Lineage OS 20231020 breeze

Lineage OS 20231020 breeze


• Full VNDK 33 build

• Lineage Upstream

• October Security Patch

• Most of the files have been moved for vendor from the systems. according to android 13

• Overlay: Exempt ImsService from location indicators

• Disable BPF

• Build from source

• Set gestures only navigation default

• Update power_profile.xml

• Uprev Clearkey DRM service to 1.4

• Drop prebuilt configstore HIDL

• Enable DM file pre-opting to reduce first boot time

• SurfaceFlinger properties from merlin (Redmi 9)

• Overlay: make transition animation a bit faster

• Overlay: make window animation/transition scale to 50%

• Add fingerprint configuration to overlay

• Build fingerprint service from source

• SettingsProvider: def_bluetooth_on to false

• Overlay: Disable UI touch sounds by default

• Drop thermal_manager service

• Enable USB ConfigFS in recovery mode

• Fixing in call gain control on MediaTek devices

• Don't override APNs config file

• Drop useless factory and meta_tst binary

• Add basic USB HAL that reports no status change

• Build libstdc++ from source

• Drop partition_permission & throttle scripts

• Drop vendor.mediatek.hardware.log

• Drop useless em_hidl

• Drop engineermode completely

• Drop unneeded vendor cacerts

• Overlay: Enable call recording

• rro_overlays: Move rro overlays to vendor

• Kang auto brightness configuration from 'guacamole'

• Switch to modern Bluetooth Audio HAL

• Set correct channel mask for BT SCO Headset Mic

• Nuke AOSP rild

• Disable settings provider model

• Disable VSync for CPU rendered apps

• Fix rank of SW OMX components

• Disable codec2

• Import recommended pm dex props

• Reduce number of CPUs for system-background apps

• overlay: Limit screen recorder's framerate to 60fps

• enable multiuser ui

• Enable Natural and Boosted display color modes

• Allow device to transition colors efficiently

• overlay: Enable WCG mode

• overlay: Allow support of unprocessed audio

• overlay: configure SQLite to operate in MEMORY mode

• Suppress vendor logspew

• Enable config_avoidGfxAccel

• Disable Nearby Discovery and Nearby Messages service

• Disable debug.sf.enable_hwc_vds

• overlay: Update deprecated screen power items

• Added zram parameter

• Add WiFiOverlay

• Switch BtAudio to AIDL

• Disable PQ to avoid video flickers

• Set the VENDOR_SECURITY_PATCH level to match the platform security patch level

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