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Apocalypse Now

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Apocalypse Pooh (1987)
Extracts used: the opening sequence of the jungle being napalmed, part of the briefing dinner scene, a shot of Kurtz running his hand over his head, and the last seconds of the end of the film (the shot of the stone statue then fade to black).

Rio Conchos (1964)

Character Pardee (Edmond O'Brien) explains his war tactics similarly to the way Colonel Kurtz did in Apocalypse Now. He admires the enemy's ruthlessness and plans to create an army like that of his own.

Die Geburt einer Nation (1915)

The Helicopters (The Cavalry) ride into battle playing Wagner's 'Ride of the Valkyries' almost exactly like how the Ku Klux Klan ride in on horses during the climax of the movie.

Citizen Kane (1941)

A man immersed in the darkness of the human soul.

Das süße Leben (1960)

Homage to Federico Fellini: Helicopter airlifts a sacred bovidae for transport against a background of a ruined Western church while a mass is being conducted, a visual paradox of delivering salvation in the form of a statue of a glittering Jesus to a sparkling St. Peter's square.

Stoßtrupp Gold (1970)

Lt.Col.Kilgore plays music from his vehicle to frighten the enemy, just like Oddball does in Kelly's Heroes.

Beruf: Reporter (1975)

flashback with recording device

Blade - Der Kontrabulle (1973)

The 1979 re-edit included footage shot in 1979. In one of the shots, a marquee with the famous Apocalyse Now trademark is seen very clearly.

Saturday Night Live: Elliott Gould/Gary Numan (1980)
(TV Episode)
Title mentioned by Father Guido Sarducci while wating for Richard Nixon

Saturday Night Live: Burt Reynolds/Anne Murray (1980)
(TV Episode)
Title mentioned during Bill Murray's Oscar predictions

Der Kandidat (1980)

The beginning of the film looks a lot like the famous scene in Francis Coppola's Apocalypse Now - even accompanied by some Wagner-music

Mannen som blev miljonär (1980)

Poster on a wall

Fist of Fear, Touch of Death (1980)

Title appears in the film on a cinema billboard

Sanford: Cal's Diet: Part 1 (1980)
(TV Episode)
Fred recommends this movie to Cal.

Asphalt-Kannibalen (1980)

Apocalypse Domani means Apocalypse Tomorrow, so the Italian title is a reference to Apocalypse Now.

Jäger der Apokalypse (1980)

In both war movies a soldier has to cross the jungle in the middle of the Vietnam war to destroy a target.

Jede Nacht zählt (1981)

Remote controlled helicopter with the relevant music by Wagner.

Einer mit Herz (1981)

Another Coppola film starring Frederic Forrest that makes use of the song "You Are My Sunshine" for dramatic purposes.

Arena: A Pretty British Affair (1981)
(TV Episode)
Powell says to Francis Ford Coppola that he prefers films to be made at studios, before adding "but I shouldn't say that to you, I suppose"; the narrator explains that he's probably referring to the location shoot of Apocalypse Now

Buddy, Buddy (1981)

Jack Lemmon yells at one point: ''Apocalypse Now!''.

Der Blade Runner (1982)

The rainy USO concession stand that Willard walks past/the rainy crowded streets of Los Angeles

Duran Duran: Hungry Like the Wolf (1982)
(Music Video)
Simon Le Bon's head rises in slow motion out of the river as rain pours down.

Sans Soleil - Unsichtbare Sonne (1983)

A sentence from colonel Kurtz' speech is quoted by the narrator.

M*A*S*H: Goodbye, Farewell, and Amen (1983)
(TV Episode)
We hear the sound of a helicopter and see a spinning ceiling fan simultaneously.

The Facts of Life: Who's on First (1983)
(TV Episode)
Jo mentions the title

Die Überlebenskünstler (1983)

Robin Williams says: "I love the smell of malamute in the morning".

Un genio en apuros (1983)

There is a scene involving an helicopter and Wagner's "The Ride of the Valkyries"

Einmal Hölle und zurück (1984)

Don Jardian sits on his helmet when he gets on a helicopter

Spitting Image: Royal Spitting Image (1984)
(TV Episode)
Title mentioned by Ronald Reagan as one of the good things that came out of the Vietnam war.

Sesión continua (1984)

A poster of this film can be seen

Wild Life (1984)

The character Jim claims having watched Apocalypse Now multiple times.

Cut and Run (1984)

Crossing the jungle to meet a high military officer, with a cult-like following.

Blast Heroes (1984)

eddy ko is sent on an identical mission to martin sheens character.

Starman (1984)

The approaching helicopters of the military assault force on the crater, including similar music.

Ça n'arrive qu'à moi (1985)

As François and Prudence are held in the castle, Mr Guilledou and his hired men arrive and land on the lawn with their helicopters, and the famous Wagner score can be heard.

The Bob Monkhouse Show: Folge #2.9 (1985)
(TV Episode)
An audience suggestion given to Monteith and Rand.

Agentin mit Herz: Utopia Now (1985)
(TV Episode)
Title reference.

Alfred Hitchcock zeigt: Method Actor (1985)
(TV Episode)
As an in-joke, Dano (played by Sheen) puts on a record that plays Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries - the iconic music from Apocalypse Now, the film that made Sheen famous.

Black Cats (1985)

Dennis Hopper's character is similar, and when we first see him there is similar music . Later on there's a helicopter with "The Ride of the Valkyries" playing on the soundtrack .

Saturday Night Live: Tony Danza/Laurie Anderson (1986)
(TV Episode)
Title mentioned during cold opening

Rhea M. - Es begann ohne Warnung (1986)

"Ride of the Valkyries" is used when a flying plane is shown.

Sommerferien - Total verrückt (1986)

during boat scene, "The Ride of the Valkyries" heard

Siskel & Ebert & the Movies: Platoon/Lady and the Tramp/No Mercy (1986)
(TV Episode)
Referenced during the "Platoon" review.

Cobra Force (1986)

The scene where Ransom is delivered up-river in a small version of a PBR is very similar, complete with an ill-fated Laurence Fishburne lookalike who wears shades and listens on headphones - the sequence is edited and shot just like some of the early scenes Apocalypse Now with Ben Willard on the PBR

The Making of 'Captain Eo' (1986)
(TV Movie)
Title mentioned.

Geschichten aus der Schattenwelt: Red Leader (1987)
(TV Episode)
Alex's line: "I love the sound of construction in the morning. It sounds like success."

Return to Horror High (1987)

"The horror. The horror."

No 73: Demolition (1987)
(TV Episode)
Mentioned during a game of charades

Ausgelöscht (1987)

The line "extermination with extreme prejudice" said by Michael Ironside is coming from Apocalypse Now, which was also written by John Milius

Chaos im Camp (1987)

The Ride of the Valkyries plays during the turtle bombardment scene.

Coda (1987)
(TV Movie)
The name of the No. 9 symphony is "Apocalypse".

Kreis der Angst (1987)

Poster and script lines.

Желтый трепет: Una notte nel cimitero (1987)
(TV Episode)
A character references "Apocalypse Now" by name

Running Man (1987)

Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyries" plays during the scene where Dynamo chases Ben

D.C. Follies: Reagan Tries to Wipe Out National Debt with TV Home Shopping Show (1987)
(TV Episode)
Fred says "I love the smell of gas fumes in the morning."

Braddock: Missing in Action III (1988)

First we see the blades of a helicopter and then it morphes into the blades of a fan.

Sledge Hammer: Suppose They Gave a War and Sledge Came? (1988)
(TV Episode)
Sledge says "I love the smell of paintgun (original: napalm) in the morning"

Gorugo Satin Dai-Issho Kamigami no Tasogare (1988)
(Video Game)
Film is referenced

Splash, Too (1988)
(TV Movie)
"I love the smell of money in the afternoon"

Fever Kill (1988)

Bill Hunter's head surfaces from underwater like Martin Sheen.

Blue Fever (1988)

The line "I love the smell of napalm in the morning" is paraphrased as "I love the smell of bacon in the morning".

Sex, Lügen und Video (1989)

The "Barfly" quotes dialogue from "Apocalypse Now" when he does his Brando impression

Mystery Science Theater 3000: SST: Death Flight (1989)
(TV Episode)
Crow: "I love the smell of burning RAM chips in the morning."

Atomic Hero 2 (1989)

see on movie marquee

Mystery Science Theater 3000: Superdome (1989)
(TV Episode)
Crow: "I love the smell of burning RAM chips in the morning."

Mystery Science Theater 3000: City on Fire (1989)
(TV Episode)
Joel (as the photojournalist): "Do you want to know what fear is, man?"

Disney-Land: Super DuckTales (1989)
(TV Episode)
"Ride of the Valkyries" plays as Launchpad leads a group of helicopters to Lake Doughbegone.

DuckTales - Neues aus Entenhausen: Super DuckTales: Part 2 - Frozen Assets (1989)
(TV Episode)
"Ride of the Valkyries" plays as Launchpad leads a group of helicopters to Lake Doughbegone.

ALF: Shake, Rattle and Roll (1989)
(TV Episode)
A panicked ALF shouts the name of the movie, among other things.

Acropolis Now (1989)
(TV Series)
The television show's title is a take off of "Apocalypse Now."

DuckTales - Neues aus Entenhausen: My Mother the Psychic (1989)
(TV Episode)
Mrs. Crackshell: "The horror! The horror!"

The Arsenio Hall Show: Folge #2.19 (1989)
(TV Episode)
Mentioned by Siskel.

Trying Times: Death and Taxes (1989)
(TV Episode)
Ride of the Valkyries epicly plays as military helicopter descends.

Zurück in die Zukunft II (1989)

In 2015, when Doc discovers Marty has bought the sports almanac, there is poster advertising "Surf Vietnam"; a reference to Apocalypse Now.

Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Slime People (1989)
(TV Episode)
"I like the smell of napon in the morning...smells like slime"

Mystery Science Theater 3000: Project Moonbase (1990)
(TV Episode)
"I like the smell of Spacom in the morning...smells like checkery"

Punk Vacation (1990)
Lisa says "Sell the house. Sell the car. Sell the kids." This was on the letter Capt. Richard M. Colby sent to his wife, in Apocalypse Now.

Stirb Langsam 2 (1990)

The Colonel performing a kata naked in his hotel room.

Wogan: Folge #10.92 (1990)
(TV Episode)
Mentioned by Nicolas Cage during his interview.

Tiny Toon Abenteuer: Rock 'N' Roar (1990)
(TV Episode)
"Ride of the Valkyries" can be heard as Montana Max attacks Rover in his plane.

Mystery Science Theater 3000: Jungle Goddess (1990)
(TV Episode)
"Saigon, I'm still in Saigon!"

Roseanne: PMS, I Love You (1990)
(TV Episode)
Opening shot of spinning ceiling fan with internal monologue of man in bed below it.

Ein Grieche erobert Chicago: Duck Soup (1991)
(TV Episode)
Balki: "I love the smell of stagnant swamp water in the morning."

Flash - Der rote Blitz: Alpha (1991)
(TV Episode)
Barry goes to the opening of a club called "Apocalypse Wow".

Boyz n the Hood - Jungs im Viertel (1991)

In the scene where Furious and Tre are sitting on the rocks having a father-to-son chat, Furious mentions fighting as a young soldier in Vietnam. Laurence Fishburne (who plays Furious) starred as a young soldier in Vietnam in this movie.

Plymouth (1991)
(TV Movie)
"I love the smell of oxygen in the morning."

Reise ins Herz der Finsternis (1991)

Documentary about making the film

Mystery Science Theater 3000: Gamera vs. Barugon (1991)
(TV Episode)
Crow: "Saigon! Can't believe I'm still in Saigon."

MacGyver: Honest Abe (1991)
(TV Episode)
Major Snead uses the famous line, "Terminate with extreme prejudice."

McBain (1991)

Dialogue: "Love the Smell of Napalm in the Morning".

Mystery Science Theater 3000: Mighty Jack (1991)
(TV Episode)
Tom: "Apocalypse Not"

Mystery Science Theater 3000: Gamera vs. Zigra (1991)
(TV Episode)
Tom: "The horror! The horror!"

The Kids in the Hall: Folge #3.5 (1991)
(TV Episode)
Marks drunken apartment rant is similar to Martin Sheen.

Mystery Science Theater 3000: Teenage Caveman (1991)
(TV Episode)
Tom: "Kill Col. Kurtz!"

Zombie '90: Extreme Pestilence (1991)

"I love the smell of zombies in the morning."

Siskel & Ebert & the Movies: The Best Films of 1991 (1992)
(TV Episode)
Referenced when discussing "Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse".

Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Castle of Fu Manchu (1992)
(TV Episode)
"You must kill Kurtz. Terminate with extreme prejudice."

Seinfeld: The Boyfriend (1992)
(TV Episode)
In Jerry's stand-up act, he says, "I love the smell of cardboard in the morning."

Eerie, Indiana: The Hole in the Head Gang (1992)
(TV Episode)
Mr. Radford says, "I love the smell of fixer in the morning."

Whose Line Is It Anyway?: Folge #4.8 (1992)
(TV Episode)
Title mentioned by Ryan Stiles during game of 'Props'.

Boris und Natasha - Dümmer als der CIA erlaubt (1992)
(TV Movie)
Sheldon: "Wake up and smell the napalm!"

Parker Lewis - Der Coole von der Schule: Diner '75 (1992)
(TV Episode)
Mikey's "flashback" takes him to a war zone, and he exclaims, "The horror!"

Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Giant Gila Monster (1992)
(TV Episode)
As Chase rolls his explosive-filled car toward the Gila Monster: "The horror, the horror." After the explosion, Crow: "I love the smell of lizard in the morning; smells like chicken."

Mystery Science Theater 3000: Attack of the Giant Leeches (1992)
(TV Episode)
Tom: "I knew Col. Kurtz was close - he was real close."

Parker Lewis - Der Coole von der Schule: Cape Flamingo (1992)
(TV Episode)
"Apocalypse Now!" setting on tennis ball machine

Tiny Toon Abenteuer: Thirteensomething (1992)
(TV Episode)
Buster: "I love the smell of morning in the morning."

Hitch, der Geist aus der Flasche (1992)

"I love the smell of chicken feathers in the morning. It smells like..."

Die Simpsons: Kamp Krusty (1992)
(TV Episode)
The scenes of the camp in chaos and Krusty's meeting with Bart echo similar ones in Apocalypse Now.

Goofy und Max: A Goof of the People (1992)
(TV Episode)
Mr. Sludge - "I love the smell of toxic waste in the morning, smells like money".

The Ben Stiller Show: With Dennis Miller (1992)
(TV Episode)
Dennis says that Ben left "Saturday Night Live" and "headed up the river, like Kurtz."

Mystery Science Theater 3000: Monster A-Go Go (1993)
(TV Episode)
Hums Wagner's 'Ride of the Valkyries' as chopper lands

Tango Mortale (1993)

when Vincent attacks the lover of his wife with the car he put a tape in the car-radio with music by Wagner - Its the same like in Apocalypse Now when the helicopters starts to bomb

Whose Line Is It Anyway?: Folge #5.2 (1993)
(TV Episode)
Title shouted out by audience member as suggestion for 'Film and Theater styles'.

Mystery Science Theater 3000: Warrior of the Lost World (1993)
(TV Episode)
Rhyde of the Valkyre is hummed during helicopter shot

Mystery Science Theater 3000: Eegah (1993)
(TV Episode)
Title spoken

True Romance (1993)

Mentioned as rivaling "Coming Home in a Body Bag" as the best Vietnam movie by Clarence when he's talking to Lee.

Superman: Die Abenteuer von Lois & Clark: Neverending Battle (1993)
(TV Episode)
Perry says, "I love the smell of fear in the newsroom."

Animaniacs: Video Review/When Mice Ruled the Earth (1993)
(TV Episode)
Seen on video store shelf in 'Video Review'

The Day Today: Big Report (1994)
(TV Episode)
The actor Marlon Brando is being auctioned, some of his films are mentioned including this.

Clerks - Die Ladenhüter (1994)

Video case is shown in a video store.

The Kids in the Hall: Folge #4.12 (1994)
(TV Episode)
Photo of Marlin Brando as Colonel Kurtz is seen in the executive's office.

Melrose Place: With This Ball and Chain (1994)
(TV Episode)
"I love an appendectomy in the morning"

The Chase - Die Wahnsinnsjagd (1994)

At the end of the credit sequence Charlie Sheen recites the famous speech.

Leprechaun II - Der Killerkobold kehrt zurück (1994)

"Charlie don't surf" written on bathroom wall.

Pulp Fiction (1994)

"I would like someone go to my home tell my son everything...."

Комната 101: Folge #1.3 (1994)
(TV Episode)
Talking about how she set her flat on fire, Jo Brand says a candle began to set fire to her bed and when she lifted up the mattress, the air getting to it caused the flames to go up like the opening sequence of this film.

The Charlie Rose Show: Quentin Tarantino (1994)
(TV Episode)
Title is mentioned during interview.

Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Starfighters (1994)
(TV Episode)
Tom: "Here, on 'Apocalypse Lice'"

Mystery Science Theater 3000: Kitten with a Whip (1994)
(TV Episode)
Mike: "Saigon. Can't believe I'm still in Saigon."

Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Sword and the Dragon (1994)
(TV Episode)
Tom: "I love the smell of dragon breath in the morning."

Lunar: Eternal Blue (1994)
(Video Game)

Ich gelobe (1994)

movie shown in cinema

Die Ren & Stimpy Show: Pixie King/Aloha Hoek (1995)
(TV Episode)
The villager's voice is a caricature of Marlon Brando's Colonel Kurtz from Apocalypse Now. Also, the villager says "I think I swallowed a bug", which is an outtake from that film.

Carnosaurus - Attack of the Raptors (1995)

Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyries" played in helicopter scene

Mystery Science Theater 3000: Angels Revenge (1995)
(TV Episode)
Crow: "Charlie was close. I could smell his perfume."

Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Amazing Transparent Man (1995)
(TV Episode)
Crow: "I love the smell of atrazine in the morning."

Hubi, der Pinguin (1995)

One of the penguins on the Misery exclaims, "The horror!"

Duckman: Private Dick/Family Man: In the Nam of the Father (1995)
(TV Episode)
A Kurtz-style character confronts Duckman in one of his Vietnam flashbacks.

Melrose Place: The Big Bang Theory (1995)
(TV Episode)
"Don't you just love the smell of sulphur in the afternoon?"

Power Rangers: Der Film (1995)

''I love the smell of destruction in the evening.''

Ширли-мырли (1995)

There is a scene involving an helicopter and Wagner's "The Ride of the Valkyries"

Leaving Las Vegas: Liebe bis in den Tod (1995)

refer to a poem read by Marlon brando in apocalypse now

Eek! The Cat: Pup Fiction/The Klutter and I (Infection) (1995)
(TV Episode)
Pierre says "Never get out of the boat!"

Dead Presidents (1995)

When Anthony writes a letter to Kirby from Vietnam, the scene is edited like the opening of Apocalypse Now. Several moments in Vietnam also resemble scenes from that movie as well.

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