Lisa Simpson Fanfic Sex

Lisa Simpson Fanfic Sex

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One Monday morning, Lisa and Bart caught their bus to school. As usual they didn't sit next to each other, Bart sat with his friends and Lisa sat alone, by a window. She peeked out the window w\humming a song. Then all of a sudden, at the next stop, one of the "popular girls" came and sat next to her.
"May I sit here?" she asked politely.
"So what's your name?" she asked. "Mine is Amanda Anderson."
"I'm Lisa Simpson. So why aren't you sitting with your other friends today?"
" is on vacation, and Ashley wants to sit next to her boyfriend, Kevin. They're right there," she said, as she pointed towards them, "so do you have a boyfriend?"
"Yea, Kyle. I'd sit next to him but he doesn't take the bus. He lives two houses down from the school so he just walks there. So do you want to hang out with us after school today?"
"Well, it depends where your going."
"We're just going to hang out, by the drug store, and maybe we'll see a movie."
"Hey Lisa!" Amanda called out, across the school front yard, "Are you coming or not?"
"Yeah I am! Wait for me!" She ran over to Bart and said "Hey Bart? Tell mom I'll be home late today my friends and I are going to the movies. See you later Bart, bye!"
She ran off and caught up with them. She saw some unfamiliar faces and asked Amanda to introduce them to her.
"Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Lisa, this is Mike, Kyle my boyfriend, Ashley and her boyfriend Kevin," as she said their names, she pointed at them, "Lauren and her boyfriend John, and Heather and her boyfriend Danny. And everyone is Lisa. We met on the bus this morning. I think we all will get along fine!"
They walked slowly; Lisa walked alone while everyone else had a boyfriend or girlfriend to walk with. She felt lonely until she realized that Mike was alone too. She also noticed that slowly he moved towards her, she stared at him and he winked. What a hunk, she thought.
"Hi, I'm Mike. I've heard of you, and your brother Bart, he's a friend of mine." he said.
"He can be a pain sometimes." She answered. She tried to make a conversation. She said "So what did you hear about me?"
"Well, I heard that he's a trouble maker, and that you're his sister. I also heard that you single. And now I've seen how beautiful you are, rumors don't matter." He said realizing that they both had fallen behind the rest of the gang. "Hey we better catch up huh?"
"Yeah, I guess so," she said in a flirtatious way.
She started to jog ahead, when Mike grabbed her hand. "Listen, would you by any chance want to go out with me sometime?"
He nodded; he also noticed that she was hesitating to say her answer. To somehow make her love him, he grabbed her waist and kissed her on the lips. She almost fainted, and thought, is this a dream? The most popular guys just kissed me! He then repeated the question.
"So, would you like to?" he said as if he knew she would say yes. "I've gone out with many girls, had many girlfriends, but you know what? I think you stand out the most, out of all the girls in our school. You're unique, intelligent, sexy, and ." he French kissed her again, "the best kisser."
"Oh, you kiss good too," she said blushing, "sure. But I have to go now, I have to go now, my family and I are going out to eat. So when will we go out next, as an official couple?"
"Yeah, I have to go somewhere too, but how bought tomorrow, after school? Bring your bike; we'll bike to somewhere special, alone. Be prepared to have fun. And we might be gone for awhile, so don't make any other plans."
"Alright," anything for you, she thought. "See you tomorrow, Mike. Bye- bye!" she giggled and waved sweetly. She slowly walked home, thinking of nothing but Mike. He's so beautiful, sweet, kind, and of course he loves me, which means that I'm double all of that.
"Lisa! Where were you, young lady? We've been waiting for you all day! Bart told us you had band practice. But your saxophone is right here," said _ as she pointed toward it, "we need an explanation right know!"
"What do you mean by 'we', you're the only one talking to me," she said calmly, "turn around."
Marge turned around, she saw that Homer was sitting on the couch eating a bag of chips, while watching T.V. "Homer! What are you doing? Get over here right now, Lisa's home!"
"Yeah, yeah, hold on a sec., King Henry is about to punch Shakespeare with a hammer!" he said referring to the show Celebrity Death Match.
"Oh god!" said Marge complaining. "Listen Lisa, just answer me, where were you all this time? I got worried sick!"
"Ok, I had a study date with this girl Kim, from my school, it was today, but I thought it was next Monday. She told me today, that next Monday she wouldn't be here because she and her family are going to drive to Doenutville, her grandparents live there," she said, until rudely interrupted.
"Donut-ville? Did you say Donut-ville? I love donuts, we better go there sometime!" said Homer, gullibly believing the town's name.
"No dad! Its not 'donut-ville', its spelled D-o-e-n-u-t-ville. It's different you know. So where were we? Oh yeah, so she said that we'd have to study today or no day at all. And I told Bart to tell you that I was studying with a friend!"
"Lisa! You know never to trust Bart, but I had no choice but to believe him. You weren't home to prove if he was lying or not. Well, I'll have a word with him, especially about lying, about something this important. Well, next time please call me from a payphone or something."
Lisa walked upstairs and finishes her homework. Once she was done, she started to doodle on her notebook. She wrote "Mike", all over, every time it had a different font, size, and heart around it. Her mom knocked on her door, she quickly threw her notebook into her backpack, and then she said "Come in!"
"Let's go Lisa, we're going to Springfield Diner." She said, as she opened the door. "Where something nice, it's a fancy restaurant. Your dad and I met up with a high school friend of ours. We never knew they lived in this town, so we're going to meet them at the restaurant; we made a reservation. I believe they have a son who's in your grade and a daughter who's younger than you, by two years. Look nice ok? I'll be waiting for you downstairs."
Friends from high school, she thought, I thought they had no friends in high school. She wore a brown mini skirt and a white ΒΎ sleeved shirt. She wore nice brown-heeled shoes and walked down the stairs. Bart wore black pants and a white shirt, and had his hair gelled back, so he would look slick.
"Something's wrong," said Lisa to Bart, "you are looking nice, but you're not complaining, why? You must be up to something."
" because," he whispered in her ear, "I heard that their daughter one year younger than me, is . And I'm friends with their son, too. So that means I have a chance with this girl. Her name is Michelle. I've seen her once, but from far away."
"Oh.I see. So who's Michelle's brother? Do I know him?"
"I don't know, his name is Mike. All of the girls from your grade fall for him. Well, all except his sister."
'Oh no!' she said to herself. What if he's the same Mike, the Mike I'm going out with?
"Let's go, kids get in the car! I'll be there in a second. up! It's not like George's wife was your high school sweet heart! Come on!"
Homer murmured to himself, "But I did have a crush on her in ninth grade, before I dropped out."
They all got into the car, and silence took over. Nobody seemed to want to talk. Lisa sat by the window, hoping that it wasn't the same Mike she was going out with. If he happened to be the same "Mike", she would worry about him mentioning it, aloud. Bart sat listening to his portable CD player; he was listening to heavy metal and rock music. He had the volume up so high, that the whole car could slightly hear the music. Homer, as usual was driving and humming a song. Marge on the other hand, was using her time wisely she read a book.
Once they reached the restaurant, a valet parker, greeted them at the parking lot. "I will park the car for you, sir" he said politely.
"Ooh, this must be a really nice restaurant if they have valet parking!" cried Marge, in an excited way.
"Hey! How are you Homer? You Marge?"
"Oh, we both are fine. I don't know if you have met my children. This is Bart, he's in Mike's grade right?" she pointed to Bart and he nodded. "And this is my daughter Lisa." She pointed to Lisa, and Lisa said hello.
"This is my son Mike, and my daughter Michelle. So let's sit down, our table is ready."
As the parents started to talk, and walk towards their table, Mike came toward Lisa and Bart; Michelle followed.
Mike cam up to Lisa, kissed her on the lips, and said "so how are you? I didn't expect your family to be here."
"Yeah, hehe. I'm fine, and well. I'm glad you're here. At least we won't get bored, hehe."
Bart whispered to Michelle, "Mike just kissed my sister. I didn't know they were going out, or well, ever kissed each other."
"No, we just broke up. And he was a pain in the butt anyway. You?"
"No. But I've had a few before. I haven't met any girl that's really pretty before in Springfield, until now."
"Hehe," she giggled, and then blushed.
They all sat down, Lisa sat next to Mike, and Bart sat next to Michelle; they all sat in one row, while the parents sat across from them.
They ate dinner without any boyfriend, girlfriend talk. There was something unusual that happened though.
"I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back." Said Bart.
"I'm going to go wash my hands, they're sticky." Said Michelle.
"I'll join her. My hands are dirty too." Said Lisa.
"I guess I'll go to the bathroom also." Added Mike.
Lisa and Mike really had to go wash their hands, and go to the bathroom. But for Michelle and Bart, it was an excuse to be alone. Lisa went into a stall, washed her hands and came out expecting to find Michelle waiting for her. But instead she saw Michelle, and Bart making out by the pay phone.
"Oh my god!" she yelled, in the lowest yelling voice she could possibly have. "What are you doing? I never knew you two were going out?"
"We are now, we just admitted to each other that we've had crushes on each other since last year! What a coincidence huh?"
Then Mike came out, and said, "Finally, away from parents." He then took Lisa by her waist and kissed her. He then ended up making out with her in about two seconds. They were all over the other side of the pay phone. Noticing that Bart and Michelle were staring at both of them, Mike let go of her, and stared at them back. "What?"
"I never knew you two were going out. And I also didn't know that Lisa knows how to kiss guys." Said Bart.
"We've been going out since today after school. Listen Bart, if you don't tell mom about Mike and me, then I won't tell her about Michelle and you. Got it?"
~~***~~NOTE~~***~~: The second half of this show/story, will be called "Lisa's Secret Part 2", look out for it and see what happens once Marge gets clues of what's happening. Please try to read and review that story also, thanks!
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The Great Romance Of Bart And Lisa Simpson by DarkNothingness
Marge went into Bart's room the next day to wake him up for church but when she saw Lisa cuddled up to him she just couldn't do that.
" Bart, time to... Awe would you look at that, Homie come here! " Marge said with a delighted tone.
" UUUGH! Do I have... Oh my god look at them! " Homer said excitedly.
" Now Homie, I know this might look wrong with them being siblings, but look at them! Lisa told me in the car last night that they were really in love and that's true. I told them that I was fine with it, which means you need to support their relationship just like I do. "
" I will Marge, I will. " Homer said locking into an embrace with Marge.
Bart woke up shortly afterwards but by then Homer and Marge were already out of his room. Bart woke up to find his sister nuzzling against his chest, this made him think of how cute she is when she is sleeping. Bart sat there starting at her for 15 min until she finally woke up.
" Good morning my love. " Lisa said with one of her eyes open in a waking tone.
" Good morning my sweet. " Bart replied back.
Bart and Lisa then shared a passionate kiss and got out of bed. After they got dressed they went downstairs and seated themselves at the kitchen table.
" So, Marge told me about you 2 last night. " Homer said
" Yeah Homer it's official, I'm dating my sister you can go ahead and laugh. " Bart said sarcastically.
" No I actually support you and Lisa, ( Homer puts his hands up to Bart's ear and whispers while Marge has her back turned cooking pancakes. ) and also Marge was watching you sleep this morning. "
" You know what, while you and Lisa are dressed in your church clothes I'd like to get some pictures of you 2. " Marge said
" That would be nice. " Lisa replied
After breakfast Marge had them in the living room taking a few pictures before they left.
" That one is great now Lisa I want you to put your head on Bart's chest and Bart I want you looking down on her. " Marge said
After they were finished taking a few pictures they got in the car and went to church. Bart waited for what felt like eternity for church to be over so he could go home and snuggle with the girl he loves so much. When it was finally over Bart and Lisa ran out to the car desperately wanting to go home.
" Wow Lisa when you said that you were in love you really meant it. " Marge said mockingly while letting out a tiny chuckle.
" Well what else would I have meant? " Lisa said annoyed.
" Relax Lisa I'm just messing with you. "
In the car Bart and Lisa sat in the back seat with Bart in the window seat and Lisa in the middle seat with Lisa's hands in Bart's hands starring deep into each others eyes with passion. Bart really wanted to make out with Lisa but didn't want to do it in front of their parents. Once they got home they immediately changed out of their church clothes and went to Bart's room, once inside Lisa happily threw herself into Bart's arms.
" Finally I've been waiting all day! " Bart said happily as he embraced with Lisa.
" Me too " Lisa said nuzzling her head on Bart's chest.
The lovers sat there cuddling without saying a word for 15 minutes until Bart finally broke the silence.
" Lisa I have a question for you. When I confessed my feelings you said that you loved me too, how long have you felt this way about me? " Bart said curiously.
" Bart to be honest I've felt this way about you my whole life, it just wasn't until you told me how you felt that I realized what those feelings were. " Lisa said happily.
" Well then, I'm glad that you love me back. " Bart said enjoying their embrace even more.
As the couple were enjoying their embrace, what they didn't know was that Sideshow Bob was spying through the bedroom window with his binoculars. Seeing this made Bob come up with the prefect plan for revenge.
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