LineageOS v18.1 | Fork Edition

LineageOS v18.1 | Fork Edition


Source Side:

  • source updated
  • merged r37 may security patch
  • added style switches
  • added qs rows columns support
  • added qs title hide option
  • added media art hide when song isn't playing

Device Side:

  • Fix 24bit audio playback
  • Adjust Screen Brightness Values (To fix the screen flickering issue on minimum brightness)
  • Enable QCRIL radio power saving
  • Remove some stuffs
  • Switch to stock thermal ( for heating issue while charging )
  • Set in voice rec headset mic


  • Dont do dirty flash. do clean flash
  • Vanilla build
  • Recommend Gapps nikgapps basic
  • Fork Lineage is lineageos with additional features such as faceunlock, extended screenshot etc. maintained by hyperteam

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