Literotica Aliens

Literotica Aliens


Literotica Aliens
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Aliens land and research human sexuality.
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They had landed twenty years ago, their cloaking systems made them invisible to the naked eye and to the military detection systems. Their large ships landed in deep water lakes throughout most of the civilized world and have been studying the social and sexual habits of earth's inhabitants.
The Alien's evolution was similar to human evolution but with unique differences.
Ten percent of Alien population have the capability of becoming invisible to the human eye. They would be the information gatherers.
Being a sexually orientated society, they studied the sexual habits of the human race with both curiosity and amusement.
To get detailed information, they abducted couples and individuals and, using vapor drugs, had the 'subjects' sexually perform before a research audience. Soon, some of the performances became a source of entertainment for the larger population of the space craft.
The 'subjects' are returned to where they were abducted. None remembered where they had been or what had happened to them. All are puzzled by the elapsed time. Some were returned to their point of origin as transgendered or with sexual preference changes. A few subjects are for further study and/or changes.
Those that were changed, considered their new sexualities to be normal. The transgendered are dressed appropriately and information is implanted in their minds that will guide them to communities of their new sexual orientation. A tracking 'chip' imbedded behind their ears will allow the Aliens to monitor their progress.
The transgendering and enhancements procedures are done using the Alien's Gel life forms and genetic hybriding of earth's plants.
For the first five years, all the Aliens did was gather information. The ten percent that had invisibilty used the night to identify the different human sexual genres within a 100 mile radius of their ship. Once identified, they ranked them in order, Male, female, Shemale and Hermaphrodite. They further subcatagorized their findings into heterosexual, homosexual and lesbian. Within each subcatagory was a detailed description of their personal day to day living habits and routines. By the end of STAGE-1, each craft had compiled a list of over ten thousand individuals that would be suitable for their testing program. Their 'computers' selected 200 'subjects' from the list that had a high probability for success. Each ship grouped their 200 selections into age, gender and sexuality.
The Alien's micro-technology was now used to record the sexual activities and practices of the selected 'subjects. Micro HD cameras, no larger than the head of pin, were implanted in the walls and ceiling of all rooms within their residences, including those that the 'subjects' frequented with. By the end of STAGE-2 the Aliens had recorded over a million hours of sexual activity, habits, procedures and performances.
The Aliens were now ready to start their testing stage.
They knew that humans, unlike themselves, were sexually active all the time. The males ejaculated, the females orgasmed. The females could have multiple orgasms while the male required recuperation time before they could ejaculate again. They knew that a small percentage of the population preferred to have sex with their own gender and could not reproduce. Some were born with both male and female organs and they also were not able to reproduce.
The Aliens would be slow and methodical in their human testing. The test results of subjects in groups two and three would be used for transgendering.
They had drugs that would make the subject both compliant and receptive to their 'suggestions'.
Shemale transgendering and male enhancemnet is taken to the next level. The anus and rectal sheath are given the sexual properties of a female's labia, inner lips and vaginal sheath. Their 'womanhood' will form when there is sexual contact or the anticipation of sexual contact and a small labia will form around the anus. Within it will form inner lips and the rectal sheath will form into a vagina and all the sexual nerve endings will become active. When sexual activity ends, the anus and rectal sheath will return to their normal normal state.
The test room in the ship was large with no visible doors. The floor, ceiling, and walls were white and the room was bathed in a warm glow of light from no visible fixtures. Two Aliens were standing in the center of the room, their bland, generic bodies, stood out in contrast to the whiteness of the room.
There was a sudden burst of glowing light and John's body began to materialize at the end of the room. He was fully clothed, unconscious and held in a standing position, with his feet about two feet up the floor. After the effects of the 'transporter' faded, the Aliens approached him and removed all of his clothes. They then stretched his arms out level with his shoulders and spread his legs apart. While invisible forces kept him in that position, a violet blanket of light encased his body from his shoulders and arms to the feet of his spread legs. In seconds all the hair on his body below his shoulders was removed. The Aliens looked curiously at his hairless penis and balls.
They stepped back and soon another glowing light appeared and Mary materialized beside John. Again the Aliens looked with curiosity at Mary's firm breasts and hairless genitals.
One by one, Jamie, Lisa, Sara and Susan were transported to the ship, all were undressed and the hair on their bodies removed.
One of the Aliens waved a hand and all six were put into a sitting position with their legs bent at the knees and spread apart. Their arms were brought down so they rested by the sides of their bodies. Round 'tubes' of light shot up from the floor under the spread cheeks of their buttocks. There was a slight flinching reaction from each of them as the 'tubes' entered their rectums. The 'tubes' turned bluish as a bowel cleansing liquid filled their lower intestinal tracts. In about a minute the 'tubes' retracted and yellowish balls rose up and settled onto the their buttocks. They soon changed to a brownish color as the contents of their bowels were evacuated.
In the males, the bluish liquid contained a rectal enhancer. Their rectal openings, sheaths and prostates were enhanced as their bowels were cleansed. Their anuses and rectal sheath would have thesexual sensitivity of a female's vagina and inner lips. Their semen production would be six times that of a normal male and their sexual rejuvenation would be immediate if stimulation was still present.
Finally, The Aliens released a inhaler gas into each of their mouths. Their preparation was complete. The inhaler gas included a mix of drugs that would,
1. Make them docile but keep them fully alert and aware.
2. A compliance drug that would compel them to follow 'suggestions'.
3. An aphrodisiac that will induce sexual arousal.
All were positioned turned so they were 'sitting' about six feet in front of a white wall. The wall changed into a full length mirror. A short burst of a colorless vapor flowed down from the ceiling, bringing them out of their unconscious states.
It took a few seconds to register in their minds that they were no longer where they were just few moments ago. They were now in a white room sitting in the 'air' in front of a large mirror. They saw their naked and hairless bodies with their legs bent and spread wide apart.
There were gasps of shock as the reality of their situation sunk into their minds. The drugs kept their fears and struggles to a minimum. In about a minute, the crying and struggling subsided as the drugs took full affect and sighs were heard as the arousal inducers spread throughout their bodies. All were trying to stop any outward sign of their arousal from being seen. Small gasps were heard as the females nipples stiffened, and their clitorises began protruding out from their protective hoods.
Small gasps could be heard from the males as their penises tingled, stirred and grew to full erection. The sensations melded into those that were radiating from their enhanced rectums.
Their erections and rigid clitorises would remain that way until the Alien's testing session was completed.
Soon they were looking at each others aroused nakedness in the mirrored wall and couldn't understand why they were so calm, so accepting.
Suddenly, everyone felt themselves being moved. They 'floated into a semi- circle in front of the long mirror.
The Aliens wanted to analyze and compare the orgasmic fluids from each of them before the sexual research was started.
Mary's and John's extractions would be different than the others. The Alien's version of a Sybian would be used. It would also have the effect of raising the excitement level in the other 'subjects'.
The top portion of the Sybian was similar to a saddle, without the horn. On the surface of the 'saddle' was an oval outline and in front of that was an outline of a 3/4" circle.
The top portion of the Sybian was similar to a saddle, without the horn. On the surface of the 'saddle' was an oval outline and in front of that was an outline of a 3" circle. On the left side was a 3" circular outline.
John was moved out from the semi-circle toward the mirror and then was turned so he was facing the others. He saw everyone gazing at his hardness as it stood vertical between his thighs and his heavy swaying balls swayed in the air. His eyes darted around him in mounting nervousness.
The Male Sybian materialized in front of John. His eyes opened wide when he saw the 'saddle' shaped device. The oval outline changed into a multi- lipped rectal massager. It was soft and pliable and was made up of dozens of small, self moving, suctioning 'lips' and 'mouths'.
The 3" circle in front formed into a massaging testicle pouch. Its function was to hold and massage the user's balls within a caressing, silky pouch.
A clear, 3" tube rose up from the left side of the saddle. When it reached a height of about 14 inches, it arched inward and then downward. The lead 10" formed into an accordion like sheath. The sheath began to flex and squeeze as it expanded and contracted.
A 7.50" deep ribbed phallic, rose up between the lips of the rectal massager. It was 1" thick and slowly expanded to 2.75" inches thick. The phallic was self lubricating and each rib pulsed and rippled independently. A hidden tube at the base of the phallic delivered the Sybian's ejaculant.
The Sybian then returned every thing to its normal 'off' state. It slowly moved forward under John's body and all heard the 'click' as it was locked into place. As soon as he lost sight of it, he turned pasty white and began struggling in an effort to break loose from his invisible restraints.
Everyone wondered what was going to happen next.
Except for John, all saw the rectal massager's suctioning 'mouths' and 'lips' begin to move with rhythmic motions.
They watched his slow descent toward the 'saddle'.
John felt the warm contact of the Sybian's surface push the cheeks of his buttocks apart and then felt movement under his anus as the anal massager's 'mouths' and 'lips' moved upward and nestled against his rectal opening. The 'lips' formed around his anal lips with a delicious suckling and massaging action.
The incredible contact sent unexpected jolts of pleasure cascading across across his loins and his erection jumped in the air.
The Sybian's sensors detected the size and width of his erect member and a clear, 3" tube rose up from the left side of the saddle. As it arched inward below chest, the end formed into an accordion like sheath. Again, all except John, saw the drooling sheath as it neared the tingling head of his erection. He gasped as a velvet-like sheath descended downward, onto the thick gland and then encase his engorged member.
The ecstatic sensations that flooded his anal opening and hardness, spread into his rectal sheath. Just as he was getting used to the wonderful sensations, the 3" area below his balls formed into the Sybian's testicle massager. He moaned as his balls slipped into a warm, massaging, silky pouch.
The 'lips' and 'nubs' that were caressing his outer anal lips now nestled into them, pushing them apart. They began sucking on the excited entrance to his rectal opening. The ecstatic sensations from the massagers caused jolts of joy to explode across his sex.
More 'lips' slipped between the swollen pink anal lips and join in the teasing and caressing of the excited entrance to his enhanced 'womanhood'.
John closed his dazed and aroused eyes and began moving his excited sex back and forth on both massagers. His mind became saturated with wonderful waves of joy that were cascading across his body. Soft slurping sounds could be heard as his juices mixed with the massager's slick 'lip's. His excited rectal entrance began clasping as rectal sheath spasmed and rippled with joy.
The accordion like sheath now began an ecstatic 'deepthroating' and the pulsing ribs clenched and milked his straining member. A stunned John felt the orgasmic pressures build at the base of erection and surge upwards toward the excited gland. His first ejaculation exploded out of the tingling gland. The thick essence gushed and spurted into the feasting, sucking 'mouth' of the Sybian's vagina-like sheath.
John's ecstatic mind couldn't believe the unexpected force of his
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