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Part 28 of Clover's journey at Tall Tails!
Part 27 of Clover's journey at Tall Tails!
Part 26 of Clover's journey at Tall Tails!
Part 25 of Clover's journey at Tall Tails!
A rather emotional piece of Clover's story! Enjoy!
Clover grabbed the wrong set of tack! Consequences?
A bit of a sleepy start for Clover! But her return is close!
Welcome back tot he land of the conscious, Clover!
Follow Clovers rocky journey back to the gates of Tall Tails.
Time to say goodbye Clover! We'll see you again.
Soft aftercare for Clover after a day in isolation.
Oh boy. Clover managed to get herself in trouble!
More cute moments with Daydream the mystery pony!
A bit of a softer piece today as a storm rolls in!
Cute cuddles? Hints at future skills to learn? Enjoy!
Some sweets bits just for Clover. Longest piece so far!
The life of a pony is not an easy as Clover is learning!
A new step forward in Clovers journey. Say hello mares!
Midday inspiration for Clovers first official day!
Part 5.5, midday inspiration for Clovers story!
Part 5 of Clovers dive into Ponyplay! Journey with her!
Part 3 of Clovers dive into Ponyplay at Tall Tails!
The Muse and her Daughter(s) guide an Author.
Lockdown has everyone acting weird.
Three stories, three faces, three women.
Man visits a celebrity nightclub, VIP fun with Zendaya.
Halloween - sweets, ghosts and fireworks.
A friend in need ... is usually a pain in the arse.
Me and hot neighbor are transported to my erotic stories.
A crumbling friendship becomes something different...
A few pointers on how you can sizzle your stories,
What guides and motivates me in writing erotica
They talked about sharing. Could she go through with it?
Why do we and can we justify or explain why?
With some hands-on practical lessons too.
Surprised by undressed hikers, and afterwards.
I begin to treat her like the whore she is.
A group of friends decide to share stories with each other.
Big-boobed nerdy friends tell wild sex experience.
More truths revealed and the company cookout.
Why I write anal in my stories - debunking the theories.
A fictional character tries her hand at being the author.
Student creatively tells teacher he wants her.
Candace gets Jenn excited about her date tonight.
Revelation, reality and apocalypse.
A participant in the 2012 Author Survivor Contest relects.
A moral crusade finds its true purpose.
Number of abortions rise in Gujarat a couple of months.
My ex-wife and I started playing with others.
An abusive ruler learns about the power of stories.
Fantasy turns into reality for a LIT couple.
Freddie's surefire ways to eliminate writer's block.
Ted and Georgette plan a romantic weekend away.
The first 20 or so years of sex-story posting.
Author throws a big bash and you are invited.
Literotica's 2007 Sneak Peak of the 250 Favorite Author List.
Writing competition that has turned into an insane game.
Wife enjoys familiar faces & brand-new cocks.
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Husband sends a message to grieving widow.
SelenaKittyn's list of top 10 favorite Literotica stories.
ThomX explains why he writes incest stories.
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The mom and son from India, their incest story continues.
Jason's ready to jump on cam for a few.
She wanted dick, and now it's coming at her from all angles.
She wanted dick, now dick is approaching her from all angles.
Two castaways get hot and steamy on a deserted island.
Layla and Jaxson fuck and Layla shares with Grindle & Sheba.
A woman writes about Will and Cindy's sex encounters.
Suzie enjoys Max's dominating side.
She just needed a thorough fucking.
Two people connect online, in person, in bed — in life.
She becomes the dirty little slut she writes about.
Brother's wife discovers his erotic writing.
It's not just an adventure - it's a job.
Linda gets down with everyone possible.
Linda learns something new & exciting about Bill.
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Loving Wives My Wife's Infidelity - Vignettes
Short vignettes describing my wife's cheating episodes.
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If you are negatively triggered by scenarios involving infidelity, cheating, cuckolding, or similar topics, hit the back button now - there's nothing here for you, and no one cares about your derisive comments...
This piece is more a series of vignettes, than an account of a single event in KK's long history of infidelity.
I've chosen to structure it into instances of KK cheating where I was certain of her infidelity first-hand, and a second category where my knowledge of her cheating was second-hand.
I had my reasons for not confronting KK about her affairs during that period of our lives; in part, it was because I encouraged it, in part because of my own infidelity. I also found it extraordinarily erotic.
The first discovery of KK's cheating, after we got married was pretty traumatic for me. It happened about 10-months after our wedding.
The newlywed glow was fading as we approached the first full year of being married. In parallel, I was enjoying early career success. There were distractions, like my graduate program, and what would become the early phases of an affair I conducted with a colleague. In contrast, KK hadn't been able to find her "dream job," in her field of interest, commercial photography. She was showing signs of boredom, frustration, and other things I just couldn't figure out in the moment - in part a consequence of immaturity and lack of life experience on my part.
We'd also begun having minor arguments - disagreements over KK's spending habits. New shoes, clothing, jewelry, and accessories that she wanted, but that we really couldn't afford on just my salary. I started pressuring her to get a job, even if it wasn't her dream job, just to get something going.
KK found employment with a real-estate agency. She had several components to her job, including photographing properties that were being marketed, hosting open houses, and doing pre/post move-in/move-out inspections on the company's rental and lease properties.
There were a series of events which led me to suspicions that KK was cheating. There were inexplicable late evenings, where KK didn't show up at home on time. I was finding new items in her wardrobe, expensive things; clothing, shoes, lingerie, despite our disagreement on spending. There were nights where KK essentially rejected my sexual advances, where she'd normally have been responsive, instead she was stand-offish, or outright denying my touch.
My concerns escalated, until one day I followed her to work, trailing about ten minutes behind her. I spent most of that morning parked in the far corner of the lot at her office, a "stake out" of sorts. Around lunch time, KK came out of the building, arm in arm with her boss...
I felt like my heart had skipped a beat, a sort of gut-punch at the sight of them flirtatiously engaging, laughing, smiling, as they walked arm in arm to what I assumed was his car.
The two of them got into the car. I followed them. After about ten minutes, they pulled into the parking lot of a condominium complex, one where the agency had several properties that were leased out to corporate travelers for short-term living needs. KK and her boss went into one of the condos. I watched, crouched down from the front seat of my car, peering over the steering wheel, for almost two hours.
No one else, no clients, service people, came to the condo during that interval. KK and her boss finally left - I watched them exit the condo together, then trailed them back to her office. On exiting his vehicle, KK embraced him, kissed him passionately, then they went into the building.
That was my first direct knowledge of her cheating. There was no other possible explanation for what was going on.
Over the next few months, I trailed KK several times. Sometimes I'd 'come up dry," but most of my stake-out results were similar to the first. KK would often rendezvous with her boss at various properties the firm either managed, or had on the market. Once I followed the two of them to a cheap motel, but most of the time, their encounters were at one of the agency's properties.
The pattern was usually the same in the evenings. KK was reluctant to engage sexually with me, or "tired," or felt unwell, or some such excuse.
I was able to put together the pieces around things like KK's expanding wardrobe. Her boss was buying her expensive clothing, shoes, and even jewelry. Often, she wore one of these outfits to work. Once I figured out what was going on, often I furiously masturbated to the imagination of KK stripping out of one of those classy outfits for her boss, the two of them fucking, sucking and carrying on together fueled my insane jerk-off sessions.
I made the conscious decision not to confront her about the affair. It finally came to an end after KK moved to another job at a commercial ad agency. It was however not her last affair.
Another discovery occurred at a party. The event was an open-house, orchestrated by a couple we were acquainted with, a celebration of their daughter's graduation from college.
The alcohol was flowing freely that evening. I wasn't much interested in policing KK's drinking, which sometimes contributes to her loss of inhibition. More than an hour into the event, I lost track of KK. After about a half hour of her bing "MIA," I decided I should go find her.
After fifteen or so minutes of discreet searching, I made my way to the pool area, thinking KK might've gone out for some air, a routine thing if she's had too much to drink. The deck was empty, but I heard the muffled sound of voices, giggling, coming from the pool cabana. I ventured carefully, quietly to the door, to see who might be inside, however I found it locked.
I walked around the structure, which had several windows. All were closed, the interior covered by louvered shades - all but one. The window's shade was partly up, and the louvers open. I peeked inside. To my surprise, KK was inside, completely naked, on her knees. There were three men, none of whom I recognized, similarly nude, seated on a sofa.
KK was intently sucking the guy on the far end, while the other two men looked on, stroking their hard cocks, watching my wife blow the man. I was instantly rock hard, simultaneously shocked and a bit angry. Muffled moans, intensifying, suggested that KK's skills had him on the edge of orgasm. Within a few more seconds, he had his hands in KK's hair, pulling her mouth down onto his cock, ejaculating in her mouth.
I watched, panting, for twenty more minutes, as KK moved onto the other two guys, letting them drain their balls down her throat, never spilling a drop.
There was a brief pause, then all four of them got onto the floor. I knew what was about to happen - KK was going to let all three of them fuck her! I spent a half-hour crouched there, watching the action, in a state of near paralysis, transfixed by what I was seeing - my whore of a wife, in use by three strangers. Before it was over, KK had taken all three men in her mouth, pussy, and ass. I watched them wipe down, deciding to leave the scene as they dressed, I went back and joined the party.
KK showed up about fifteen minutes later, a devious smile on her face, very animated, almost giddy. I said nothing, my mind racing, visualizing over and over again what I'd just watched. KK enjoyed another couple of glasses of wine, then told me she needed to go home. I complied, we excused ourselves, and I drove her home. As we readied for bed, KK stripped, flopped onto the bed,overcome from the wine. I took my turn with her, fucking her sloppy pussy until I couldn't hold off any longer, finally filling her with cum, now mixed with the loads of three strange men.
Another of these events took place at a charity gala. I was one of two co-hosts at the event, which had ballooned out of proportion. Initially there were just under two-hundred attendees expected, however the audience mushroomed in size to nearly six-hundred people. The crowd size required us to make last-minute changes in venue to accommodate them all, adding stress and complexity.
The event was formal, tuxes for men, evening gowns for the ladies. I'd taken KK shopping several days before to incentivize her attendance. She selected a sequined, silver evening gown, which featured a skirt slit up both sides, high on her thighs. KK also picked out incredibly hot metallic stockings, along with ankle-strap heels.
We had to travel for the event, and elected to stay at the resort hotel where the gala was being held. Before we left our suite, KK let me watch her dress - her intent was to get my attention, and get me horny. She succeeded wildly - electing to wear only her garter and the shiny stockings under that glamorous dress - no panties, no bra. I left the hotel suite with a raging, painful hard-on.
Unfortunately, my responsibilities during the event, the associated distraction, combined with the necessity of schmoozing with the crowd became a problem. KK got pouty and annoyed because I wasn't paying enough attention to her.
When it came time for me to emcee the main event, I was on the stage, at the podium. About five to ten minutes in, I caught the unmistakable sight of KK leaving the ballroom - with another man. I had to get through the next forty-five minutes with a lump in my throat, thoughts of what might be going on racing in my head.
As soon as I was able, I left the stage and went to look for KK. I hoped she'd just gotten bored, maybe went for drink with the stranger, likely someone who'd chatted her up. In my gut, I knew better. She was nowhere in the area.
Out of intuition and instinct, I got on the elevator, heading to our hotel suite. When the elevator door opened, I caught sight of KK and the stranger at the end of the hallway, exiting from our suite... I ducked out, into the nearby alcove that contained an ice machine, barely managing avoiding being caught as the two of them walked down the hall toward the elevators.
I waited until I heard the elevator chime, then a few more seconds. I pressed the down call button, following her down in a separate elevator. I went back into the ballroom through a side door, eventually finding KK seated at our table. She looked a little flushed, her hair a little mussed. KK made some smalltalk, griped at me about how boring the whole thing was, finally telling me she was tired, and wanted me to take her to bed.
Eventually we were back in our suite. We'd left the room in order, the bed made. Now it was unmade, the spread pulled down at the foot of the bed, on the floor, the top sheet down, along with a towel on the floor on one side. She evidently didn't care about covering up her little adventure, or had decided I wouldn't notice.
KK undressed in the bathroom - I used the moment to assess the situation, the unmade bed, a damp hand towel, with the scent of cum on it...
KK finished in the bathroom, stepped into the suite in just her stockings and heels, looking sexy as Hell. She said, "Get naked baby... I want you to do me!"
"Do me" is KK's code-word for cunnilingus - she wanted me to lick her pussy! She flounced onto the bed while I hurriedly stripped out of my tux, throwing the clothing over the back of the desk chair.
I went down on my wife, kissing, slurping, tonguing her recently used pussy, pretending as if I had no idea she'd just gotten herself a quickie-fuck not more than an hour ago. After tongue-fucking KK to two orgasms, I reclaimed her, vigorously plunging my cock in and out of her, until I experienced a mind-bending orgasm, all
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