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By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. The basis of the monograph is the empirical data collected by the author during — as a result of ethnographic research in various professional environments, mainly in St. The basic methods — participant observation and in-depth not formalized interview, group interviews, video and photo of places of professional work and its attributes. Gathering of data was spent both by the author, and by students, who worked under the program developed by the author — within the educational courses «Anthropological practical work», «Anthropology of occupations» and «City Anthropology» at the department of sociology of St. Have been collected systematical empirical data the visual data, transcripts of interview and the participant observation more than about two tens employment and fragmented data about many others. The author selected those occupations where to some extent existed a concept of professionalism and professional identity. For selection of employment the ethnographic method is used — presence of an object of research informal tradition, professional identity and representations of workers about the employment as demanding professionalism was important. Representation of the empirical data is preceded by theoretical introduction. In it different variants of definition of concepts of occupation, profession, professional community etc. Empirical basis of work are about two and a half hundreds of in-depth interviews, the materials of the participant observation, a collection of visual data. Biographic texts as sources were used also: papers autobiographies of inhabitants of St. Materials on various fields of activity are analyzed, criteria and symbols of professional identity, the professional environment, the communicative practices, some invariant features of everyday life of professional community are defined. In the monograph comparative studying of traditions of the different occupations has been undertaken. Construction of model of professional informal tradition as special phenomenon was its purpose. The general themes reproduced in different professional environments are revealed. The generality is found out as at symbolical level symbolic and its interpretations , and at level of social regulation norm, customs, behavior stereotypes, ways of their reinforcement and reproduction. The first part chapter 1—5 of the book — ethnographic — is devoted to semiotics of daily experience: situations when its separate elements become significant are considered, receive interpretation and act as means or mediators in daily interactions. Here the supervision connected with semiotics of a body, space and attributes of an occupation are presented. In the second part of the book chapter 6—7 the analysis of ethnographic materials about informal traditions from the point of view of their pragmatiсs is carried out. Spheres of social regulation in which the symbolical constructions revealed in ethnographic research are involved are considered. Here we move from the point of view of the participating observer to a position of the external researcher, analyzing functioning of the revealed symbolical forms not so much from the point of view of the tradition carrier, how many from the point of view of representations about structure of professional interactions and distribution of the social control. The results of empirical research were used in teaching courses on the urban anthropology, the anthropology of work, gender anthropology, and also for the organization of research practice of the students who have selected the program «Sociology and anthropology» in Smolny college now the department of liberal arts and sciences in St. The work has interdisciplinary character, combining approaches of sociology, ethnography and anthropology, cultural and gender studies, discourse researches. Olga Pinchuk. В данной статье предпринимается попытка проанализировать пер- спективы применения российскими исследователями такого иссле- довательского подхода, как этнография труда. Во многом автор основывается на собственном опыте, позволяющем судить о возможностях реализации этнографического исследования труда как в академических, так и прикладных проектах. Тема труда была центральной для советской социологии вплоть до середины х, в СССР социологи в основном занимались прикладными исследованиями по заказу отдельных предприятий и организаций. Однако основными исследовательскими методами были анкетные опросы и интервью. Включенное наблюдение не использовалось, за исключением редких случаев, таких как проект Андрея Алексеева, хотя социологи и проводили много времени на предприятиях. После распада Советского союза изучение тру- да методом включенного наблюдения не стало популярнее, во многом этому препятствует отсутствие возможностей реализовывать такие исследования в институциональных рамках академических структур у исследователей нет времени для длительной полевой работы, нет соответствующих программ финансовой поддержки и т. В то же время этнография труда становится возможным и востребованным подходом в области прикладных исследований. На примере конкретных при- кладных проектов, участником которых был автор, предлагается вари- ант адаптации этнографии труда к прикладным задачам посредством сокращения продолжительности полевой работы rapid ethnography и четкого разделения труда между участниками исследовательской команды collaborative ethnography. Юрий Ожередов. Andrei Golovnev. This article is about the hermeneutical tradition in Russian culture of the 19th and 20th centuries. The main direction in this tradition was biblical, philology and legal hermeneutics. Hermeneutics is one of most influential traditions in modern philosophy including the conceptions of such figures as F. Schleiermacher, W. Dilthey, M. Heidegger, H. The general preconditions causing their emergence, and also the similar phenomena in other cultures Germany especially. The central reality for the hermeneutic tradition is the reality of language. Language is a main means of human communication and a certain way of passing on some social experience from one generation to another. The paper researches various problems of philosophical knowledge: ontology, social philosophy, aesthetics. The author examines the relevant aspects of philosophical hermeneutics by V. Rozanov The author points out that these concepts should be attributed to Aristotelian philosophical currents. Of course, Rozanov was the most important figure this tradition in Russia. Dmitry Dima Arzyutov. Дарья Москвина. Рассматривается оформившееся в е годы направление под названием «этнография колхоза». Институт, созданный путем реорганизации cвоего предшественника — Комиссии по изучению племенного состава населения СССР, должен был заняться изучением пережитков в повседневной жизни, тормозящих темпы социалистического строительства. Группа по этнографическому изучению колхозов должна была отразить успехи в установлении коллективных хозяйств, показав второстепенную роль особенностей традиционного уклада в национальных районах. Рассматриваемый период вошел в историю советской этнографии как момент коренного перелома, когда задачи и методы работы в поле стали динамично меняться. На примере работы колхозной группы продемонстрировано, как этнографы формулировали новые принципы и стратегии в «поле и кабинете». Рассматриваются экспедиции в колхозы как исследовательский эксперимент своего времени, который был связан с желанием создать прикладную науку и стать частью «социалистического строительства». Ирина Октябрьская. Статья представляет расширенный вариант доклада, прочитанного на юбилейной XVIII Международной Западносибирской археолого-этнографической конференции «Западная Сибирь в транскультурном пространстве Северной Евразии: итоги и перспективы 50 лет исследований ЗСАЭК», состоявшейся 16—18 декабря г. Цель авторского исследования состоит в том, чтобы проследить становление и развитие ареального метода как способа описания и изучения этнокультурного многообразия России. Ареальное картирование, возникнув еще в XVII в. Актуализация метода была связана с введением концепции хозяйственно-культурных типов и историко-этнографических областей, а также с утверждением теории этноса в советской науке. Признание возможности совмещения лингвистических, культурных и этнических ареалов соответствовало формировавшимся концепциям этногенеза и этнической истории. В методологию современной российской этнологии вошла интерпретация развития культур и народов Евразии сквозь призму антропологии движения. Вместе с тем среди исследовательских технологий важное место сохранил ареальный подход. Вывод о его устойчивости в традиционном и современном прочтении стал основным для данной работы. The main sources of the article are the ethnographic maps and atlases published in Russia in the XIX-XX centuries, as well as the works of Russian scientists devoted to the substantiation of the principles of an areal research. Their history goes back to mapping the cultural and linguistic diversity of the Russian state. One of the conclusions of the article is the thesis that the interest in ethnic issues projected on the maps was associated with the formation of the Imperial space and its administrative-territorial structuring. The areal mapping as a form and a tool for describing the population of Russia appeared in the XVII century and is used up to the present day. The article also substantiates the position that the formation and the development of the areal method in Russian Ethnography was determined by the broad context — the development of the geography, the dialectology, the linguistic geography, the folklore. The approval of the concept of the 'cultural area» was associated with the formation of the anthropogeography and the theory of 'cultural circles». Based on an analysis of his works of the early twentieth century, it is concluded that the concept of ethnogeographic zones proposed in them has anticipated some trends in world and Russian Ethnology of the mid-twentieth century, including the development of the theory of economic and cultural types and the concepts of the cultural geography. The actualization of the method of areal mapping in Soviet science was associated with the introduction of the concept of economic and cultural types and historical and ethnographic areas, as well as with the approval of the theory of the ethnos. In the theory of ethnos, the thesis about the connection between peoples and cultures with the territories of their origin has become an axiom. This thesis is embodied in a series of a maps and an atlases published in Russia using the methods of the typology, the component analysis, and the areal modeling. The recognition of the possibility to combine the linguistic, cultural and ethnic areas in the past and present was corresponded to the concepts of ethnogenesis and ethnic history forming in the Russian Ethnography. At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries, these concepts were corrected by the theory and the practice of the constructivism. From a new perspective, the concept of the ethnogenesis has lost its former relevance. In the methodology of modern Russian Ethnology the development of cultures and peoples of Eurasia are interpreted through the prism of the anthropology of movement. The areal approach has retained an important place among the relevant research technologies in this area. The areal method in its traditional and modern interpretation are steadily used In the Russian Ethnography. This conclusion has become the main one for this article. In article on the basis of archival material the role of Society of scientists at Imperial Kazan university in development of ethnography in the first quarter of the XX century as science and a subject matter reveals. The special place is allocated for three expeditions of the students specializing on department of geography and ethnography of physical and mathematical office of Imperial Kazan university, sent to means of Society of scientists to field ethnographic expeditions. Teploukhov, V. Novitsky and V. Podgorbunsky under the leadership of outstanding scientific professor Bruno Fridrikhovich Adler studied, comprehended bases of scientific researches, made expeditions and acquired a basis of further career that allowed them to become the talented scientists who made a powerful contribution to development of ethnology, archeology, anthropology and history in the first quarter of the XX century. Vasilii Soenov , E. Owing to the archaeological sources, researchers have ac-cumulated a considerable amount of information on directions of handicraft activities of population of the Altai. There are great progress in the study of ancient and early medieval woodworking, production of pottery, bone carving of the case. In recent years there has been progress in the study of metal-working. In consideration of textile manufacture, stone dress-ing and ore mining success so far modest. There are very few scholarly works on jewelry, and leather industry specially prac-tically has not been studied. The history of the study of Russian researchers handicraft of the Altai population was roughly divided by us into three stages: 1 the second half of XIX — the second third of the XX century, 2 the last third of the XX century, 3 the beginning of the XXI century. They reflect the methods applied research, the degree of intensity of the collecting materials, comprehension and generalization of obtained data. Summing up the main provisions contained in the chap-ters of this work, it is necessary to note the following points. In the study of woodworking important results were obtained in the course of determining the anatomical accessories of wood from archaeological sites. Insufficiently studied woodworking toolkit. Basic research on woodworking related to materials from the graves of Pazyryk culture. However, in recent years there has been interest in woodworking of the Altai population of Hunno-Sarmatian time. Processing of bone in the antiquity and medieval times, despite the extensive source base, a not yet fully study. Although it should be noted positive dynamics: currently have appeared special works on the subject. Traced the need large-scale attract settlement materials for a complete reconstruction of the technological process of bone carving production. With the advent of new natural science methods of research in recent years there has been accumulation of data on ancient and medieval metalworking. The use of modern meth-ods of research had a positive impact and on the study of textile manufacture of certain archaeological cultures. Currently, researchers examined many issues of ceramic production — composition of the ceramic dough, features of throwing, ornamentation and vessels firing also the organiza-tion of the process. Craft remain under-researched area in the historical sci-ence, despite its enormous political, social, economic and cultural significance in world social development. Are no exception and the degree of scrutiny of handicraft industries of the population of the Altai. Therefore before modern researchers there is a huge task on complex analysis of the sources and reconstruction of various aspects of the handicraft production, as well as to assess the overall level of development of handicrafts in different historical periods, as one of the most important elements of life-support systems of the ancient and medieval population. Aleksandr V Karpov. Статья посвящена роли русской интеллигенции в массовом социально-культурном движении революционной России - Пролеткульте. This article is devoted to role of the Russian intelligentsia in Proletkult movement — Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. XXI centuries. Tatiana Schepanskaya. Related Papers. Pinchuk O. Etnografia Ethnography in the Russian Academic Tradition. Kozhurin, A. Кунсткамера Москвина Д. Соенов В. История изучения ремесленных производств населения Алтая середины I тыс. Карпов А.

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