Lingua Latina Penis Canina

Lingua Latina Penis Canina


Lingua Latina Penis Canina



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По ночам во Пскове слышны крики чаек, которых ебут голуби. Три псковских голубя гоняли двух чаек. Сегодня прошёл пятиминутный град и смыл оба вида крылатых кишечников. Вместо них на высоте дворовой берёзы теперь вальяжно пиздятся две вороны, оглашая окрестности солидным граем. Битва ворон похожа на драку континентов, настолько небрежно они относятся к законам аэродинамики. Два летучих джентльмена просто сталкиваются грудями и расходятся по воздуху. Во Пскове летом хорошо. Во Пскове пищевая цепь состоит из одного звена и это вороны. Я так засмотрелся, что забыл снимать.
ЖЖ перехуячили дизайн всего настолько сильно, что теперь всё - сторис, а писать посты невозможно.
Абзацы делать нельзя, надо новый слайд начинать. Воу.
Но это с телефона, интересно, можно ли написать нормально с пека? Посмлтри
Ну и во-первых, это достаточно отвратительно, чтобы сработать в 2020; во-вторых, оно вылетает, когда я читаю их же редакторскую ленту.
Я вчера наткнулся на игру в любимом жанре и понял, что хочу составить топ пять, скажем или топ три. Но формата под это подобрать не могу вообще. Потому что причины. Многолетняя привычка рассказывать самому себе анекдоты привела меня в состояние, когда я репетирую мысль до тех пор, пока её изложение не станет выражать идею за минимальное количество именно тех слов, которые нужны. Поэтому любая содержательная часть получается короткой и часто сухой. Например, когда я писал анализ Hollow Knight (он до сих пор висит в черновиках), основная мысль влезла в два абзаца по три предложения. Это, кстати, очень помогло мне на занятиях формулировать определения и излагать решения понятным детям образом. Но вот записывать какие-то анализы и мысли просто невозможно - если я знаю, о чём говорю, выходит мало и скучно. Поэтому я забросил все блоги и бесчисленное множество сценариев для потенциальных роликов.
Но слава СДВиГу (я не понимаю, почему в Синдроме Дефицита Внимания и Гиперактиваности опускается "и", получается же великолепное сокращение, которых так мало!) в парадигме web 2.0! Формат потока мыслей в микроблоге или на стриме позволяет уходить в странные интересные тангенсы (например, это произошло в прошлом предложении и продолжается вторым слоем в скобочках). На занятии формат "выйти к доске со словами КСТАТИ, МНЕ ТУТ В ГОЛОВУ ПРИШЛО или ИНТЕРЕСНЫЙ ФАКТ" позволяет сделать ещё интереснее тем, кому и так интересно и кто не тяготится работой. Если потом просто собрать результирующий тред в прямом порядке, получается текст, который состоит из маленьких абзацев, но главное - он существует, в отличие от огромных качественных простынь. Слава тредам, слава стрима, слава текстам, разрешающимся по стеку.
Единственное что - я слишком ленивый, чтобы нарезать хайлайты или вырезать из них слюни. Поэтому все эти мгновения исчезнут во времени, как Рутгер Хауэр.
Вроде, если не писать в ЖЖ год, могут заблочить, поэтому напищу рецензию на DMCV, которую мы ждали 10 лет.

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What are some funny pig Latin phrases?
Knows Latin · Author has 500 answers and 411.6K answer views · 3 y ·
Latin teacher, French speaker, dabbler in Italian and Spanish. · Author has 610 answers and 2M answer views · Updated 4 y ·
A Latin teacher and long-time lover of ancient languages and history · Author has 107 answers and 384K answer views · 6 y ·
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What race speaks pig Latin as their first language?
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What is your favourite Latin phrase and why?
What are some lesser-known but awesome Latin phrases?
What are some of the best phrases in Latin?
What are some examples of Latin phrases about god?
What are some phrases in Latin about beauty?
What Latin words sound the "funniest"?
What are some badass Latin phrases?
What are some interesting slang words or phrases in Latin?
What are some scary sounding Latin phrases?
Who came up with Pig Latin and why?
What are 10 Latin phrases everyone should know?
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I can remember only these silly “rhymes", which our Latin high school graduates delivered over to the school’s young entrants:
Lingua Latina non est penis canina! (meaning “Latin language is not a dog's penis!”)…
And we were then those young entrants who couldn't understand the gist of the phrase BEFORE the course would have begun…
And the gist was (and still is) as follows:
Dear young students, be it known to you that learning a noble Latin language is really very serious and important mission, and not at all just beer and skittles! Period.
Luckily the Romans had plenty of ways to express obligation. I am only giving the plural forms as the phrase is an open invitation to many, not one person.
venite (ut) discatis; ite (ut) serviatis.
Come so you may learn ; go so you may serve. The ut is optional, as in venite adoremus (o come let us adore him) from the Christmas song Adeste Fideles.
venite ad discendendum; ite ad serviendum.
This clunky looking phrase is fairly faithful to the original. Come for learning, go for serving.
The singular versions of the above are:
veni ad discendendum; i ad serviendum.
Luckily the Romans had plenty of ways to express obligation. I am only giving the plural forms as the phrase is an open invitation to many, not one person.
venite (ut) discatis; ite (ut) serviatis.
Come so you may learn ; go so you may serve. The ut is optional, as in venite adoremus (o come let us adore him) from the Christmas song Adeste Fideles.
venite ad discendendum; ite ad serviendum.
This clunky looking phrase is fairly faithful to the original. Come for learning, go for serving.
The singular versions of the above are:
veni ad discendendum; i ad serviendum.
Hope that helps, and think before you ink!

March 8, 2016 by languagehat 58 Comments

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Elon Gilad in Haaretz has a piece called “ Why Hebrew Has So Many Words for ‘Penis’ ” (if that link takes you to a paywall, google the title and use the cached version) that provides some fine, and salacious, language history:
Euphemism creep didn’t start yesterday. The Bible is replete with circumlocutions for penis, to the extent that it isn’t clear what the actual word for penis was in ancient Israel.
Biblical allusions include basar (“flesh”, Exodus 28:42), erva (“nakedness”, Leviticus 18:6), mevoshim (“private parts”, Deuteronomy 25:11), regel (“leg”, 2 Kings 18:27), shofkha (“spout”, Deuteronomy 23:1), yad (“Hand”, Isaiah 57:8), and me’or (“Nakedness”, Habakkuk 2:15).
Later, during the times of the Mishnah and the Talmud (the first six centuries of the Common Era), the rabbis added some more euphemisms to those of eld: panim shel mata (“lower face”, Shabbat 41a), ama (“middle finger”, Shabbat 108b), etzba (“finger”, Pesachim 112b), shamash (“helper”, Nidah 60b), gevia (“corpse”, Negaim 6:7), parmashtaq (probably a Persian word for “penis”, Mo’ed Katan 18a), and evar (“organ”, Bava Mezia 84a).
In the Middle Ages, even though Hebrew had ceased to be a spoken language, rabbis kept up the pace. New names of the era included: brit (“covenant” – referring to circumcision), gevura (“manliness”), geed (“tendon”), zakhrut (“maleness”), zanav (“tail”) and kama (“ripe sheaf”).
With such an abundance of suggestions at their disposal, and these lists are not exhaustive, you would think that when Hebrew was reborn as a spoken language starting in the late 19th century, the new Hebrew speakers – preoccupied with finding words for the modern world – would settle for the rich pickings from previous generations of Jews over millennia. Not so. New words had to be found.
An early “modern” word for penis, zereg , was first noticed among giggling children at Tel Aviv’s Gymnasia Herzliya school in the early 20th century. It may have been a corruption of gezer (“carrot”) or zerek (“hose” – defunct).
Another word springing from the classrooms of early Tel-Aviv is zayin , which is by far the most common used word for penis in contemporary Hebrew, though – you stand warned – it is considered vulgar.
There is discussion of various proposed etymologies for zayin and the Yiddishisms shmock and shtrungool (the latter apparently a Hebrew corruption of strunckel ‘little (tree) trunk’); then we get this delightful passage:
The polite, “official” word for penis is peen , and it comes from an ancient typographical error.
The Mishnah, a treatise on Jewish law written in roughly 200 CE, has a passage that reads “A key of metal with pins of wood is pure” (Kelim 13:6). The word for pins here is khapeen . But sometime over the generations, a scribe made a mistake, replacing the first letter, khet (ח), with the nearly identical looking hei (ה). From “ khapeen ” – pins, plural, the word was mistakenly rendered as “ hapeen ,” the pin.
In modern Hebrew too, pin came to be peen. And when Hebrew revivers were looking for a word for penis, they decided peen would do for that too. It was reminiscent of penis and pins sort of look like tiny penises.
This actually caught on. But in the 1950s, the Hebrew Language Academy chose not peen but evar (“organ”) as the official word for penis, or evar meen – “sex organ”.
People did indeed take to saying evar meen , which was used for both male and female naughty parts, but in writing the word remained peen. Then in 2009, the academy caved in to the public and made peen the official word. But although it was the will of the people and it’s official to boot –it’s rarely used when speaking any more. It’s considered too prissy.
Other fairly common euphemisms for penis include katan , which simply means “little,” and bulbul , a children’s word for penis.
How bulbul could become a word for penis is unclear. There’s a common bird named bulbul , of the Pycnonotidae family (not so weird – think of “cock”). Or maybe the word originated in the name of a stick, weirdly called bulbul , which Israeli kids used when playing doodes (a local version of cricket). Or maybe it came from an Arabic word for “spout,” bulbula.
Sorry, can’t help pasting this one.
The Historical Thesaurus of the OED has 85 English words for “penis” over the ages, including the ancient “weapon”, “tarse”, “pintle” and “pillicock” (later “pillock”), and the relatively modern “schlong”, “tonk”, “ding-a-ling” and “langer”. “Penis”, btw, only comes in around 1578 by their reckoning, before “dildo” but after “tool” and “prick”. Of all, the weirdest is “rubigo”.
The talk of Hebrew euphemisms for penis reminds me of the whole “pisseth against the wall” thing, as, I believe, discussed some years ago on Language Log.
It’s not directly about the penis, and it might not directly be an euphemism, but the situation is similar.
I wonder whether anyone has an idea what the actual word for “penis” in Ancient Hebrew was… I suppose, for all we know, it could have been one of the supposed early euphemisms (compare the Latin word penis , which literally means “tail”, and probably itself was part of an euphemism creep).
EDIT: “to the extent that it isn’t clear what the actual word for penis was in ancient Israel”, says the article, so presumably no, it isn’t known.
@January: I wonder whether anyone has an idea what the actual word for “penis” in Ancient Hebrew was … (compare the Latin word penis, which literally means “tail”, and probably itself was part of an euphemism creep)
Your use of the qualifier words “actual” and “literally” here is rather problematic. What are your criteria for determining whether a given lexeme “actually” or “literally” points to, or refers to, a given object ?
What is the actual, literal word in modern English for penis ? A Martian linguist might speculate that there is none, since English speakers apparently prefer a word from a dead language which liter
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