List шопимся Instagram Posts, Photos and Videos

List шопимся Instagram Posts, Photos and Videos

List шопимся Instagram Posts, Photos and Videos

List шопимся Instagram Posts, Photos and Videos



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List шопимся Instagram Posts, Photos and Videos

List шопимся Instagram Posts, Photos and Videos

How to Sell With Instagram Shoppable Posts: Shopping on Instagram

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List шопимся Instagram Posts, Photos and Videos

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Shopping on Instagram is here! Instagram has officially launched Instagram Shoppable Posts , a native integration that makes it easy to tag and shop products directly from your organic Instagram posts. You may have seen this feature on your feed before, since Instagram and Shopify have been testing the feature since late But shopping on Instagram is officially going global and is now available in 46 countries. Ready to get started with shopping on Instagram? Until now, possibly the hardest part about running a business on Instagram has been the inability to share clickable links in a caption or tag products in Instagram posts. This is obviously a huge deal for businesses that sell products or services online. With the added ability to send traffic directly from Instagram posts, businesses can easily connect their audiences with the products and services they sell — and ultimately streamline the Instagram buying journey. You can tap it to select from various options, such as size or color, and then continue to payment — all without leaving Instagram! All you have to do is enter your name, email, billing information, and shipping address the first time you check out. Once your first order is complete, your information will be securely saved for convenience the next time you shop. The new checkout feature is currently in closed beta for several major businesses and only available to users in the United States. But Instagram plans to roll it out further in the coming weeks and months! You must be located in one of the 46 countries that the feature is currently available. You need an Instagram Business account , which can easily be set up by following our guide here. You m ust be on the latest version of the Instagram app on either iOS or Android. If you prefer that customers checkout on another website like your e-commerce site , choose the second option. The next steps differ depending on the option you selected. Before you get started, you need to have the Facebook sales channel installed on your Shopify store, which creates a Shop tab on your Facebook page that displays your Shopify products. Once the Instagram sales channel is installed, you can enable the feature by visiting Shopping under Business Settings in the Instagram app. Once Facebook approves your catalog, head back to Channel Manager, click Get Started next to Instagram, and c onfirm that your store meet the necessary requirements. The next step is to connect your product catalog to your Instagram account. Head back to the Shopping section in your Instagram settings and tap on Products. With the Instagram sales channel set up and your product catalog imported, you can immediately start tagging posts on Instagram with your products. Next, enter the names of the products you want to tag, then select them as they appear in the search box. Let us know in the comments! Ready to drive traffic and make sales from Instagram? Learn more about how Linkin. You can follow his day-to-day on Instagram benjaminchacs. Thinking about jumping into affiliate marketing on Instagram? Looking for some game-changing YouTube tips for your first video? We have you covered! Your email address will not be published. Benjamin Chacon benjaminchacs. Image courtesy of BigCommerce. You may also like. Read More. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

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