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As most of you already know, we are in the middle of a huge update to the Literotica website. is due for a refresh, and we’ve spent the last few years reworking everything – from the hardware that runs the site to the underlying software to the new user interface (now in public testing).
In addition to refreshing Literotica, we’ve been working on several other related projects based on feedback and suggestions from the Literotica community. Some of these projects have been in public/live testing phase for years (anyone remember – first launched in 2000 and is still in BETA?), and some will be released in the coming months and years. One of the sites that has been live for some time, but which we will start putting more effort into this year is LitTV .
LitTV has a simple primary goal – to bring sexy audio stories on video to the Literotica community. The second – just as important – goal is to make sure that we don’t take anything away from Literotica’s writing or audio community with the addition of video. That is why LitTV is a totally independent website rather than a direct part of
After several years of development, and many months of author BETA testing, we have opened the new Lit Control Panel to all registered members.
If you’re a registered Literotica user, just login to the site and point your browser to this link:
The new Lit Control Panel includes all of the features of the old control panel along with several new ones. The most notable changes are:
2 . Favorite authors are now Followed authors. Easily see the latest works from all of the authors you follow.
4 . Favorites has become Lists. Create your own custom Lists to save stories or use the two default lists – Favorites and Read Later.
We plan to go over some of these features here on the Lit Blog in more detail later. For now, please give the new Lit Control Panel a try and send us your feedback and suggestions.
If you’re reading this blog post, there’s a pretty good chance that you visit the site on a regular basis. We appreciate that very much!
You probably already know about the Literotica News , which we update on the front of the website every day. You may also check our posts in the “Announcements” area of the Literotica Forum . In addition to that, we are currently working on a new system that will allow us to push important news out to all registered users via your new Literotica Control Panel.
But what if you want even more Literotica news and updates? What if you miss us even when you’re not actually visiting We’ve got you covered there too!
Please consider following Literotica on these popular social networks:
Literotica on Twitter? Yes, for years! We like Twitter a lot. They don’t censor us, they don’t allow us to be long winded (like this blog post), they gave us the username “Literotica” just because we asked, and they make it oh so easy to keep track of what kind of trouble Justin Bieber has gotten himself into this week. Just joking about that last one, but really, Twitter is our favorite social network these days. If you’re a Literotica author with a Twitter account, please let us know as we’d love to follow you and retweet news about your new stories, etc.
Did I mention that we love Twitter? What can I say about Facebook? Even though Literotica has an official Facebook page, they blocked us from linking to the domain. Why? Because it apparently contains some “adult content” (their words, not ours). When they aren’t blocking us, they are using some kind of algorithm to make sure that our followers don’t see any of our updates. We aren’t discouraging you from following Lit on Facebook, but Twitter is probably better.
Twitter is great, Facebook isn’t. What else is there? Tumblr is one of the few popular social networks that doesn’t censor adult content, so we decided to give it a shot. We just started the official Literotica Tumblr blog in the summer of 2016, so we’re not sure how it will work out yet. Tumblr is part of the Yahoo network of sites, which are in the process of being sold off. Hopefully the original owner can buy the site back and restore its glory. If not, we might all have to go back to MySpace!
For now, those are the three social networks where Literotica exists. If you have Twitter or Tumblr, please follow us. Ping us if you’re a published Literotica author and we’ll keep an eye on your feed for rebloggable stuff.
If there are any other social networks where you think Literotica should be active, feel free to let us know as well. We don’t Snapchat, Instagram, or WeChat yet, but we could try if you really wanted us too. Some networks are notoriously anti-adult (Pinterest), but we’ve been banned from better for less, so we’ll try anything if enough Literoticans want it.
Thanks everyone and see you on Twitter!
Welcome to the new Literotica Blog!
Those of you that have been around Literotica for a few years will remember that we published a blog from 2001 (Movable Type anyone?) to 2009. There was also a monthly Literotica email newsletter way back when people used email instead of messenger apps.
Since then, we’ve done most of our communication via the the Literotica Forums or the news section on the front page of . As we get ready to roll out some very big changes to the way that Literotica looks and works, we thought it would be a great time to bring back the official blog.
I’m excited to share more information on the work we’ve been doing to improve Literotica with all of you. I’ve posted some details on the Lit Forum over the last year, but I’d like to go into more detail here. Every part of the site update has been motivated by feedback from authors and readers, so I want to spend some time explaining exactly why we did what. I’ll try not to bore you too much!
In addition to discussing the website updates, we’ll be using this blog to share information about Literotica Story Contests and other ongoing Lit News. We also plan to eventually get back into interviewing Literotica authors (as we used to do in the Literotica Newsletter) and featuring interesting Lit members here as well. If you have any suggestions for Lit authors/members you’d like to know more about, please feel free to let us know !
We are also open to guest posts. If you’re a Lit member and you have an idea that you think might be of interest to the entire Literotica community, feel free to contact us with a proposal.
Finally, we will likely be sharing stuff that is of interest to Lit members – self publishing news, free speech issues, books and software that may be useful to Literotica authors, etc.
For now, please check for new updates. In the near future, we’re planning to send notification to all registered members whenever this blog is updated. Notifications are part of the new Literotica Control Panel which I’ll be writing about very soon.
Thanks for reading everyone and talk to you more soon!
Two days and two major updates to Literotica! Yesterday, we rolled out the Series feature. Today, it’s a major revamp of the Literotica Toplists.
So, what’s new with the new Toplists? Let’s have a look:
The most obvious change is that you can now view the stories on the Literotica Toplists by the date that they were submitted. We get requests for this feature all of the time, and we’re happy to finally be rolling out a first version of it. There will be more improvements in the future, but for now you can see the top stories submitted in the last month, year, or all time.
Another change is that we have added some story previews on the right side of the toplists. These are just small snippets of stories that show up randomly on the right side of the page in the boxes called “Related Story Preview”. Most readers are using wider browsers these days and this will hopefully give stories on the toplist a little extra exposure to those readers. For readers, it will hopefully give you a way to discover interesting stories that you might not have otherwise clicked on.
Behind the scenes, there are some more changes to the toplists as well, but more on that later.
So, please have a look at the links above and let us know what you think – either here on this blog or on the ongoing thread on the topic in the Literotica Forum .
Thanks for all of the feedback, everyone, and stay tuned for more Literotica updates very soon!
It’s been a while since I’ve updated this blog, but don’t worry – I’m still alive! Not only still alive, but I’ve actually been busy working on Literotica.
I’m happy to announce that part of that work is coming to fruition with the launch of a new feature called Literotica Series . Here it is live on the site:
The idea behind the feature is to allow readers to find longer multi-part stories that they are interested in, and to give authors more control over multi-part stories that they’ve written.
This BETA rollout is just the beginning. Eventually, authors will have full control over their Series, and we will roll out more related features like comments and voting on Series, Series contests, etc. This is the first step in a long term vision to give multi-part stories a bigger place on Literotica.
If you have suggestions for the feature, please feel free to leave a comment here or post them on the Series feature announcement post on the Literotica forum.
Thanks for all of the ongoing comments and suggestions and more updates soon!
A few new updates on the Literotica iPhone Site :
1. The member search feature is now live.
2. The categories are now displayed on the New Stories page, as requested by everyone.
We’ve also got some more improvements coming to the main Literotica site. Everything seems to take way longer than we thought it would (as it has been since Literotica started), but we are making good progress on a lot of new features and design upgrades.
Enjoy your summer and check back soon!
Just a quick summer update to let everyone know that the Literotica iPhone site went live on Friday, the same day as the worldwide launch of the new 3G Apple iPhone. This is the first version of the iPhone site, and it’s pretty much in BETA still, but we think it’s a good start. In the future, we’ll be adding more features and tweaking it to improve the existing features.
If you have an iPhone, the mobile phone site can be found here:
Let me know if you find any bugs or have suggestions for improvements.
Sorry for not updating this blog too often, but we have been working hard behind the scenes on some new Literotica stuff. Better that I’m working than posting, I guess.
Today’s new feature isn’t a huge one, but we think it’s a good one. We have added a new block to the right side of some stories, above the “Similar Stories” block. The new block is called “ Also In This Series “. You can probably guess what it’s for by the name, but I’ll explain it anyways, just to be annoying.
There are many many authors on Literotica who submit stories or novels in parts, as they write them. So, they will submit chapter 1, then two weeks later chapter 2, then two years later chapter 105, etc. One issue with this has been that the Literotica site didn’t tell readers when there were other chapters – either before or after the one they are reading. But all of that has changed, starting today!
Literotica will now scan all stories by each author and try to determine if each story is part of an ongoing series. If the story is part of a series, then the “Also In This Series” block will appear on all stories in that series, showing a link to all other stories in that same series. Here is an example of a story that is part of a long series . If you scroll down and look on the right side of the page, you will see the links to other stories in the same series.
We hope that this small new feature will be very helpful to readers when navigating the site. We also hope that it will help authors to get more readers following their longer ongoing works. We have more ideas to improve and expand the feature in the future. One obvious future improvement is to show “series” works together on each author’s submissions page. More on that, and other planned improvements, later. For now, please let us know if you find any bugs with the feature or if you have suggestions for improving it.
Take care and thanks for reading — and writing!
We have launched a new version of the Literotica Favorites Portal .
The new design matches up more closely with the rest of the Literotica site. We’ve also moved the stories to the left side of the page and the authors to the right side of the page and made a few other minor changes.
Some recent projects, like the new Literotica Tags portal and Search , are intended to improve the functions of the page/feature. In this case, with the Favorites Portal, the changes are more about making it look like a part of There are so many different pages and features on the site, each designed at various times over the last 10 years. One of our goals for 2008 is to try to bring everything together to give the site more of a unified look and feel. In theory, the site should be easier to use if all
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