Лирику 300 Мальта

Лирику 300 Мальта

Лирику 300 Мальта

Лирику 300 Мальта

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Лирику 300 Мальта

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Спальня Malta (Мальта) в Челябинске

September , If you do not have an x-water account, please register. Рус Eng. Subscribe to our newsletter. Subscription confirmation. October Malta is an archipelago, which consists of three islands: Gozo, Comino and Malta. We will swim between all three. These straits were visited by the ships of Ulysses, Napoleon and Lord Nelson, trading caravans and military flotilla of Carthaginians, Phoenicians, Romans, Arabs, Spaniards, Normans, submarines of the Third Reich and destroyers of allies. Many ships can still be seen at the bottom. The water at the rocky shores is famous for its transparency, in good weather visibility reaches 50 meters! Throughout years, Malta has been one of the top destinations for diving in Europe. The expected water temperature in October is- C. It sounds like an ideal place for swimming, but do not forget that there is- an open sea around which means that currents, winds and waves are quite capable of making our challenge more interesting. You have to practice to cope with this challenge! Join the participants chat in Telegram open it on your phone, the application should be pre-installed. Distances plan. They will move in a triangle passing buoys on the left the buoy should appear on your right. Start and finish are in the same place. Then the boats will bring them to the start location on Comino island. They start from the beach. After the start, the participants move towards the finish line. Finish on Hola Bay beach. Then the boats will bring them to the start location on Gozo island. After the start, the participants move towards Comino island, go around the island on the left side and swim towards the finish line. The length of the whole circle around the island is 8 km and all of them last in the territory of a natural marine reserve. The track will be parted into 2 km long pieces with small breaks. These places pretend to be the most picturesque and amazing swim spots in the Mediterranean Sea. You will have 1 or 2 days to recover before your race There is an additional requirement - all participants must swim 2 km no longer than 50 minutes. Participants who swim slower than 50 minutes for 2 km will be taken to boats. Maltese Medal Admit it, you were just waiting for a reason to go to Malta?! The history of Malta- is the history of Europe. All the major events taking place in the Mediterranean region in the last 10 thousand years have somehow affected Malta and left their mark here. Local megaliths are older than the Egyptian pyramids, and the local language is not clear to anyone else. On the island of Gozo where our 6 km swim starts Ulysses spent seven years in the company of nymph Calypso, and on the island of Comino where our 2. The Maltese Order of Knights, the- oldest in the world,- start their history from the first crusade, they have the status of an extraterritorial entity, issue their own passports and currency. Luxurious sea, snow-white rocks, ancient history, warm autumn, and now a great swim, what else to expect? We do not promise you to get an order, but you can earn your own Maltese medal! Admit it, you were just waiting for a reason to go to Malta?! Swim Regulations. X-waters is you! Today I closed the open water season with a 6 km Malta swim in the open sea. And just a year ago I did not know how to swim the crawl. This wonderful, full of events and travels year has seen so much! Salt, fresh water, storm, jellyfish, waves, fair current, cross current, cold water, warm sea - everything happened this year. I never gave up. Today was the longest swim - Salt water, waves. The longest distance - 6 km. The probability of a jellyfish invasion is very high! But - stunningly beautiful water area in the Mediterranean Sea. We swam from the island of Gozo, where Ulysses spent seven years in the company of the nymph Calypso, passed the island of Comino, where they filmed Troy, to Malta. I swam close to the shore of the island of Comino, looked at the fish, the underwater world, I even saw divers. All this time, I was whipped up by waves well, what did I do wrong to them? But it was the most pleasant water, warm, the sun and Waves waves waves. In my nose, in my mouth, everywhere. How tired I was of fighting them The result of the swim is the third place in my age group. I ran ashore. And here is the important thing - without one person this achievement would never happen. While he writes poetry to me, makes musical sets, I give him what I can - I climb for the third place in my age category. Ksenia Chachina. My first swimming medal! I swam 1 km in 36 minutes and 43 seconds. Imagine, all participants of the swim are lined up at the start knee-deep in the water, and Ksenia suddenly finds out that she has forgotten her glasses! I run out of the sea, run to the backpack lockers, take out my glasses and run back when everyone has already swum away. Then I kind of noticed one swimmer in front and started following him. I overtook that guy. And, it turns out, I overtook two more girls at the very beginning I did not even understand then where they had gone. Thanks to the coach for productive training and the team for the bright meeting at the finish line with champagne. Salakhova Lyudmila. Swimming was soooo high! I caught such endorphin zen! The water is clear, warm, and soft. The sun is shining. Everything is so beautiful around! The body moves so easily in water. Arms make a stroke after a stroke, and you seem to glide. These are such long-forgotten sensations! And you feel so cool Just because you are here and now. And you are so grateful for everything that is happening around! In general, a complete endorphin trip! The second kilometer was not as fast as the first one. Mainly because the landmark on the red fortress no longer worked. It was much to the right of the desired direction. Now it was necessary to get between the hotel buildings. But in my ever-fogging and leaking glasses, these buildings were not very visible. I had to take them off to navigate. Water was leaking in and my eyes were tingling. But I was still enjoying the swim. In the end, I already wanted to pull the finish gate towards myself. And how awesome it is when your family meets you at the finish line! This is a rare happiness at my swims and it is very valuable! It increases all emotions by 3 times! It was a glorious hunt! Such events, people around charge me with positive energy for a long time. Everybody swim! Klimov Denis. Gozo Island - Malta 6 km. It was harder than I expected. My first experience of swimming at sea, a lot of mistakes, a lot of lessons learnt, a lot of beauty around, a lot of impressions and positive emotions! It was easy to navigate, to swim around the island looking at rocks and fish - interesting and beautiful! I was surprised to see divers at the bottom - the air bubbles were very unexpected, I think they also did not expect to see such happiness as dozens of swimmers. The jellyfish were peaceful, the sun was bright, the waves added diversity. The swim is amazing! All reviews. Connect: malta x-waters. Other swims in the series июня Swim partners. Become our partner. For Volunteers Become a volunteer. Volunteers of our starts receive a unique experience in organizing major sporting events and, on an equal basis with the organizers, interact with the participants of the starts at the most crucial stages. We guarantee the most positive and vivid emotions, as well as the gratitude of the swimmers, whom you help to reach the goal. We are waiting for your applications! Our hot offers in your mail box! For our friends only: swim discounts and latest news. Password Reset.

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