Literotica Dairy Farm

Literotica Dairy Farm


Literotica Dairy Farm
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Jenny becomes a hucow at Daisy's Dairy farm.
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Favorited by Cibuleris , bluemoves01 , belinda03 and 24 others
Milk and Paradise Pt. 01 Sandy endures the involuntary life of a milk cow.
Working at a Hucow Farm When the life of livestock becomes tempting to the farmhand.
Mommy's Little HuCow Pt. 01 A college girl's summer job on the milk farm.
Tara's Breeding Three men decide to have their way with fertile Tara.
The Neighbor's Pet HuCow Lonely due to Covid, she is transformed by her neighbor.
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Jenny was usually a pretty level headed person, sure she made some impulsive decisions before but never like this. Impulsivity was for ice cream flavors and sandwich toppings NOT 6 month contracted work opportunities. She had been scrolling through a job posting site and saw an offer for a farm not too far outside of the city. She would usually just scroll past it and move on to something else but as we've already established, she hasn't been thinking rationally lately. What really caught her eye was the pay. 50,000 dollars for 6 months of work. That was an absurd amount of money for Jenny. She had never even seen that many zeros in her life. So she decided to check the description. She would live on site for 6 months, meals included, and do whatever was needed around the farm. Sounds good enough. Almost too good to be true. She applied anyway and went in for the interview the next day.
When she arrived at the farm it looked more modern than she was expecting. There were high stone walls so she couldn't see into what she assumed were the fields and pastures of cows. She could hear them mooing but something seemed a little off about the sound. She shrugged it off and took in the tall structure in front of her. The building was several stories high, 7 from her count. Little windows dotted the front of and sides of the building. Two glass doors marked the front with a sign welcoming her to Daisy's Dairy Farm. Everything looked so clean from the outside, she was sure it was dirty inside though. It's a farm, there has to be dirt somewhere.
Jenny pushed open one of the large glass doors and walked up to the receptionist desk. So far everything was spotless. The white tile floor, the clean beige walls, there were even little planters placed strategically around the room.
"Welcome to Daisy's Dairy Farm, how may I help you today?" The lady at the desk interrupted Jenny's wandering eyes. Jenny sheepishly turned to the lady and was instantly jealous of her small frame and beautiful face. Jenny herself was a bigger girl, not quite fat but not quite skinny either. She always hated how thin her lips were and how her nose was slightly crooked.
"Hi, I'm Jenny Parsins, I'm here for an interview?" She trailed off questioningly, she still wasn't convinced that this was the right place.
"Oh yes, we've been expecting you. The interview is really just a formality, we can get you hired on right now if you'd like. I have your contract here. It's mostly legal jargon, just says that if you back out you won't be paid the full amount that was promised and that you are allowed to leave at any point in time. You just have to let someone know that the farm is not for you." The receptionist smiled and slid a clipboard across the desk. It was the largest stack of paper Jenny had seen that wasn't just a fresh stack of printer paper. There had to be at least 300 pages. She noted the highlighted sections for her to sign and initial and without even thinking about it she signed the next 6 months of her life away.
"Perfect." The lady smiled, Jenny realized she didn't even know her name. "Someone will be out shortly to collect you for your medical examination."
"My what?" Jenny asked. She didn't remember anything about an examination on the website.
"Your medical examination. We have medical professionals on site who will make sure you don't have any illnesses or diseases that could be spread through the facility, ensure that you have all of your necessary vaccinations, and give you a full body check up to make sure that you meet our standards for healthy and happy employees." The lady smiled at her once more before a man in scrubs walked through a door behind the desk.
"Jenny Parsins? We're ready for you now."
The next hour or so went by in a blur as people came in and out of Jenny's examination room. She was weighed and measured, her blood pressure was checked, blood drawn, and finally someone came around and asked her to undress. Jenny was slightly embarrassed but went ahead and complied because they were medical professionals after all.
"Alright Jenny, we're going to have a gynecologist come in here in just a few moments." Jenny sighed. She hated seeing the gynecologist. It always felt so intrusive. She sat down on the chair to wait and five men came into the room. She yelped and rushed to cover herself.
"Miss Parsins, I am Dr. Tryst and I'll be conducting your examination today. Please don't be alarmed. These boys here are just going to help restrain you as some of this is going to be quite uncomfortable."
"What are you doing to me?" Jenny exclaimed, squirming a little. She was extremely uncomfortable with this scenario.
"Well you have just signed on as one of our dairy producers and so I'm going to be doing a routine pelvic exam and then I will administer our transformative serums so that you will produce more effectively." He nodded once and the four other men sprang into action. Each one grabbing one of her limbs. Jenny struggled for a moment as they pulled apart her legs for the doctor. Dr. Tryst secured some kind of belt around her waist and then another around her chest and neck. He strapped each of her limbs down and then thanked the men. They left the room and Jenny was left with the doctor. She tried to struggle her way out of the bonds but was unsuccessful.
"Wait. Wait please. What do you mean dairy production? Transformative serums? I didn't ask for this. PLEASE" Jenny screeched as the doctor pushed a finger into her vagina, rubbing around for a bit.
"Hush now darling. You just signed a contract stating that you wish to become one of our cows." He took out his finger and inserted the speculum, cranking it open a few notches. "You will live in one of the many small apartments in the floors above us and join your sisters! You are our 67th cow to join the farm. We also have a number of bulls, pigs, and other animals." The doctor took a few swabs and sealed them up, pressing a button on the wall. "I'm sure you'll be very happy here. As for the serums, we have one which will extend your vaginal canal to allow for mating with the bulls if you so wish, another will encourage milk production and breast growth, and the final serum will fatten you up a bit so you'll be more comfortable as a cow. We have another that can be administered after 6 months if you wish that will fully transform you. But that is to be discussed later." A nurse walked in and took the swabs to be tested. "When those come back clean as I'm sure they will, we can get started on those serums. Any other questions?" Jenny was trembling. She was morbidly intrigued by this concept but she also just wanted to go home and lay on her couch and watch tv.
"What if I don't want the serums?" Jenny asked. "What if I want to try being a cow without them?" She blushed, turning bright red. How could she even be entertaining this idea?
The doctor chuckled. "We do get that question a lot. Well we definitely need to administer the lactation serum as you won't meet production goals without it. The other two are optional but encouraged. Bull penises are usually around 12 to 14 inches and very thick so if you do want to mate with one you would certainly want the serum. The serum for weight gain will also add some protection for your body as bulls tend to be quite rough. But it is also mostly aesthetic. You probably won't gain more than 50 pounds if that." The doctor sighed as he sat down. "I assume you didn't read the contract?" Jenny mumbled a quick no and Dr. Tryst smiled. "Most don't. It's quite long. Sandra always makes it sound harmless as well." Sandra must be the receptionists name. Jenny thought. Legal jargon my ass. "Well, you will be living in a small apartment. It will be furnished and has a small kitchen area. You can request whatever items you want for food and you'll also be provided with entertainment. There's a library and community center on the 2nd floor and a gym and pool on the first. There are dining and gathering areas on every floor with tables and couches so you can spend time with the other livestock. Those who have made this facility their permanent residence have their own separate building next door where they live happily. Those you'll meet in this building are in their 6 month trial period just as you are. We currently have 45 cows, 26 bulls, 10 pigs and 4 dogs living here."
He stopped for a minute letting me think for a minute before going on. "There are some things that are not as great as others of course. You will be milked 4 times a day with an industrial milking machine, farm hands will tend to you and help you with this process. The milking facilities are out in our barn. While you're being milked the farm hands have full access to your body. They can do as they please with you. If you don't wish for this to happen all you need to do is tell them and there are processes for reporting farm hands who don't respect your wishes. There are also cameras in place everywhere to protect our livestock. Our farmhands and livestock are all screened for disease before being allowed in the facility so there's no need to worry there. Our farmhands are also on a male hormonal birth control so they cannot reproduce. The same goes for the bulls. You may wish to be bred with a bull at some point in time but that is not allowed until after your 6 month trial period." He stopped to think before saying, "I guess that's about it. I can probably answer any other questions you have." Jenny sat in stunned silence for a minute.
"Is it wrong that I kind of like this?" She said, tears welling up in her eyes. She felt ashamed and dirty. She was also very aroused.
"Absolutely not." Dr. Tryst ran a hand through Jenny's hair. "It's perfectly alright." The nurse came back in the room with the results and Dr. Tryst read over them. "Everything seems to be in order. Are we preceding with all of the serums, Jenny?" She steeled herself before she replied.
"Fantastic." Dr. Tryst asked the nurse to bring in the serums. The nurse left for a moment before returning with a tray that contained 4 syringes. "Okay Jenny, this one is for your vaginal canal. You'll feel a slight pinch." Jenny felt the doctor insert the speculum again and click it open. Then she felt a pinching sensation in her vagina. It hurt kind of a lot and she was grateful for the straps that held her down. She might've hurt Dr. Tryst if she flailed around a lot. Dr. Tryst removed the speculum and rubbed her clit a couple times. "There's a good girl." Jenny whined as she felt his touch. The serum made her pussy ache and she felt so warm. "This is for lactation. One for each breast." He injected each of her breasts with the lactation serum and Jenny squirmed. She felt fire racing through her veins and her breasts felt like they were about to explode. "Finally the weight gain serum. This is going in your hip." Jenny screamed as he injected her with the final serum. She could feel herself losing consciousness from the pain and finally she slipped away.
Like your world building and that even after Jenny finds out what is going to happen to her she is still willing if not slight into becoming a hucow.
"Is it wrong that I kind of like this?" "Absolutely not." Lovely details throughout. Thank you for this, looking forward to more from you, more of this and more of whatever else you're interested in. You have talent, and we hope to read much more from you.
This is great. Hucow stories are a favorite of mine.
worth a chuckle and this is why you should always read the fine print as well as ask questions before signing
Normally not into COW-Milking stories but so far I am enjoying this one about Jenny.
Looking forward to additional parts. Can you explain the Pigs, Dogs, Bulls etc.
Thank yo for writing... and for the additional parts
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Cassidy begins learning the ropes at Dorian's Dairy Farm.
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Favorited by wsftotb , zackedzzz , daddymilkslut and 5 others
Secret Sex with my Step-Sister She's a snob & a bitch, I get even with her.
The Bimbo Factory Lexi must escape before it's too late.
At the Mercy of the Milking Machine Trapped in a milking machine and the horny hucow is soaked!
Silky Christmas Cheer 18-year-old girl is seduced by nylon-clad MILF.
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You can temporarily switch back to a Classic Literotica® experience during our ongoing public Beta testing. Please consider leaving feedback on issues you experience or suggest improvements.
Cassidy's breasts swung freely beneath her as she kneeled on all fours in her crate. Daddy had come to wake the girls and was ringing his cowbell loudly from the center of the room. Cassidy was the first to wake and now watched Daddy attentively from between the metal bars. Her green eyes and red hair accented the milk-white complexion of her petite nude body. All Daddy's girls were happy to see him in the morning, but Cassidy was exceptionally glad this morning, as she was the newest addition to the herd.
She was 19 years old, short, and had the sweetest little set of B cup titties. Her crate neighbor, Yasmyn, was the next to wake. Her caramel, D cup jugs and large, chocolatey nipples were glistening with small drops of milk before Yasmyn had even fully roused. She had been with Daddy the longest, three years, and her body had been fully trained to react in the proper ways to her master's cues. His bell meant milking, and Yasmyn was ready for him. The sight of her thick thighs and long legs were as inviting as her dripping udders while she rolled onto her knees to greet her master.
To the left of Yasmyn was Charlotte. Her short blonde bob fell over her blue eyes which were the last to flutter open. She yawned and tried to stretch as best she could in the little space of her crate. Her tiny pink nipples were like puckering lips ready for a kiss. She slowly put her hands under her, then her legs, as she tiredly peered up at Daddy from her cage. Daddy set his bell down on a table next to him, and began to undo his belt and fly, revealing his half-hard cock. While gently stroking himself, he walked to each crate in the room and shoved his cock through the bars before opening the door.
Each girl was trained to give Daddy a kiss before exiting her cage and doing her stretches. He started with Cassidy, who tentatively gave him a peck on his head. Daddy didn't move from her door, and she was confused as to what she was supposed to do. She looked over to Yasmyn, who opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out, feigning a blowjob. Cassidy looked back to Daddy's cock poking through the bars of her gate, and then up at his expectant face. She sheepishly opened her mouth and took his head in.
Daddy gently thrusted his cock toward the back of her throat, and sighed, "That's it baby. You'll get the hang of it, soon." He pulled his cock away, leaving a coating of precum in the back of Cassidy's throat and on her tongue. Next was Yasmyn, who greedily took the entirety of Daddy's cock into her mouth. Daddy fucked it, slowly at first, but steadily began to pick up pace. The glug-glug of gagging and the wet sounds of a sloppy dick-sucking filled the room. Cassidy looked on in awe. She hoped to be as well trained as Yasmyn one day. Daddy's eyes clenched shut and he bit his bottom lip.
He grabbed the top of Yasmyn's cage tightly. "Daddy!" Charlotte protested from her cage. "If you let her get your cum, then I won't get to kiss you good morning!" Daddy pulled his cock from Yasmyn's spit-covered maw and stroked it. "You're right baby. Give Daddy his kiss." Charlotte took his cock into her mouth, mumbling "Thank you, Daddy!" as he fucked her thin, pink lips with fervor. Just when Cassidy was sure he'd fill Charlotte's mouth with his cum, he pulled away and tucked his wet, hard cock back into his pants. The head stuck out of the waistband for the girls to see.
He opened the doors to the girls' crates, and they crawled out one by one. "Yasmyn, teach Cassidy her stretches. I'll be back in a few minutes for milking."
"Yes, Daddy." Yasmyn said in a voice as warm as her milk.
"Like this for ten seconds," Yasmyn instructed, grabbing her ankles with her legs straight and spread, facing her cage. "Make sure you're facing your cage and count to ten. If you're facing the wrong way, or don't do it for long enough, you might get lashings from Daddy. "
"Lashings?" Cassidy asked nervously, trying her best to mimic Yasmyn.
"I hate it when Daddy brings the riding crop!" Charlotte pouted, doing the same stretch as the rest of them. "Yasmyn likes it though, and sometimes she messes up on purpose."
Yasmyn chuckled, standing up from her stretch. "Don't worry, I'll teach you how to do them right. I don't want you getting hurt, fresh meat." She walked behind Cassidy, who was still holding her ankles. "Wow" she muttered. "The curtain matches the drapes." Cassidy's face grew warm, and she directed her eyes at the ground below her. "Stand still for a second." Yasmyn trailed her index finger between Cassidy's furry lips, gathering a bit of wetness on her long-nailed fingertip. Charlotte walked over to see what the fuss was about.
"Look at how wet she is, Yaz!" she exclaimed in her soprano-esque voice. "She'll make a good heifer for Daddy, I know it!"
Cassidy stood up, embarrassed from all the attention. "Yasmyn, how do you have so much milk?" She asked, glancing at Yasmyn's gently swaying tits. "Do you have babies?"
"No. Master has Charlotte and I on a strict regimen. He'll put you on it soon, too. If you're lucky you'll make as much milk as me." She wiggled her full breasts from side to side, causing drops of milk to fly in either direction.
Charlotte looked down at her C cup tits and worked the nipples, coaxing short streams of milk. A few drops landed on Cassidy's stomach, to Charlotte's delight.. "See, I can make milk, too! Don't worry, Daddy will make you milky like us."
"Come on, Char, stop fooling around. If you go wasting all your milk, you'll get spanked, and you know it. Let's show her the other stretch before Daddy comes back, ok?" Yasmyn scolded.
"Ok, big sissy," Charlotte said with youthful compliance. She laid on her back, bent her knees toward her chest and grabbed her skyward-pointing ankles. Her hairless cunt was wonderfully exposed; her baby pink inner lips even parted slightly so that both the girls got a peek at her glistening hole. "This is the second stretch. You have to do this one for ten seconds, too, ok, new friend?"
Cassidy followed suit, the
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