Literotica Baby Sitter

Literotica Baby Sitter


Literotica Baby Sitter
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The new sitter needs things explained to her.
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I'm happily married and I have three children under the age of five. I love my wife and we are sexually compatible and enjoy a reasonably full sex-life.
I'm actually a bit more interested in sex than my wife, and she doesn't really mind if I get a bit elsewhere at times, as long as I'm not blatant about it. However, she would object strongly to me hunting for a bit on the side. Her attitude seems to be if some silly girl throws themselves at me, it's their own silly fault if I occasionally stop and catch one.
All in all, I am content with my way of life.
Recently our baby-sitter moved, and we had to go and find another one. Karen was recommended by friends, and after interviewing her she seem to be a reasonable choice. She was eighteen, quite pretty and seemed to be sensible.
We hired Karen, and she sat for us a couple of times, proving to be quite efficient. The third time we hired her was different.
Karen arrived as scheduled, Simone and I gathered our things and we left. We were due at a dinner and meeting and expected to be out until midnight, and we had informed Karen of this.
We had our dinner and then the meeting finished early. Everyone seemed in agreement and it all went very smoothly. So we headed on home, arriving there about ten.
The first surprise was that the front door was unlocked. The wire door was closed but the main door was standing open. I frowned at this, as it was not what we expected. We walk into the hall and there's this youth walking down our hall, aged about nineteen. He jumps when he sees us, ducks past and is out the door and running as if he were at a track meet.
Simone and I look at each other, and then I shrugged and closed the main door. We started down the hall and I was about to call out to Karen when I heard her voice.
"Hurry up, Billy," she called. "I have a surprise for you."
My wife and I look at each other again. She mouthed "Billy?" thumbing in the direction of the vanished track star.
"Probably," I murmured. "Let's see what his surprise is."
We walked quietly into the lounge room, and there's Karen. She has stripped off and is bent naked over an armchair, legs spread and pussy on display.
She must have heard something because she giggled. Without looking around she said, "Well come on. You won't get an invitation like this every day."
Simone put her hand down and felt my crotch, quite certain I'd have an erection. She wasn't wrong. She was slightly annoyed though. She promptly undid my zip and pulled my erection out and patted it.
Karen must have heard the zip because she giggled again. "Quickly before I change my mind," she called.
Simone stepped back and indicated that I should feel free to proceed. What could I do? As Karen said, I wouldn't get an invitation like that every day.
I stepped forward, placed my cock against Karen's eagerly waiting pussy, and drove fully into her with one rough thrust.
Karen shrieked, apparently not having expected such an enthusiastic response. She shrieked again when I reached around and greedily latched onto her breasts. Very nice breasts they were, too. I was most impressed by them.
I suspect that the suit I was wearing and the nice cufflinks she could see when she looked at the hands mauling her breasts tipped her off that it wasn't Billy bonking her.
She gave another horrified squeal and was twisting and turning, trying to see who was behind her.
Now that I had a proper grip I started pounding her pussy, taking my time but making each thrust hard and heavy so her pussy knew I was there.
Karen is squealing and wriggling, trying to determine what went wrong and why someone unknown was making free of her sex.
Now my wife came strolling in to walk around where Karen could see her.
"Karen," she murmured, "so good of you to offer my husband some relaxation like this. It's that time of the month for me, and I know the poor lamb has been feeling frustrated."
That was news to me. We'd had a very torrid time before getting up this morning, but who am I to argue with a woman?
Karen had frozen when Simone had appeared. That is, she'd frozen as much as you can when you're bent over with a large male buried inside you and trying to batter you to death from the inside.
She gaped at Simone in shock and seemed to be trying to speak.
Simone however just blandly carried on. "I'm sure that the amount we pay you doesn't normally cover little extras like this. How much do you normally charge fathers for this sort of service?"
Karen was frantically shaking her head, apparently not knowing what to say, and probably finding it hard to concentrate on anything but the cock that was so thoroughly stirring up her insides.
Simone was still gently goading the poor girl, wondering out loud if she should ring Mary and ask her what Karen usually charged for sex, since Karen seemed too busy on her self-appointed task to answer.
Karen finally found her tongue and was frantically yelling, "No, stop," but whether she was addressing me or Simone I couldn't really tell.
Choosing to assume that she was talking to Simone, I kept happily driving into her poor battered pussy. It wasn't all that battered, now I come to consider it. When her attention had switched from her horror at finding someone unknown bonking her to her horror at finding Simone there, she had relaxed her pussy, which promptly went into automatic mode and was bouncing against my cock in fine style.
Suddenly seeming to realise how enthusiastically she was responding to my cock, Karen's attention tried to switch from Simone to me, failed and it must have seemed to the poor girl that all she could think of was that cock in her, bouncing her in fine style.
Karen suddenly gasped loudly and her breath started coming in quick short pants as her climax started building around her. I flicked a look at Simone and she was smirking. She flipped me a 'go for it' gesture, and I slammed even harder into Karen, releasing my seed and her orgasm. She shrieked again as she came, then seemed to sink against the chair, sobbing for breath.
Simone looked at Karen, still bent naked across the chair, then with an evil smirk she went across to her odds and ends cupboard. She pulled out this wicked little paddle that she would wave at the kids sometimes.
"I always knew I'd get to try this out, sometime," she said.
She waltzed back to where Karen was now trying to stand up, her eyes on the paddle.
"No, don't move yet, Karen," Simone sang. "I'd like to explain something."
Then she was standing by Karen, swinging the paddle.
There was a large smacking sound and a scream, followed by a few more loud smacking sounds and matching screams. At that point I moved in and remove the paddle from Simone's hand. I didn't want her to get too carried away.
I lifted Karen to her feet, and wiped her eyes, stemming the tears.
"What my wife is trying to say is that when you babysit, you are in a position of responsibility. Little things like admitting strangers to the house and leaving the main door open are irresponsible acts that could lead to unfortunate consequences. As you may have noticed. If we are to continue to use you as a baby sitter you will need to be more careful in future. Understood?"
Karen nodded. I glanced across at Simone. "I think we should give her a second chance. I don't think she'll make the same mistakes again."
Simone nodded. She frowned at Karen and then told me that she was going to bed. Would I be so kind as to pay the girl and run her home.
I nodded, and suggested to Karen that she might like to get dressed before I saw her home. Karen turned scarlet, having apparently forgotten that little detail in all the excitement. I went with the Simone to our bedroom, finding Simone almost staggering she laughing so much.
"Oh, god," she said. "If you could only have seen her face when I walked in while you were screwing her. She thought she'd died and gone to hell. And that scream when you took up her invitation, instead of Billy." She started laughing again.
Driving Karen home, she finally raised what was on her mind.
"Not really," I pointed out. "I walked into my lounge room and a naked girl asked me to help myself, so I did. You never got around to saying no."
"I screamed," Karen snapped pointedly.
"Yes, I noticed. Women often do when I take them."
"I hope you don't think that you can do that sort of thing again," she stated.
"I don't see why not," I told her. "We both enjoyed it. As long as you get permission from Simone, I'm sure we can have another friendly encounter."
That shut her up. I'm not sure whether she was planning to never babysit for us again or wondering how to approach Simone for permission for another encounter of a close kind. Time will tell.
Glad that I found this story. Amazing and very hot.
A nice innocent development and a juicy climax.
She never said "no"! You must say "no" and she did invite him.
Another blockbuster Ashson, sexy and very very funny. I mostly laugh through your stories as they are just so sarcastically funny, but also dripping sexy.
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An outrageous suggestion - and she went along with it.
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"I'm bored. How about you taking your clothes off?"
Ellen looked at me as though I'd just gone insane.
"Excuse me?" she said, sounding slightly shocked.
"Your clothes. Divest yourself from them so I can see what you look like naked. From what I can see while you're dressed you've got a very good figure. Right now I want to see you in the nude."
Ellen is our baby-sitter. She's eighteen, bright and vivacious, dark hair with hazel eyes. Reasonably intelligent and quite fit and athletic. The fit and athletic bit comes from doing cheerleader routines. They can be a bit strenuous I believe. Also, from the look on her face, doubtful of my sanity.
Right now the kids were asleep and Margaret was getting dressed up for our night out. We weren't due to leave for about another hour and Margaret would need all that time to prepare. Me, I run through the shower, scrape a comb over my hair, and throw some clothes on. Obviously the difference in preparation time leaves me sitting around twiddling my thumbs, mainly because there was nothing worth watching on TV and I'd just finished the book I was reading. Hence the boredom and hence the wicked suggestion to Ellen.
"Have you lost your mind?" she demanded. "Why would you suggest such a thing? Why would you think I'd go along with it? Have you forgotten that Margaret is also in the house?"
"All those questions. Let's see if I can answer them in order? "No, I don't think I've lost my mind. I've already said I want to see you naked. As to why you'd go along with it may I suggest excitement over an illicit thrill and money? As for worrying about Margaret being in the house, why would that concern you unless you were considering the idea?"
"I most certainly was not," she gasped. "Even if I had been I wouldn't because you'd probably try and touch me."
"Touching you would tend to depend on how big a bonus you would want included in your baby-sitting money," I told her. "The bigger the bonus the greater the touching. How much of a bonus would you want if I restricted touching to my eyes only?"
"It doesn't matter because I'm not doing it," she snapped, not looking at me.
"But if you were, what would you expect?" I pushed.
"Double," she said defiantly, glaring at me.
"That seems reasonable to me," I agreed. "I would, of course, give you your bonus in advance so there's no chance of me cheating you. Okay?"
"Hold on. I haven't agreed to do it. The idea is just silly. I can't believe you even suggested it."
"That's me, I guess, the master of silly ideas. Still, this is your chance to cash in on one of them. What harm can it do?"
"Is safely in the bedroom primping and preparing and won't even show her face for half an hour minimum. I've lived with her long enough to know her habits."
"Just looking?" Her voice was a little nervous.
"Just looking," I agreed, showing her I already had the extra money in my hand.
Blushing quite fiercely she grabbed the money and jammed it into a pocket. Then, not looking at me, she started lifting her top up. Top and slacks went first, leaving her in her undies. I was a little surprised. I'd have guessed top and bra, but no. I was even more surprised when the next item to be removed was her panties. Thinking about it I guessed it made sense. I couldn't see much in that area as long as she kept her legs together. Breasts were another matter entirely. Once she took her bra off they would feature somewhat prominently.
Did they ever. A 'C' cup for sure, and I'd hate to guess her actual measurements. If asked I'd just say magnificent. Actually, I didn't need to be asked.
"Magnificent," I said with heart felt sincerity, reaching over to stroke her breasts.
She made a funny sound and hastily backed up a step, letting my hand fall away.
"You said no touching," she gasped out, while I admired the way her nipples had responded to that gentle stroke. Rather sensitive in that area it seemed.
"Not exactly," I argued. "I said the amount of touching would depend on the size of the bonus. Seeing I've already touched and want to touch again I suppose I should double the size of the bonus. That's only fair."
She had the money in her hand before it registered what she'd just agreed to by taking it. She hastily put the money down (on her clothes, I noticed) and protested.
"I'm not sure I want you touching me," she told me.
Like I gave a damn. She'd already taken the money and those lovely breasts were again within reach, so I reached.
My hands closed over both her breasts, just caressing them gently.
"Don't worry about it," I told her. "It's just a bit of friendly stroking. You have such lovely breasts. They just cry out for a man's attention."
She didn't make any more protests as I stroked her breasts, mingling the touching with a bit of tactile mouth action. Any time I kissed her breasts my hands would wander down to her waist, not going beyond that for the time being.
Finally judging that she was starting to get aroused a hand dropped lower than her waist, rubbing across her mons and between her legs, cupping and rubbing her vulva. Putting a little circular motion on what I was doing agitated her pudenda, moving them apart and pushing them back together.
"Not there," she objected, pushing at my hand. "That's too much."
"If you say so," I agreed, moving my hand away, at the same time sinking down onto one knee.
I think 'nngh' best describes the sound she made when my tongue started slipping past her lips and into her. Whatever the noise was supposed to be it was uttered past a hand that was clamped across her mouth. Her hand, not mine. My hands were clutching her bottom.
Her hands came down and tangled in my hair. Not pulling me away or holding me in place, just tangling in my hair. I don't think she knew what she wanted to do.
"What do you think you're doing?" she managed to ask and I pulled my head away for a second, looking up at her.
"Touching you, that's all," I told her, my head moving back so my attack could continue.
I damn near lost some hair when my tongue started poking around too close to her clitoris. Her hands tightened convulsively while she managed to whisper, "Don't".
A little bit more of building her up and she was on the verge of an orgasm. That's when I stood up. I'd already undone my trousers and my erection was standing out, ready for action. I rose to my feet, pressing against her as I came, and she was totally unprepared to find my cock coming up between her legs and preparing to push into her.
Poor Ellen didn't stand a chance. She was so close to a climax that my cock invading her was enough to send her over the edge. She got out another 'nngh' and then she was shuddering as she climaxed very nicely. Even as she was coming down from it my cock was pushing further into her, slipping fully home before she could catch her breath.
I'd already started the age old dance and she was moving with me, partnering me very nicely, thank you, when she got her breath back.
"I didn't agree to this," she whispered fiercely. "How could you?"
"You agreed to touching," I pointed out. "You can't deny that this is touching you."
To emphasise the point I gave a slightly harder thrust, one which she met with ease. Taking note of this little fact I upped the tempo a little, finding Ellen more than capable of moving right along with me.
"There's touching and touching," she said somewhat acerbically, "and this isn't the touching I agreed to."
"Well how was I supposed to know that," I said plaintively. "It was certainly what I meant."
"Oh! Oh, you liar," she said, sounding as though she absolutely believed it. It is tragic to have someone so mistake your intentions.
"I can't stop you thinking that, no matter how wrong you are," I said with a sigh. "Still, as we've gone this far it seems silly to stop. How about I just go a little faster so we finish sooner?"
I picked up the pace again while Ellen said a few rude words about my character, not missing a stroke even so. She quietened down then, breathing hard and determinedly moving with me. My hands were back on her breasts, rubbing them and teasing her nipples.
We carried on for a few more minutes. I was building up to a crescendo and from what I could sense from Ellen she was going to be very near to her second climax in short order.
I finally started giving her shorter, faster, strokes, trying to push her over the edge and, believe me, it didn't take much of a push. Her hand flew to her mouth and she gave another of those muffled screams, climaxing brilliantly, while I just gave a quiet groan and had my own climax.
As soon as we separated Ellen grabbed her clothes and vanished into the bathroom, emerging ten minutes later as though no
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