Lingam Oil Massage

Lingam Oil Massage


Lingam Oil Massage
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From the pre-Aryan period, in the Hindustani peninsula, the ancient Dravidians worshipped a primitive version of Shiva called Pasupati, the animal protector, represented as a phallus. The Lingam is a remnant of a lithic-symbolic cult from the Neolithic period to Pasupati. Whilst Europe lived in the Stone Age, the Dravidians enjoyed life in an advanced civilization in the Indus Valley, trading with Sumer and Ancient Egypt. The study of archaeological remains at Mohenjo Daro and Harappa in present-day Pakistan reveals the development of both civilizations.
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A lingam massage is a tantric sex practice focused on massaging the penis. Unlike your average hand job, the lingam massage involves not only massaging and stroking the penis but can also incorporate more advanced techniques, including the testicles, perineum, and the prostate as well. The lingam massage isn’t about having one orgasm and being done. Instead, it’s about trying to feel more and more pleasure that will become waves of multiple orgasms throughout the massage.
It is a Japanese erotic massage tradition that originated in Kawasaki, Japan, though it is unclear how long this sensual technique has been practiced.
A Nuru massage is a full body-to-body erotic massage using a special, ultra-slippery gel made out of seaweed.
Often, a special inflatable mattress or drop cloth is used to contain the mess of the gel. One person simply relaxes while the other slips and slides all over their body.
The full-body contact is relaxing and arousing at the same time, so Nuru massage is usually offered in an erotic context rather than a therapeutic massage setting.
Thai oil massage is recommended to people with a very active lifestyle, who expects both physical and mental relaxation with skincare. It`s also recommended to people, who dislike traditional Thai massage because of its intensity or it`s impossible to make because of health problems.
It connects techniques of acupressure and the ayurvedic philosophy of massage. Strengthen the immunological and nervous system and accelerate excess water elimination by stimulation of transpiring. Thai oil massage removes toxins, boost up skin pert and brings very deep relaxation.
Swedish massage is one of the most commonly offered massage techniques. It’s sometimes called a classic massage. The technique aims to promote relaxation by releasing muscle tension.
Swedish massage is gentler than deep tissue massage and better suited for people interested in relaxation and tension relief.
Swedish massage may loosen up tight muscles caused by daily activities such as sitting at the computer or exercising. It can be very helpful for people who hold a lot of tension in their lower back, shoulders, and neck.
Once the area around the penis is teased, grip, stroke sequences, and hand actions will vary.
During the Linga cult, the Dravidians performed ecstatic dances orchestrated by a shaman adorned with the hollow skull and skin of a wild bull, both Shiva symbols. This kind of costume has been worn by shamans in various parts of the world.
Despite their sexual nature, tantric practices like lingam massage are intended to promote healing. According to Buddhist principles, it’s...
Sex is an activity that benefits the body and mind, with advantages such as increased libido and reduced risk of chronic diseases. When you...
Whether you’re interested in increasing your sexual stamina or just learning to enjoy sex more, lingam massages can allow you to embrace this in a...
Experiencing something at the moment, just as it’s intended, is an example of mindfulness. If you’re a spiritual person, enjoying frequent lingam...
The best is if you make a reservation a few days in advance.
We would recommend you reserve a massage when you are sure you can come on the day and time that you wish. We take reservations for months ahead. If you decide, on the spot, that you want to visit us we cannot guarantee that our masseurs will be free. But please call us anyway and we will do our best to find an option for you.
Not all masseuses/masseurs in our team may be available at your preferred date and time. Nevertheless, if you want to choose a particular masseuse/masseur you can do so through the order form under Calendar of Schedule of Masseurs or call us on our phone number.
It is not possible to choose a masseuse once you arrive. All women and men in our team are trained in various – especially tantric – massage techniques. In addition to that all of us regularly attend training courses to broaden our spectrum of knowledge.
You may of course ask to book your next appointment with a the same woman or man if you find you have particularly enjoyed your session with her or him.
Tantric massage celebrates everything which is natural and which charges your body. Therefore ejaculation during your lingam’s massage is not understood as anything wrong. But the main goal of a tantric massage is not to make the man ejaculate because ejaculation means a complete discharge of male energy which could be transformed by you and used in other ways.
Our massages are about relaxation, dedication and being pampered. Experience and special knowledge are therefore not necessary. This is the ideal place to practice stillness, feeling and awareness. Our masseuses and masseurs will accompany you sensitively on your journey through your body and sensuality.
Cleanliness and hygiene are very important to us. Our baths are cleaned and disinfected after every use. This, of course, also applies to the sheets on which you are massaged and any towels you may use. Before and after every massage we thoroughly wash and disinfect our hands.
Absolutely. We pride ourselves on respecting our clients’ privacy so please let us know when you are planning to come. Making an appointment ensures your own privacy and helps you avoid waiting time.
Making an appointment is easy. All you have to do is pick up the phone and give us a call. You can call us on the same day you want to come.
We don’t accept payment by credit card, cash only
There are no age restrictions, however, you need to be over 18 years of age.
Time spent in a tantric massage is time of honoring yourself, your pleasure and your growth. That is the reason why we will always be happy to see you. Book a massage.
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Karma Tantric Online Magazine - READ NOW
Maya Khamala shares her knowledge on lingam massage and how to perform one on your partner.
Did You Know?: “Ejaculation is not a goal of lingam massage, as climax causes your man to release the energy you’ve built up together. Help him avoid orgasm with focused breathing or by touching other parts of his body to spread the energy around.”
Did You Know?: “By gently massaging and pushing on the ‘sacred spot,’ a small indentation located midway between the testicles and the anus (a common location for stored emotions and trauma), you can help your man experience a powerful release. Make space for him to cry if that’s what’s needed.”
Did You Know?: “Accessible through anal stimulation, a man’s P-spot is found in the prostate gland and is an emotional sexual centre often loaded with old trauma waiting to be released with a loving prostate massage . You can enhance a lingam massage by integrating this technique over time.”
Although many of us have heard of the yoni—the ancient Sanskrit term for vagina, far fewer have heard of the lingam, which translates to “wand of light” and refers to the penis. While there is nothing wrong with giving your man an incredible hand job, lingam massage holds another meaning: it’s about increasing intimacy without necessarily overflowing into orgasm, and can be an unprecedented way of showing your appreciation, connecting more deeply, and heating things up in the bedroom. Read to find out more about this special form of erotic massage, how to give a lingam massage and the all-important benefits of lingam massage.
A form of tantric massage first created in 1970s Germany, lingam massage by definition is a sensual type of penis massage or cock worship designed to promote wellbeing, deep relaxation, and the release of stresses associated with intimacy or sex. Its purpose is to clear energy blockages, facilitate sexual healing , and enhance pleasure.
When gifting your man with a lingam massage be sure to set the scene just right: create a calm, serene environment that makes it easy to relax fully into this new experience. There are several tips you should consider when preparing to give a loving lingam massage.
Music can have a powerful effect on the ambience. There is no one right choice, however, there are several avenues to consider: you might opt for background music that is gentle and soothing, eastern melodies, or new age tunes. Or, you might choose sexy music that’s unique to your couple.
Never underestimate the power of lighting. There’s a reason many spas, meditation centres and yoga classes choose soft, warm light. Harsh light is not typically relaxing or arousing and can actually work to agitate the spirit. Try draping a sheer scarf over a lamp, or lighting candles.
Your man’s senses will be on high alert during the lingam massage. You might opt to light scented candles, burn incense, dab your favourite essential oil on your sheets, or place a vase of flowers in the room. Equally, your personal scent can be a wonderful way to enchant his senses—whether in the form of an oil, a spritz, or perfume you both find pleasing.
When setting the scene for your lingam massage therapy experience, pay attention to the smallest details. From the texture of the bedding and the plushness of the pillows to the temperature in the room, anything can affect the mood. Don’t forget to ensure you have several hours of privacy too. Remember: you need to be just as comfortable while giving as he is receiving.
Massage oil products are largely a matter of preference. You might choose a massage candle, an oil-based massage cream, or coconut oil. Many silicone-based lubes can also double as a massage oil. Regardless of what product you choose, be sure to do a spot test first (on both of you). Also: have enough towels handy to avoid stains on your sheets.
When it comes to learning how to do a lingam massage, it’s typically best to focus more on connecting and following your intuition than getting bogged down in specific lingam techniques. For instance, if he likes to have his testicles touched, integrate that. The following is a lingam massage tutorial, however, there is no special order for trying these techniques.
Sit in front of one other holding hands. You might add breathwork — a basic technique used in tantric sex —by engaging in deep, synchronised breaths that fill the lungs. Breathing together is a powerful way to connect and keep your energies in tune. You might share intentions as giver and receiver. Then, both of you might remove your clothes—one piece at a time, voicing what you’re stripping away with each item (i.e. shame, fear, judgement). You might also choose to remain scantily clad or wearing an item of special significance.
You might choose to kneel between your lover’s open legs as he sits facing you. Or, if it’s more comfortable, sit next to him on a bed or a sofa. Always feel free to flow from one position to another during the massage, as your comfort is essential. If you have trouble relaxing or feeling good in your body, he’s bound to feel it too.
Have him lay on his stomach, and massage your way up his body, from his feet up to his neck. Keep breathing in tandem throughout if you wish. Then, have him turn onto his back, and start from the bottom up again, skipping the lingam. Once he’s relaxed, hold his penis firmly, and place your other hand on his heart. Imagine you are connecting them. Then, apply your chosen massage oil and begin—much as if you were worshipping a sacred wand of light.
Gently press his penis with your thumbs and index fingers, and then release. Move up about a centimetre and repeat. Keep going until you’ve worked your way up the entire length of his lingam. Note that it’s not significant how erect he is. Flaccid penises can be even more sensitive, so don’t focus on this.
Hold the sides of his lingam with both hands and then enact a ‘skiing’ motion with both of your thumbs by alternating their movements up and down his penis from the root to the tip. Feel free to experiment with different speeds and pressure levels, always remaining alert to his responses.
This stroke can provide your lover with some very unique and stimulating sensations. Encircle his lingam firmly with both hands and then proceed to turn them gently in opposite directions, making sure not to squeeze too hard of course.
This stroke is perfect for slowing down and moving inward for a meditative moment. The frenulum is located just beneath the head of the penis — close to where it meets the shaft. Circle this zone gently in both directions with the tips of your thumb and index finger.
Worship your lover with this stroke by interlacing your fingers as you would to pray and ensconcing his penis in the safe haven you’ve created between your hands. Then, open your thumbs and slide them up and down along each side of his lingam at varying speeds.
If your man chooses to orgasm (it’s always his choice), you might help him achieve an orgasm without ejaculation —a technique which, over time, can help him to improve his sexual control. During climax, either press firmly on his sacred spot or wrap your fingers around the base of his scrotum pulling firmly downward. These methods take practise, but the practice is powerful!
Much like its female counterpart, the yoni massage , the key goal of a lingam massage is for a man to embrace and accept his lingam as a part of his whole being, which in turn helps him to become a more tender, self-aware, empathetic, and sensual lover with the ability to experience sex with his entire body and heart—rather than just his penis. Common benefits of lingam massage include the following:
Many men experience sexual dysfunctions such as premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction . Lingam massage can help men to better control their bodies, the flow of their sexual energy, and their libido while enhancing stamina. Over time, he can even learn to achieve multiple orgasms without ejaculating !
As his body becomes accustomed to newfound ways of directing his sexual energy, his body’s sensitivity is likely to become enhanced. This does not mean he’ll climax faster—it simply means he will feel more, and more deeply.
Anxiety, depression, sexual dysfunction, and health issues are rampant. Many of these can be attributed to emotional blockages and past traumas. Lingam massage can help to redirect, round up, and release these tensions and kinks, allowing for an overall cleaner energy flow.
Another main focus of lingam massage is to help increase intimacy. Since a lingam massage is all about being in sync, trusting one’s partner, and allowing oneself to be vulnerable in their presence, it is common for partners to feel more meaningfully connected on an emotional level.
A London based Lingam massage can be an incredible way of exploring new sensual and emotional territory, enhancing pleasure, and boosting intimacy. If you’re interested in receiving a lingam massage but do not have a partner to practice with, consider hiring a trained Lingam massage specialist with Karma Tantric for a breathtaking professional introduction to the experience!
Maya Khamala is a Montreal-based poet, (copy)writer, editor, and fire-starter interested in all things erotic. She has been a writer at Karma Tantric magazine for some time, exploring some fascinating and informative topics. Connect with her on social channels for more information. | Read More
I have never experience anything like this before, this sounds incredible. If this is what I should be expecting with a Karma tantric massage I will be making an appointment sooner rather than later.
Thanks for this, I never knew there were so many different techniques you could use. This sounds like an amazing experience and I will be sharing this article with my girlfriend, we are always looking for ways to change things up.
That’s excellent Luke, Lingham massages are certainly something I would recommend exploring for you and your partner. It is a great addition to your bag of bedroom tricks, especially the scene setting aspect of it and the techniques. Wishing you all the best, Kelly x
We are an award winning tantric massage agency offering the most stimulating tantric massage in London. With a huge emphasis on customer service & quality of massage girls, it's easy to see why Karma Tantric is regarded as the best sensual massage in London & surrounding counties. You can find us also on:

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By @sandis

Post date

11th June 2020

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A lingam massage is a tantric sex practice. Lingam is the Taoist name for the penis, and as such, a lingam massage is a form of penis massage. However, it’s much different than a handjob.
Generally, when men are receiving a handjob, the goal is either to reach orgasm or to prepare the way for the more stimulating activity that will eventually lead to orgasm. Lingam massage is often done without necessarily leading to orgasm.
However, in doing this, men can actually train themselves to become multi-orgasmic. In this article, we’re going to explain how the lingam massage can be useful as a multiple-orgasm technique for men.
You might have heard of a yoni massage. A yoni massage is a sexual practice that focuses on massaging the vagina. The goal of a yoni massage is to explore different stages of pleasure and learn more about the vagina (known as the yoni) so that women can experience a greater overall pleasure.
Yoni lingam massage is basically the same thing, except the lingam massage is for men instead of women. Massaging the penis – known as the lingam – is a great way to teach men more about their sexuality and their pleasure levels. A lingam massage can even be considered a type of male enhancement exercise.
A tantric lingam massage isn’t generally supposed to lead to orgasm – rather, it’s supposed to allow men to enjoy waves of increasing pleasure whilst they explore and learn more about their sexual parts. 
Regular lingam massage can be useful for helping men become multi-orgasmic and can increase their overall sexual performance. The main reason for this is because a lingam massage reconditions the way that men think about sexual pleasure.
Most men (not all) see sex as something with an objective: to have an orgasm. This line of thinking causes men to ejaculate quicker than they would if they had a different perspective on sex. In fact, this belief often underlie
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