Literotica Abduction

Literotica Abduction


Literotica Abduction
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Tara's Breeding Three men decide to have their way with fertile Tara.
Captured Eighteen-year-old girl kidnapped and taken.
The Concert She's violated at an outdoor concert.
A Gentleman on a Train Some passengers are willing to help you.
Hunted She is captured by a Bosnian sniper.
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She made a habit, I noticed, of walking home through the park. Careless of her really, but I guess she wasn't old enough or experienced enough to realise that a young women shouldn't take too many chances with her safety. There are a lot of nasty types out there who are only too willing to take advantage of them.
I should know. I'm one of them. Don't know why. Maybe it's the thrill of the chase and the capture, after which it's only fair that I collect a reward for all my effort. That's what I think, anyway.
I had my van positioned at a point where she would pass it on a bend. Unless there was someone walking with her she'd be out of sight for a good fifteen to thirty seconds, and that was ample time.
She came strolling along, all fat and sassy, and as she passed the van I stepped out and slapped the pad over her face. She gave a startled gasp, which was precisely the wrong thing to do, and she was passing out in seconds. I had her in the van, door closed and almost comatose in fifteen seconds flat from her stepping around the corner. A few more moments in the privacy of the van and she was sound asleep and going to stay that way for a good fifteen minutes.
I hopped in the driver's seat and drove away. Being a fine law abiding citizen I paid careful attention to the road rules. After all, it would be embarrassing to be pulled over with my passenger asleep and without a seat-belt.
Arriving home, I carried her in to the spare room and laid her on the mattress. A quick check of her purse gave me some basic facts about her. I already knew she was young, blonde and very pretty. That's why I'd selected her. Now checking her Id. I found that her name was Rebecca and that she was eighteen years and ten months of age, which put her in the right age bracket. (Sometimes you catch a young one and have to throw them back.)
Estimating I only had a few more minutes before she woke up I quickly stripped her and left her comfortably snuggled up on the mattress. Then I fetched a plastic cup of water and a packet of Panadol, in case she had a headache when she woke.
I then went and had a drink while waiting for sleeping beauty to wake up.
It wasn't long before I heard a voice calling so I wandered over to her room and entered.
"Hi, Rebecca," I said. "I'm Justin. How are you feeling? If you have a headache there's Panadol there."
Rebecca squealed and tried to hide her nudity. Not much chance of that and silly, anyway. I'd already seem her naked, after all.
"Who are you, what am I doing here and where are my clothes?"
"I just told you who I was. Justin. Your clothes are in the other room. You'll get them before you leave. As to what you're doing here. . ."
I paused, letting her see I was gathering my thoughts together for a proper explanation.
"I and some friends of mine have this little hunt we run every so often. This time I was nominated as the hunter and you were nominated as my prey. We are very strict that we only do tag and release. We don't keep what we catch.
"Now you've been caught and it's just a case of I get to tag you and then I release you back at the point where I caught you."
"Wh-what's involved in the tagging," she asked. I could see she was imagining being branded or an ear pierced or all sorts of horrible things.
"Nothing that you probably haven't done before," I said. "I'll give you a hint. You're naked and lying on a mattress. Get the picture?"
"Y-you're going to rape me?" she whispered.
"Such a harsh word," I murmured. "Why don't we just say that I'm going to seduce you, even though you may be a trifle reluctant?"
"And you expect me to just lie here and let you take me?" Rebecca demanded.
"Not really. It all depends on the personality of the woman we catch. Some shrug and state their preferred position. Some just lie there wailing 'why me', while other put up some resistance. Oh, and there was one woman who fainted as soon as she saw a cock. Apparently, she'd come out of her faint, see she was being screwed, and promptly faint again. The hunter found it most disconcerting.
"My assessment of you is that you'll probably resist. It won't help you at all, but it will make you feel better knowing you tried. Correct?"
Rebecca gave me the evil eye and asked when I intended to assault her.
"Seduce. Not assault. Do you have a headache?"
"Well, if you have a headache, I suggest you have a Panadol and I'll visit you later. Otherwise I see no reason we can't get down to it right away. That way I'll be able to deliver you home in time for your dinner."
The way she reacted I'd have to say no headache. She bounced to her feet and went for me.
An error on her part. All I was wearing was a dressing gown and I just let it drop off as she came at me. Catching her wrists I twisted them around behind her back and, somewhat to her surprise, Rebecca found her naked self being held firmly against a naked and aroused male. From the look on her face she was fully aware of just what was pressing so firmly against her tummy.
I'm quite fit and fairly strong. A lot stronger that Rebecca, that was for sure. It didn't require much effort to lay her back down on the mattress, and I was half lying on top of her. I'd managed to insert one leg between hers, giving me the access I required. I pushed her hands up above her head and just pinned her wrists there with one hand.
"Just relax, Rebecca," I told her. "I know women like a bit of foreplay, so I'm not going to just start in on you. I'll let you get warmed up a little first."
With that I started playing with her breasts, stroking them and teasing her nipples. Not that Rebecca seemed to be pleased with my thoughtfulness and attention to her needs. She kept up a running commentary about me and my habit back to the fifth generation, including some passing comments about the likely fate of any progeny I might have.
I rose above such petty complaints, teasing her nipples until they stood nicely erect. Then while I used my mouth to keep her nipples interested, my hand slipped down between her legs and started further exploration and titillation.
Rebecca was soft, her flesh yielding to my demands. I stoked and kneaded her mound, not an easy task at times the way she was trying to wriggle around. It did become easier once I slipped a couple of fingers inside her.
It was funny to watch Rebecca at that stage. If she wriggled while my fingers were inside her it apparently agitated her insides something fierce. If she didn't wriggle, my fingers did their own exploring and wriggling, resulting in Rebecca being agitated all over again. I think she settled on trying to lie still and letting my fingers do the work as a means of saying she wasn't encouraging me.
Whatever the reason, my fingers had full access to her pussy while she squirmed restlessly under me. It's one thing to try to lie still. It's something else entirely to actually stay still while intruding fingers brush past your clitoris and press lightly around to see how you react.
I probed, she squirmed, and I probed some more. Her passage was getting slippery and hot and my fingers moved easily within her. Rebecca was breathing hard and had her head turned away, not looking at me.
She switched back to looking at me when I rolled more fully onto her. I was between her thighs and my hand was cupping her pussy and easing her lips slightly apart. Now the real struggle began.
Rebecca was twisting from side to side, trying to throw me off. I, on the other hand, was keeping my hand on her pussy and using it to direct my cock toward her opening. When Rebecca felt my cock pressing against her she started swearing at me again and her struggles increased.
Neither of these things worried me. The words I ignored, feeling she had a right to her own opinion, and the struggle was interesting. What I was doing was resting in position, and every time her struggle relaxed for a moment I would push against her, gaining a little more ground.
It wasn't long before the head of my cock was fully inside her, with her lips closing over it and holding it. Knowing that any further struggles were useless, Rebecca just sagged back, and I pushed triumphantly forward.
Her passage was hot and wet and still very tight, but my cock pushed forward easily, forcing her passage to yield and causing it to stretch to take all of me. And stretch it did, until I was nicely in place.
Now that I had Rebecca nailed I just rested for a moment, letting her get used to the idea that she'd lost and was about to be ridden hard.
"You look a little pissed off," I murmured, and she promptly looked even more pissed off.
"What you need to do is extract a little revenge. Why don't you try to rape me while I'm taking you? See if you can make me come really fast and ruin my fun."
Would you believe the woman was actually angry enough to try? I started to move, meaning to drive into her slowly and smoothly, intending to build her up to a point where we could both really go for it. Rebecca wasn't having a bar of it.
I pulled back and started back down, moving gently to let Rebecca get accustomed to the feel of me. Ha. Gently? Rebecca humped her hips and slammed up at me as if she was going to buck me off. That may well have been her intention.
The next thing I know we were into wild animal sex. We were clashing against each other, both trying to assert our dominance. We were heaving and sweating and gasping and grunting with effort. We came together hard, bounced, and came back to meet each other even harder.
I pounded down into Rebecca and she took everything I gave her and pushed up at me, demanding more. An impartial observer would have been hard worked to determine which of us was the aggressor and which the victim. I rode Rebecca, determined to ride her into exhaustion, whereas she wrapped her legs around me, determined to make me her prisoner and drain me.
The whole thing was absolutely fantastic.
I guess you could say that the final outcome was a draw, but I felt like a winner and from the smirk on Rebecca's face she also considered herself to have won out little bout.
I'll admit I came first, but Rebecca's climax followed on hard behind mine and, from her scream of frustration as she went under, she hadn't really wanted to give me the satisfaction of pleasing her.
Afterwards I was done. As much as I'd have liked to take her again I don't think I'd have been able to raise more than a twitch for several hours to come. Fortunately, Rebecca was also done to a turn. She was almost comatose.
I roused her and pointed her at the en suite, telling her to shower and dress. Her clothes were in there. Fastest shower I've ever witnessed in a woman. She must have turned on the water, run around in it real quick and then dried and dressed. I'd barely had time to get dressed myself.
I explained to her that I was going to put her to sleep and drop her off where I picked her up. She wasn't too happy about it but didn't try to resist. She did have one question before sleepy time.
"Do your friends just take your word for it that you tagged and released me? Trusting souls."
I grinned as I put the pad over her face.
"Not so trusting. That's why we film everything. Nighty, night."
I was laughing at the look of fury that crossed her face before she went under. With her asleep it was a minor matter to transport her back to the park and leave her sitting on a bench. Then I just hung around in the background to ensure that she wasn't molested by some lowlife while asleep.
There were no problems. She woke up, looked around sleepily, and then snapped to. Getting up she hurried off home and I did likewise.
This is a rape fantasy before you get all het up about it. I've read some REALLY unpleasant stories on this site that masquerade as erotic but leave me totally cold.
This however, was well written, humorous and as a woman, I found it a huge turn on. Don't get me wrong - if it were real life it would be abhorrent but this isn't real life, it's all about erotic fantasy.
I was half expecting this to be a game two lovers play with each other, but no, it was just as described. Too bad, but still 5*, JB Edwards
...can´t believe some of the stupid comments. do you think you are on an evangelical (yucck) site?
This is a straightforward case of rape. Really not nice at all. The author produces many amusing and often sexy stories. This is not one of them. He has, in my opinion fallen very far below his usual standard.
really really wrong, I’m damned sure I wouldn’t have bothered with the shower so that the police could collect evidence.
It could have been so much worse because it could’ve been violent but given how calm and cheery he was it’s just really fucking sinister.
I’m assuming it was meant to be a lighthearted story? With the flippant comments on ’catch and release’. Shocker but lighthearted and rape don’t work in the same sentence. I guess it’ll be interpreted differently by different readers, I’m having a hard time trying to work out what kind of person could write this.
Happy to admit I’ve enjoyed a few of your other stories but I’m done now.
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She's just a cog in the milking machine
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Favorited by irishsexstorylover , Snicksnat , keithhere and 28 others
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Tara's Breeding Three men decide to have their way with fertile Tara.
The Concert She's violated at an outdoor concert.
Sybian Streaming Trap Locked on a sybian, the torment escalates with each orgasm.
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I awoke from a long, disturbed sleep of tumbling nightmares, in which I was prodded and poked by cruel and unseen tormentors, to a dimly lit room with bare, steel walls, and the soft, slow glide of a tongue between my labia. With a scream, I flinched away from that intimate contact, and tried hastily to shield my inexplicable nudity with my hands as I searched for something, anything, to cover myself.
But there was nothing, and no one, only the soft mattress and the steel girdle that wound round my hips and cradled my crotch with the cold, firm menace of a chastity belt. Still screaming, I attacked the tight garment, tried to force it off me, tried to push my fingers beneath its protective guard to stop the unseen tongue that continued its teasing of my most intimate flesh.
In full panic, I ran round the room, searching for an exit, pleading for release from this incomprehensible violation. "Get it off me!" I cried, to no effect, the true, creeping horror of the device slowly becoming apparent as my body reacted to the continual stimulation. As my panic gave way at last to weary frustration and a determination to make some sense of what had happened to me, I forced myself to think about anything else apart from how good that questing tongue felt. No doubt my captors, whoever they were, were laughing uproariously at my predicament.
Apart from the mattress, the room had only one feature: a moulded impression in the wall, designed to accommodate a woman - or the front half of a woman, at least. A woman with obscenely large breasts, but about my height. A cylindrical tube jutted out where the mouth would be, made of a soft, porous material that oozed a viscous slime when I touched my fingers to it. The smell of it roused a hunger in me that had me licking the substance from my skin.
Confused, angry, a growing ache in my breasts that seemed heavier than I remembered, an accursed itch between my thighs that I had no way of scratching, I lay on the mattress with the intention of trying to get some rest, but the effort was futile. My mouth was dry with thirst, my stomach rumbled with hunger, and there was nothing to distract from the tongue making love to me beneath the cold steel of the belt.
The demands of my body denied me any rest or relief. My thoughts circled obsessively about the tube that promised moisture if nothing else. I paced back and forth, alternately screaming at my unknown captors and examining the sweet-smelling tube. I scooped some fluid with my fingers and sucked on them, and it seemed to do no harm, but did little to ease my thirst.
It was clear what I needed to do - what I was expected to do. I resisted as long as I could, hating to yield in any way to my tormentors, but between the steady assault on my pussy and my body's demand for water, my will crumbled and I pressed my face into the wall cavity, opening my mouth to accept the almost phallic protuberance and sucking on it hungrily. Sweet heaven it was too.
I shuffled closer for comfort, and suddenly my belt was tugged on hard, slamming against the wall like an unanchored magnet. I lacked the strength to pull myself free, and the sudden, fierce, pulsing suction on my breasts ensured I couldn't even pull my mouth free of the tube to curse my kidnappers. Just as I thought things could get no worse, a thick, brutal shaft drove slowly but with implacable determination into my vagina. My screams of indignation were muffled by the tube in my mouth - but, in truth, after hours of being teased by that unseen tongue, my body welcomed this new invader. Its slow initial thrusting was too regular for it to be anything other than a machine, and its pace picked up steadily as I continued to suck slime from the tube and as my nipples ached with need of stimulation.
I climaxed hard, and again, and just when I could stand it no longer, I was released. I staggered backwards and collapsed exhausted onto the mattress. I stared in stunned astonishment at my breasts, much shrunken now, and at my angry, swollen nipples, stained with milk. As the tongue started again on its long tease, I curled up into a ball and wept.
not bad but way too short. Want MORE please
I like how the 750 word limit works in the story's favour.
Oh so many questions lurking here. None of them answered, just left to play on my unwillingly-aroused mind. Wonderful!
Thank you for reading, for commenting, and hopefully enjoying, despite...
Erotic and terrifying in equal measures.
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A woman is kidnapped and held by a kinky abductor.
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