Literotica Master Pc

Literotica Master Pc


Literotica Master Pc
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Mind Control Master PC: The Possibilities Ch. 01
Master PC: The Possibilities Ch. 01
Mark gets Master PC and is forced to choose between actions.
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Favorited by donlac , Zaralith , nufta and 80 others
Nicely written, good addition to MasterPC universe
Katey is barely 5' tall and no breasts?
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I asked my girlfriend Katey to stay over at my house for the night. She asked her parents and they'd approved since it was a Friday and my parents would be here to chaperone. We had a great night and stayed up late to have fun. When we went to sleep, we were both exhausted. The next morning, Katey decided to wake me up with a blow job. She'd stroked me to hardness, then filled her mouth with my cock. Of course, since I'd gotten Master PC, it was a bit longer and thicker than before. Okay, maybe a lot longer and thicker. I'd expanded it to nearly 12" in length, and the diameter of a can of coke, getting fatter toward the base. I'd made the head somewhat larger than the shaft. Humongous. What a great word. How often do you really get to use a word like that?
Sorry. My balls weren't much larger than they had been before, but I'd given myself the ability to control the amount of cum, and control of my orgasms as well.
I should say that Katey is a small girl. Barely five feet tall, and exceedingly slender. No breasts to speak of. Alabaster skin and black hair, down to the middle of her back. I'd had to use Master PC to change her body to be able to accept my new cock. I'd let her stretch more, increased the depth of her vagina, increased the amount of lubrication she produced. Even then I didn't fit perfectly, and she remained really tight.
I hadn't changed her mind in any way, though. Well, almost no changes. I'd made it so that she didn't wonder why my cock was suddenly twice its previous size.
She had been my girlfriend before I'd gotten Master PC, and she remained my girlfriend after. I hadn't had any desire to gather a harem or any of that. Growing up next door to one another, we'd always had a closeness that we hadn't shared with anyone else, even our other friends. When I'd hit puberty, I realized that what we shared was love. We started dating a few months later. No one was surprised, including our families. They could all see the unbreakable bond we shared. We had sex the first time the day after my fourteenth birthday. That, we kept secret from our families, because we knew they wouldn't approve at our ages.
So, like I was saying, Katey was slavering over my cock head, it being the only part she could fit in her mouth at this point. She let saliva drip all over my shaft, and used her small hands to stroke up and down. Proficient. That described her ability to give me pleasure. We were attuned to one another, had been since we were small children. That carried over into our current physical relationship.
I only came fully awake when she moved up, straddling my midsection. She leaned forward, kissing me on the lips. She could be so gentle. Silently, I watched her as she reached between our bodies, grasped my shaft in her hand, and tilted it upward to make contact with her labia.
"Mmm," she breathed loudly, moaning with approval at the sensation. Pushing her hips back, my head applied pressure to her labia, forcing them inward. She rotated her hips slowly, causing her lips to slide back and forth against one another, and simultaneously drew more moisture from within her to continue coating my head with her liquid. Adding more pressure, her lips suddenly spread apart, allowing the head of my cock to contact the outer edges of her vagina.
"Mmm," she repeated, her closed eyes slowly opening, staring into mine as she increased the force of her downward pressure. I could feel the outer edge of her pussy stretch, stretch more, and then stretch even more, trying to accommodate my massive head. Suddenly, I felt her pussy spread open, and my head entered her canal.
This time I groaned, and she closed her eyes again, focused completely on the feeling of my shaft beginning to fill her up. God, she was tight. She slid down a couple inches, then reversed course, and pulled up so only the head remained inside her. She pushed down again, slowly taking more of my shaft. Three, four, then five inches. Pausing again, she lifted up once more, again, leaving only my head inside. Opening her eyes, she looked at me smoulderingly, forcing herself back down onto my cock once more. This time she pushed down onto my cock until I hit bottom. Her eyes rolled up into her head.
"Oh, God, you're so big." Even with the physical changes I'd made to her body, she could only take about ten inches of my cock before I ran into the back wall of her pussy. That left a couple inches outside of her body, but I didn't care. I could feel her cervix, under pressure from the head of my cock. Looking at the place where we were joined together, I marveled that she was able to take my cock as well as she did. Her pussy stretched obscenely around my shaft, the skin of her pussy pulled tight, slick with her juices. Katey just settled there on my rod, enjoying the sensations. She flexed her muscles, causing me to groan with pleasure again.
Starting a leisurely reciprocating motion, she lifted up three or four inches at a time before sliding back down, leaving the majority of my cock buried in her. Slowly she picked up her pace, getting used to my size, lubricating her tunnel, enjoying the beautiful friction. I reached up to place my hands on her breasts, small as they were. I loved them, they were perfect on her body.
"Yes, play with my nipples, Mark." I gripped each of her nipples between a thumb and forefinger, gently pulling and twisting.
"Ohhhhh, yes," she moaned sliding up and down more quickly now. I glanced down again, watching as the liquid from her pussy clung to my shaft, and slid my hands from her breasts to waist, incredibly thin. I didn't have big hands, but I could encircle a good chuck of her waist with them. And to think, of the totality of her waist, three inches of its diameter was currently occupied by my cock. I could see a faint impression of my rod pressing her abdomen outward every time I thrust into her. Girls were amazing creatures, I mused, especially mine.
"I love you, Katey." I said it, and I meant it. I wanted to spend my whole life with her, and just her.
Her eyes still closed, pussy sliding over my cock, leaning back now, she replied.
"I love you, too, Mark." Barely a whisper, but I heard her clearly. She picked up the pace again, lengthening the strokes she was taking, me helping by thrusting up into her at just the right time to maximize the pleasure of the act. Her whole body undulated, grinding her pussy onto my cock. Changing the angle of her attack, she leaned closer to my face and scrunched her face in pleasure as her clit was driven against my body. She picked up speed again, and I moved my hands to her hips, holding and guiding her. The friction of her walls sliding past my cock was intense, and I could tell she was feeling the same.
I could tell she wasn't going to last much longer, and I was getting pretty close myself.
"Mark... I'm gonna cum. Cum with me!" she grunted out, her movements becoming faster, more spastic as she climbed the last hill to her orgasm. I pistoned up into her, starting to release control. My cock was growing larger, stretching her pussy even farther, and my balls were contracting up next to my body.
And... that's when my mom opened my bedroom door and walked in. My eyes went wide and I locked up. Katey also stopped moving, but for another reason. Her back arched, her chest thrust out and her muscles all tensed as she finished the climb.
She exploded as her body started shaking with the force of her orgasm, and her pussy rhythmically clenched hard around my cock.
My mother took a second to take in the scene in front of her.
"Good morning, honey." Mom said as she walked over from the door to my room, to stand next to the bed we were fucking on. Katey was orgasming hard as my mother stood next to the bed. I looked up at my mom, terrified. I had another problem, too. I was too close to my orgasm, it was going to happen in the next few seconds, no matter what I did. Mom leaned down, placed her right hand on my bare chest, her left on top of my head as I lay there.
"How's my big boy today?" She smiled and kissed my forehead. It was too late. I exploded in orgasm.
"Ahh, ahh, Ahh!" My cock shot cum out like a cannon into Katey's pussy. I was completely overwhelmed by the force of my orgasm. It washed away all thoughts, except the fact that my mother was standing right next to me as I came. I was focused completely on the feeling of my cock in Katey's pussy, spurting large gobs of cum, and filling her up. Katey was coming down from her orgasm, breathing heavily, and collapsed on to my chest. Her tightening pussy clenched more sporadically now.
My cock continued to push cum out, but less quantity than before. My face was red, suffused with blood. I was so embarrassed that I'd just cum in front of my mother. I was lost for words. I didn't know what to do or say.
"Good morning, Katey." She placed her hand on Katey's naked shoulder as she lay across me.
"Mom... I..." "Mornin', Mrs. Stadler," Katey responded breathily at the same time as I did.I breathed hard, still coming down from the mind blowing orgasm I'd just had. My mom just continued smiling.
"Who wants pancakes for breakfast?"
"What?!?" Completely flabbergasted, I wasn't sure what to say. My mom had just burst into my room, caught my girlfriend and I having sex, watched both of us orgasm, and then asked if we wanted pancakes for breakfast. What's more, as I thought back over the last few minutes, Katey had acted in the same oblivious way as my mother. She didn't react at all to my mother's presence as we'd climaxed. She wasn't trying to cover up now, as she laid on my chest, my rapidly shrinking cock trying to pull loose from her pussy. I, on the other hand, was scrambling to pull a sheet or blanket over our bodies, whatever I could find within reach.
"That sounds great," Katey replied when I didn't say anything.
My mom patted Katey's back and said, "Come down when you're ready." Mom walked back across my room and left through the open door.
"Mmmm, I have to pee." Katey pulled up and the rest of my now flaccid cock fell out of her cunt. I couldn't see it at the moment, but I knew from experience that her pussy was gaped open and leaking prodigious amounts of semen. She kissed me again, then shambled her way over to her pile of clothes, with her right hand covering her pussy. I watched, perplexed, as she put on the loose, flowing skirt she'd been wearing yesterday along with the light blue spaghetti strap top in the same pile. She left my room heading down the hall to the bathroom.
"What. The. Hell?" I said to myself. I had no clue what had just happened.
I'd had Master PC for a few days now, making little changes to myself, still trying to believe that what I had in front of me was real. I didn't want to make any large changes to myself or anyone else for fear that I might do something unintentionally that caused my family or myself permanent harm. I definitely didn't want to tell anyone about it. I was a bit paranoid.
Checking the box to make myself aware of changes to myself and others, I made my penis larger, and then larger again. It felt good to make the change, and I couldn't see or feel anything wrong with my cock. This was the real deal. I decided to make a few changes to make sure that Katey could take my new equipment without issue. I typed in my girlfriends name, calling up her profile. Her simulacrum displayed on the screen, slowly rotating. She was wearing her pajamas, which made sense. I had talked to her five minutes ago, and she told me she was going to bed.
I typed in the changes I wanted her body to undergo, then sat back in my chair for a minute to think. I stared at the box with the words I was currently contemplating. Subject will be aware of any changes made. Reaching my conclusion, I decided to leave the box unchecked. I hit the enter key, making the changes. As far as she was concerned, my cock had always been this size, and she'd always been able to accomodate it.
Trying to consider other changes I'd like to make, I thought about our situation. I'd been having sex with Katey for three months, and we'd been sneaking around, trying to get in kissing, touching and sex while others were around, trying not to get caught. Wondering how to use Master PC to get some privacy, I typed out a general command. 'When Mark is in his room with Katey, nobody else will be able to come in.' Hmm, no, that wouldn't work. My parents would still be able to hear what we were doing, and could yell at me. Plus what if I was injured, and no one else could get in to help? Nope, that wasn't going to work. I deleted the line and started over.
'When Mark and Katey are together, nobody will pay attention to us.' Hmm, better, but not perfect. It sounded like we'd be getting bumped into a lot if we were being ignored. Then, there was the emergency situation aspect again. I'd have to try a different approach then. Maybe it wasn't necessary to include Katey in the command, because she was the only one he was going to be intimate with anyway.
'Whatever Mark does is normal, unless he says otherwise. It is unnecessary to question Mark about any aspect of his relationship with Katey, unless he invites someone to do so.' I sat back in my chair, happy. That should keep mom, dad and my sisters out of my hair for the foreseeable future. Still, I didn't want to flaunt my actions with Katey. I'd be discreet, without worrying too much whether I'd get caught.
I laid there for a while thinking about what had happened. I thought my command would just keep my parents from interfering in my physical relationship; I'd completely overlooked some of the other possibilities. I thought my home life would be unchanged except for that. God, what a screw up. The only reason it hadn't happened sooner was pure luck, plus the fact that I was still trying to be somewhat discreet, even if I didn't need to worry about consequences too much.
God, I'd been stupid. I was sick to my stomach.
The way I'd formatted the command, I could have taken Katey downstairs and fucked her on the dining room table while my family was eating dinner, and nobody would have thought anything out of the ordinary was happening, including Katey. I thought I might throw up. I resolved right then, that I'd be more careful with Master PC in the future.
How would I look my mother in the eyes ever again? She may not recognize anything out of the ordinary had happened this morning, but I would. It was burned into my brain. She had watched Katey and I orgasm, and had even been touching me and kissing my forehead when I came. I felt the shame color my cheeks again.
I couldn't avoid the problem forever, I lived in this house. I sighed, resigned, and got up to throw some clothes on. Heading down the stairs to the common areas of my parents house, I could smell the heat of the griddle turning the liquid mass of batter into pancakes. There was already a plate of pancakes on the table as I sat down. Katey gave me a big smile and stuffed a forkful of pancake covered with butter and syrup into her mouth. My mother caught sight of me and spoke.
"Juice, Mark?" I couldn't look at her.
"No, milk please." I mumbled. Mom turned away from the griddle, where the last of the pancakes were cooking to grab a glass and a jug of whole milk from the fridge. She filled the glass and brought it to me at the table, where I'd already begun dressing the circular food with butter and syrup.
I thought about what had happened and was oblivious to what happened around me. At some point I realized Katey was talking to me. My mother was eating a plate full of her pancakes and reading something on her tablet.
"What? What was that?" I asked stupidly. Wearing a slightly annoyed expression on her face, Katey replied.
"You remember I'm spending the rest of the weekend with Jess and Sam, right? We're going to the tournament?"
"Oh, right," I replied, distracted. Katey was smart; one of the aspects of her that I really appreciated. She was on our school's Math club team. Every month or so during the school year, they'd travel around to other schools and compete with the other teams. They'd done well enough this year, with plenty of help from my girl, that they were going to the state finals at the state capital.
"We're leaving in about an hour and a half, so I've got to go home and get ready. I'm already mostly packed." She got up and deposited her plate into the sink.
"Good luck, Katey. We're all rooting for you," my mom called out as Katey and I headed to the door.
I kissed Katey goodbye, a wonderful and passionate embrace that told her without words how much I'd miss her. A few parting words and she headed back to her house next door. Yeah, she was the girl next door, literally.
Boring, No build up, just very amateur writing....
Ignore the troll. You've got a good story going. Hoping to read more. Glad the protagonist has some angst and that its thru his ignorance that complications and situations arise. I hate the cocky omniscient and omnipotent characters that you find so often in the MC genre
How refreshing to read something a tad realistic on this tight-assed site. Sure the whole Master PC thing is a silly conceit, but in the real world a lot of young people have sex long before the arbitrary age of 18. I'm not advocating it, but take off the blinkers. Healthy and horney 16 year olds are not swayed by arbitrary limits. I'm not condoning child abuse of any sort, but the real world pays no attention to arbitrary limits of any kind. Take a look at the success of your war on drugs. You can't legislate morality! Is that so hard to remember?
Sounds more like an 11 yr old than an 18 yr old.
Sorry but I prefer my women to not be little girls.
Just checked. You're right. I'd intended 3 months to be 3 years+. So, 17 years and change plus 6 months for 18. It's made more clear in subsequent chapters which I'm still working on. Sorry for the mix-up. I'll have to edit that.
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Man enjoys his copy of the Master PC program, until...
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