List of Current Members of the Federation

List of Current Members of the Federation


The Communist Pact is a socialist federation of groups and channels that seeks propagation of marxist revolutionary content from theory to praxis. We also seek propagation of content related to the emancipation of socialist countries and third world countries, therefore, delegitimizing western propaganda.

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⚙️ @CommunistPact [Official Channel]

📕 @CommunistLibrary [Official Library]

🚩 @AnticapitalistSurrealism (An accumulous of collectively owned Post - Anarcho - Fully Automated Full Queer Luxury Marxist - Leninist - Maoist memes)

🚩 @canaisesquerda

🚩 @cubazuelacuicoposting

🚩 @cummunistturbo

🚩 @DifusionPCVyAPR (News Dissemination Channel of the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) and the Popular Revolutionary Alternative (APR))

🚩 @FreeLeft (Marxist-Leninist channel that seeks to post content from a communist and anti-imperialist perspective)

🚩 @GameBunker

🚩 @NewOutlookMedia

🚩 @real_GenZedong_general (GenZedong General Discussion Group)

🚩 @revistapatriagrande (Counter-hegemonic and popular journalism)

🚩 @senzatreguarss (Communist Youth Newspaper (FGC) "Truth is always revolutionary." ~ A. Gramsci)

🚩 @sinocene

🚩 @Socialismos (Brazilian/Lusophone channel dedicated to broadcasting Bolivarian, socialist and Marxist-Leninist content)

🚩 Socialist and Workers movement of Kenya

🚩 @softwarelivrepopular

🚩 @ujcbahia

🚩 @WorldRevolutionary

Do you have a socialist channel/group and want to join the federation? Read our Admission Legislation and contact us through @CommunistPactBot

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