Lines In French

Lines In French


Lines In French
Draw a line under each answer. Tirez un trait sous chaque réponse.
Draw a line down the centre of the page. Tirer un trait vertical au milieu de la page.
It’s not possible to draw a distinct line between the two categories. Il n’est pas possible d’opérer une distinction claire entre ces deux catégories.
to draw the line at sth se fixer qch comme limite
They would draw the line at robbing a church. Ils se fixeraient comme limite de ne pas dévaliser une église..
an evening dress that follows the line of the body une robe du soir qui épouse les lignes du corps
4. ( also: washing line ) corde f à linge

then the line went taut c’est alors que la ligne se tendit
a piece of fishing line ( = wire ) un bout de fil à pêche
It’s a very bad line. La ligne est très mauvaise.
the line was dead il n’y avait pas de tonalité
Hold the line, please. Ne quittez pas.
I only read the first few lines. Je n’ai lu que les premières lignes.
to drop sb a line ( informal ) ( = write to ) écrire un mot à qn
to read between the lines ( = understand hidden meaning ) lire entre les lignes
to learn one’s lines [ actor ] apprendre son texte
a line of people queueing for bread une file de personnes faisant la queue pour du pain
I joined the line and waited. J’ai rejoint la queue et attendu.
to stand in line , to wait in line ( mainly US ) faire la queue
to cut in line ( US ) passer avant son tour
to be in line for sth être en lice pour qch
a new line of computer printers une nouvelle ligne d’imprimantes
a new line in cosmetics une nouvelle ligne de produits de beauté
What line are you in? Vous êtes dans quelle branche ?
in his line of business dans sa branche
They had taken the wrong line on the London Tube. Ils avaient pris la mauvaise ligne dans le métro londonien.
They’ve got to ride all the way to the end of the line. Il faut qu’ils aillent à l’autre bout de la ligne. ⧫ Il faut qu’ils aillent jusqu’au terminus.
repairs to the line les réparations des lignes
the official line of the Labour Party la ligne officielle du parti travailliste
to take the line that ... se ranger à l’opinion que ...
to take a hard line on sth adopter une ligne dure vis à vis de qch
to bring sth into line with sth aligner qch sur qch
to fall into line ( = conform ) rentrer dans le rang
to step out of line ( = fail to conform ) sortir du rang
You’re way out of line. Tu dérapes complètement.
on the right lines ( = generally correct ) sur la bonne voie
to be on the line [ job, position, reputation ] être dans la balance
He wouldn’t put his career on the line to help a friend. Il n’était pas prêt à mettre sa carrière dans la balance pour aider un ami.
Somewhere along the line he picked up an engineering degree. À un moment ou à un autre, il a décroché un diplôme d’ingénieur.
an evening dress that follows the lines of the body une robe du soir qui épouse les lignes du corps
to line sth with sth doubler qch avec qch
the muscles that line the intestines les muscles qui tapissent les intestins
to line sth with sth tapisser qch de qch
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Children clutching empty bowls form a line.
...a production line capable of producing three different products.
The Foreign Office offered to pay the shipping line all the costs of diverting the ship to Bermuda.
So what was your father's line of business?
somewhere along the way or the line someone made a mistake
an ancient family who trace their line of descent back more than a thousand years
It would depend how far down the line the relationship was.
the president came out with a classic line
line the fabric to give it more substance
A line is a long, thin mark or shape.
Draw a line at the bottom of the page.

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French might be the language of love, but French pick-up lines can be just as cheesy as any other language. Enjoy the list of French chat-up lines that will make you smile, frown, and burst into laughter.
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Copyright ⓒ 2022 Ainsi Hardi SAS, France
Do things sound better in French, or is it just in my imagination? Will you have more success if you use pick up lines in French, rather than in English?
French might be the language of love , but some of these lines are just as cheesy as in any other language. So I’ve broken them down: a few good ones, a few dreadful ones, and one to take to heart!
Some people have the ability to quote love poetry , blather on, to flirt, etc. And some people simply don’t. Most of the time it is simply better to be natural instead of using a pick up line. Even if the pick up lines are in French, doesn’t mean that you are automatically going to have that je ne sais quoi.
But sometimes, if it is a complete stranger, you might need a bit of a ice-breaker, which is where a pick-up line might be handy. If you are at a dinner party or a wedding , with a charming foreign accent and a whimsical phrase or two, you may just meet your next French lover 😉
This is a compilation of the best french pick-up lines, as well as some that are truly dreadful. I have included mostly phrases in français to use to chat-up someone at a bar, but there are also short ones that can be aimed at people you already know.
Now, pick up lines have to personal and addressed to someone, so I’ve imagined them as being said by a man to a woman, and used the informal tu , instead of vous .
But since cheesy french pick-up lines are by no means restricted to straight men, feel free to adapt them as you wish!
In the quest for love, there’s no time to waste. It seems that every day we see more and more of these simple but effective French pick-up lines that can be used in a variety of situations to get you the date you want. Now, these lines could potentially work (or not):
When I say “could potentially work”, I mean with a giant grain of salt! Don’t blame me if they don’t work. It is all in the finesse, the charm, and the participants. These chat-up lines are not going to suddenly turn anyone Jean Dujardin !
Welcome to the world of bad pickup lines. You can’t deny that bad pick up lines are hilarious. We’ve all heard a few of them in our day, but it is not hard to find the best (worst) ones.
Everything is a matter of taste, but personally, I don’t see these lines working. Or maybe I should get out more? Chat-up lines that are bound to fail are:
If you have a sense of humor, you could probably try to pull this off with a wink and a smile. But if you’ve mastered the art of creating bad french pick up lines, you can be sure to find someone who will appreciate your wit. And if they don’t, well…
Beyond the chat-up lines, there are also some lovely and romantic French expressions and compliments that you can read here.
Now, if you are simply not in the mood to be picked up, here is one line to make you laugh:
Mesdames, un conseil. Si vous cherchez un homme beau, riche et intelligent… prenez-en trois !
To translate: Ladies, if you are looking for a man who is handsome, rich and intelligent, take all three!
You can find out more about the French views on dating and love here. A bientôt!
Wondering what life in France is really like? After living in Paris over 10 years, I can tell you all about it! Go behind closed doors for fun anecdotes and the unvarnished truth on those intriguing French habits ;)
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Mon endroit préféré c’est avec toi.
Si je sais ce qu’est l’amour, c’est grâce à toi.
If I know what love is, it’s thanks to you.
Je te tiendrai dans mon coeur jusqu’à ce que je puisse te tenir dans mes bras.
I will hold you in my heart until I can hold you in my arms.
Chaque battement de mon coeur est un je t’aime que je t’envoie.
Each beat of my heart is an I love you that I send you.
L’amour c’est comme le vent, tu ne peux pas le voir, mais tu peux le sentir.
Love is like the wind, you can’t see it, but you can feel it.
Je ne sais pas quoi faire, mais la cœur a les raisons que la raison ignore.
I do not know what to do, but the heart has the reasons that reason ignores.
Excusez-moi mademoiselle mais vous êtes absolument charmante.
Excuse-me miss, but you are absolutely charming.
Salut, ça a l’air bon ce que tu bois. C’est quoi ?
Hello, that looks interesting, your drink. What is it?
Tu as du feu? Ahh, je ne fume pas non plus!
Do you have a lighter? Ahh, I don’t smoke either!
How do you say “I love you” in French?
J’ai hésité à venir te parler, mais je me suis dis que si je ne le faisais pas, j’aurais plein de regrets en rentrant chez moi ce soir.
I hesitated to speak to you, but I told myself that if I said nothing, I’d have plenty of regrets being home this evening.
Excuse-moi, est-ce que tu embrasses les inconnus? Non? OK, je me présente alors.
Excuse me, do you kiss strangers? No? OK, then introduce myself.
Si un jour j’avais su qu’en croisant ton regard, j’allais tomber amoureuse de toi, j’aurais fermé les yeux.
If one day I had known that by meeting your gaze, I would fall in love with you, I would have closed my eyes.
My darling! Do you have a 06? (06 is the start of every French mobile number)
On devrait t’arrêter pour excès de beauté sur la voie publique!
We should arrest you for excess beauty on a public street!
J’ai tenté de t’oublier un bon nombre de fois et je n’y suis jamais arrivée. Regarde, je suis encore entrain de parler de toi…
I have tried to forget you a number of times and have never succeeded. Look, I’m still talking about you…
Est-ce que le soleil vient de se lever ou c’est toi qui m’as souri?
Has the sun just risen or it was you who smiled at me?
Je ne suis peut-être pas ton premier rencard, baiser, ou amour, mais je veux être ton dernier.
I may not be your first date, kiss, or love, but I want to be your last.
Tu n’as pas eu mal quand tu es tombé du ciel?
You didn’t get hurt when you fell from the sky?
Si je te disais que tu avais un beau corps, tu m’en tiendrais rigueur?
If I told you that you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?
Je viens juste d’arriver ici. Est-ce que tu pourrais m’indiquer le chemin jusqu’à ton appart ?
I just got here. Could you show me the way to your apartment?
Si je t’aide à apprendre l’anglais, est-ce que tu m’apprendras comment embrasser en français?
If I help you learn English, will you teach me how to kiss in French?
En temps normal, je suis un très bon nageur. Mais là, je ne comprends pas je me noie dans tes yeux.
In normal times, I’m a great swimmer. But here, I don’t understand, I’m drowning in your eyes.
Je viens de me rendre compte que tu ressembles beaucoup à ma prochaine petite amie.
I just realized that you look a lot like my next girlfriend.
Est-ce que t’as un pansement ? Parce que je viens de m’écorcher le genou en tombant pour toi.
Do you have a band-aid? Because I just scratched my knee when I fell for you.
Les gens m’appellent Jean, mais tu peux m’appeler ce soir.
People call me Jean, but you can call me this evening.
J’ai un problème avec mon portable, il manque ton numéro!
I have a problem with my cell phone, your number is missing!

By David Issokson • September 11, 2012 • Updated March 16, 2013
David Issokson is a lifelong language enthusiast. His head is swimming with words and sounds as he speaks over six languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he's the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private online lessons. When procrastinating working on his site,, David enjoys his time skiing and hiking in Teton Valley, Idaho.
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Learn how to say some basic pick-lines in French! These are great for romance and dating or if you go out and meet somebody you like!
Tu me fais penser à quelqu’un que je connais.
You look like somebody I know.
Tu es de quel signe?
What sign are you?
Nous allons prendre de l’air?
Shall we get some fresh air?
Tu dances très bien!
You dance very well!
Est-ce que je peux m’asseoir ici?
May I sit here?
Est-ce que tu viens ici souvent?
Do you come here often?
Many of our students have greatly enhanced their learning by using an app. On these pages we've examined the top-30 apps for learning French . On this pages we've written comprehensive reviews for Pimsleur (great for people struggling with pronunciation), Rosetta Stone and FrenchPod101 (both great for visual learners).
Est-ce que tu as un petit ami?
Do you have a boyfriend?
Do you have a girlfriend?
Est-ce que tu as une petite amie?
Tu as de beaux yeux.
You have beautiful eyes.
If you've found this post useful you might want to considering looking at our post covering the best apps for learning French . We've looked a total 33 apps and have written comprehensive reviews of Rosetta Stone , Pimsleur and FrenchPod101 .
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Love Translations, English to French
As they say, French is the language of love, so knowing a few romantic lines in French can’t hurt, if you can pull it off.
English-speakers living in the United Kingdom or Ireland are a lot more likely to learn French, so you may already know a few terms–and be able to roll the tongue the right way. But if you’re an American looking for romantic lines in French, you’re a brave man.
Here are a few primers to help you learn some French phrases and sayings that not only sound right, but convey the romance emotions. Listen to someone speak French, so you can come somewhat close to getting the Francais right. You don’t have to be perfect to let her know you love her.
With these French romance lines, go out in the world and show your woman (or man) you mean business–that you care enough to study a little of the world’s most seductive language. Bring a little “beaux” into her life.
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