Light is not the absence of Darkness

Light is not the absence of Darkness

Dawit Moges


Stars perpetually exist in a tug of war. A tug of war between gravity and nuclear fusion. Gravity wants all the matter within that space to collapse, all while the star is frantically fusing matter pushing back against it.

We see this tug of war present in a multitude of forms in reality. The human body for instance is also at war. We constantly produce ATP to keep alive (there's a whole Kurzgesagt video about this) and stay ahead of, well, death. The Yin Yang symbol is basically also a depiction of this phenomenon.

Having established some of these frameworks of thinking, let's take a look at our lives. The world, it seems, is like that gravity that presses on that star, trying to squish you into submission. It's a tough SOB I'll give it that; in fact I salute it.

And so, I believe people must hold a fact dear to their hearts. It's one of Buddhism's main tenets in fact. It's that suffering surrounds you. I also believe it's forgetting this fact that causes many lives to go astray, for they are deluded about the state of affairs. Suffering is the default just as darkness is the default of the universe. One, then, needs to generate light, generate vitality and hope and all that in spite of it. The light must break through. Be well.

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