Lingerie Catalog Scans

Lingerie Catalog Scans


Lingerie Catalog Scans
Catalogs #37: Sears 1974 Women's Fa...
Vintage Style #32: She Wears Short ...
Catalogs #18: The Greatest Year in ...

I mean no copyright infringement by the posting of pictures, videos, etc. on this blog. I do not in any way claim the rights of ownership to any of them. They totally remain the property of their respective owners. I have posted them purely for entertainment purposes only. All written content, unless otherwise noted as being quotes, has been written and copyrighted by me.

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In a spirit of fairness, I think you should do one of these featuring men also. :-)
Ah yes, I remember those 4 beauties from the Fall/Winter '89 catalog VERY well!
We were a better looking country 30 years ago ...
Yes we were, sad to day. Dang these ladies could bring the heat!!
The "pulling up-pulling down" motif seems to have been very popular with lingerie models.
Ah, yes...the Golden age of women's underwear...not a boy short in sight, thank the Lord!
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Universal catalogue Spring Summer 1992

Pictures from a 1970's lingerie catalogue.


Fastest Bike In The World








so in reality nothing has changed in 30 years

God damn I wish I was my age in the 70's!!!! I was a little kid.

wow to think my mom probably wore this stuff ewwwwwwww

I was expecting to see a panty shot of a chick with a hairy snnaper.

How much 70s bush do you think is hiding under those granny panties?

its the same shit they sell now, guess u cant get to creative with that stuff

Things to never ask at a Victoria's Secret store...."Does this come in children sizes?"

All this did was amplify my MILF fetish.







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Catalogs #49: International Exotic ...
Catalogs #47: Spiegel - Fall & Wint...
Catalogs #51: 1969 Gold Strike Stam...
Catalogs #50: Spiegel - Fall & Wint...

I mean no copyright infringement by the posting of pictures, videos, etc. on this blog. I do not in any way claim the rights of ownership to any of them. They totally remain the property of their respective owners. I have posted them purely for entertainment purposes only. All written content, unless otherwise noted as being quotes, has been written and copyrighted by me.

Awesome Inc. theme. Powered by Blogger .

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oh for the days when the women wore stockings...
Gah. Those first few 1985 pages feature some of the ugliest underwear models I've ever seen. The hair isn't helping. Oh my! Bottom-right of the last 1986 page. Great looking panties and little pointy bra! Pointy bras are the best.
I have some of these sets, or their modern equivalent. Some are not "practical," but that is not why I wear them. Nor do I wear them all the time.
Great post! fantastic!!! @ Armipit Studios: Pardon me, perhaps you meant “pubic hair”? :-) In fact, what I like of the first 1985 ad, is exactly that you can see some hint of the models’ pubic hair through the sheer fabric of their panties/body suit. Sadly, pubic hair have been completely banned from the lingerie ads starting from the late 90’s on... On today’s lingerie ads, female models look like sexless, which is a nonsense (and unfair, if you consider that male models usually sport a considerable hardon under their pants). BTW: you can guess some hair also on 1985 #2, 1986 #6 and 7, 1989 #1, 1991 #1 and 1992 #2. But the most visible is that of the model on the left, in 1988 #1 - It’s a pity she wears an ugly fluo lipstick. It is also remarkable the “suspender-under-panties” shown by model on 1985 #1 (that is how suspenders should be worn! or not? ;-) GP
No, the horrible hair on their head distracts from any redeeming quality that might be down below.

I think we understand each other. Before things starts getting really awkward, let's move on...

Before the eighties, overtly sexy lingerie were relegated to a handful of specialty catalogs like Frederick's of Hollywood . The Sears and JC Penny bra sections were as benign as the garden supply and bath towel sections - they certainly weren't designed with titillation in mind (that was the purview of hormonally challenged fifth graders).  The fact that there were thousands, if not millions, of sweaty pre-adolescents taken away to paradise via these seemingly innocent catalogs, would have surely horrified the Sears catalog designers.

But then came the 1980s. A wave of sleazy catalogs that made our old Montgomery Wards look like Romper Room hit the mass market. Victoria's Secret landed on shelves in the late 70's, and it wasn't long before there were catalogs o'plenty that could turn any Plain Jane into a Solid Gold Dancer. The simple yet profound Sears bra section was a thing of the past... make way for the newer sluttier catalogs of shame!

Have a bit part in a Stryper video? Plan on pleasuring Kip Winger back stage? Have no fear. These catalogs have everything you'll need to fit any illicit occasion.

Catalogs #51: 1969 Gold Strike Stam...
Catalogs #50: Spiegel - Fall & Wint...
Catalogs #49: International Exotic ...
Catalogs #47: Spiegel - Fall & Wint...
Vintage Style #52: The Black Basque

I mean no copyright infringement by the posting of pictures, videos, etc. on this blog. I do not in any way claim the rights of ownership to any of them. They totally remain the property of their respective owners. I have posted them purely for entertainment purposes only. All written content, unless otherwise noted as being quotes, has been written and copyrighted by me.

Awesome Inc. theme. Powered by Blogger .

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The blonde lady who is on the majority of the German catalog pages is simply gorgeous! She adds a touch of class to these "Catalogs of Shame"! :o)
The women in leopard print (521/522) look more like men who are really good at tucking. And hey! I see areolas on some! Today's catalogs are so freaking creepy. They photoshop out the nipples and areolas, leaving them looking like Barbie's boobs.
I'm pretty certain that 521 is one of the 80s most popular page 3 girls, Maria Whittaker.
Back before phototshop, we used to fix pictures of lingerie ad photos, civilians called it airbrushing but it was mostly done by hand with a small paintbrush or sometimes we would scrape the emulsion right off a print or negative with a razor blade. We had quite a collection of "before they were smooth like Barbies". A Bali bra rep saw them in our darkroom. We got bitched by the boss and had to throw them out.
I remember doing much the same at the newspaper where I worked: razors, opaquing fluid, tiny slivers of rubylith. Not just pre-Photoshop, it was pre-everything really, and I started out setting type via a pre-Windows computer system in 1978. Computers were not taken seriously then, I can tell you that. For the XXXX-rated theater ads in one of the sleazier auxiliary publications, someone would use a felt-tip to draw brassieres on the naked models before the art was shot. But it looked awful, and the advertisers complained, so we'd either perform a nipple-ectomy on the negs with an X-acto knife, or paint bikini tops on them with opaquing fluid. It wasn't fine art, but it worked. And our camera room guys also had a selected photo gallery in their darkroom (this seems to have been common practice in the industry) and that collection also ended up in the garbage can. In this case, however, the photos were seen by a particularly nosy kid, part of a Cub Scout troop touring the plant, and his parents threw a fit about it. Oops. Well, he *had* been told the darkroom was off-limits.
Well, I'll tell you this, the pictures of women without nipples in the bra ads turn me right off of buying the product. It's just too creepy. Makes the part of me that watches too many horror movies imagine that the product is cursed and any woman who wears it will end up nipple-less.
As Frank Zappa once remarked: "A breast without a nipple is just a blob of fat!" Dumbing down all the way to brain death to appease the idiots, sad!
I'm pretty sure the blonde in the German pages is Yorkshire Page 3 stunner Tracy Dixon: She was also a regular on the weekly ITV show of the incomprehensibly popular "comedy" group The Grumbleweeds. Paul
@Paul: Based on your link, I can tell the one model from the German catalog is definitely Ms. Dixon! Cool to place a name to this lovely lady!
"sluttier" Watch it Gilligan, You have a lot of fans who have ordered from these businesses and have had fun doing so. Many a cold night has been made warmer with a few of these items. It shows an appreciation for your partner.
The blonde girl in the 3rd photo down wearing the black robe is actress/model K.C. Winkler.
When I was but a lad, we had some neighbors, he was a nice guy, his wife was drop-dead gorgeous. Many times, when they were out of town, we would pick up their mail. I would often see "Frederick's of Hollywood" catalogs as well as packages "in plain brown wrappers". I was dying to know what they purchased-and what Wife looked like in them, lol.
When I was but a lad, we had some neighbors, he was a nice guy, his wife was drop-dead gorgeous. Many times, when they were out of town, we would pick up their mail. I would often see "Frederick's of Hollywood" catalogs as well as packages "in plain brown wrappers". I was dying to know what they purchased-and what Wife looked like in them, lol.
When I was but a lad, we had some neighbors, he was a nice guy, his wife was drop-dead gorgeous. Many times, when they were out of town, we would pick up their mail. I would often see "Frederick's of Hollywood" catalogs as well as packages "in plain brown wrappers". I was dying to know what they purchased-and what Wife looked like in them, lol.
When I was but a lad, we had some neighbors, he was a nice guy, his wife was drop-dead gorgeous. Many times, when they were out of town, we would pick up their mail. I would often see "Frederick's of Hollywood" catalogs as well as packages "in plain brown wrappers". I was dying to know what they purchased-and what Wife looked like in them, lol.

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