Light Of Tsukimi Manor

Light Of Tsukimi Manor


Light Of Tsukimi Manor

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A review of a manga I found to be REALLY messed up. This is the song which I mentioned in the video: ****** Notes for the...

#messed up

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Hey. So let me tell you about some manga I just

read. Okay. I was told by (someone who will not

be mentioned) I was told to look up this manga called Light

of Tsukimi Manor, something like that. Let me just say it's one of the most f-ed

up things ever, like... Okay, you know what, lets go through the story

line. Lets see, a little girl's over here making

food and you know, maybe her brother or something

is up stairs studying. The mom's all like "Hey! Can you bring some

food up to the boys? They're gonna need help studying."

The little girl is like "Okay! Sure mom! I'm gonna go take food up to them!",

so then she goes upstairs, she takes food to them,

err, no no. She goes to give it to them, they're not in

the one room where she expected them to be. She walks over, they are at a computer with

all these pictures. Then she walks in like, "Hey! what are you

doing?" They're like "HOLY (blank)!!!" And then like

all these pictures start flying around. She looks at the pictures, they're of like,

naked children. Then, they are all like, "Don't look at those!"

and she's like, "Oh, what is this?" They're like, "Well actually, this fuels us

for studying. It gives us study fuel." or some crap like that.

Okay, so she's like,"Oh really? Why didn't you just tell me!? I can pose just like the

things in the photo!! I can pose just like those children! I can

help you study!!" Then they're like "Um..Sure!!! Yeah! Help

us study!!!" She's like, "Okay, I'm gonna go get dressed!"

She goes away, comes back in this bikini or swimsuit, whatever.

And then um...Then she's like "Oh! Is this good?"

and he's like, "Yeah, Yeah! Lemme take a few photos there!"

They're taking photos and stuff, they're like "Maybe you should take that off too."

She's like, "Okay!" and then she only has the bottom and top..Cause she had some skirt

on, I don't know, So she took that off, and like the artist

wanted to...nothing So they're like, "How bout you get on that

bed too?" She's like, "Oh! Is this nice?"

"Yeah, yeah! That's really helping us study! Thanks! THANKS DUDE, THANKS!!!!"

And then the guy sits on the bed next to her like "Oh, lemme pose with her too!"

Then she's like, "Hmm. What is that thing in your pants?"

And he's like, "Oh! This is a (blank)!" And he like, flatout tells her too. He doesn't

try like, to go "Oh, this is nothing" No, he's like, "This is my (blank)."

"You know, It kinda looks like this!" He's fricken like...What!?

And then um, she's all like, "Oh! That's what that looks like, okay!"

So she looks over and she's like, "Oh! you have one in your pants too! How bout you bring

it out?" He's like, "OKAY! YEAH!!!" then they're like,

"How bout u feel it? How bout you feel it alitle bit?

That would really help me." She's like "Oh, Okay."

"Oh, I need you to help me with mine too!" "Okay! Oh! oh! its --" ...Let me not say that.

SO like the other guy is over there taking the pictures, then she's like,

"Hey, hey, you know, you can come over too! Yeah! COME ON!! We can have a whole studying

party!!" Then he comes over like," Oh yeayemanadamaImightaswell,

yea i mean like..." THen he's like, "Well! It looks like all your

hands are full, so you're just gonna have to use your mouth!!!"

....HUH!?!? Like WHAT!?!

Then they are doing all this gross crap, and then they're all like (sound effect for...)

and she's like, "Eww! WHat's all this stuff?" "Oh! That's just the success! Thank you for

helping us study! That's what that's saying. That's success juice."? I don't...

....WHAT!?(x2) "That just shows that you did a good job."

He's like, "Hey! I still need some help over here!"

And then they start feeling on her and crap. She's like "Oh! I feel like I peed!" or something.

And they're like, "Oh no. I'll check!" First of all, that's messed up.

They're like, "No, you're just..." Not gonna say that either!!!

They're like, "Oh! Well it would really help us study if you let me stick my (blank) in

your (blank)" And she's like, "Huh, should I let them?"

Then she remembers them saying, "Oh! You really help us study!"

Then she says, "Well, I love helping people... So yea!! I would love to do it!!! YEAH!!!

COME ON!! DO IT!!!" And then I just stopped... I could not take...

I cannot take any more than that!! That's just...


Do the authors know what they are writting!?!...drawing!?! whatever!?!

Like WHHHHAT!? Like "Oh yea! That's hot! She's like two,

she's like two years old, yeah!" You know, there's already anime's and stuff

where there's like highschool girls look like elementary school girls,

but now in this case, the five year old girl is probably like two.

Since Japan wants to do that, with the whole age thing, she's probably like really two,

but she looks five. It's like "Oh! It's okay! We're in Japan!

Yea! This is normal!" What?

Then in the next book or whatever, cause I was watching this online, err, reading it,

I bet you in the next one, she's like, "Oh! You know what? I'm gonna go on the road

and help people study! I'm gonna have HUGE study sessions! I'm gonna

invite all of these people! I'm gonna be like 'Little girl, Nude Posing,

and maybe if you are lucky, you can do something else too, as long as it helps you study!

Because studying is important, and knowledge is power!'"

How bout for some knowledge, you learn that you're not suppose to be doing this,

learn that maybe you should tell your mother, get them--

Get them sent to jail!!! And the author of this. They need to go to jail too!!

What is this show!?!...Comic!?!...What!?! Oh! The next episode, "This girl is running

study sessions!?! OMG! Can I bring my friend too?"

"Yea! Yea! Sure! Whatever!" "Yea, my best friend his name is pedobear,

and he LOVES this kind of stuff! He's totally into this!

I mean, He's totally into studying! Yea, he studies really well with the help of random

little children." "Okay!"

Or maybe in the third book, she goes over to a white van like,

"Oh look! Free candy! But I know there's no candy in there, I just wanna help!

YEEAAAHH!!" Then the guy's all like, "Hey! Do you want

free candy? Get in the back of my truck!" She's like, "I know you don't have candy,

lets go study!" Then he's gonna be like, "Wh--wha--... SURE!

Yea! Lets go!" And then he's gonna be like, "Wow. This isn't

fun because you want this, that ruins the point of it."


And let me say, I've seen some really messed up stuff in my life,

you know like gory stuff like Moral Kombat and worse,

but this is on a whole other level of like (blank) up (blank), I...

Even worse, I found something called, Boku Piko...something,

It seems like the same thing, but except with little boys.

"Oh Yea! That makes it so much better!(x2). Yea! That's totally legal.

Totally!(x2)" I started reading a little bit of the wikipedia

thing on it, it's like, "The little boy is usually seen naked or swimming

with like a little speedo, and then when he goes over to his grandpa's

house," yeah his grandpa, "his grandpa makes him run around in a frilly

little maid outfit." Like Wow that's... Creative. Yes, everyone

is gonna wanna watch that." Also, just incase you want the censored version

of this comic, show whatever, anime, manga, You know, if you want a simple version of

it, there's a video that tells like, the main point of the whole thing, without

actually saying anything. It implies a lot. Okay? It implies a lot.

Just watch the video, it doesn't show anything bad, but the words to the song that she's

singing... You see that, you get EVERYTHING I said, in

one song. I'll link that or whatever.

Also on a side note, I don't understand this Whooping Cough thing.

There's a slight chance that it could be what I have,

but how does it sound like whooping? I looked it up and it just sounds like *cough*gasp*exhale*gasp*

That doesn't sound like whooping to me. More like *cough*Zoidberg-like noises*

Yea that sounds stupid, but it makes more sense.

Makes more sense for whooping cough, The other one should be called, Gasp...cough.

IDK. I wanted to go to japan and all but this...

It's just like... Who would write this!?! I mean like...

HAAAAAW? It's so, so wrong.

Like, so many levels of wrong and it's and this is like gory Mortal Kombat Stuff,

like nothing, compaired to this level.

I don't mean to be like OutBackZack, but this just gets me angry.

Gomen Nasai. I'm like learning Japanese, I wanna go to

Japan and then this comes its like, I don't wanna learn and of the words featured

in this, I don't wanna learn any of the culture around

this, so it...

Just watch the video. It explains everything. Just like in the comments,

When I looked in the comments for the song, it said exactly what I feel right now.

It says, "That awkward moment where you actually read part of the show or whatever

and you understand what the song means by it."

Just listen to the song, it explains everything. Everything (x2) there is to know about this

show, anime, manga, whatever. Just certain people shouldn't be able to...


HOW CAN YOU GET AWAY WITH STUFF LIKE THAT!?! It's one thing to sell...

porographic magazines or somethings, but this is,(x6)...

Child ***!!! I don't care if it's in cartoon form or not.

This is messed up!!! WHAT?

WHAT!?! Just, just, WHAT!?!

If you wanna draw something Pornographic and stuff,

You can atleast make it with reasonable aged people!

I mean like, five year old!?! or two year old!?!

Like what? What is up with everybody? WHAT!? (x2)

I don't wanna have to come across stuff like that again,

but you know, maybe I'll review something else.

But, don't read it, watch the video, and you'll understand everything.

Like, "What is this? I don't even."

Hachi signing outmalaberu.





#messed up




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A review of a manga I found to be REALLY messed up. This is the song which I mentioned in the video: ****** Notes for the...
Witide Light of Tsukimi Manor Review

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A way of describing cultural information being shared.
An element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, especially imitation.
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