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By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. Рецензия на книгу: «Боги среди людей»: культ правителей в эллинистическом, постэллинистическом и римском мире. Сапрыкин, И. Michael Chase. Marina Volf. В статье предложен обзор работ, посвященных софистике в том числе изданий фрагментов софистов на русском языке, включая переводные издания, а также составлен критический библиографический обзор изучения софистики в западных исследованиях преимущественно англо-американских за последние 60 лет. Рассмотрены основные интерпретации учений Протагора и Горгия. Дан обзор некоторых современных дискуссий вокруг этих персонажей. It examines some interpretations of the doctrines of the Older Sophists esp. Protagoras and Gorgias and analyses the most conspicuous lines taken by contemporary scholars in relation to these characters. Eugene Afonasin. Афонасин, А. Очерки истории ан-тичной медицины. Firstly, we analyze relevant narrative sources, above all the Hippo-cratic Corpus and such an encyclopedic author as Galen, in order to produce a detailed exposition of the procedures and methods of diagnostics and treating of deceases typical for ancient medical praxis in the period of its flourishing. Then we study a number of lesser authorities, the physicians and other scientists, who con-tributed to the development of ancient medicine. Secondly, we briefly access the history of ancient technological advances that allowed the physicians to improve their treatment of human body. Numerous pictures of the Asclepions, medical instruments, glass, votive offerings, etc. An essay dedicated to the evolution of ancient concept of health and the caus-es of disease opens the first part of the book. Health is invariably defined as a condition, which is in accord with nature, while disease is that which is contrary to nature. Then we turn to the practical aspects of the Hippocratic tekhne as reflected in anatomy, physiology, dietetics, and therapeutic methods, as well as the theoretical speculations associated with it. Of the corpus of fragmented sources in the history of medicine dated to Hellenistic and Roman period we translate and comment upon the principal ancient evidences about Praxagoras of Cos ci. The first detailed study of the pulse sphygmology is associated in antiquity with an Alexandrian physician Herophilus, renowned for his anatomical discoveries. We see that ancient theory of proportion and musical harmony allowed Herophilus building a classifi-cation of the pulses, but the medical experience did not fit well in the Procrustean bed of this rather simple theory. In a separate essay, we first outline the history of development of various types of water clocks in antiquity. Special attention is paid to the usage of clepsy-dra in public life and in medical practice. Then, considering the massive water clock from the sanctuary of the healer-god Amphiaraus in Oropos we show that in the 4th cent. BCE the water clocks became an essential part of social life, and demonstrate the ways they builders calibrated the device according to a hours scale. We suggest that the massive water clock, designed for continuous measur-ing of time, subdivided at equal hours, was built at the sanctuary of Amphiaraus for medical purposes. We also find it interesting to have a look at the earliest physiological specu-lations. Thus, in Fr. B DK Empedocles famously compares the principle of breathing with the operation of clepsydra. This simile provoked a scholarly con-troversy. The main question is what kind of breathing Empedocles describes — the breathing through the skin or the breathing through the mouth and nostrils? We consider various solutions of the problem, suggested by different scholars, and incline to accept the idea that Empedocles describes a form of breathing through the skin with a qualification that the skin in question is the outer membrane of the respiratory apparatus rather than the outer covering of the living body, as it was previously thought. In another study, we discuss certain peculiarities of the medical profession in antiquity. In his Philosophical History fr. He always tested the opinions of others and gained a reputation of an extremely successful physician, although the methods of treatment, scribed to him by Damascius, are highly rem-iniscent of those presented as the Pythagorean by Iamblichus On the Pythagorean way of life In an essay, dedicated to the cult of Asclepius in Late Antiquity, we look at var-ious kinds of evidences taken from the Neoplatonic philosophers. The philosopher speaks about a vision of Asclepius in his Commentary to Alcibiades Besides, he was probably involved in the process of establishing an Asclepian cult in his home country, Lydia Vita Procli It is against this background that one may look at the Neoplatonic attitude to medicine. Having discussed first the principal philosophical interpretations of Asclepius found in Apuleus, Aelianus, Macrobius, Julian, Porphyry, Iamblichus, Proclus, Damascius, etc. The section of translations includes three ancient treaties. A short polemical treatise of Galen —c. Galen outlines the position of two opposing camps in the Hellenistic medicine, the Rationalists and the Empiricists. The dispute culminates with the appearance of the third camp, the so-called Methodists, who claim to have found a position immune to criticism from the both sides. The majority of counterarguments of Galen are directed against this school. Are the embryos already in possession of the self-moving descended souls and thus already living beings? In order to answer the question Porphyry first tries to show that embryos are not actually animals and thus can more properly be compared with plants. The sec-ond set of arguments is aimed to show that they are not animals even potentially. Porphyry argues that, regardless the time of its entry, the self-moving soul comes from outside, not from the parents. The final chapter of the treatise is unfortu-nately not preserved, but the answer given by the philosopher is clear: a particular soul enters an appropriate body immediately after its birth and harmonically at-tuned to it for the rest of the bodily life. An extensive commentary that accompa-nies the translations helps to situate the treatises in the context of ancient medical and philosophical literature. The work will be useful for students of Ancient science as well as for a wider readership, including those scholars and students who are interested in Ancient philosophy and culture. The texts are illustrated and supplemented with a select bibliography. Timofey Myakin. This 'case' is designed to clarify for the reader or listener certain close to it and very real things or situations that are 'less known', and which we can only guess on the basis of the example given with Aeolian poets Arist. Thus, it is important to establish the exact realities with which the resulting poetic dialogue of the two Aeolian singers is related. And another poem of Alcaeus this poem is preserved by Hephaestion, an Alexandrian grammarian , similar in poetic size, is also correctly associated with the Aristotelian poetic dialogue of Alcaeus and Sappho. Here Alcaeus is similarly referring to Sappho with the song of conversion, and even, perhaps, calls her by name Heph. Thus, both Aristotle and Hephaestion, independently of one another, knew certain dialogical songs of Sappho and Alcaeus, in which both poets entered into a living dialogue with each other. Aristotle himself clearly connects the songs of Sappho with the religious rite Athen. The article proves that the poetic dialogue of Alcaeus and Sappho was most likely included in the text of 'Rhetoric' in the mids. Aristotle and his young wife could hear these choral Sapphic songs, which are sounded at the festivities in honor of Artemis. We propose that the dialogical songs of Sappho were associated with the mysteries of Artemis in Mytilene Myakin, These mysteries were of an erotic nature and prepared the bride for marriage. Alexander Marey. Thereby a king, according to jurists of Alphonse the Wise, was represented as supreme sovereign of his kingdom either in secular and spiritual affairs. In the 16th century the court lawyer of a Spanish emperor, Gregorio Lopez, emphasized the supremacy of imperial power in the secular affairs and papal — in the spiritual. Yet he marked the possibility for the emperor to be deposed by the Roman people, who gave him his power and, by means of the renovated social contract, could recall it. Anna Afonasina. Abstract: In the seventieth of the last century interest to the pseudo-Pythagorean literature was relatively widespread among philologists. It was fuelled by the fact that these texts, written in the Hellenistic period and falsely ascribed to the Ancient Pythagoreans, were notable for their syncretism both in language and content. They posed difficult questions concerning their provenance and dating and, thanks to the efforts of such eminent scholars as H. Thesleff, W. Burkert, W. Marg, M. Baltes, and T. Still, despite the research accomplished to date, there remain numerous unsolved questions that continue to puzzle everyone entering on the field of Ancient pseudoepigraphica. Generally speaking this ex facte secondary work has proven to be an important source for our understanding of the development of Pythagorean and Platonic ideas from the Hellenistic period up to Late Antiquity and beyond. Alexey Fokin. The article deals with different modes of being and non-being in philosophical and theological system of Marius Victorinus. First, four modes of nonbeing are considered: the complete absence of being, or absolute nothing; the nature of otherness; a potential being; and the pure existence, which is above all beings. The author examines the meaning of each mode, and establishes its philosophical origins, as well as that of the entire classification. Second, four modes of being are considered: true beings, simply beings, non-true non-beings, and simply non-beings. The author scrutinizes the meaning of each mode, and establishes their philosophical origins, as well as that of the entire classification. As the study has shown, Marius Victorinus was the first not only among Christian theologians, but also among ancient philosophers, who attempted to classify different modes of being and non-being and establish a certain ontological hierarchy of beings. The distinction between being and existence made by Marius Victorinus under the influence of Porphyry, which was an absolute novelty in ancient metaphysical thought, was subsequently borrowed from him by Boethius, and through the latter, by Thomas of Aquino and some other medieval philosophers. Victorinus also proposed for the trinitarian theology a distinction between God the Father as the pre-existent, or potential, Being, and the Son Logos as the actually existent, or the all-perfect Being. In Russian: Аннотация: Статья посвящена анализу классификации различных модусов сущего и не сущего в религиозно-философской системе Мария Викторина ок. Последовательно рассматриваются четыре модуса не сущего: не сущее как полное отсутствие бытия или абсолютное небытие; не сущее как природа иного; не сущее как потенциально сущее и не сущее как бытие, которое превосходит все сущие. Анализируется смысл и содержание этих модусов и устанавливаются философские истоки каждого модуса в отдельности и всей классификации в целом. Далее последовательно рассматриваются четыре модуса сущего: истинно сущие, просто сущие, не истинно не сущие и просто не сущие. В результате исследования выясняется, что Марий Викторин одним из первых не только среди христианских богословов, но и античных мыслителей произвел классификацию модусов сущего и не сущего, выстроив из них строгую онтологическую иерархию. Первый уровень этой иерархии занимает Бог Отец как «чистое Бытие» или «Не сущее, которое превыше сущего», Первопричина всех сущих и не сущих; за Ним следует «первое и всесовершенное Сущее» — Логос, занимающий второй уровень и заключающий в себе третий уровень — «истинно сущие» умопостигаемые идеи; четвертый уровень занимают разумные души как «просто сущие» и наделенные способностью мышления и чувства; они уже непосредственно связаны с пятым уровнем — чувственно-воспринимаемым космосом как «не истинно не сущим», ниже которого на шестом и последнем уровне располагается бесформенна материя — «просто не сущее», способное принимать любые формы. Показывается, что именно Викторин ввел в христианскую мысль восходящее к Порфирию различие между сущим и бытием, которое потом от него воспринял Боэций, а через него — Фома Аквинский и другие схоласты, что оказалось безусловной новацией в области метафизической мысли. Кроме того, Викторин, вслед за Порфирием отождествив Бога Отца Единое с «Не сущим, которое превыше сущего», задолго до Псевдо-Дионисия положил начало христианскому апофатическому богословию как методу познания Бога через отрицание всяких утвердительных определений. В тринитарной теологии он предложил различать Бога Отца и Сына Логос как Предсущее, или потенциально Сущее, и актуальное Сущее, или всесовершенное Сущее. Выясняется, что хотя в классификации модусов сущего и не сущего Викторин во многом зависит от Порфирия, который, как полагал П. Адо, был основным источником его метафизических идей, однако отказ Викторина мыслить материю как «истинно не сущее», или абсолютное небытие, существование которого он совершенно не допускает, резко отличает Викторина от Порфирия и других неоплатоников, равно как и от христианских богословов, и сближает его мысль с учением о небытии у Платона и Аристотеля. Констатируется, что такие элементы метафизической системы Викторина, как учение об идеях, о предсуществовании душ, о безжизненности материи, наконец, отрицание абсолютного небытия как первичного состояния мира и тем самым отрицание творения ex nihilo — встают в явное противоречие с ортодоксальным христианским вероучением, что можно объяснить тем фактом, что Викторин принял христианство уже в весьма преклонном возрасте. Eka Avaliani. In consideration of the then contemporary political situation in the Mediterranean and Roman East, through the putting and interpreting sources into broad historical context, the author identifies the female individual as the Roman Empress Ulpia Severina. The very inclusion of royal woman within public propaganda during this period signifies her prominence within, and significance outside of, the imperial metropolis. This deliberate inclusion proved to the public that this empress was not mere figurehead but could have been a very influential person in the Empire. Victor Kupriyanov. Диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата философских наук. Специальности Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Elena Sobolnikova. Related Papers. Schole Novosibirsk 7. Eugene Afonasin, Anna Afonasina. Essays on Ancient Medicine in Russian. Schole T. Aristotle and Sappho to the Interpretation of one Dialogue from Rhet. Ancient Philosophy and Classical Tradition. VIII, Iss. Eugene V. Novosibirsk, Timaios of Locri. On the nature of the world and the soul in Russian. Трансформация телеологии в неклассической философии диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата философских наук.

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