Lion Anal Vore

Lion Anal Vore


Lion Anal Vore

Text adventure games by Naughty hungry lion

Incredible. For any American or British people out there looking for a Macro vore game This is it 100%. This is totally worth the time using google translate. I'm addicted!

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Part of the pride- A lion king vore story This includes: Child vore Chapter 1: the holiday It was a bright hot day on the Savannah. Charlie and his friends were on a tourist truck. Constantly they were reminded not to leave the truck. What had interested them and everyone else who came here was the rumours of a bid pride of lions that have grown to be very intelligent. Some have said they have a whole cave system underground built like a palace others say they own the Savannah and every animal obeys them. But they were all rumours, hopefully. Charlie was sat down near the back with his friends his brother Evan, Katie, Amy and Jake. They all were ready for this trip and all were very excited. When the truck stopped Charlie jumped out to have a pee in a bush. Jake, followed him and the girls came out just to keep an eye on them. "You don't have to watch us you know!" Shouted Charlie. "Actually, we kind of have to out here. Bet you don't want a lion to snag you up and drag you away to do god knows what!" Shouted Katie in return. "You know I've heard storeys that these lions were here to see really torture their prey!" Spoke Amy softly. "Oh yeah what are they gonna do?" Said Katie when all of a sudden the truck started up again and drove away and left the five of them there. All of them were so caught up in chat that at first they didn't notice and by the time they did. The truck was already too far to call over. The five of them all looked around at each other exchanging worried looks. "Does that mean we are here, alone, with Intelligent lions?" Jake spoke with a deep fear in his voice. "Oh no," Muttered Katie "I think we are," Said Amy. Charlie was currently looking around the tall grass, fearing a potential predator... Meanwhile, The lioness Nala was sent out on her hunt. Hunts had been getting easy. With the talk of how powerful the lions have become most prey give up their friends in exchange for freedom. Nala enjoyed but also didn't enjoy this. She liked when prey was clueless. When the prey didn't know what would happen to them. When prey was so scared for their lives or their friend's life, they would do anything. That is what drove Nala. The pure enjoyment of her prey being trapped and becoming almost a pet for her. Meercat are nice easy meals but they can't do much. However they taste amazing when they slide down your gullet. Nala traced a paw down her throat just for fun imagining a meercat dinner. The cute wriggly things! Nala was interrupted by conversation. She sunk low in the grass and tried to get her horny thoughts out of her head so she could focus. She sniffed the air for the scent of what was in front of her. It smelled Human like, but also a slight bit of something else? She followed the source of the sound until she could see all four of the humans in front of her. "So we have been wondering after the truck for an hour an so far nothing!" Spoke Jake towards Charlie. "Just shut up, you're not helping." He replied annoyed. Charlie decided to scan the tall grass again for any potential predators. "You're not scared are you?" joked Katie. "Oh yes I'm not scared of Intelligent lions who could grab me and do god knows what to me, No one knows we are out here! OF COURSE I'M SCARED!". "You know they could all just be rumours right?" asked Amy. They all carried on walking in total silence and Nala following them close behind. A few hours later Early morning was now midday and the kids were all very tired. Nala was close behind waiting for them to fall asleep. Just like that they did. Each one collapsing of the heat in the hot sun. Nala looked around for anyone else. No one. This was perfect! She stood above the small children. She was twice their size. Even one of her prides cubs would be the size of them! She knew her pride was big compared to everything else but she found it funny how small these kids are! She looked up and down Jake something about him. She felt a strange scent about him and couldn't figure out what it was. Katie had a clean scent Nala thought IF she could bring them back, This one would be the servant! Amy seemed to have a smell reminding Nala of her daughter mate Kovu. Perhaps they will like a gift? And finally the last one, the leader Charlie He definitely had a smell to him that made Nala hungry. He would make a fine breakfast for the prime lion... Jake slowly woke with a strange start. He got up Slowly. He didn't sleep in a cave, did he? His eye began to focus and he saw a horrific sight in front of him. His brother was half way down a lion's throat! He almost screamed and ran when he was thrown to the floor so hard he almost blacked out again. His eyes once again focused and he saw Above him a GIANT lioness. The lioness licked her lips and pushed his head towards where his brother was being swallowed alive. He saw the giant budge inside of the lion's thick red mane. The males jaws constantly lunging forwards and taking more of Charlie's body inside. It was a spectacle. Charlie Screamed as he was slipping down closer to the lion's mouth as his rump just slid down Simba's throat. More panicked gasps escaped as the lions giant red tongue came out and dragged him all the way into his maw. Jake only just realised the sheer size of the Lion He was about triple the size of any of Jake's friends The lion was lightly suckling on his living meal inside his throat and leaned down towards Jake. He flinched and hopped he would not be the next to end up in a lions stomach. The prime lion smiled as he slowly opened his mouth to show a squirming pair of arms trying to grab a hold of something. With a single lift of the tongue Simba swallowed Charlie whole and alive. As the giant budge travelled down his thick rich fur and into his giant padded belly. The king lion lay back down on the rock that was shaped into a throne shape. "You lot are going to work for me!" he said loud and clear. In English for the kids to hear. This would be a long holiday... Chapter 2: First day at work The kids were all sat in front of the giant bloated belly of Simba. They all sat there Shaking as they had a lion behind them keeping them in line. They didn't want to move, they couldn't. They all had hungry felines watching their backs. Even was annoyed. He had just seen the greedy brute in front of him swallow his brother whole, He wanted to run up and punch that monster straight in the face. But he knew that would be a bad idea. He needed to live. He looked behind him and the lioness watching him. She smiled and bared her teeth. Even took that as a warning and looked forwards at the fat lion picking his teeth. "As I was saying," The lion continued. "We saved you all from the boiling heat of the sun and from any potential predators!" Spoke Simba as he continued to pick his jaws clean of Charlie's clothes. Evan lost it. "SAVED US! YOU JUST ATE OUR FRIEND!" He screamed standing up before Nala grabbed him and sat him back down. Simba looked at the boy and smiled. "my dear boy I would never eat him to kill him!" Simba spoke with power in his voice, It calmed the others who were worrying. Evan thought it was best he didn't mention how Charlie was his brother. Something about these lions made Evan unnerved. He didn't like it. "I assure you young one your friend is quite safe!" Simba patted his gut. Even noticed the bulge inside squirm "let me out!" was heard really faintly from within Simba's belly. Evan was speechless. That was his brother! Talking from within the belly of a lion. "Your friend is quite well and alive, I will keep him undigested unless one of you decide to well, disobey your king!" He smiled and a tall brown lion behind Kate chuckled She looked round at him and he nodded his head and gave her a wink. "I think we should start with introductions, shall we?" Simba suggested. He got up, His belly jiggled slightly. "I'm king Simba of the Pridelands, The lands in which you are in!" He nodded to Evan. Even looked him in the eye and didn't say a word. "Strong quiet type eh? That's a shame,". Simba moved down the line to the next kid. "I- I- I'm Katie, Sir." She stammered distracted by the kings big bloated belly. "Ah well aren't you polite! But you won't need to call me Sir, just call me Simba." He moved onto the next in line as his paws make light tapping sounds on the cave floor. "I'm Amy, Simba." She spoke shaking, not wanting to look at the giant predator in front of her. Simba pulled her eyes to meet his with a single claw. "You are a fine specimen, I shall have use for you later!" He said. "and the last one!" Simba sighed. "My name's Jake." He mumbled. Simba smiled each one of them feared him. It felt good but he hoped that would change with time. "Well As you may notice there are lions and lioness behind you. They are your masters and you are their pets! You do as your told when your told and the boy in the belly will stay alive! Until tonight everyone." Simba dismissed them as Zazu landed to give Simba his reports. Nala took Evan by the bad of the neck and carried him out of the cave. Kovu bit down gently into Jake's midsection and carried him off. Kiara picked up Katie in her paw and carried her away while Kion looked down at Amy. "You're not needed for now. Follow me little one!" He said. Amy had no idea what lay in store for her but she would find out soon. Evan would spend some time with queen Nala while Jake would serve Kiara and Kovu, Katie would be carried into the underground section of the cave. To where the Humans would sleep. And last of all Charlie would remain inside the mighty kings stomach. To be continued...

Warning this story contains: Vore, Paws, Musk and anal vore Outside in the fiendish nature of the out lands, Zira was busy grooming herself. She licked herself clean of all the irritating little dust specks on her fur and all the annoying termites. She kept them under control, unlike a particular someone… “AAAAHHH THESE TERMITES!” Came the annoying screech of a very irritating son of hers. Zira growled to herself. She would absolutely adore if that measly little weakling grew himself a spine and got himself a mate. Who was she kidding? Nuka was hopeless. He’s a mangy stupid feeble lion and Zira knew despite the fact no one told her, that all the lioness could not care any less about the lion. Nuka was definitely a failure of Scar’s pride and Zira knew it. Fortunately, she had Kovu, her beloved little prince. He would succeed where Nuka had failed. But what was Zira to do… Nuka walked his way into a cave off from the rest of the lions. He was fresh from a swarm of teasing from
I take writing requests! PM me or leave a comment!
The two lions slept for almost an hour and a half, Kiara's head resting on Kovu's gurgling gut. Both lions then awoke at about the same time, said good morning to each other and stretched.
"I'm off to get some food Kovu, I'll be back in a bit," Kiara said, smiling.
"Okay, but don't forget you're monitoring the Guard today, so don't take too long." He replied.
"I'll try." Kiara said.
The two then split, Kovu pacing off to attend to his morning duties, and Kiara went off to hunt down some breakfast.

She had made it to the waterhole and noticed spots of blood on the grassy f
The crocodile was hungry, and he chased down Kiara.
At last, to swallow whole and alive : in order to feel its prey moving in her stomach.
The hunt will last two hours.
But the lioness was exhausted by fatigue and let himself catch up with by the crocodiles.

Glup : Gurgle.

Who wants to eat my daughter Kiara?
I let you I choose the predator.
Fac fic or of drawing, the choice is yours.

I make a request for a suggestion, for the people, this research of the ideas.
I'm not too sure as to what direction I'm going to go with this story. I'll include plenty of vore but not sure if anything else will make it in. If you have an idea let me know in the comments
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Part of the pride- A lion king vore story

This includes: Child vore

Chapter 1: the holiday

It was a bright hot day on the Savannah. Charlie and his friends were on a tourist truck. Constantly they were reminded not to leave the truck. What had interested them and everyone else who came here was the rumours of a bid pride of lions that have grown to be very intelligent. Some have said they have a whole cave system underground built like a palace others say they own the Savannah and every animal obeys them. But they were all rumours, hopefully. Charlie was sat down near the back with his friends his brother Evan, Katie, Amy and Jake. They al
kiara and her mother were stomping though the Forrest when they found
a strange portal they entered and found themselves in a new world
full of humans however the lioness where huge!! they looked around
in confusion for a moment before seeing a bright light off in the
distance it was a city. with their feline mind they had to mark
territory right? so the stomped through the grasslands before
stepping into the city. they stepped over the city right into a

nala was having fun looking for the people. sadly she found they
were the size of ants and would not have made slaves so she stomped her
way around the field. stomping her giant
Kumeza: Kovu was walking through the Pridelands. It had been months since the two prides had merged, and everyone was assimilating nicely. Simba had even trusted him to take care of a few things to prepare him for one day being king. And that was what he was doing now. Not that long ago, a small plane, not that he would know what it was, crashed into the Pridelands and Simba trusted Kovu to take care of it. Unfortunately that meant he missed breakfast. When he came across the small, one-man plane, it was on fire. He started to panic until a nearby elephant put it out by spraying it with her trunk. "Thank you ma'am. I've got this from here. Yo
Many cities in the world were often plagued by disasters. Some had earthquakes, other floods. But worst of all these natural disasters was giants. Giants who would come upon the city, be it once or a regular occurrence. They would smash the city to bits, devour the inhabitants by the hundreds. Force people into worshipping them or crushing them underfoot like worthless ants. Cities like these would be lucky to survive one giant. However, this one… Had four. Them came without warning. Some say they came from a teleporter from another world. Does it matter? All giants may come from different places, but they all had one thing in common… The urge to dominate micros. A city full of humans was now at the mercy of a select of four lion cubs who were the size of houses. A city with a population who had never seen a giant before, some thinking they were myths, was now looking upon the four who would destroy their home. The first one a large golden furred lion cub. He who would be king. Was
 Kiara had decided that the best hiding place would be back over in the Outlands and quickly made her way back over. She had been so concerned with finding a hiding place, however, that she failed to notice the lanky brown lioness watching her from nearby.
“Hehehe. He’ll never find me here.”
“Who are you?” the lioness asked in a scratchy commanding tone. Kiara’s fur stood on end as her body went cold to the words. She looked up and saw the proud female leader demanding to know who she was.
“I’m Kiara. Princess of the Pridelands.” She had no fear of this lioness. Of she tried to hurt her
this story involves child vore, deadly vore.if you do not like dont read. disney owns charecters:, nala

the lioness towered over you. licked her lips slowly as she put her paws both sides of you and she grabed you with her right paw. the lioness nala was hungery and you were her meal! your head pokes out the top and legs poking out the gaps in her fingers. you try your best to squrim and nala giggled as you tried to escape her paw however her paw presses against you so hard and tight your body clicks in some places and you cannot move! and sweat starts to form.she opened her mouth slowly revealing horror. her saliver drips down in strands he
Timon was enjoying a nice stroll through some thick bushes. he looked around for any
bugs to sink his teeth into. he found quite a large selection of tiny bugs all together.
Timon always loved it when he hit the jackpot of bugs. he wasted no time in eating the
bugs one by one. he enjoyed their slimy taste and found them very satifing. he started
to swallow the poor things whole. Gulp after gulp the little snacks screamed as they were
devoured alive and digested in timons big belly...

meanwhile in the bushes A large lioness was watching Timon as he gobbled up the bugs.
Nala watched him carefully she observed his every move. the lion licked
Warning this story contains: Vore, Paws, Musk and anal vore Outside in the fiendish nature of the out lands, Zira was busy grooming herself. She licked herself clean of all the irritating little dust specks on her fur and all the annoying termites. She kept them under control, unlike a particular someone… “AAAAHHH THESE TERMITES!” Came the annoying screech of a very irritating son of hers. Zira growled to herself. She would absolutely adore if that measly little weakling grew himself a spine and got himself a mate. Who was she kidding? Nuka was hopeless. He’s a mangy stupid feeble lion and Zira knew despite the fact no one told her, that all the lioness could not care any less about the lion. Nuka was definitely a failure of Scar’s pride and Zira knew it. Fortunately, she had Kovu, her beloved little prince. He would succeed where Nuka had failed. But what was Zira to do… Nuka walked his way into a cave off from the r
Wifeysworld White Whopper
Lana Rhoades Piss

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