Literotica Hermione

Literotica Hermione


Literotica Hermione
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James is pleasantly surprised at a student dinner party.
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This story is based on a great experience I had in Oxford.
James is 45, five 10, intelligent and, slightly to his surprise, is considered attractive by many women.
He had met Hermione, his girlfriend's 19 year old cousin, at an Oxford student party some months before. She had looked very attractive in tight white jeans and when they got on well, he surprised himself by asking for her number. She surprised him some more by giving it without hesitation, with enthusiasm even. Work then distracted him and he forgot about the whole thing until reminded by her sending a birthday card. He knew that she was a bit young for him and he was sure he should not call her, but then he remembered her smooth young body in the tight trousers, and succumbed. A morally suspect decision!
"Hi Hermione, this is James, you may remember me from Clarissa's party last June."
"Hello James, that was a long time ago." Ulp! He thought, I've offended her by not ringing before!
"Can I make up for my tardiness by taking you out to dinner next week?"
[a muffled conversation at the other end]
"I think it would be better if you came to our dinner party here on the fifth." Says Hermione stiffly.
James had something more private in mind but could think of no reason to demur.
The party was in the student quarter of Oxford. James arrives late in the pre-dinner drinks phase. Hermione greeted him with a prim kiss on the cheek "We are glad you could make it." She introduces him to her housemates Yi, a delicately beautiful, very slim Chinese girl and Fiona, intelligent, outspoken, slightly aristocratic, curvy with long legs, straight blonde hair and a perfect tanned complexion who seemed to be in charge. The girls sparkled with intelligence, the only unexpected thing that he noticed was that his hosts were all wearing the same thing, simple, very short black dresses, showing rather more than was normal for polite company.
"Hello" says Fiona "I suppose you are Hermione's older man. Are you sure you aren't too old to be picking up young students?"
He blushes, "Ah, I'm sure it's possible for a man to ask a woman out in an innocent way."
"Really? It's never happened to me." James is getting worried; these girls have seen right through him!
Hermione joins the group, looking every bit as good as he remembered, her ivory skin contrasting with the tight black dress. She catches James looking at her "Do you like my dress? I chose for all of us tonight."
James tries to be politically correct "You chose very well but what really counts is the person inside the clothes."
Her eyes flash "Well maybe we can help with that later." she says enigmatically.
A very conventional dinner party followed, James describes experiences flying aeroplanes in various far flung places and asks polite questions about degree subjects and university life. General conversation goes on all around. He is very much aware of Yi and Fiona's smooth legs touching his and gets slightly flustered unsure what to do since he had come to see Hermione. Fiona seems to like teasing; she gently strokes his thigh under the table, challenging James with direct looks while discussing rather heavy-duty books.
"So, James, why did you ask Hermione out? She says you were flirting with her at a party. Do you always flirt with young girls?"
"Oh, don't you like young girls? What's your opinion on a big age difference?" Yi asks while Fiona's hand drifts up his thigh.
James feels he needs to be provocative, "What's your opinion on fellatio?"
"We are all for it." Says Fiona. There is an unspoken exchange between the two girls. Yi quietly slips beneath the tablecloth, expertly unbuttons his fly and James finds his already hard member being gently licked. Fiona smiles wolfishly, "What's your view on getting your cock sucked?"
Yi's tongue starts to explore James' balls and he is somewhat at a loss but gasps, "It makes for poor conversation, the man is distracted, and the woman has her mouth full."
"I'm told Yi is quite good at this sort of distraction, what do you think?"
"I love it when she obviously likes a man's cock, though I prefer to see the woman while she distracts, I like the connection." James is now rock hard and very distracted.
Meanwhile the other 2 men at the party turn out to be a gay couple and thank the girls for dinner and prepare to depart. The farewell greetings continue for some time, James can now feel Yi's mouth sliding up and down his cock and is unable get up and say goodbye. The front door closes. The only sounds are Yi's enthusiastic moans as she works her oral magic out of sight beneath the table. By this stage James is unable to say anything at all.
The moment hangs but then Fiona says, "That's enough for now Yi, you know the rules."
"Aww he tastes lovely." Yi gasps, but comes out from under.
"What rules?" James says, feeling a bit let down.
"Well we housemates have a system while we are here up at Oxford." replies Fiona "We have found that older men are more fun, they know what they want as well as being more experienced. So, when one of us is hit on by someone who may be suitable, he is invited to a dinner to see if we all like him. If we do, we ... ah ... encourage his attentions. The rules are that whoever introduces him gets uhm, attended to, first and whatever happens, it must be done with all three of us present."
James raises his eyebrows at Hermione.
"Wow, how often do you do this? ... Am I being encouraged?"
"We've only done it once before! and yes, you are! You suit us very well. We all find you attractive. I know you well enough not to worry too much about you being a serial killer and you are not in our social group so we can relax and behave badly! Also, considering the way you have been flirting and looking you obviously like the three of us." She looks at James and deliberately takes her dress off over her head with a single smooth sinuous wiggle. Revealing her creamy skin contrasting with a pair of tiny black pants. "Do you feel encouraged?"
"I love his dick." says Yi "it's just the right size and tastes great."
James grins "I'm honoured and very encouraged. I have to say I like your dresses."
"Told you they were worth it." says Fiona to the others, she pauses, "Please can I suck you, listening to Yi and watching you was almost more than I could stand."
James realises he needs to move things along. "OK, before anything else happens please could you all take off your dresses." There is another pause and the girls look at each other, then Fiona smiles and quickly pulls off hers revealing her smooth, curved, tanned, blonde and obviously very fit body with perfectly formed firm hemispheres. Yi follows her example; she is slim, petite, and delicate with small pert breasts.
James stands up resulting in his trousers and boxers fall to the floor and his cock springing to attention in full view. He is not enormous, but bigger than average. Fiona looks at him lustfully, "Oh well, you do like someone here anyway" and takes him by the hand to a leather sofa. She kneels in front of him and tilts her head so her straight white blonde hair falls to one side. "I think you will find this encouraging" she says, "I love cock and I am going to enjoy this as much as you." Her mouth engulfs James' long throbbing hardness.
Hermione looks at Fiona sliding her mouth up and down his cock occasionally using her hands and tongue "Wow Fi" she says, "you are doing things I've never thought of, let me try."
"Ok but be careful, we don't want him to cum yet."
Yi sinuously slides next to James and puts her hand inside his shirt. She licks his ear and whispers "I like your hairy chest." They start kissing. James' hand wanders up her smooth lithe thighs and finds she is very wet and he gently stimulates her. "Oh god!" she says, "I was so looking forward to this, I want to suck you properly later." She writhes in his arms. He gently teases Yi's hard nipple with his tongue and teeth, breathing in her delicate scent.
Hermione looks up from her intense study of the wonderful things Fiona was doing with his cock. "Well James, I'm not sure your girlfriend will approve of this." Her voice is all innocence, but she spoils the effect by sliding her rosebud lips sensuously up and down his member looking at him all the while with her clear bright green eyes. "Please remember that I'm the one you are going to fuck." She continues taking him deep, and after every stroke pauses with a challenging look.
"Oh yes yesss." says Fiona looking on intently. "It's so sexy watching both of you. This is very liberating; I love the naughtiness! Men can be great fun"
"I know, if one warms them up right they just run and run" laughs Hermione. "How would you like to fuck me Jamie? I'm feeling very frisky and you come highly recommended."
"Now I think you are just using me for sex." Say James with a smile.
"Luckily, I want you to use me. Something tells me you won't mind!"
"Hmff! Do you have some massage oil and a blindfold? I like to be in control."
Hermione goes upstairs to find them. While she is out of the room he tells Yi and Fiona what he wants them to do. Their eyes shine when they hear his ideas "This is going to be interesting." says Fiona.
Hermione soon returns looking magnificent, alabaster skin, perfect hourglass body, tumbling long dark hair, shining eyes, confidently aware of her desirability and enjoying it with an anticipatory smile.
"What do you want to do with me first Jamie" she says and licks her red lips. He smiles and tells her to put on the blind fold. He gestures to his two assistants and they take her arms and hold her.
"Hermione, your friends are going to hold you so that I can take my pleasure with you as I see fit."
"Yes James, I'm yours, use me any way you want."
James takes the massage oil and pours a generous amount onto Hermione's up tilted DDs and spreads it over her upper body taking his time and feeling her smooth skin slippery with the oil. He then slowly takes off his remaining clothes. There is no sound apart from the rustling of cloth and deep breathing.
"He's undressing." says Yi "very nice he looks too."
Hermione licks her lips and shivers as he slowly runs his hands from her hips to her breasts which harden even more. She starts to say something, but he stops her with a gentle kiss on the mouth. "Shh, I think you will enjoy this." James means it, one thing he knows he is good at is sex. When he was a shy impressionable sixteen, a woman friend of his mother had taken him in hand and taught him how to please her in a variety of ways. She had given him a lot of practice and shared him with her girlfriends. Now he is with a girl he has wanted for some time and being watched by two other attractive intelligent women. He knows he can perform!
Hermione is very aroused. He positions her on her back on the dining table and tells Fiona and Yi to each hold an ankle and spread her for him.
"So, Hermione, when did you plan this meeting." He says.
"When I noticed you looking at me at that party, I knew you wanted me, the feeling is mutual."
James positions his cock and slowly enters her. "That was very forward of you, I hope I'm up to your expectations." James does 3 deep strokes, stops and takes a nipple in his teeth.
Her body quivers "yes oh yes please fuck me please."
James resumes his slow rhythm. While he fucks her his hands move over her smooth body. Hermione soon forgets everything except the extreme pleasure, she moans on the table impaled on James' cock. Fiona and Yi hold her firmly and look on wide eyed getting very aroused by their proximity, the smell of hormones and sex. They can feel every thrust James makes and Hermione's enthusiastic response. James takes his time and keeps to an easy rhythm, speeding up and slowing down to keep her on the edge of orgasm. She is soon begging to cum. James keeps her waiting enjoying the sight of her beautiful body, slippery with oil, writhing and gasping. When at last he pushes her over the edge, she comes to a screaming, shaking climax and collapses on the table. The other girls watch with parted lips.
Fiona shudders with the intensity of the moment. "I've never seen anything so amazing."
James just smiles and silently thanks his mother's friend who had taught him so well.
"So ... according to your rules I should fuck one of you now?" James says to the two girls left standing.
"Yes, I think so, in fact it would be rude not to" replies Fiona in her posh cut glass accent, "Why don't you start with me."
Without a word James kisses her hard on the mouth, she responds, he feels her heart hammering in her chest as she deliberately rubs her body against him. He takes his necktie from the table and quickly binds her wrists behind her and bends her forward over the back of a sofa. She gasps in surprise and moans as she feels the whole length of him slide firmly into her.
"What happened to the three date rule?" asks James. "You are a very bad girl."
"I know, treat me like the slut that I am" she gasps as his cock stimulates waves of pleasure through her quivering body. James enjoys the view of Fiona's smooth back and the perfect bounce in her behind as he thrusts into her, holding her firmly by the shoulders. She is helpless and unable to stop him doing as he wants. Occasionally he pauses his merciless strokes and spanks her. Fiona squeals and tries to move out of the way.
"No resistance slut." Says James and stops moving.
Fiona stops struggling "No no, please don't stop."
James pauses "So, slut, do you want to do this?"
"I do, I'm a bad girl please do whatever you like with me." James does not hesitate and spanks her hard. She struggles again but cannot escape his attentions. She moans as her bottom goes a tasteful shade of red. He then takes her straight blonde hair and uses it to hold her onto his cock and builds his rhythm again. Yi stands next to him helping to hold Fiona still and sensuously stroking him, enjoying the feeling of his muscles moving beneath his skin as he thrusts into Fiona, her smooth lightly tanned body flushed with excitement. She feels the extreme pleasure from his long hard cock's relentless movement mixed the sharpness of her spanking and the firm grip of his hands in her hair.
"Fi, you have no idea how sexy it is to watch this happening to you." says Hermione now dressed in an unbuttoned shirt. "Please say it feels as good as it looks."
"I love it." Fiona replies breathless between moans "it's the best."
Hermione kisses and licks James' ear, her hard nipples pushing against his back. "I'm very glad we invited you." She reaches between his legs and gently squeezes his balls. The results are explosive, James cries out and suddenly increases his pace pushing his mount to a loud struggling orgasm and then comes himself with a seemingly endless, shuddering, intensely pleasurable pumping.
There is a pause, the silence only broken by pleased moans from Fiona.
James clears his throat "You girls are great; this is the possibly the most erotic thing I have ever done."
Hermione laughs "I think you can be sure that we are all glad that we please you, you certainly please us!"
"I never knew that watching my friends being pleasured would be so exciting." says Yi.
Fiona stretches "That was stupendous James, is there anything we can do to repay you? Do you have a kink that you like?"
James smiles "This is fairly kinky in my book and I have not finished yet" he looks at Yi who smiles and colours prettily. "I'm sure I can think of something but first I need a drink and something sweet ... to eat I mean!"
"Please be gentle with me" Says Yi in a quiet voice "I am not as strong as my friends."
"I certainly do not want to hurt you" he replies, "but as you have seen I need to be firm to make things fun."
"I would prefer it if I could suck you until you come, I like the taste of cock, especially yours. I do not think you will be disappointed; it is my favourite thing and I am excellent. Perhaps you will fuck me next time and then I can be first?"
James is intrigued, he is very attracted to Yi and had been looking forward to sex with her, but it was obviously impolite to force the issue. He replies slightly formally "Of course, it will be my pleasure to be fellated by a girl as lovely as you. I'll go and have a shower first."
When James comes down a few minutes later a small table has been placed by a padded armless chair in the centre of the room. On the table are two scented candles providing the only light in the room. Fiona and Hermione sit on the sofa to one side both skimpily dressed and looking expectant. James smiles at Yi who looks highly erotic in a pair of tiny white shorts with her long black hair flowing around her pert breasts. He feels a new interest in his groin and sits without a word.
Yi takes her time pinning up her hair then leans in for a gentle kiss, she smells faintly of spring flowers. There is a tense hush in the room as she gently starts to kiss and lick his shaft with the tip of her tongue. "Mmm you taste so good; I am going to make this very nice for you." She takes some gel from an expensive looking bottle which makes his cock tingle as she applies it with her delicate hands. She slides them up and down with the slick lube, hardening him still more. "So beautiful, so hard" she whispers and gently pushes her mouth halfway down his length. He breaths in deeply and hears a release of breath from the two watchers. James revels in the extreme eroticism of the moment he has just fucked two beautiful girls who are now intently following every movement as his cock is expertly sucked by another ... life is good sometimes!
Yi now takes his full length sometimes gagging as she deep throats and teasing him with her strong tongue. Sometimes she uses the tips of hr fingers on the groove under the head of his shaft making him gasp and grip the side of the chair. James soon is unable to think about anything else except the extreme pleasure of Yi's mouth and hands on his cock. He does not notice he is moaning.
Fiona and Hermione are mesmerised. Here is this impressive man, who has just dominated and fucked them hard, being played like a musical instrument by shy, quiet, apparently innocent Yi. They were the ones who sometime did not come home at night and turned up the next morning dressed inappropriately and with someone new to gossip about. Yi stayed in and studied. Yet here she was showing extraordinary skill with a gentleman's cock.
Whenever Yi senses he is close to coming she stops him with a squeeze and pauses to renew the lube before taking his hard, slick shaft again to start him on a new slope of ecstasy. Then she does it again ... and again. Eventually she goes a little too far and James cries out and a fountain of milky liquid spills liberally over the smooth creamy skin of Yi's chest. "Wow Yi" croaks James "You are very good at that, it was wonderful."
Yi smiles "It was lovely, your
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