List of ideas for starting a small business

List of ideas for starting a small business


There was a time when 9-5 jobs were par of the course, however, thanks to the COVID-19, people realized how insecure their long-term and trustworthy companies can be at crucial times look these up. Many are turning to swap their regular jobs with small businesses but they are not so sure where to start.

Well, there is nothing to worry about. As our life norms shift so is the internet around us and we can get all needed help from there. If you are also stuck from where to start we have curated a small list of small business ideas for you.

  1. Start selling expertise online!

As bizarre as it might have sounded just a few years ago, you can sell your expertise online as a side hustle. Either you are a teacher, accountant, writer, reseller or dating expert; you can give classes or just a few hours from your routine by easily working from home while making extra income and your own Brand on the go.

  1. Small firms

It can be anything, you can resell products online while doing all the labor from your room and laptop. You can also opt for launching a small neighborhood coffee shop, bakery, or even a food truck. If you are more interested in providing services like house cleaning, pet care, digital marketing you can make a small set up and It won’t cost you an arm and a leg!

  1. Freelancing

Yes, you heard it right! You can be a freelancer and a business owner at the same time. The key here is that the product is you. Either you are an expert writer, doctor, social media enthusiast, cook or fashion expert. You do not have to work for someone else, rather you can build a brand of yourself where you charge people or companies for the services you provide and work on your own terms. This is actually a business that requires no investment to begin with, only skills!

  1. Business and career development sites

Websites like Bizop help people with their new business ventures as well as new career opportunities. Bizop and other similar sites not only ensures you are motivated enough to take the next big step in your career but also helps you through each phase to reach your goal. You can take your queries to Bizop website and they will make sure you are untangled and firm in your decisions yet to come.


You can start any small business of your choice with little to no investment. All that matters is the dedication and skills you have got. The times are changing quickly and so is the people’s perspective of starting their own businesses. 

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