Literotica Author Husband Revenge Story

Literotica Author Husband Revenge Story


Literotica Author Husband Revenge Story
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Loving Wives Husband's Revenge Ch. 01
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An Unexpected Reaction To an unacceptable situation.
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I couldn't believe it. After 24 years of marriage, two wonderful boys, both doing very well in college, a colleague of mine at work was sitting in my office telling me that I better pay more attention to my home life.
"Listen Bill", he said, "my wife and I have gone through some tough times too. You are 46 years old, your wife is 45, its natural for some boredom to set in. There might not be anything to it . Its just that, as a friend, I thought you should know that last Thursday night when you were out of town, I saw Sally leaving the Hilton Hotel at midnight on the arm of some guy."
I was thunderstruck. I had the all-American life. Great wife, great kids, good jobs, upscale house; the whole ball of wax. Sally and I had never even looked at other people. We had created a wonderful home for our family and had spent the last 24 years building something that all of our friends were envious of. Sally and I kept in shape and I thought we were more in love than ever. Of course we had a few arguments, but they were few and far between. Sometimes we had spent a lot of time with the kids and with our jobs, but I thought that's what we wanted to do for the future, to ensure the good life.
I had called her at dinner time last Thursday night from the road and she said she was going to curl up with a good book for the evening.
The rest of the morning I couldn't get the thought of Sally screwing another man out of my mine. It made me physically sick. I started to review the last year in my mind. Thinking if there had been any change in her attitude, or when she might have had the opportunity to have an affair.
I couldn't think of anything. She had been working harder the last three months, but that was because her company was being reorganized and she had a new boss. Come to think of it the frequency of our own sex had dropped during the last three months. Down from three times a week to once a week or even once every two weeks in some cases. I hadn't even realized it. Damn I guess we were getting comfortable.
I went to my friends office and asked if he would recognize the man. He said he thought he would. I asked if he would go to lunch with me. On the way we would stop by Sally's company and he could see if he spotted the man. He reluctantly agreed and a few minute before noon we were driving across town. We entered Sally's building and stood at the elevators. The doors opened and getting off was Sally and a fit looking man in his late thirties.
"Bill," she stammered turning red, "What are you doing here. I was just going to lunch with Mr. Bates my new boss. I've told you about him."
I shook hands with Sally's boss and introduced my friend.
I turned to Sally and said, "we were in the area and just though I'd stop by to say hello and give you a kiss!"
With that I put my arms around Sally and tried to kiss her, but she turned her head at the last minute and I kissed her cheek.
Sally said, "We have to go to a lunch meeting, thanks for stopping by, I'll see you at home tonight honey."
Minutes later, back in the car, my friend said that Sally's boss was the man he had seen her with. I watched to see what kind of car Sally and her Boss got in to, then purposely drove away before them. Looking in the rearview mirror I saw their car pulling out in the other direction.
I told my friend thanks for going with me and took him back to our office building. After letting him out I drove to the Hilton Hotel to look in the parking lot. Sure enough, the fancy Lexus that Sally had gotten in, was parked on the top level of the parking garage at the Hilton.
Now I didn't know what to think. There was a good restaurant in the Hilton. They could have a legitimate business luncheon there. But the seed of doubt had been planted, actually it wasn't a seed it was a huge Oak Tree of doubt.
I was lost in thought all afternoon. I decided that I didn't want to throw away the life I had built. I wouldn't confront Sally. I would make greater efforts to be a better husband, and ask her if everything was all right. However, I would also keep my eyes and ears open for any lies she might tell.
I couldn't believe this. The person I loved most in the world. The person I would trust my life with. The person I wanted to grow old and die with. Now I was going to try and catch my darling Sally in a lie.
Over the next month I was especially attentive to Sally. I brought her flowers, took her out to romantic dinners when our schedules permitted, even drove the two hours to our son's college and spent the weekend doing family things with them. I hoped that all of this would rekindle a spark in her. I hugged her more often, held her hand and generally acted as if I was courting her all over again. Nothing seemed to change. She was often quiet and distant. Sometimes she had a look of guilt on her face.
Our love making continued to drop in frequency. Part of that was because I couldn't get the vision of her rolling around naked with what I imagined was a very well endowed Mr. Bates out of my mind.
These unwanted visions were very graphic and included Sally on her knees licking the length of his engorged cock while he smiled down at her and caressed her hair. Another vision included Sally on her hands and knees, her breasts swinging like two pendulums as her boss steadily stroked his 9 inches in and out of her while she grunted obscenities. The worst dream showed Mr. Bates and Sally on their sides in a sixty nine position Sally deep-throating his massive prick, fondling his hairy balls with one hand while she stroked his ass hole with the fingers of her other hand, at the same time Mr. Bates was sucking her prominent and erect clit, finger fucking her with three fingers of one hand while he buried the middle finger of his other hand in her ass hole up to the last knuckle.
To make matters worse, those times I did make romantic overtures, Sally just didn't seem interested in sex. She even stopped wearing nightgowns to bed in favor of ugly flannel pajamas.
I even had a terrible thought while visiting our sons at college. Our first boy looked a lot like me. He was dark haired and tall with a slender build. Our second son, three years younger, now 19, was short and blond with the build of a wrestler. Could our whole 24 year marriage be a sham? Had I been raising someone else's bastard child? I loved my boys with all of my heart. I would do anything for them. But the doubts continued to grow.
Finally, six weeks after my friend had told me to be careful, I decided I had to find out the truth. That night I asked Sally if she were OK? Was there anything that she wanted to talk about? I felt that she was becoming distant and I loved her with all my heart. I didn't want to lose her. If she would talk to me I would do anything for her.
She got that guilty look on her face, but quickly covered it up and said, "everything is fine." She went on to say that, "our life was good, it was just that she was working hard and missed having the boys at home."
I hugged her to me and whispered my love for her.
She sat woodenly, never said a word and pretended that she didn't see the tear in my eyes. I had given her a chance to be honest with me. I had hoped that she would build on our 24 years of trust with each other. But she hadn't.
I knew that I had to have more concrete evidence so I decided to pretend to have a three night business trip. I had been sticking close to Sally during non-working hours, so she hadn't had a chance to get out without me. I was sure that if I was being cuckolded she would take advantage of my absence to put more horns on my head.
The next week I left home on Tuesday morning telling Sally I would see her on Friday. I worked all day. At lunch I rented a small economy car that no one would recognize, I even got tinted windows in the rental so that I could drive around town without being recognized. I also drove by the Hilton Hotel, but neither her car nor her boss' car were in the lot. That gave me hope that nothing was going on. I decided to rent a room at he Hilton but didn't check in. I thought I'd wait.
Six O'clock found me parked in my rental car down the block from my house. Shortly after six Sally pulled into our driveway and went in. Nothing happened for the next two hours. Everything was just as it should be.
Just after eight o'clock Mr. Bate's Lexus pulled into my driveway. He walked up the steps and walked right in my front door without even ringing the bell or knocking. My heart was breaking. I loved Sally more than anything. I was devoted to her. I tried to convince myself that this was an innocent business meeting and that Mr. Bates would leave in a couple of minutes. 5 minutes later my front door opened and my heart jumped for joy, only to sink again as Sally followed Mr. Bates out the door and locked it behind her.
Sally was dressed in a short black cocktail dress that I had bought her the month before while trying to romance her. I wondered if she had on the matching black panties, bra and stockings that I had bought with the dress. Sally had happily accepted the gift, but had never worn it for me.
I followed them right to the Hilton Hotel. Bates went to the "check-in" desk and I could see Sally go into the lounge/bar. After doing his business at the front desk Bates followed Sally into the lounge.
I slipped into the lobby and cautiously peered into the lounge. Seated across the lounge in a booth was Sally and Bates, their arms around each other talking to a waitress. I went into the men's room in the lobby for about 10 minutes, then peered around the corner into the lounge again. The table was empty except for two half finished drinks.
I surveyed the dark lounge and spotted Sally and Bates dancing on the small dance floor. They were dancing very close his hands caressing her buttocks as she ground her crotch on his thigh and planted a wet sloppy kiss on his grinning face. My heart broke. A rage filled my soul. I thought about rushing into the lounge and punching Sally's boss in the face. But I stopped myself. I felt sick.
I ran out of the Hotel and threw up in the parking lot. Finally I just sat in my car. I buried my face in my hands and began to sob.
It took some time for me to compose myself. But finally I began watching the area between the lounge and the elevators. I could see easily through the glass lobby. About 30 minutes later I saw them, arms around each other, walking to the elevator.
They got on and I could see the indicators light blink 6 times before it stopped.
I went back into the Hotel at the desk I said I was there to check in. "Can I have a room on the sixth floor," I asked?
The clerk responded, "I only have one room left on that floor. It's at the end of the hall."
He laughed and continued, "the sixth floor is where I put my regulars."
"I'll bet those two who just walked through here groping each other are regulars", I commented.
He smiled and whispered, "Yea!, they are in here once or twice a week always hanging all over each other and always get the same corner room with a Jacuzzi and great view of both the river and the park."
I quickly looked at the floor plan that was posted by the desk and realized that he had to be talking about room 607.
Looking at the floor plan I saw that it was next to 607.
I found myself sitting in the dark of room 609 straining my ears to hear what was going on through the wall. Using the old glass against the wall trick I could occasionally pick up a bit of conversation and noise from the room next door.
"Take it off... . ... mmmm... ... ... that's nice... ... ... .harder, harder... ... thattt's iiittt... oh god! Oh god! Oh god!... Arrgggggggg!!... ...
After 15 minutes of this the room got quiet. After a few minutes I could hear Bates dial the phone. I couldn't hear much but I could make out the words "room service".
I cracked my door and waited for the bell boy. About 10 minutes later I saw the bell boy rolling a cart down the hall he knocked on the door of 607. The door opened and the young black boy pushed the cart in. I stood by the door and as the bell boy left the room I entered the hall and began walking beside him towards the elevators.
I looked at him and said, "Maybe they will be quiet now that they have some food."
The Bellboy grinned at me and said, "I'll bet they get noisy. The woman was sitting in the jacuzzi when I went in. Nice looking wool for a middle-aged bitch. I've been delivering strawberries and champagne to them for the last couple of months. The man always tips good. I think he likes showing off his side woman to someone who don't know who either one of them is. That's a classic screwing around on their spouse couple. I can always tell. It happens a lot around here."
As we rode on the elevator together to the lobby the bellboy added, "Yea! they will be leaving here around midnight. They always do. She will go home to her husband and he will go home to his wife. I wonder if they knock off another piece when they get home. Lucky guy, stickin' it in two different cunts on the same night. Of course she gets to ride two different poles. I wonder if her husband can tell she's full of somebody else's come when she gets home. I ain't never seen no rubbers in that room."
I got in my car and drove aimlessly around town. Strawberries and Champagne had been Sally's and my special treat on our honeymoon. It was a special event with us that was a part of our closest moments. She was sharing it with her lover.
Mocking me. I felt like a knife was cutting my heart out. This was no one night fling. I could almost forgive that. This was a deliberate and personal betrayal.
I began to wonder if "I ever had been second in line," when I made love to her. I couldn't remember anything unusual about her when we made love, although there were a few nights when she would be extra wet.
I found myself in front of my own home. I glanced at my watch and saw that it was about 10:30. If they stayed until midnight I would have some time. I went into my house and did not turn on any lights. I was supposed to be out of town.
I decided to see if I could find anything incriminating. I searched Sally's desk, her dresser and her closet. At the bottom of her drawers I was shocked to find some very sexy lingerie that I didn't know she owned. Also, I found some charge slips for hotel rooms I didn't know about.
Finally I checked in the garage storage area and discovered a wealth of stuff at the bottom of a box labeled "Sally's Old Clothes".
I sat in the garage with a flash light and my whole life went down the drain. I had all the evidence I needed.
In the box I found love letters to Sally from three different men including Mr. Bates. I also found some pictures. Old style Polaroid's that were yellow from age. One showed Sally in Bikini bottoms only, water dripping from her hair and breasts, standing on a boat next to a completely naked, stocky, blond man. She had a wide grin as she held his substantial erect penis in one hand and a can of beer in the other. The man had a look of pure lust on his face.
I glanced at the back of the photo. In pencil was written, "On Frank's boat, Aug. 1978" . Based on Sally's youthful look the date seemed about right. It was between the birth of our first and second son. That explained the size of Sally's breasts. They were huge, with dark brown nipples. She would have still been nursing our oldest. I remembered that Frank had been a manager where Sally worked then. It seemed she had a thing for her bosses. But what was worse was that Frank was a dead ringer for my second son.
There were other pictures of Frank and Sally obviously taken with a camera timer. Some innocent tourist type shots at the lake, at a restaurant. But then there were some of the two of them naked. Several in a motel room, where there were shots of them performing oral sex on each other, one of Frank fucking Sally doggy-style and two with Sally riding on top of Frank while he laid on his back smiling at the camera.
There was even a close up of a cock entering a pussy, but it was a close-up and you couldn't tell who the genitalia belonged to. The last picture of this group showed Sally's face being blasted with come from a large penis that had blond pubic hair. The come was in her eye, dripping off of her nose and landing on her outstretched tongue.
There was another set of pictures and letters with another man. Based on the notes written on the back of the pictures, this affair had taken place about 7 years ago. I recognized the man, not as one of Sally's bosses, but as a salesman in her company. I had met him at some business social events.
I remembered that he had been transferred across the country about 5 years ago. These pictures were like the others. Some were innocent and some were graphic. One of the ones that bothered me the most showed Sally in a snap crotch Teddy that I had bought her for our anniversary. She had his penis deep-throated so her nose was buried in his dark pubic hair while the man plunged what looked like a dildo into her splayed pussy.
I looked at my watch and realized that it was almost midnight. I quickly put the letters and pictures back in their hiding place and went out to my rental car to wait. At about 12:30 the Lexus pulled up. Both Sally and Bates went into the house. Ten minutes later he came out and I followed him across the city to an upscale residential area he pulled his car into the garage and went inside.
I went back to the Hotel and spent a sleepless night deciding what to do.
I wanted to kill both of them. I wanted a divorce. I wanted to make her pay for making a joke of my life and my emotions.
A plan formulated in my mind. If she wanted to fuck other men then I would make sure that she got all she could handle and then some. At the same time I would make sure that I could get a divorce and keep all the possessions and money I had worked for. And I would destroy Sally and as many of the men who had been with her as I could!!!
The next morning, eyes bloodshot from lack of sleep, I went to my office and found the man that would be key to making my plan work.
My office had hired an ex-con to work in the maintenance department. He was a 30 year old black man who had spent 5 years in jail for assault and battery as well as some drug charges. Anthony was trying to straighten out his life, but I knew that he was having a hard time making ends meet. I was about to help him with that problem and he was about to help me with Sally. Although if my plan worked, I'm sure that he would enjoy it.
First thing in the morning I asked Anthony into my office. "Would you like to make an enjoyable $500?"
He immediately got suspicious. "I can't risk going back to jail," he said.
"Well, some of what I want you to do will be illegal, there isn't much chance of you getting into trouble," I explained.
After I described the plan he readily agreed and said he would be ready that night.
I barely endured this cuck BS of a beginnin
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