Literotica Asian Cuckold

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Fetish Asian Wife First Time Cuckold
Soon to be wife cuckolds me before wedding.
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To give you all some background my soon to be wife is a 25yr old 120lbs Asian of 5'2" with a small fit figure. Her tits are B-Cups with dark perfectly round nipples and sucking on them turns her on instantly. Most people are instantly drawn to her innocent-cute personality and smile that lights up a room.
I am a chubby 5'10" white guy with green eyes, but, thinning hair. Definitely not as sexy as I was when Chloe and I met 4 years ago.
For the most part our relationship has been full of fun and laughter while abiding by the conservative southern lifestyle we grew up to know. Neither of us have spoken about introducing another individual into our sex life or even considered public flirting. However, secretly I am a big fan of cuckold experiences and through others have always dreamed of sharing my wife with another man. Part of me thinks she knew this even though we never spoke about it out loud.
Our conservative story changes about 3 weeks before our wedding when one of her coworkers, an older Indian man named Dipen who has always mentored Chloe, bought her a $350 purse as a wedding present. Chloe let me know as soon as he got her the gift and naturally I became a bit jealous.
When Chloe returned home from work we discussed the gift in detail.
"I'm pretty sure this purse means Dipen has more in mind than just providing a wedding gift. It's not like he was thinking of us as a couple when he buys you an expensive purse." I said.
"You just don't understand Asian culture. He gave me this purse and said he wanted me to be happy and smiling at work when I returned from our honeymoon. I'm not the only one Dipen has given a gift too at the office." Chloe said.
The conversation went on a bit longer with Chloe telling me that she had agreed for us to take Dipen out to get drinks sometime. Dipen had always requested to meet me in person through company happy hour functions. There was a lot of traffic between our offices so I had never attempted to actually go meet him and Chloe's other coworkers.
A few days go by and Chloe comes home from work.
"Hey Babe! I told Dipen we would get drinks with him this Friday. He said he wants to meet you before our big honeymoon so he can wish us well. Dipen will probably cover the bill as usual so you can get drunk for free! Pretty good, right?" She said.
"Alright we will go. I will try to leave work a little early to get through the traffic." I said reluctantly.
The next couple days flew by and I would periodically go over the situation in my mind. Maybe Dipen didn't have ulterior motives after all?
Friday night comes along. I make it home from work and greet Chloe cheerily. I wanted to let her know I was excited about the drinks even though I would rather have avoided the situation. Chloe gets dressed and comes out of the bedroom looking more business than cocktail hour fashion. She is a very thoughtful person and I believe she dressed conservative intentionally to make me feel more comfortable.
"Hey babe, why not wear that white dress you bought a couple weeks ago? You look like we're going to work!" I said.
"Ha! Alright I will grab that dress. I know you liked it." She mentioned as she walked back to the bedroom with a smile.
This time Chloe returned looking like she was ready for a night out. Her white dress showed her figure nicely. It was low cut which made her tits look fantastic. The dress was sheer enough so her bra and panties were slightly visible underneath.
"Damn, Chloe. You look fine as fuck. Going to have trouble keeping my hands off of you." I said playfully.
"Let's go you animal." She giggled as she grabbed her new purse Dipen had bought.
We hopped in my car and I drove us about 45 minutes to a bar near the city. Of course it was crowded as hell on a Friday night. Music was blaring loudly and drinks were flowing. The dancefloor would open up soon and there were other games like darts to play at the social house.
We walked around for a bit and finally an older Indian man waved at us from a small 2 person table that had 3 chairs around it.
Dipen was well dressed and already had a drink ready when we arrived. He was slightly taller than me at around 6'0" and fit. He looked surprisingly young for an Indian man of 48. As I had suspected he was completely alone and did not invite his wife or any others along.
Dipen immediately walked over to Chloe and pulls her in close for a hug and kiss on the cheek. She was grinning and giggled a bit which was normal. Chloe introduced me and Dipen walks up to shake my hand.
"Finally I get to meet the man who has Chloe's heart! I've heard much about you." Dipen said with a smile.
I shook his hand with a firm grip and replied, "nice to meet you as well, Dipen. Chloe enjoys working with you. Glad we would finally get together."
We moved to the table and immediately began having some drinks and typical conversation about business and life. It was as if I was being interviewed a bit about my life goals and business acumen. I was a project manager while Dipen was an IT director and it was tough to keep up at times. Chloe joined in the conversation and overall the next hour and a half was pleasant conversation.
After a few drinks I began to loosen up. Chloe had her Asian glow going on and was a serious lightweight. I could tell her and Dipen were very close and comfortable talking for long periods of time. I only periodically felt excluded.
Soon I excused myself from the table to go pee. When I returned from the bathroom the dance floor had opened and Dipen and Chloe were both bobbing to the music at our table and gazing at the dance floor. Part of me knew the question about dancing would have to be addressed at some point. I am not a dancer, especially at my current weight. 15 minutes later I was not surprised.
"Do you mind if I borrow Chloe for a dance? The music is fun and I've had enough to drink for an old man to be young again for a few hours!" Dipen laughed.
"If she wants to that is fine!" I replied.
Dipen extended his hand and immediately took Chloe to the dance floor. I was aware that in Indian culture dancing was common so I decided to try and stay positive about it. Chloe and Dipen laughed quite a bit as they danced. Initially there was not a lot of close touching and some stumbling from both of them. But, they were having fun.
I watched for a few songs then decided to go to the bar and get another drink. It took about 20 minutes and I started a brief conversation with a few others while waiting for more whiskey. I was getting tipsy and when I returned to the table Dipen and Chloe were take a break. Both of them were sitting closer now and now concerned at all about their legs touching between chairs. With all the drinks in Chloe at this point she was no longer aware of her panties sticking out of her short white dress. I must admit it turned me on quite a bit to watch them together.
Conversation resumed while they rested. Dipen at one point even put his hand on Chloe's smooth leg as they spoke. I was an afterthought at this point, but, Chloe would check my mood every so often and comfort me with a smile. A few more minutes went by.
"Take Chloe out to dance! She is a wonderful dance partner." Dipen said.
"I'm not much of a dancer." I replied. Knowing Dipen was saying this to assert a bit of dominance.
"I will borrow her once again, then!" Dipen said enthusiastically.
Chloe shot a glance at me before taking his hand to say "no worries". I was a bit peeved at this point.
"Go grab us a few more drinks." Dipen stated over his shoulder as he dragged Chloe to the dance floor.
Once again I watched with a bit of jealousy as they danced. I took a deep breath and decided to head back to the bar. When I returned with drinks I almost ran into the table. Both tipsy and from the quick glimpse of Chloe I had seen. Dipen and Chloe had retreated deeper into the dance floor, but, Chloe was avidly grinding Dipen at this point. He looked a bit out of place, but, enjoying himself.
Dipen was positioned behind her and Chloe's dress was hiked so high at this point part of her bare ass was in Dipen's crotch. She would occasionally use her hand to throw her hair back and look at Dipen. A couple time she would reach back and touch his face as he whispered to her. Or was he kissing her ear? I couldn't tell at this point.
I watched them dance and even saw both of them look around to make sure they were appropriately covered by others in the crowd. After convincing themselves they were hidden I noticed a few kisses on the lips this time followed by smiles. At one point Chloe turned to face Dipen and the two of them stopped dancing to vigorously kiss. Dipen's hand was firmly on her ass and the other holding her tightly. Dipen was thoroughly helping himself to my wife.
I was jealous and hard as fuck at the same time. The ten minutes I watched this happen seemed like an eternity. Finally Chloe led Dipen back to our table. Both of them seemed elated.
"Honey, Dipen is drunk and me too. Let's head home. Dipen will uber with us tonight because he is in no shape to drive!" Chloe said.
Dipen pretended to say he was ok for a bit but accepted the offer. I ordered an Uber and was quiet the whole ride. Chloe actually sat next to Dipen and he was enjoying looking her over in that white dress and heels. Drunk Chloe was still stunning.
We arrived home and I was exhausted. It was after 1am and I was a morning person. We offered Dipen the guest room and I went to get ready for bed as Dipen and Chloe chatted in the kitchen. Soon I returned and Dipen and Chloe both said good night as he went to the guest room. I took Chloe to our room flirted a bit, but, was too drunk for sex. I passed out within 10 minutes snoring like a bear.
I'm not sure how much time passed but a noise woke me up. I was still drunk and slightly spinning, but, could hear movement in the guest room. I listened a bit while fighting off sleep.
"Mmm, sshhh." I heard as more creaks came from the guest room. I looked to my left and realized Chloe was missing. Could this really be happening?
Our new bed was quiet compared to the guest bed so I slid off silently and took a couple steps down the hall. The guest bedroom door of our flat doesn't shut all the way without slamming it. It was cracked open and I peered through as I heard more noises coming from within.
"Ooohh fuck." I recognized Chloe's voice. I could see the silhouette of Dipen sucking Chloe's tits as she stroked his cock. Of fucking course his cock was a couple inches longer and thicker than mine. I stared in rock hard amazement as Chloe sucked Dipen's tongue and occasionally whispered for him to be quiet.
They explored bodies for what seemed like seconds before Chloe climbed on Dipen's rock hard cock and began lowering her wet pussy on top of it. She moaned and writhed as the accepted the biggest cock her vagina had ever experienced. Dipen was gentle with her as she got used to his mass. Chloe was so wet it slid in so easily, only taking breaks to accept more of his cock.
Finally she had the full girth inside of her. I swear she may have cum while accepting him. I was used to seeing her go stiff when cumming and I could tell this was no different.
Chloe began to ride Dipen and put her hands on his chest. Only once did they flip over and Dipen fucked her mission with long smooth strokes. My heart pounded with excitement as I stroked my cock standing in the hall. My mind was empty and I focused on the sex in front of me. I came once and remained rock hard while watching.
After maybe 10 minutes Chloe had at least 3 orgasms. Dipen whispered he was going to cum and I was shocked at what Chloe did. Dipen put his big cock in her mouth and she swallowed his load. Never before had Chloe let me cum in her mouth. I walked back to our bedroom in bewilderment.
They both breathed a bit and kissed a few times after sex. Chloe cuddled him for maybe a few minutes before heading to the guest bathroom and then coming back to bed with me. I pretended to be asleep.
The next morning I drove Dipen to his car at the bar and he thanked me for a wonderful evening. He couldn't wait until we went to get drinks again. Honestly, I am hoping we will get drinks again soon too. For now, I'll pretend like I don't know what happened.
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