all get out, and probably just as responsive as Laura. I wouldn't mind finding out. But I was pretty sure Angela wouldn't want me to.
Still, as I thought about it, our sex life could stand some improvement. After you've been married as long as Angela and I have, things get a bit stale. Not that it's bad, mind you, but things could be better. They certainly aren't like they were when we first married. Jesus, back then we fucked like bunnies. We couldn't keep our hands off each other. We were new to each other and it was exciting. And I couldn't help thinking that I wanted that again.
This issue continued to dwell in my mind for several weeks. Susan would come into the office and ask if I had anything for her today. I would always say no and suggest she check with the other people. After a while, I noticed that she would stand closer to me than usual, once or twice putting her hand on my shoulder as she spoke to me. I couldn't help it; that got a rise out of me. I came to look forward to the mornings when she would drop by, just as I came to dread them. What she was doing might have been innocent, but my cock didn't believe that. Sometimes I'd be at full mast and have to slide my chair closer to the desk to hide my obvious erection. Jeez. Things were going to get worse before they got better.
Sure enough, one morning Susan showed up to ask about work.
"You got anything for me, Brad?" She asked. She had that enigmatic smile again.
I cleared my throat. "Actually, I do this time," I said. "Do you, um, know how to file these forms?"
She bent over to get a closer look at the forms on my desk. I got a closer look at her tits. It was obvious she wasn't wearing a bra, with her nipples stretching the fabric of a blouse almost sheer enough to be see through. I admit to being disappointed when she straightened back up.
"I'm not sure which these are," she said. Then she came around to my side of the desk and bent over the forms to take a closer look. She put her hand on my shoulder. I caught a whiff of perfume. It was a lovely aroma.
"Hmm," she said, slowly looking over the forms. "Yes, I think I have filed these away before. It's the set of cabinets across from the conference room, isn't it?"
"Uh, yeah, I mean, yeah, that's where they go," I stuttered. God, the scent, the touch, her tits, all conspiring to make me hot as hell. They were winning. I just hope Susan didn't see what had become a raging erection.
"Okay," she smiled. "I can take care of this for you." She straightened up and backed away from the
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