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By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. Книга освещает историю зарождения и развития национально-прогрессивного движения XIX -начала XX века в мусульманских обществах Центральной Азии и Кавказа. Salavat M Iskhakov. Zaynabidin Abdirashidov. The forerunners of this movement had been shaped in other regions of the Russian Empire before, namely on the Crimea and in the Volga region, already several decades before. The most prominent figure, founder and inspirer was the outstanding Crimean Tatar writer, educator and publicist Ismail Gasprinski. On the other hand there is reason to assume that Gasprinski was also heavily influenced by Russian and European developments in pedagogy, social thought and politics. His first journey to Turkestan lead him to believe that in Turkestan time had come for social and cultural change and that people were ready to believe the Russian prejudice about the cultural backwardness of Turkеstani Muslims. His second trip to Turkestan took place after the Manifesto of , when the political situation in the Russian empire had significantly changed. His journey led him to many cities in Russia itself, where he aimed at reifying his weakened political reputation. In Turkestan, he had in the meantime gained the esteem and support from a broad layer of the society, which he partly lost in inner Russia. This research shows that the place and effect which Gasprinskii has in Turkestan and among the proponents of reforms, was of different nature. On one side, Gasprinskii was not entirely successful in his endeavor to advise and shape reform in all the spheres of public life. On the other hand, his ideas, particularly those concerning education, but also his call for playing a role in the public affairs, have had a strong and durable effect on Turkestani Jadids. Undeniably education and, to a certain extent, language — that is, new teaching methods for schools and a median Turkic language for the press and the intellectual life — had been the two topics, with which the Turkestani Jadids were almost without exception in full agreement with Gasprinskii. Some of them agreed even further with his broader political agenda. Andrzej Szabaciuk. The article aims to present the main principles and conditions of the Russian policy on the North Caucasus - especially in the context of radical Islamic activity, which destabilises the region Its main goals will be magnified and an attempt to determine its after-effects will be made. On the margins of these considerations, we will discuss the problem of Caucasophobia in contemporary Russia and its potential consequences. Investigation of these questions is particularly relevant in the context of the fast approaching Winter Olympic Games in Sochi. Feruza Shamukaramova. В формировании исторического сознания общества исторической науке нередко суждено играть определяющее значение. Особенно ярко это проявилось в XX веке. Этот процесс наиболее четко прослеживается при изучении жизни и деятельности исследователей- историков, живших и создававших свои академические труды в конкретном социо-культурном и идеологическом пространстве. Представленная монография предпринимает одну из первых попытку воссоздания творческой и жизненной биографии видных отечественных исследователей-историков ХХ века в контексте культурных процессов и академических трендов указанной эпохи с учетом политико-идеологического фона. Основным источниковым материалом выступили мемуары, архивные источники, устные воспоминания, а также обширный корпус научно-исследовательской литературы, созданный в рассматриваемый период. Макка Албогачиева. Petr Dashkovskiy. This article examines the role of the Russian government in the setup of the spiritual life of Moslem communities. Between the second half of the 19 th and early 20 th centuries, the Russian government saw its major objective in control over communities practicing faiths other than Orthodox Christianity — most importantly, the activity of Moslem communities. Such policy, in large part, was about control over the construction of cult buildings, as well as the setup of confessional schools. Based on archive materials, the author provides an insight into the issue of the setup of the spiritual life of the Moslem community of Western Siberia during the period under examination, as well as the major aspects of record management in the area. Special attention is devoted to the complexity of getting permits for the erection of Moslem facilities, which sometimes led to unauthorized construction. There was a similar trend in respect of opening academic institutions, since the government mostly supported the creation of new-type schools with Russian-based classes and their major objective was teaching Russian and familiarizing Moslems with Russian culture. Введение Ислам, являющийся второй по численности конфессией в Российской империи, привлекал к себе особое внимание со стороны государства. Принятый в г. Екатериной II Указ «О терпимости всех вероисповеданий и о запрещение Архиереям вступать в дела, касающиеся до иноверных исповеданий и до построения по их закону молитвенных домов предоставляя все сие светским начальникам» провозглашал некоторые свободы в отношение представителей не православных вероисповеданий \\\\\\\\\\\\\[1, С. Согласно данному закону ислам получил статус «терпимой» конфессии. На ряду с этим мусульманам разрешалось открытие мечетей, а при них медресе и мектабе. Однако, несмотря на принятые послабления к представителям мусульманского вероисповедания, контроль за религиозной жизнью общин оставался одним из важнейших пунктов в государственной политики России на всем протяжении имперского периода, в т. Правительство по-прежнему придерживалось ряда ограничительных норм в отношении представителей мусульманского вероисповедания, которые были заложены еще до принятия Указа Екатериной II. В первую очередь данные ограничения. Мифы и конфликты на Южном Кавказе. Том 1. Оксана Карпенко, Джана Джавахишвили. International Alert, Shukhrat Mukhamedov , Mirzokhid Rakhimov. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Related Papers. Первая русская революция и мусульмане. Ismail Gasprinskii and early 20th century Turkestan: Communication—relations—influences Исмаил Гаспринский и Туркестан в начале ХХ века: связи-отношения-влияние. Ислам на Северном Кавказе: история и вызовы современности. Илам на Северном Кавказе: история и вызовы современностиpdf. Коллективная монография. Инструментализация исторических нарративов.

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By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. Книга освещает историю зарождения и развития национально-прогрессивного движения XIX -начала XX века в мусульманских обществах Центральной Азии и Кавказа. Salavat M Iskhakov. Zaynabidin Abdirashidov. The forerunners of this movement had been shaped in other regions of the Russian Empire before, namely on the Crimea and in the Volga region, already several decades before. The most prominent figure, founder and inspirer was the outstanding Crimean Tatar writer, educator and publicist Ismail Gasprinski. On the other hand there is reason to assume that Gasprinski was also heavily influenced by Russian and European developments in pedagogy, social thought and politics. His first journey to Turkestan lead him to believe that in Turkestan time had come for social and cultural change and that people were ready to believe the Russian prejudice about the cultural backwardness of Turkеstani Muslims. His second trip to Turkestan took place after the Manifesto of , when the political situation in the Russian empire had significantly changed. His journey led him to many cities in Russia itself, where he aimed at reifying his weakened political reputation. In Turkestan, he had in the meantime gained the esteem and support from a broad layer of the society, which he partly lost in inner Russia. This research shows that the place and effect which Gasprinskii has in Turkestan and among the proponents of reforms, was of different nature. On one side, Gasprinskii was not entirely successful in his endeavor to advise and shape reform in all the spheres of public life. On the other hand, his ideas, particularly those concerning education, but also his call for playing a role in the public affairs, have had a strong and durable effect on Turkestani Jadids. Undeniably education and, to a certain extent, language — that is, new teaching methods for schools and a median Turkic language for the press and the intellectual life — had been the two topics, with which the Turkestani Jadids were almost without exception in full agreement with Gasprinskii. Some of them agreed even further with his broader political agenda. Andrzej Szabaciuk. The article aims to present the main principles and conditions of the Russian policy on the North Caucasus - especially in the context of radical Islamic activity, which destabilises the region Its main goals will be magnified and an attempt to determine its after-effects will be made. On the margins of these considerations, we will discuss the problem of Caucasophobia in contemporary Russia and its potential consequences. Investigation of these questions is particularly relevant in the context of the fast approaching Winter Olympic Games in Sochi. Feruza Shamukaramova. В формировании исторического сознания общества исторической науке нередко суждено играть определяющее значение. Особенно ярко это проявилось в XX веке. Этот процесс наиболее четко прослеживается при изучении жизни и деятельности исследователей- историков, живших и создававших свои академические труды в конкретном социо-культурном и идеологическом пространстве. Представленная монография предпринимает одну из первых попытку воссоздания творческой и жизненной биографии видных отечественных исследователей-историков ХХ века в контексте культурных процессов и академических трендов указанной эпохи с учетом политико-идеологического фона. Основным источниковым материалом выступили мемуары, архивные источники, устные воспоминания, а также обширный корпус научно-исследовательской литературы, созданный в рассматриваемый период. Макка Албогачиева. Petr Dashkovskiy. This article examines the role of the Russian government in the setup of the spiritual life of Moslem communities. Between the second half of the 19 th and early 20 th centuries, the Russian government saw its major objective in control over communities practicing faiths other than Orthodox Christianity — most importantly, the activity of Moslem communities. Such policy, in large part, was about control over the construction of cult buildings, as well as the setup of confessional schools. Based on archive materials, the author provides an insight into the issue of the setup of the spiritual life of the Moslem community of Western Siberia during the period under examination, as well as the major aspects of record management in the area. Special attention is devoted to the complexity of getting permits for the erection of Moslem facilities, which sometimes led to unauthorized construction. There was a similar trend in respect of opening academic institutions, since the government mostly supported the creation of new-type schools with Russian-based classes and their major objective was teaching Russian and familiarizing Moslems with Russian culture. Введение Ислам, являющийся второй по численности конфессией в Российской империи, привлекал к себе особое внимание со стороны государства. Принятый в г. Екатериной II Указ «О терпимости всех вероисповеданий и о запрещение Архиереям вступать в дела, касающиеся до иноверных исповеданий и до построения по их закону молитвенных домов предоставляя все сие светским начальникам» провозглашал некоторые свободы в отношение представителей не православных вероисповеданий \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\[1, С. Согласно данному закону ислам получил статус «терпимой» конфессии. На ряду с этим мусульманам разрешалось открытие мечетей, а при них медресе и мектабе. Однако, несмотря на принятые послабления к представителям мусульманского вероисповедания, контроль за религиозной жизнью общин оставался одним из важнейших пунктов в государственной политики России на всем протяжении имперского периода, в т. Правительство по-прежнему придерживалось ряда ограничительных норм в отношении представителей мусульманского вероисповедания, которые были заложены еще до принятия Указа Екатериной II. В первую очередь данные ограничения. Мифы и конфликты на Южном Кавказе. Том 1. Оксана Карпенко, Джана Джавахишвили. International Alert, Shukhrat Mukhamedov , Mirzokhid Rakhimov. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Related Papers. Первая русская революция и мусульмане. Ismail Gasprinskii and early 20th century Turkestan: Communication—relations—influences Исмаил Гаспринский и Туркестан в начале ХХ века: связи-отношения-влияние. Ислам на Северном Кавказе: история и вызовы современности. Илам на Северном Кавказе: история и вызовы современностиpdf. Коллективная монография. Инструментализация исторических нарративов.

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