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Urban Farming and Ecofarming – visit to famous ecofarm “Herdade do Freixo do Meio” in Portugal

From Route , Springworks Farm in Lisbon looks like most farms in Maine this time of year — more brown than green, a closed farm stand by the road, a couple of dusty pickup trucks in the dirt parking lot. But looks can be deceiving. In the main greenhouse, not only does a variety of bright green lettuce stretch in long rows down the length of the room, but in a much darker adjacent room, tilapia in different stages of growth swim energetically in a dozen large tanks. The farm doesn't shut down for the winter, and it's not slowing down for anything else, either. Earlier this month the aquaponic farm that specializes in greens, announced expansion plans that will bring it to , square feet of greenhouse space by The project will take a few years, but the first step is already underway with a 40,square-foot greenhouse, the third at the farm, that's expected to be in use by next month and will triple the farm's output. The expansion comes at the intersection of growing climate change awareness and the trend, which became a trend on steroids since the pandemic began, of consumers, demanding locally grown food and grocers rethinking their distribution chains Springworks' aquaponics growing method is in the perfect position to ride the wave. Expanding and expanding again COVID has led to a lot of new business for Springworks, but the planning for the expansion began well before it started. The new 40,square-foot greenhouse, developed by Priority Group, of Topsham, will triple the output of the farm's products — organic bibb, romaine, leaf lettuce, salad mix, and other greens. It will also increase the amount of tilapia the farm annually grows, which is now 60, pounds annually, opening new commercial markets. Read the complete article at www. Publication date: Thu 22 Apr Receive the daily newsletter in your email for free Click here. You are receiving this pop-up because this is the first time you are visiting our site. If you keep getting this message, please enable cookies in your browser. Announcements Click here to receive this news directly in your inbox. South Africa: How an innovative smaller supplier helped to keep tomatoes on Shoprite shelves Hydroponic pepper farm expands in India 'We store CO2 from the outside air to make plants grow faster' Study on hydroponic lettuce production in hydroponic vertical farm Sundrop Farms uses solar to grow tomatoes in the Australian desert. Thank you. Something went wrong with your message. Maybe it was seen as spam, please browse some more articles on our site before trying again. Email this article to a friend. Sign up for our daily Newsletter and stay up to date with all the latest news! Subscribe I am already a subscriber You are receiving this pop-up because this is the first time you are visiting our site.

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US: Lisbon aquaponics farm grows even faster than its lettuce

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Agratech Farms to expand hydroponic operations to Portugal

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