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On February 02, , within the framework of the 'Dual Training of Students' program, the investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs organized a meeting with graduate students of the Turan-Astana University in the specialty 'Jurisprudence'. Students of the ЕP 'Jurisprudence' Zeynollayeva Aidana and Mamayeva Elvira expressed their gratitude to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan and their willingness to use the accumulated potential in working in the internal affairs bodies, develop stable lawyer skills and make every effort to achieve a successful career of a future policeman. Friends, great news! Gennady Gennadievich is a Master of Economics in Management, a graduate of So many memories, huh? The day when new knowledge and horizons open up before you! According to the results of the Olympiad, the 2nd prize was taken by the 3rd year student of the University 'Turan-Astana' Moldabaev Bekzat. A notable event in the life of the legal community of Kazakhstan was the ceremony of awarding diplomas to the winners of the Republican Debate tournament on the topic: 'Presumption of innocence: yesterday, today, tomorrow' among law students of the country for the Cup of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. At the Turan-Astana University, representatives of Qazinnovations held a meeting with young startups of the Turan-Astana business incubator and told in detail about the state support program within the framework of an innovative grant for the commercialization of technologies and the methodology of working with startups. A creative concert of the folk choir of veterans 'Elorda' was held at 'Turan-Astana' University. As part of the science week, students of Turan-Astana University took part and took 2nd place in the debate tournament 'Presumption of Innocence: yesterday, today, tomorrow' organized by the Karaganda Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Narikbaev KazGJU. For graduate students who study on a fee basis at the University 'Turan-Astana' announced competition for the award of vacant educational grants released in the process of obtaining postgraduate education in the context of groups of educational programs and course. A competition on the prevention of drug addiction among the youth of the city of Nur-Sultan, in which TAU students also took part. During a fruitful week, teachers from Tambov conducted various competitions and quizzes among students of the full-time stage of the Festival 'Great Ascetics of the Russian Land', gave guest lectures, organized advanced training courses for university teaching staff, worked out a joint Memorandum of Cooperation and outlined priority issues for further bilateral cooperation. The event is dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence and is being implemented as part of the development of the Digital Kazakhstan and Rukhani Zhangyru programs. Each participant in the championship is a trained young specialist, who is suitable to fill a laboratory assistant at any research institute in the fields of IT, electronics and robotics. Representatives from 26 countries of the world took part in the competition. In the weight category up to 65 kg student of group T of the specialty 'Tourism' Satova Aruzhan won bronze. Congratulations to Aruzhan and wish you continued success. Professor of the Department of National and International Law Kapsalyamov Kairat Zhaksylykovich was elected by the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences as a foreign member of the Moscow Academy in the Moscow regional department, and was also awarded a medal for his contribution to the development of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences by the decision of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. About boys and girls from the cities of Nur-Sultan, Almaty, Shymkent and all regions of our country competed in eight weight categories. The Association was founded in with the aim of combining the efforts of participants in the tourism industry of Kazakhstan and Central Asian countries for the joint development of the tourist destination of the Great Silk Road. The Eurasian Tourism Association aims to unite tour operators, hotels, restaurants, attractions, educational institutions, airlines, transport companies, medical institutions, trading houses, associations of Kazakhstan, and later the countries of Central Asia. Kapsalyamov Kairat Zhaksylykovich was recognized as the best teacher of the university in academic year. On November 4, , ZOOM hosted a round table on the theme «Spiritual revival-the philosophy of modern Kazakhstan» with the participation of year students of «Turan-Astana» University and students of the 11th grade of secondary school No. On October 30, , 2nd-year students of the specialty 'Kazakh language and literature' of Turan-Astana University took part in an online lecture by Professor of Nazarbayev University, doctor of Philology Aigul Ismakova on the topic 'Mukhtar Auezov and the legacy of Alash'. Kaliakbar Usemkhan, 2-year master student of the specialty 'Kazakh language and literature', became the winner of the competition for the best scientific work 'The World of Abai' among undergraduates and students, organized by the N. Nazarbayev Foundation and the State Language Development Fund in the framework of the celebration of the th anniversary of the great poet Abai Kunanbaeva. This event was held within the framework of the signed cooperation agreement between the Fund and the university and was aimed at introducing and involving the student community in a social project called 'OpenEnglish', which is aimed at a wide range of people with knowledge of a foreign language. Academic adviser - Zholshybekova R. According to the plan of events for the week, the group of KJAL discussed the 'Trilingual policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan: prospects and some problems' and shared their thoughts on the advantages of learning Russian and English in addition to their native language. Senior Lecturer of the Department of 'National and International Law', Master of Laws Dusanbekova Moldir Ashyrbekovna won a prize place and took a diploma of the 1st degree for participation in the republican competition 'Golden book of teachers of Kazakhstan'. The diploma of the participant of the Moscow International Salon of Education of the Academy of Natural Sciences, as well as the medal was awarded to the scientific article of the professor of the department 'National and International Law', Ph. Barsukova R. Congratulations to the scientific adviser Ayapbekova Aliya Eskermesovna! On April 17, , the Department of National and international law held a webinar on the topic 'Profession - mediator'. Speaker was Asel Saylaubay, a professional mediator, coordinator of the volunteer mediation movement of the ANC. We sincerely and warmly congratulate you on the great holiday of Persian- and Turkic-speaking nations, the day of spiritual renewal and the revival of nature - Nauryz holiday. Students and undergraduates of TAU University took part in a scientific advisory seminar on the basis of the Department of Justice of the city of Nur-Sultan. Participants of the seminar discussed the issue of employing graduates, providing a base of practice and internships. Head of State Kassym-Zhomart Tokaev officially launched the republican front office of volunteers as part of the Year of the Volunteer. Elnar Tursyn, head of the volunteer corps of Turan-Astana Volunteers, also spoke at the ceremony. Imyatova, the head of the department of registration of legal acts A. Kuldikova, and the chief specialist of the department registration of legal acts Erkinuly E. The traditional memorial tournament dedicated to the national hero, the commander Kabanbai batyr, and the Cup of the Republic of Kazakhstan in sambo ended. The traditional tournament, which has been held in Semey for the 17th year in a row, involved 10 teams from different regions of Kazakhstan. About wrestlers from all over the country took part in it. Athletes competed in the individual and team standings in 9 weight categories. Students of TAU University took part in the International competition of research works of schoolchildren and students 'Zhas zertteushi' and took 1 and 2 place. The Session considered the issue of electing new members of the Academy. At the General meeting of the Academy, Professor Zhantikeyev was unanimously elected as a corresponding member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan. Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and psychology Baubekova Gulzamira Juraevna took part in the all-Russian competition 'Pedagogical project', organized by the publication 'Pedagogical leader' and took 1st place for the scientific article 'the Role of women in modern society: problems, revival and dissemination of national traditions'. The event was attended by well-known, cultural and public figures of the country, as well as students of TAU University. The rating was conducted according to 17 criteria: the percentage of employed graduates and their average salary, the duration of the job search after graduation, as well as the assessment of the relevance of the programmes, etc. The university hosted an evening of poetry in honor of the th anniversary of the great Kazakh poet, philosopher, composer, enlightener, thinker, public figure, founder of Kazakh written literature Abay Kunanbayev. The initiator of the event was the members of the student parliament. On the eve of the 40th anniversary of the entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan, a meeting with veterans of the war in Afghanistan and local wars was organized at TAU University. On November 21, a round table on the theme: 'Patriotic education of youth in the context of the idea of 'Ruhani Zhangyru' based on the film 'Tomiris' was held. The concept of the dialogue was led by Zhaksylyk Sabitov, a famous historian, a geneticist,. Cho Gyu Yeun. On November 3, the presentation of the book 'Problems of the moral ecology of the information-textual and communicative space of man' authored by Klara Abisheva, professor of the Department of Social, humanitarian and linguistic disciplines, TAU University, was held in Malaga, Spain. Latte, espresso, cappuccino, americano - aromatic freshly ground coffee, tea, delicious pastries, cozy warm atmosphere - what could be better on a cold winter day? And the price of such pleasure is KZT per cup of your favorite hot drink. The coffee house is open until from Monday to Friday. Waiting for you! The speaker of the seminar, PhD, Professor Tunch Medeni, being the editor of the journal indexed by Scopus database, spoke about the main features of writing scientific articles in English and gave recommendations to the authors on the preparation of scientific material according to the requirements of the journals. The lecture addressed issues of crime prevention, toughening and mitigating punishment, the need to introduce criminal liability for cattle theft, reforming the system of punishment for certain types of crimes on behalf of the Head of State K. As part of the prevention of drug addiction among young people, an open trial was organized by the senior teacher Abraliev Zh. The brightest, most talented, creative students of S. According to the world drug report of the United Nations Office on drugs and crime UNODC , the dynamics of drug distribution remains at the same level around the world. The event is dedicated to the Week of Languages of the People of Kazakhstan. Students of TAU University read verses of their own composition, high poetry sounded - poems of famous classic poets. On the March 29, on the basis of the Karaganda Economic University of the Kazpotrebsoyuz was held the XI Republican student subject Olympiad among students of universities of Kazakhstan. Karaganda State University named after Academician Ye. В очередной раз в университете «Туран-Астана» состоялась традиционная церемония посвящения в студенты. Назарбаева народу Казахстана «Рост благосостояния казахстанцев: повышение доходов и качества жизни». На встрече с ППС и студентами университета «Туран-Астана», заместитель руководителя Управления государственной службы Департамента Агентства по делам государственной службы и противодействию коррупции по городу Астане — Ким Роман Юрьевич констатировал, что коррупционные правонарушения все еще являются большой проблемой в обществе. В связи с этим ведомство постоянно занимается дальнейшим совершенствованием антикоррупционных мер и проводит профилактические мероприятия в высших учебных заведениях. В конкурсе на лучшую проектную работу. Сидели мы сидели, и решили посмотреть на условия проживания наших студентов в общежитии университета. Ну, а что? Интересно же! Недолго думая, направились в гости к студенткам 1 и 2 курса в женском общежитии. И что нас там ждало, спросите Вы? Цель программы — формирование у слушателей языковой и речевой компетенции в объеме, необходимом для общения в социально-бытовой, социально-культурной и учебной сферах. Торжественное собрание традиционно проходило в актовом зале первого корпуса университета, где собрались первокурсники, а также их родители, преподаватели и администрация вуза. All categories All categories Университет Разное Активности Курсы повышения Кафедра 'Дизайн, сервис и туризм' Кафедра 'Национальное и международное право' Кафедра 'Психология и социально-гуманитарные дисциплины' Кафедра 'Финансы, учёт и оценка' Кафедра 'Экономика и инновационный бизнес' Кафедра 'Информационные технологии' Бизнес-инкубатор. Search in news Show me. Nov 24, «Fun starts» Nov 23, Intellectual game 'Qazaq quiz'. Shipovskikh Apr 6, Debaters from 'Turan-Astana' University have shown meaningful debates in Karaganda Apr 5, Department of 'Design, service and tourism' celebrates the 25th anniversary of the University 'Turan-Astana' Apr 5, The Department of Design, Service and Tourism actively attracts foreign professors to the educational process Apr 4, The team of the University 'Turan-Astana' 'Urpaktar sabaktastygy' according to the results of the republican contest 'Seyitov izbasary', took the honorable 2nd place. Jan 25, «Turan-Astana» University is the best enterprise of Kazakhstan in ! Apr 26, International Scientific and Practical Conference of doctoral students, undergraduates and Students Apr 21, Apr 20, Apr 19, Apr 14, Apr 12, Presumption of innocence: yesterday, today, tomorrow A notable event in the life of the legal community of Kazakhstan was the ceremony of awarding diplomas to the winners of the Republican Debate tournament on the topic: 'Presumption of innocence: yesterday, today, tomorrow' among law students of the country for the Cup of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Apr 11, Apr 10, Apr 9, Meeting of young entrepreneurs of the business incubator with representatives of Qazinnovations At the Turan-Astana University, representatives of Qazinnovations held a meeting with young startups of the Turan-Astana business incubator and told in detail about the state support program within the framework of an innovative grant for the commercialization of technologies and the methodology of working with startups. Apr 7, With a song through life! Apr 6, Turan-Astana takes part in the debate tournament for the Cup of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan As part of the science week, students of Turan-Astana University took part and took 2nd place in the debate tournament 'Presumption of Innocence: yesterday, today, tomorrow' organized by the Karaganda Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Apr 5, Mar 23, Mar 23, Mar 12, Mar 4, Mar 2, Feb 23, Feb 21, Feb 19, Feb 18, Feb 17, Feb 14, Feb 3, Round table on the topic: 'Implementation of the criminal procedure three-tier model at the stage of pre-trial proceedings'. Jan 28, Announcement of vacant grants For graduate students who study on a fee basis at the University 'Turan-Astana' announced competition for the award of vacant educational grants released in the process of obtaining postgraduate education in the context of groups of educational programs and course. Dec 30, A competition on the prevention of drug addiction among the youth of the city of Nur-Sultan, in which TAU students also took part. Nov 6, Nov 4, Online lecture by Aigul Ismakova, professor of Nazarbayev University, doctor of Philology On October 30, , 2nd-year students of the specialty 'Kazakh language and literature' of Turan-Astana University took part in an online lecture by Professor of Nazarbayev University, doctor of Philology Aigul Ismakova on the topic 'Mukhtar Auezov and the legacy of Alash'. Nov 3, Oct 29, Oct 29, Oct 28, Oct 27, 2nd year master student of 'Kazakh language and literature' EP , became the winner of 'The World of Abai', a competition for the best scientific work Kaliakbar Usemkhan, 2-year master student of the specialty 'Kazakh language and literature', became the winner of the competition for the best scientific work 'The World of Abai' among undergraduates and students, organized by the N. Oct 24, Introducing and involving the student community in 'OpenEnglish' innovative social educational project This event was held within the framework of the signed cooperation agreement between the Fund and the university and was aimed at introducing and involving the student community in a social project called 'OpenEnglish', which is aimed at a wide range of people with knowledge of a foreign language. Sep 28, 2nd-year students of 'Kazakh language and literature' educational program have organized the celebration of the Languages day According to the plan of events for the week, the group of KJAL discussed the 'Trilingual policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan: prospects and some problems' and shared their thoughts on the advantages of learning Russian and English in addition to their native language. Sep 18, Scientific achievements of the Department of National and International Law Senior Lecturer of the Department of 'National and International Law', Master of Laws Dusanbekova Moldir Ashyrbekovna won a prize place and took a diploma of the 1st degree for participation in the republican competition 'Golden book of teachers of Kazakhstan'. Apr 28, Apr 28, 'Profession - mediator' On April 17, , the Department of National and international law held a webinar on the topic 'Profession - mediator'. Mar 10, TAU Volunteers at the opening of the republican front office of Birgemiz volunteers Head of State Kassym-Zhomart Tokaev officially launched the republican front office of volunteers as part of the Year of the Volunteer. Feb 24, A meeting with H. Feb 10, On Feb 18 a meeting between students and master students of the specialties of Jurisprudence and International Law with the deputy head of the Department of Justice of the city Nur-Sultan M. Feb 5, Feb 5, A student of TAU University won gold in the Sambo Championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan The traditional memorial tournament dedicated to the national hero, the commander Kabanbai batyr, and the Cup of the Republic of Kazakhstan in sambo ended. Feb 1, Students of TAU University took 1 and 2 place in the International competition of research works Students of TAU University took part in the International competition of research works of schoolchildren and students 'Zhas zertteushi' and took 1 and 2 place Jan 27, Serik Zhantikeyev, professor of the Department of Pedagogy and psychology was elected as a corresponding member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan On November 16, , the regular XX Session of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan was held. Dec 19, Independent assessment of educational programmes of universities in Kazakhstan The rating was conducted according to 17 criteria: the percentage of employed graduates and their average salary, the duration of the job search after graduation, as well as the assessment of the relevance of the programmes, etc. Dec 15, Patriotism in the youth environment. Round table with the participation of public youth organizations of the universities of Nur-Sultan. Dec 13, Meeting with veterans of Afghan and local wars On the eve of the 40th anniversary of the entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan, a meeting with veterans of the war in Afghanistan and local wars was organized at TAU University. Dec 13, Patriotic education of youth in the context of the idea of 'Ruhani Zhangyru' based on 'Tomiris' film On November 21, a round table on the theme: 'Patriotic education of youth in the context of the idea of 'Ruhani Zhangyru' based on the film 'Tomiris' was held. Borchashvili The lecture addressed issues of crime prevention, toughening and mitigating punishment, the need to introduce criminal liability for cattle theft, reforming the system of punishment for certain types of crimes on behalf of the Head of State K. Nov 4, Nov 4, Nov 4, Nov 4, Nov 4, Nov 4, Nov 4, Oct 30, Oct 30, the Grand opening of the Institute of psychology 'Institute of psychology and social Sciences' mission proclaims the development of psychological science, the organization of psychological practice and educational activities in the interests of society, the development and implementation of modern humanitarian technologies in public practice, improving the psychological culture of the population. Oct 4, Oct 4, Oct 1, Oct 1, 'Poetry of my soul.. Mar 1, Results of the Olympiad on the history of Kazakhstan Государственная программа развития образования и науки рк на годы Nov 13, научного семинара на тему «Проблемы и вопросы совершенствования оперативно-розыскного законодательства» Nov 13, Nov 13, Сборная университета «Туран-Астана» по футзалу вышла в финал соревнований Национальной студенческой лиги по футзалу. Oct 25, Бизнес-инкубатор набирает обороты! Новая кровь. Oct 23, я Казахстанская Международная Туристская выставка — «Astana Leisure» Oct 23, Посвящение в студенты: начало новой жизни В очередной раз в университете «Туран-Астана» состоялась традиционная церемония посвящения в студенты. Oct 23, Студенты университета «Туран-Астана» за честное государство На встрече с ППС и студентами университета «Туран-Астана», заместитель руководителя Управления государственной службы Департамента Агентства по делам государственной службы и противодействию коррупции по городу Астане — Ким Роман Юрьевич констатировал, что коррупционные правонарушения все еще являются большой проблемой в обществе. Oct 23, Посещение студентами 'Астана Опера' Oct 22, Обсуждение послания Президента Республики Казахстан народу Oct 17, Обсуждение послания президента народу Казахстана Oct 17, В рамках университета «Туран» прошел конкурс среди учеников школ В конкурсе на лучшую проектную работу. Oct 14, Выборы в студенческий парламент университета «туран-астана» Oct 12, Участие в собрании актива района «Сарыарка» для совместного обсуждения Послания Президента Нурсултана Абишевича Назарбаева Oct 11, Вся власть студентам! Sep 17, Sep 15, 12 сентября в спортивном зале состоялись очередные соревнования по подвижным играм «Веселые старты» Sep 13, С День знаний в TAU University 1 сентября в университете «Туран-Астана» состоялось торжественное мероприятие, посвященное Дню знаний и началу учебного года. Sep 5,

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