List гроурепорт Instagram Posts, Photos and Videos

List гроурепорт Instagram Posts, Photos and Videos

List гроурепорт Instagram Posts, Photos and Videos

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This post may contain affiliate links, which means if you end up buying something from the site it goes to, I may get a commission for the referral. If you are using an ad blocker, some product information and links may not display unless you whitelist techforluddites. One of my tech pet peeves is the assumption by a lot of app developers that computers are obsolete and everybody wants to do everything on their mobile devices. I LIVE on my laptop and it drives me crazy when I have to haul out my phone or tablet to do something. It particularly bugs me that Instagram has such a poor web interface considering it is one of the most used social media platforms today. There are lots of reasons why people might want to share images from their computer instead of a mobile device:. However, the post very quickly got a lot of traffic and it has been in my top ten most visited posts since then. However, I just discovered that Instagram made a change a couple of months ago that pretty much makes all the other options obsolete for posting photos. What they did was add support to post content from a mobile browser, i. If anyone wants to confirm that this can be done in another browser as well, please share it in the comments below. This adds a small toolbar just below your main browser toolbars that lets you choose a mobile device to simulate. You can also just keep it on Responsive. However, you can click the three dots to open the settings and click Undock the frame, which opens it in a separate window. You can then minimize that window to get it out of your way. You now have the mobile browser interface with a normal Camera button that lets you upload images to Instagram. If the buttons do not appear, click the Reload button or re-enter the URL in the location bar and they should appear. Also, you may need to change the filter in the Browse dialog to All Files to select one to upload. You can do the same thing in Firefox as in Chrome as long as you have version 52 or higher. However, in some cases you may not see the option to change devices depending on whether you have Multiprocess Windows enabled or not. Multiprocess Windows, it could have been disabled by an app. The article below provides step-by-step instructions for re-enabling it if necessary. In October , Instagram added a version of its app to the Windows Store to use on tablets. You can also install it on Windows 10 computers, however you cannot use it to upload photos and videos to Instagram unless your PC has both a touchscreen and a backwards-facing camera. Get the Instagram app on the Windows Store. Gramblr is a program whose sole purpose is to upload content to Instagram from your computer. You can download Windows and Mac versions for free from the Gramblr website. You can download Windows and Mac versions for free from the BlueStacks website scroll to the bottom of the page for the Download button. This is the point where you only have the option to upload images, not videos. Bluestacks has a support article that explains how you should be able to upload videos, but I have not yet been able to get it to work. That will let you select a video to add to your Bluestacks Gallery. Unfortunately, for me, when I get to the next screen where you can choose a filter or to trim the video and add a cover image, Instagram closes on me. You can connect up to 3 accounts any combination for free. Learn more about Hootsuite in this T4L post. However, the process for uploading to Instagram is not as straightforward as it is for other social networks. While you start the process on your PC by uploading your photo or video through Hootsuite, you then need to go to a mobile device to complete the posting. Your device needs to have both the Hootsuite and Instagram apps on it. You can get full instructions, including a video demo, for the process on the Hootsuite website , but here are the basic steps:. So as long as you do have a mobile device with Hootsuite and Instagram on it, this is a nice way to get your files from your computer into Instagram and then have its full features available to you. Since I first wrote this post, I can no longer use this app. Please upgrade your app to log in to Instagram. InstaPic is an app for the Windows 8 and 10 operating systems. You can get it for free from the Windows Store. Do you have another method for uploading images to Instagram from your computer? If so, please share it in the comments! To receive future blog posts in your Inbox, please fill out the form below. Your email address will not be published. Leave this field empty. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Hi, I just used this method and it works just fine! But I also wanted to know whether or not that I could DM using this trick? But the Bluestacks system in this post lets you send DMs. Yes, unfortunately that method does not work for videos. However, I am still able to get it to work in Firefox. I am still not able to get a camera button using your emulator method. Still no way to upload anything. Thanks for the tips. The instructions for chrome worked for me on windows F12 brings up the developer tools on Microsoft Edge. Then go to the Emulate tab. Then choose whichever phone you want to from the drop down list. Glad it worked for you, Marion. And thanks for the extra info about how to get it to work with Edge! During the install process, the installer preselected about 8 other software in addition to the Gramblr software. Although buttons were provided to deselect, it did nothing when depressed and the selected programs remained greyed out and uneditable. It is extremely poor form for Gramblr to force people to install software they do not want just to get one program. For all I know, those other software programs are malware. Thanks for the warning. So the real question is, how has Instagram managed to stay in business. Why, except on the Bizarro World, would anyone waste time with a photo-hosting site that actively refuses to let its users post photos? T4L is not currently accepting guest or sponsored posts. To ask a question, share a tech tip, suggest a post topic, or provide general feedback on this site, please email info techforluddites. Want to use Instagram with your PC? Check out these options! If you found this post helpful, maybe your friends will too hint, hint! Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Update, I was able to get the emulator method to work for images, but not video. I reloaded the page in Chrome and the buttons came back. 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