Literotica Karenkay

Literotica Karenkay


Literotica Karenkay
index : members : Karenkay : Submissions
All contents © Copyright 1998–2022. Literotica is a trademark.
No part may be reproduced in any form without explicit written permission.

When I look back at how the whole business started I blame Karenkay. She is the prolific Literotica writer whose work is usually to be found on the Interracial pages. If not her, then it was the fault of my wife's little white poodle. Then again maybe no one was to blame. Maybe it all worked out as it was destined to do.

I was sitting at my computer reading, and enjoying, the latest Karenkay offering when my attention was broken by the most God awful barking and yelping from the garden. I leapt up and rushed to the window. There was my wife Tanya's poodle being well and truly screwed by the neighbour's large black Labrador. (I apologise, dear reader, for the rather predictable metaphor).

I raced for the back door, stopping only long enough to collect the garden hose from the deck and turn on the water. Then it was full speed to the fucking dogs there to spray them with water. It did nothing. Why should it? Have you ever fucked in the shower? Exactly.

My next door neighbour, Jim, was far more successful. Ignoring the stream of water I was rather haphazardly aiming, he rushed in and grabbed his dog by the collar, and by just brute force pulled the copulating creatures apart. Of course after such an accomplishment there was nothing left to do but hoist a cold one, which Jim who went into his house, dragging his unhappy wet Lab, brought back from his beer fridge.

Halfway through the refreshing Bud I had a terrible thought. I had left my computer with the latest Karenkay Interracial story filling the screen. My wife Tanya was in the house and if she went into the office could not fail to see what I had been reading. Tanya and I enjoy a busy and regular sex life, but any thought of kinkiness was not something which I believed she would either understand or accept. Offering hurried excuses to Jim, I gulped down the remainder of the beer and ran for home. Too late!

There at the computer sat my beautiful Tanya. It was clear she was reading the story. Before I could say anything she turned to me and said "What is this?" Nonplussed is an inadequate description. What could I say? It's a story about twisted couples where the woman likes being fucked by some black dude who's hung like a horse while her pathetic husband looks on. I didn't thing that would gain many points, so I followed Woody Allen's great advice, "when in doubt mumble." So I mumbled.

"Eh I'm not sure, what have you got there?"

"Jesus! Do you think I'm stupid? You know exactly what I've got. It is something you were reading before you tore out of here. So what is it."

It was time for some imagination. "I don't really know. I was just surfing and came across this story. It's clearly only somebody's idea of an impossible fantasy. It's only fiction."

"Keith, sometimes you really are full of shit. While you've been hanging out with Jim I've been reading this story. I also took the time to check the log-on history, and guess what? almost every day you go onto this, what is it? Literotica? site. So now I'm going to read some of these stories and see if it helps me get inside what passes for your mind. So just clear off and leave me to it. Go and have another beer with Jim."

It sounded like good advice so I, let's be honest, I slunk away. Hoping that Tanya would quickly get fed up with the stories and that after a cooling off period it would become a forgotten incident. Boy was I in for a surprise!

Jim and I shared a couple more Buds. Then I mooched about the garden. Then got the dog lead and took Tanya's poodle for a walk, which generally got rid of the entire afternoon. Eventually I decided that I would have to go an face Tanya sometime, and now was as good as any other time, so I returned home. Nothing. Dinner was ready. Tanya served it and nothing was said about the days earlier events. I may not be the brightest apple in the barrel but in four years of marriage I have learned when it is best not to say too much. Tanya made it easier by chattering about everything other than the thought that was pre-occupying my mind. "What was she really thinking.?"

The next day was Monday and so I was off to work and therefore out of any searching or embarrassing questions. Dinner that night was again a period of amiable conversation about the normal trivialities of our respective days. Tuesday back to work again. Tuesday evening the beginning of the bombshell. Dinner was over when Tanya switched the conversation. "Keith I want to ask you about that Literotica site." Here it comes I thought, now I'm in trouble. Just keep calm, don't lose it, I told myself.

"Yeah." I answered

"Would you like to see me in bed with a black man.?".

Nothing in our backgrounds could possibly have prepared me for that question. Again I dissembled. "Eh, look Tanya, it's just fiction. It's just the, you know, it can never happen in real life."

"Yes but supposing it could, what then? Would you get off on seeing me with another man, a black man?"

She was not about to let this go so I took a deep breath.

"Yeah, if it was possible, which I'm sure it isn't, I would get off on seeing that. That was why I enjoyed the Interracial section. So are you happy now?"

"Yes," she said, "I just wanted to be sure."

"So what happens now?" I asked.

"Nothing. I just wanted to know what you thought about the idea."

"Well now you know."

I went down to the den and settled down to watch the Toronto Maple Leafs lose another heartbreaker.

Life settled down to its boring routine. Never a word was spoken about black cocks, black fucking, Literotica or even that doyen of black cock cravers Karenkay. So I assumed yet another marital crises had been navigated.

It was on a Monday. I had arrived home at the end of a days work. I had barely time to get my coat off and hung in the closet when Tanya came dashing out of the kitchen. Dashing? Did I say. She was almost floating. Before I could ask the reason for this apparent elation she almost shrieked at me "Guess what?"

"What am I supposed to guess,?" I reasonably replied.

"Guess what I've found.?"

"I give up. What have you found.?"

"I've found a black guy who is interested in fucking."

Have you ever been hit between the eyes with a two by four? No neither have I, but it doesn't matter because I now know what it would feel like. I seem to recall that I staggered a little and grabbed at the cupboard door for support. My legs felt week, but there was just a glimmer of excitement as well.

"Wh...what do you mean?"

"What part don't you understand? I've been working through a bunch of interracial sites and been chatting to some other couples and I've found someone who is interested."

"This is crazy, you can't just go out and meet up with someone you met on line. The Internet is full of arseholes. You could get yourself killed. Who is this guy? What do you know about him? Where's he from?"

"He's from Toronto, and I've been chatting with him for almost two weeks. He says he would be happy to help us with our fantasy as long is it is really what we want. So my question to you is; is it?"

God how had this happened. Of course it was what I had fantasised about during all those hours on Literotica. But wasn't there a difference between fantasy and reality? Was I really ready to see Tanya being taken by another man, a black guy yet. The doubts were all too ready to leap into my brain, but my prick was telling me another story. It was stiff and I could feel it leaking pre-cum. This was the eternal dilemma of man through history. The head says one thing but the prick something else, and like countless men before me I was going to follow my prick.

"Well, yes it is what I want." I told Tanya.

She smiled, then dropped one more surprise. "Good, His name is Al, and before he will agree to a meeting he wants to hear from you so that he knows he has your permission. So he wants you to phone him this evening and confirm that you are ok with the situation. Then he suggests we set up a meeting somewhere public and take it from there."

That news eased a lot of my safety concerns, and if he wanted to hear from me, I guessed he was on the up and up.

"What's his number?"

Tanya handed me a slip of paper with ten digits. "He wants you to phone this evening."

"Well I suppose there's no time like the present. I'll give him a bell." I walked toward the garden.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to call on my cell from the garden."

"Can't I hear it?"

"No. This will be a private chat just between the guys." Which just goes to show how little I knew.

I punched in the number Tanya gave me and listened to the ringing tone. I had just about decided that Al was not there, when the phone was answered.


"Er, is this Al.?"


"Al this is Keith."

"Keith. Keith who?"

"Um I'm Tanya's husband. I understand you've been talking to her and she said you wanted me to call."

"Oh yeah. So?"

"Er, well," this was proving a bit more difficult than I had imagined, and I certainly wasn't getting much help from Al. "Er Tanya said I should call and tell you I am cool with the idea."

"What idea's that?""

"You know, that you and her it's ok with me."

"I'm having a bit of problem following this. What's ok with you?"

"You know you and Tanya making love."

"Man you sure have got the wrong idea. Where did you hear this. Making love? I don't make love. I fuck. Specifically I fuck white bitches who need a good dose of back cock."

My major thought was gratitude that Tanya was not hearing this exchange. Inexplicably that gratitude was tinged with a raging hard-on and an incredible dose of sexual excitement. My reverie was broken by the phone disgorging another homily from the chosen black God.

"I know you're both new to this so let me explain a few things. Clearly the two of you are submissive. Tanya has decided that the idea of submitting to a black cock is a great turn on for her. You agree with that turn on but your motivation is different. You get off on the humiliation. I've seen this many times before. You are not the first, nor will you be the last couple to follow this path. Trust me, the deeper you get involved, and you will be involved, the greater the sexual release you both will have. Your wife will get all the black cock she can handle and then some, and you will get deeper humiliation than you could ever possibly imagine. This is where fantasy ends and realism takes over. Now decision time has arrived. Do you shit or get off the pot? Are you ready to beg me to fuck your slut wife?"

All contents © Copyright 1996-2022 by
Literotica is a registered & protected trademark.
No part may be reproduced in any form without explicit written permission.
All models are over 18. All characters in all stories on this site are over 18.

A Cheating Husband's Revenge
Wife takes comfort with black boss.
A Cheating Husband's Revenge Ch. 02
Husband plans revenge, but gets a surprise.
A Harem Girl
Husband pays his debt using his wife.
A Husband's Proposal
Husband suggests that wife take a lover.
A Husband's Proposal Ch. 02
She goes further with her husbands proposal.
A Husband’s Proposal Ch. 03
A young wife finds a black lover.
All contents © Copyright 1996-2022 by
Literotica is a registered & protected trademark.
No part may be reproduced in any form without explicit written permission.
All models are over 18. All characters in all stories on this site are over 18.

Cette page affiche une liste d'histoires et/ou de poèmes que cet auteur a publié sur Literotica.
Tout le contenu © Droits d'auteur 1996-2012 de Literotica est une marque enregistrée & protégée. Aucune partie ne peut être reproduite sous quelle que forme que ce soit sans permission explicite écrite. Tous les modèles ont plus de 18 ans. 2257 infos enregistrées.
Index : membres : Karenkay : Soumissions
A Cheating Husband's Revenge: 2 Part Series
Wife takes comfort with black boss.
Husband plans revenge, but gets a surprise.
Husband pays his debt using his wife.
A Husband's Proposal: 2 Part Series
Husband suggests that wife take a lover.
She goes further with her husbands proposal.
A Husband’s Proposal: 5 Part Series
A young wife finds a black lover.
Wife continues husband's cuckold training.
Diana continues to cuckold her husband.
Joe becomes the ultimate cockold than gets a surprise.
Wife finds love with black man while husband is gone.
Lisa has sex with Jeb & thinks they are being watched.
New twist when George returns home with a female agent.
Wife dates Black man after Hubby's caught cheating.
Mike hooks up his ex-wife with his black neighbor.
A Wife Taken In Adultery: 4 Part Series
A young wife has to please her new boss .
She gets in deeper than she planned
She tries to please her hubby's fantasy
Young wife takes fantasy further than planned.
Couple plan a fantasy involving another man.
Bored white wives are seduced by a black man.
Wife has something outrageous planned while in Vegas.
Wives are selected to participate in a reality show.
White wives participate in a game to mate with black men.
Wives are auctioned for a future TV show.
Housewives are involved in a reality show of the future.
Aylesbury Wives Club: 3 Part Series
A gay black man wants to join an all womens club.
A Black man poses as gay in order to join.
Nina arranges to fuck Peter so her husband can watch.
Wife is deceived into submitting to a black man.
A lonely housewife has a relationship with a black man
Black Breeding Jocelyn: 2 Part Series
Wife wants a baby & she picked a black man to do the job.
A gorgeous blonde housewife wants a black baby.
A white submissive couple become slaves to a black man.
A white couple join a club where the wives are auctioned.
Humiliated & treated like a slut & bred by a black man.
Divorced husband learns that his ex is dating again.
Lenny's ex wife tells about dating a new guy.
Jeannie tells her ex about her new black boyfriend.
Husband visits ex-wife where she tells about black boyfriend.
Husband finally gets to watch his wife fuck a black man.
A gorgeous wife tries to learn about her husbands fetish.
She met an old boyfriend who still loved her.
Wife turns into slut for black lover.
Husband tries to talk his wife into becoming a HotWife.
Husband talks his wife into becoming a hot wife.
A black CEO and his stable of white secretaries.
A couple get back together after going through a divorce.
Husband witnesses neighbors indulging in interracial sex.
White couple enter the world of interracial swinging.
Wife has affair after learning her husband cheated.
Kelly gets laid by her first black man.
Wife consluts an old friend about her marriage.
White wife seeks help getting pregnant from a black man.
Newlywed brings home two black men from a club.
Husbands wants his wife to become a HotWife.
Wife tells how she got pregnant with a black baby.
Dating Our Neighbor: 10 Part Series
White wife begins dating their black neighbor.
Darla returns home tells Matt about her date.
White wife dates black neighbor.
White Wife decides she should date a lonely neighbor.
White wife begins dating their black neighbor.
Husban allows his wife to date their black neighbor.
Wive decides to date a single black man living next door.
Wife decides to date their lonely black neighbor.
A white wife dates a black guy as hubby encourages.
Darla returns from a date with Rex.
Desperate White Wives: 2 Part Series
Two white wives get a job as high class call girls.
2 wives are hired as escorts for black men.
Husband is caught cheating and gets a surprise from his wife.
A couple plan for one night of fantasy.
A wife becomes pregnant by her husband's black boss.
Married bank teller screws a black man as hubby watches.
Fulfilling A Fantasy: 2 Part Series
A black man sets up a white husband to screw his wife.
White wife agrees to meet a hansome black man.
A white wife joins a black owned club to help out her friend.
Husband has to pay back a gambling loan.
David returns home & finds his ex is dating a black man.
The debauchery of white wives in a neighborhood.
White wife does a porn movie and ends up blackmailed.
Wife agrees to make an adult movie for a little extra cash.
Husband has to find a date for a black business client.
Happily married white couple are hypnotized by a black man.
Follow two housewives at a private interracial club party.
Wife is introduced into interracial swinging.
A resort Island play ground for rich black clients.
Karen Meets Master Jay: 3 Part Series
Housewife gets her first taste of black cock.
Housewife's decent into interracial love.
She learns the plan for his new slave.
Kelly will do almost anything to make her husband happy.
Young couple are taken to a strange island.
A tropical Island where white wives are black bred.
A resort Island where white woman are black bred.
A resort Island where white wives are black bred.
Conner finally talks wife into meeting another man.
Wife goes out on a date and tells hubby all about it.
Young white wife is paid to conceive a black baby.
White wife is paid to have a black baby.
Mandy's husband returns and finds out the truth about Abu.
White wife is paid to conceive a black baby.
Impotent husband encourages wife to find a lover.
Wife develops feelings for her new lover.
David is making plans to impregnate Kathy.
David discovers truth about Kathy's marriage.
Attractive housewife must please a client to sign a contract.
His wife goes a little further to close a business deal.
Another person enters the relationship.
Jim learns Ray has a gift for Honey.
Ray takes everyone on a trip and a surprise foursome.
Wife encourages husband to cross dress.
She allows her husband to continue cross-dressing.
Jenny goes the distance & has her sex change.
A wife loves to tease the single guys at her office.
A husband cheats on his wife & she decides to find a lover.
Husband and wife flirt with the idea of teasing other men.
An angry wife picks up a black man at a bar.
Couple decide to spice up their marriage.
Faith and Mark meet Hank.
Mark meets a woman; Faith spends time with Hank.
Their marriage is changing; Faith spends more time with Hank.
Faith continues seeing Hank.
Faith begins taking birth control without Hank knowing.
Hank catches Faith while drunk and on vacation with Mark.
Mark finds Rita several months pregnant.
Faith and Hank put on a show for a cuckold.
Tracy makes love to Faith's black lover.
Husband allows his wife to date a black man.
Wife is allowed to date a black man.
A white wife becomes pregnant with a black baby.
A young wife gives into her black boss.
Wife has to secretly pay back a loan shark.
A wife is cheating on her husband with her black boss.
Wife has an affair with black boss.
Young couple find a new life after a hurricane.
Young couple begin journey into a new lif
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