Literotica Black Owned

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Susan's Cunt Shared With Black Strangers.
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Interracial Love How I Became Black Owned Ch. 01
My start to being a black owned sexy white woman.
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Favorited by norwegiancuck , syn4321 , tattoos1 and 65 others
Sarah's First Submissive wife reluctantly takes black cock.
Cucked on Vacation With encouragement, wife submits to a hung black gentleman.
Beautiful Stacey Experiences Frank A beautiful white wife experiences a large black cock.
Wife Ruined Chris is forced to leave as his wife enjoys black cock.
Crazy for BBC (Big Black Cock) Ch. 01 Blonde wife's journey to becoming a BBC slut.
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Hi, my name is Sally. I'm a tall redheaded professional woman living in a major American city, in my early thirties, recently engaged to a terrific guy, Tom. Tom is also a professional, and we're very much in love.
I never in a million years would have expected the events I'm about to describe to have happened to me. I'm a straight-laced girl. Sure, I have had a normal number of relationships--and even been married before for a few years. And, yes, I'm considered quite nice looking. I have a cute face, and--if I do say so myself--an outstanding figure. Imagine curvy, with good-size breasts and a pert rear-end--and very long legs. Tom flatters me that I'm built like Scarlett Johansson but with long legs.
Life was going smoothly and uneventfully. I was looking forward to our wedding in a few months, and our careers were going well, too.
Then I met Jerome. It was on a flight home from a business trip. We were seated next to each other on a five hour flight in first class. I had gotten lucky with an upgrade. Jerome was a successful entrepreneur who routinely flies first.
From the moment I laid eyes on him, I was struck with his rugged and dark handsome appearance and physique. Not extremely handsome in the face, he nevertheless had rugged good looks. He was a dark chocolate black color with a neatly shaved head, perfect teeth, and 6-6 of pure muscle. I had never had the nerve to date black guys, but I was attracted to them.
We only chatted a bit early in the flight but starting about half way into the flight, I was finding Jerome charming and entertaining. He had me laughing. He waited until we are taxiing at the gate--like a gentleman so I wouldn't feel cornered--and asked me out. I reminded him I was engaged, and he replied, with his bright smile: "...but not married yet... Just honor me with one date. It'll be fun. Nothing need come of it." I couldn't resist his charming way and gave him my number.
Nothing came of it for a few weeks, and I had started to think maybe he had just enjoyed flirting with me. And then, unexpectedly, he did finally call. He was so warm and charming, I figured what harm could it do to enjoy one or two more dates before getting hitched? (I soon learned!) So anyway, I said yes, and we agreed to meet for a drink after work one day when Tom was going to be out of town.
Well, one drink and many laughs led to another drink--and then another. We were seated in a cozy dark booth in this upscale bar near Jerome's place-- another part of town from where Tom and I lived. Jerome had all the right gentle touches. Then he leaned in and kissed me. And I liked it so I kissed him back. We kissed and cuddled for a long time, and then--throwing caution to the wind--I let him convince me to go up to his apartment.
When we got there, he continued to be very amorous-- and I have to admit I matched his enthusiasm. 100 percent. We were making out on his sofa quite energetically when he finally guided my hand to what seemed like a hot metal cylinder in his pants. I couldn't believe the size and heat of it.
I lost track of things from there. It was a whirlwind. Next thing I knew, we were naked with him thrusting inside of me, bringing me quickly to orgasm, then subsiding a little and then orgasming again. A couple of time before I had orgasmed twice during sex, but never again and again like this!
Jerome and his glorious shaft possessed my pussy more profoundly than I ever thought possible. His cock reached places deep up inside me that had never been touched before. We looked so erotic all intertwined. He was more powerful and manly than anyone I had been with before. Our combined juices soaked his bed. All while his tongue and lips deliciously danced with mine, and his arms and hands groped me everywhere and made me feel so totally desired and loved. For a few minutes, he would thrust rough and hard, and then for a brief period he would go soft and easy--and then he would do it again-- and again and again.
He lasted a good long while before he came. He was a gentleman and asked me where I wanted his cum. There was only ever one option-- "Deep inside me, Jerome! Cum inside me!!" Of course his burst of cum set me off on yet another deep orgasm. I shouted so loud with my orgasm, I was embarrassed, actually!
There was never any condom. I was on the pill, and I was too comfortable with Jerome and caught in the moment for me to have paused to ask him to wear one.
Sex had never felt this good ever. I felt so taken and possessed. And I loved it!
When we paused and were cuddling, he said to me, "Sally, you really hadn't ever been properly blacked before had you?" I shook my head meekly. "Now that you have, do you think you can ever settle for anything less?" No, he was right. If what we had just done was called "me being blacked," no, I could not imagine not being blacked again and again and again! In fact, I wanted that intense blacked feeling all the time! And I told him so. "Please, Jerome! I loved, loved, loved being blacked by you! Will you please black me again and again and again?!"
Now he turned a little serious. "Sally, my darling, I'm so touched. Truly I would love to black you again and again. I would love to make you mine. In fact, I would love to own your pussy. But are you sure that's what you would want? It comes with more conditions than a date and a romp. I have very definite expectations for a fine woman like you if I am to black her routinely."
"Anything," I told him, "I cannot possibly go back to boring white sex after this. Tom isn't bad--but he's nothing compared with being blacked by you! What do you need from me?"
"Simple," Jerome told me, "You and your Tom need to agree that you will go black only. That your pussy will be only for me and---you will grow accustomed to this---for my black friends. And neither Tom nor any white man will ever touch your pussy again. You have to go strictly black. Oh, and there is more. Do you want to hear the rest of it?"
I practically begged to hear the rest of it. I was a little pathetic. But the sex was just that outstanding. It was like you mixed your best ever sex with a white guy with winning a lottery ticket while eating a bowl of ice cream, all in the middle of a tropical vacation--it was just an orgy of great feelings. Almost indescribable.
"Yes, Jerome, what is the rest of it?!"
And so he laid out the following.... (1) Tom would need to accept his sexless role or leave me. He might sometimes be allowed to eat me out to clean up cum from my pussy or ass, but that would be Tom's only contact with my pussy and ass. I could still blow him--but with Jerome's permission only. (2) Whenever I was alone with Jerome or any black man, I would have to be naked or immediately get naked. (3) I was never to refuse him sex, but if one of my openings--mouth, pussy, or ass--was uncomfortable or tired, I could offer him another. (4) Yes, I would have to give him my anal virginity--and that "option" would regularly be on the "menu." (5) Eventually, I was to be shared with his friends--but only good guys who were his close friends, he would be picky on my behalf. I could be selective with his friends, but if I turned one down, I might be denied sex with Jerome for as long as a month. (6) Everyone would be bareback. I could stay on the pill at first, but eventually Jerome would require me to flush my pills and he might give them to me-- *if* he wished. (7) If Tom did leave me or we broke up, I was to work towards marrying another white guy to be my cuckold. Jerome did not need a wife to support, and he found it much more arousing to own a white guy's wife.
I got wet, my nipples hardened, and my face flushed just thinking about these delicious rules...
As for the very first rule, and going black only.... And Tom having to accept that... I knew that Tom secretly looked at porn a lot, and I was not sure whether he would stay with me or leave me. I knew a lot of white guys fantasize about their women hooking up with black men... Becoming black owned, like I was now considering was quite a bit more than just a hook up! But having just had such shockingly amazing sex, being blacked by Jerome, Tom was a very dim concern. He just wasn't that important to me right at that moment--sad as it might be to say. Not compared to being blacked!
I loved the nasty idea of pivoting to being for Jerome and black cocks only. It made me tingle to think about! And it turned me on to think that together we would be dominating Tom--or another white guy--as my cuckold. Delicious!
When I further envisioned how demanding Jerome planned on being-- both for himself and his friends-- frankly, I shuddered a little from the excitement of how nasty it was. How vulnerable I would be! How deliciously used and possessed I would be! I never knew I had this side before-- but now I did!!
I pondered it only a few minutes before hugging Jerome, kissing him, swirling my tongue deep into his mouth, while groping his cock-- and telling him a super big YES!!!
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Interracial Love Black Owned Couple
A white submissive couple become slaves to a black man.
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Favorited by MotreMouth , Stankls , pixx and 50 others
Wife Ruined Chris is forced to leave as his wife enjoys black cock.
Cucked on Vacation With encouragement, wife submits to a hung black gentleman.
Black Diamond Man is cuckolded by black neighbor.
Bet with Roommate Leads to Cuckold Bet with college roommate goes wrong and I end up cucked.
Black Poker Party Husband watches helplessly as wife is blacked.
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It's a typical Friday night at our house. I work at a software company and travel on my job often. My wife Molly and I have been married for six years now. We bought this nice home about a year after getting married straight out of college. We live in the country. The house is secluded and sites back behind trees on forty acres. We have five bedrooms and a guest house. I guess you could say we got our dream home early in our marriage.
About several months ago we attended this live stock auction in town. Molly wanted to have horses and we had a barn and plenty of fenced land for several horses. We bought four horses in about as many weeks and soon found that taking care of these wonderful animals took more time and work than we originally thought.
After all, Molly was only interested in riding them. She knew nothing about taking care of these large animals nor did I. My name is Tom by the way. My wife Molly is twenty-eight. I'm hitting forty now and consider myself a very lucky man. Molly is my trophy wife.
I was up at the feed store one weekend buying supplies for the herd when a man approached me and we started to talk. He was a tall slim black man. He walked over and shook my hand and introduced himself as Harry.
"You live up at the old Johnson house don't you, Tom?"
I smiled as I tossed a bag of feed into my truck. "Yes, that's right. The big white one down at the end of the dirt road."
Harry smiled as he leaned his arm on my truck. "Well, I know a lot about that old place you know. I worked there for several years before old man Johnson passed away."
I turned around with interest on my face. "Oh, really? What sort of things did you do for the Johnson's, Harry?"
Harry grinned as he helped me put the last bags of feed onto the back of the truck.
"I guess you could say I was everything to them. I took care of the animals, the grounds and even worked as a handyman around the house."
Harry laughed than added. "I even drove Mrs. Johnson into town whenever she went shopping so I guess you could say I was their chauffeur too!"
"So, what do you do now that the Johnsons are gone?"
Harry sighed. "Well, I've been working here and there to make a few bucks when I can but I think I'll be moving back to Alabama where my family is from and see what kind of jobs I can find there."
I started thinking. I could sure use somebody like Harry out at the place. We had plenty of room and perhaps Harry could move right back into the guest house where he use to live. We talked for a long while and told him I'd speak to my wife. Molly felt relieved and excited that she was finally going to have some help taking care of our horses and the farm.
Harry moved in the following week. I can't tell you how hard Harry worked on getting things fixed around the place. Molly even took him up on his offers of driving her into town to go shopping once a week.
Harry practically took over the place within a few short months. We could always depend on him for the littlest things. Harry made sure everything ran like a fine tuned machine and we were pleased.
Molly moved her shapely round ass on the bed as I kissed the crack of her cheeks than slapped her ass a couple times. She yelped out in pleasure and turned her head around and tried to look at me as she spoke.
"Come on baby, stop teasing me and fuck my ass."
I slapped her bottom again only a lot harder and watched as her white flesh giggled to the touch of my bare hand. I used both hands on my wife's ass this time and grabbed hold of each cheek and squeezed them hard.
Molly couldn't move much. I had both of her hands handcuffed to the front of the bed. I scooted down just far enough to bury my tongue between the cheeks of her ass and poked my tongue near her asshole. Molly arched her hips up trying to push her body back against my face. Her hips rocked from side to side as I held her cheeks apart.
I leaned up and over my wife's round ass feeling the warm hot white flesh against my thighs as I reached out and around and aimed for my wife's nipples. I pinched each one very hard making her scream out with joy. She loved being treated like a slut. She was my wife and my slut whore.
We loved this kind of fantasy play. It's something we enjoyed since our dating days. I kept playing with Molly's hard nipples and kneaded her large breasts with each hand making her moan with delight.
I arched back up and slapped her ass really hard making her ass shake and quiver as she screamed out to me for more.
"Please baby. I need you to fuck me. I want to feel your cock inside my ass....Please!"
I was rock solid hard. I reached for my tube of lubricant and rubbed a small amount over the head of my cock and around my shaft. I teased Molly for several minutes until she practically begged for my cock.
I carefully aimed it at her tight little ass and worked the head inside. I'm not that big so I slipped in rather easily after the head was inserted. I than grabbed hold of Molly's ass and rode her like she was a horse.
I kept shoving my cock deep inside her ass while she strained on those handcuffs I had attached to the headboard. I didn't last long and shot my wade inside her ass within a short few minutes leaving my wife hanging and unfulfilled as my cock shrank down to size.
"Damn you , Tom! Come on and make me cum! I need to cum baby...Please!"
I was panting and trying to catch my breath as I unlocked each cuff freeing Molly's arms one at a time. She quickly flipped over positioning her ass on the bed and arched her legs back and started to play with her pussy.
I knew what she wanted so I moved around on the bed and buried my face between her creamy white thighs and began to like. My face kept hitting her working hand which was stimulating her clit at the time. I soon pushed my face up until I was able to move my hand away from her pussy so my tongue soon took over the job of stimulating her hard clitoris.
Molly's body moved and jerked all around the bed as I worked my tongue on her pussy. I brought my wife to three orgasms before I was done leaving her finally limp and exhausted on the bed as I got up and reached for a towel to wipe off my face.
I turned around and saw something out of the corner of my eye. I forgot all about the bedroom door being open. The hallway was dark but I was still able to see the dark figure of a man standing out in the darkness. He starred at me and I starred back. It was Harry.
The next morning I walked out to the barn where Harry was feeding the horse. He said his typical good morning to me as we exchanged smiles as I drank my coffee. I walked around the stable trying to figure out what to say to the man.
"I guess you saw everything last night?"
Harry stopped what he was doing and looked over at me saying. "Oh...Uh.....I'm really sorry about that, Tom. I came back in last night thinking something was wrong when I heard Molly screaming. You know it's always better to check and make sure nothing is wrong."
I smiled even though I was embarrassed about what he saw last night. "Oh, well....Thanks anyway, Harry. I appreciate your concern for us."
Harry went back to what he was doing than hesitated and turned around and what he said next pretty much took me over the edge in shock.
"You now, Tom. I could give you some pointers on how to train that bitch of yours. Yes sir, I could do a lot of things." Harry was still moving the shovel in his hands as he spoke but stopped cold and gave me a stare I'll never forget.
"What she needs is a good black dick up that tight little ass." He boldly continued next saying. "You just let me know Tom, and I'll work it out for us."
Harry stepped closer until we were face to face. "I know what it's like Tom. You white folks are all alike when it comes to acting all proper and nice. I heard Molly last week from out here last week, you know."
My eyes opened wide as I listened to Harry speak. "You know damn well what I'm talking about. The night Molly was screaming for you to fuck her hard and she kept taunting you about how she was going to find out how big my black cock was!"
I was in shock! I tried to shake my head and act like he was lying but it didn't w
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