Life and Work with Phoebe Davis VoyagePhoenix Phoenix 💞

Life and Work with Phoebe Davis VoyagePhoenix Phoenix 💞

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Life Work with Lauren Witherspoon VoyagePhoenix Phoenix

Life Work with Dr Philip Woodmore VoyagePhoenix Phoenix

Life and Work with Alicia Nicosia VoyagePhoenix Phoenix

Inspiring Conversations with Alycia Anderson VoyagePhoenix

Check Out Claire Stein’s Story VoyagePhoenix Phoenix

Life and Work with Karin Ashley VoyagePhoenix Phoenix

Life and Work with Nicole Hamic VoyagePhoenix Phoenix

Life and Work with Christine Bleak VoyagePhoenix Phoenix

Life Work with Phylisha Thompson VoyagePhoenix Phoenix

Life Work with Abigail Davis VoyagePhoenix Phoenix

Life Work with Black Caesar Soul Club VoyagePhoenix Phoenix

Meet Paige Drysdale VoyagePhoenix Phoenix

Exploring Life Business with Chris and Claire Treanor of

ACBFkhnpMVDsE4lKuBS VoyagePhoenix Phoenix

1 fĂ©vr. 2024 · Today we’d like to introduce you to Marissa Simmons. Hi Marissa, so excited to have you on the platform. So before we get into questions about your work life, maybe you can bring our readers up to speed on your story and how you got to where you are today. 1 oct. 2019 · Meet Paige King. Local Stories. Today we’d like to introduce you to Paige King. Paige, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far. As a small child, I was always fascinated with hair, while all of my other cousins would be outside playing I, along with my older cousin. 30 nov. 2024 · Meet Phoebe Flexman of Wax Masters. Today we’d like to introduce you to Phoebe Flexman. Hi Phoebe, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstories with our readers. 19 nov. 2024 · Phoenix is an incredible city - but it's so large and so vast and so diverse that all of us are missing out on tons of great people, businesses, organizations, events and more. VoyagePhoenix wants to highlight the best of the Phoenix, Scottsdale & Tempe area - from freelance makeup artists that will dazzle you to the best Meetup groups in town. 19 nov. 2024 · VoyagePhoenix wants to highlight the best of the Phoenix, Scottsdale & Tempe area - from freelance makeup artists that will dazzle you to the best Meetup groups in town. Latest Headlines Phoenix’s Most Inspiring Stories. VoyagePhoenix wants to highlight the best of the Phoenix, Scottsdale & Tempe area - from freelance makeup artists that will dazzle you to the best Meetup groups in town. Latest Headlines Phoenix’s Most Inspiring Stories. 19 oct. 2017 · Phoenix, AZ 85014 In two-story building on the North East corner of 12th St. and Maryland Ave. Website:; Phone: 602-684-8034 call or text; Email:; Facebook: Yelp: Wax Masters. 158 likes. Body waxing for hair removal. 29 mai 2018 · Today we’d like to introduce you to Lauren & Nicole. Lauren and Nicole, please share your story with us. We love following all that amazing lifestyle bloggers that we do, so we wanted to create a space for us to share the things we love!. 18 oct. 2018 · Perhaps, it starts with a mom that simply wants a better way to help her child get restful sleep, a way for her to experience fewer feelings of anxiousness, and support the joint discomfort for her husband. We work on an action plan around movement, eating well, and how to use a few essential oils regularly. 16 juil. 2019 · Today we’d like to introduce you to Nicole Hamic. Nicole, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far. 14 sept. 2024 · Hi Lauren, we’d love for you to start by introducing yourself. I started my journey with the support of my parents, Larry and Tralise Witherspoon. They are both successful entrepreneurs and always have been a major inspiration in my life. 24 juil. 2019 · Lauren, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far. My name is Lauren or Lala for short. I am a third-generation artist, and although I developed my work though basic school courses and additional classes around Phoenix, my mom has been the biggest influence with my art. 28 aoĂ»t 2018 · Currently I work from home and my shop space is nestled inside Merchant Square Antiques. Overall, has it been relatively smooth? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?. 17 juil. 2018 · Today we’d like to introduce you to Lauren Abraham. So, before we jump into specific questions about the business, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. I’ve always had a passion for writing, ever since I was young! My dream job was to become a magazine editor. In 2024, I attended Grand Canyon University. 14 aoĂ»t 2019 · Today we’d like to introduce you to Claire Fifield. So, before we jump into specific questions about the business, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. My passion for fashion started at a young age. In elementary, I would make clothing sketches & put together media collage books. In high school, I started to pursue. 8 fĂ©vr. 2024 · Life & Work with Anna Morris. Local Stories. Today we’d like to introduce you to Anna Morris. Hi Anna, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today. My name is Anna Claire Morris and I am a freelance lifestyle model in Phoenix, AZ. 19 mars 2019 · I work with a wide range of clients from young athletes to the older population. I specialize in youth fitness and currently teach youth boxing for fitness. This includes the basics of boxing and kickboxing as well as speed and agility drills. I also teach strength endurance classes (a class for those working to improve endurance) and a. 8 fĂ©vr. 2024 · Today we’d like to introduce you to Claire Stein. Hi Claire, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today. 30 avr. 2019 · Today we’d like to introduce you to Claire Konkos. Claire, can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today. I have a professional background as an educator and had worked for many years in the public school classroom as a kindergarten teacher. 24 avr. 2018 · Today we’d like to introduce you to Claire Longfellow. Thanks for sharing your story with us Claire. So, let’s start at the beginning and we can move on from there. In 2015, my world was flipped upside down when I became a victim of sexual assault. My identity was lost, worth slipped out from under me and motivation for life went. 17 fĂ©vr. 2024 · Phoenix is an incredible city - but it's so large and so vast and so diverse that all of us are missing out on tons of great people, businesses, organizations, events and more. VoyagePhoenix wants to highlight the best of the Phoenix, Scottsdale & Tempe area - from freelance makeup artists that will dazzle you to the best Meetup. 18 juin 2019 · Today we’d like to introduce you to Jennifer Picos. Jennifer, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far. J’s TrailMex started in June of 2018. I decided to make the TrailMex after a partnership with another female didn’t go through, I decided to go and do things. 13 juin 2019 · Phoenix is an incredible city - but it's so large and so vast and so diverse that all of us are missing out on tons of great people, businesses, organizations, events and more. VoyagePhoenix wants to highlight the best of the Phoenix, Scottsdale & Tempe area - from freelance makeup artists that will dazzle you to the best Meetup groups in town. 19 juin 2018 · After a few odd jobs, I finally landed my first “real” professional job as a Membership Concierge at a Private Golf and Country Club. For many long hours, life lessons, and hard work eventually, I was promoted to the Private Events Director. This meant, I was responsible for selling over a million dollars in revenue and held. 15 nov. 2024 · Today we’d like to introduce you to Black Caesar Soul Club. Black Caesar Soul Club Hello, Black Caesar Soul Club; having you on the platform is an honor. Thanks for sharing your story with us – to start, maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers. I(Aaron) was looking for a drummer []. 7 sept. 2024 · My mom, Tina Huynh, deserves immense credit for her courage and determination. Her journey of immigrating to America, her numerous sacrifices, and her tireless work ethic have instilled in me the profound value of persistence and resilience. She began working at the age of 6, enduring various tasks like rolling cigarettes, selling. 14 oct. 2024 · I immediately joined Keller Williams Arizona Realty as a part-time agent. I fell in love with the culture, education, and systems that they offered. Now I am a full-time agent with a business built on 3 pillars to serve my clients at the highest level: Customer Service, Authenticity, and High-Level Marketing. 21 aoĂ»t 2018 · Today we’d like to introduce you to Jennifer Pitt. Jennifer, can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today. My story with beauty has been one of those ever evolving things. It actually began in high school in the mid 90’s when I had the opportunity to take cosmetology as an. 29 janv. 2019 · Today we’d like to introduce you to Tammy Coin. Tammy, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far. In 2014, I moved to Arizona as a Federal Supervisor. Shortly after, I had a Spiritual Awakening and received a calling. The message I heard was “You are here to be an. 17 janv. 2019 · Phoenix is an incredible city - but it's so large and so vast and so diverse that all of us are missing out on tons of great people, businesses, organizations, events and more. VoyagePhoenix wants to highlight the best of the Phoenix, Scottsdale & Tempe area - from freelance makeup artists that will dazzle you to the best Meetup. 27 sept. 2024 · Local Stories Today we’d like to introduce you to Tammy Carter. Hi Tammy, we’re thrilled to have a chance to learn your story today. So, before we get into specifics, let’s briefly walk us through how you got to where you are today. I am Zuni Navajo; my baking business started when I wanted to do more with our traditional foods. 18 sept. 2019 · Today we’d like to introduce you to Tammy Fritz. Tammy, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far. I’ve been dancing as long as I have been walking. I enrolled in modeling/acting school in 8th grade. I started go-go dancing in 2024 at festivals, concerts, and. 26 oct. 2024 · My start begins with honesty about where I am right now and the relationships I’ve fed. The more I spoke about the harsh realities, the more crystallized they became. Personally, there was a time I believed the people around me (best friends, boyfriend, business organizations, fellow entrepreneurs) had a better angle of what my. Helping Women with Work/Life Balance, Healthy Living, & Stress Management | Life Coach, Health Coach, & Mindfulness Teacher | Author & Speaker. 19 mars 2019 · Life and Work with Paige Simmons Today we’d like to introduce you to Paige Simmons. Paige, please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today? I started working out with my dad when I was 13. The time we spent together made us grow closer and I grew to love it. 12 juin 2018 · Today we’d like to introduce you to Paige Kellerman. So, before we jump into specific questions about the business, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. My love of writing started at a very young age, but I didn’t throw myself into it, until I decided to leave my career as an insurance underwriter. 1 nov. 2024 · Hi Paige, thanks for sharing your story with us. To start, you could tell our readers some of your backstory. My nursing journey started with earning my CNA license in high school and my Bachelor’s in Nursing at ASU. Now, I am studying for my Master’s at Frontier Nursing University. My aesthetics journey also started in high school. Like. 7 avr. 2024 · Today we’d like to introduce you to Paige Keats. Paige, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin? My name is Paige and just like you, I love my furbabies to pieces! I love channeling my creativity through art. I started Peeping Pets after I made one for each of my Golden girls. 27 juil. 2024 · Photography and content creation have always played a part throughout my work or life somehow in one way or another. I have been drawn to photography and writing ever since I was younger. In high school, I worked on developing photos in the darkroom while in photography classes, which was exciting to be able to see the reveal of a. Hiring Now: Work - Phoenix. Browse New Positions. Apply Today Start Tomorrow! Hundreds of Work for immediate start. Apply online today with 1 click. 5 juin 2018 · Today we’d like to introduce you to Kelsey Lawrence. Kelsey, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far. My yoga journey began after I got out of treatment for an eating disorder about 10 years ago. I practiced yoga off and on for 5 years during my recovery, trying all. 18 juin 2019 · Life and Work with Kelsi Ring. Local Stories. Today we’d like to introduce you to Kelsi Ring. Thanks for sharing your story with us Kelsi. So, let’s start at the beginning and we can move on from there. I grew up in the great state of Arizona, in Bullhead City near the Nevada/California borders. Right after high school, I moved. 21 juil. 2024 · Today we’d like to introduce you to Kelsey Hansen. Hi Kelsey, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story? When my kids were little and I was still in the process of having babies (I have 4 children), I needed a creative outlet and started blogging. I was a food blogger for over a decade. I started. 20 juil. 2024 · Today we’d like to introduce you to Kelsey Rowe. Hi Kelsey, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story. 26 nov. 2019 · Meet Kelsey Stevens. Local Stories. Today we’d like to introduce you to Kelsey Stevens. Kelsey, before we jump into specific questions about your work, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. My story starts in a small town in Ohio, a town that I recently left to begin something new out west here in. 26 mars 2019 · This prepared me to be in my best physical shape as well as teach me life skills like public speaking, leadership, honesty, teamwork, and drive to never give up which has led me to where I am today. Pricing:. 19 mars 2019 · March 19, 2019 Life and Work with Alicia Nicosia Today we’d like to introduce you to Alicia Nicosia. Alicia, please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today? I finished my first Bachelor’s degree in Sociology and was planning to start the application process for law school. 29 nov. 2024 · Hi Alicia, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story. I’ve been in the media industry for over 15 years. I worked behind the scenes in T.V. in all aspects, from camera operator, Associate Producing, International news, TV agency work, and more. 27 nov. 2018 · Art & Life with Alicia VanNoy Call. Local Stories. Today we’d like to introduce you to Alicia VanNoy Call. Alicia, please kick things off for us by telling us about yourself and your journey so far. I started painting professionally in 2024. 16 juil. 2019 · Today we’d like to introduce you to Nicole Hamic. Nicole, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far. So, I began slowly diving into birth work over 18 years ago as a yoga teacher and then as a massage therapist helping women []. 8 mars 2019 · Phoenix is an incredible city - but it's so large and so vast and so diverse that all of us are missing out on tons of great people, businesses, organizations, events and more. VoyagePhoenix wants to highlight the best of the Phoenix, Scottsdale & Tempe area - from freelance makeup artists that will dazzle you to the best Meetup. 5 juin 2018 · June 5, 2018 Life and Work with Alexis Pantoja Local Stories Today we’d like to introduce you to Alexis Pantoja. Alexis, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far. 22 juin 2024 · Inspiring Conversations with Alycia Anderson. Today we’d like to introduce you to Alycia Anderson. Hi Alycia, we’d love for you to start by introducing yourself. My story started at birth, as all of ours do. Yet, unlike most, I was born with a disability called sacral agenesis, which has led me to live my life in a wheelchair. 27 nov. 2018 · Today we’d like to introduce you to Gemma Thomas. So, before we jump into specific questions about the business, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. Ten years ago, I was determined to “be a doctor when I grow up.” After managing a private physician’s practice for several years, and just before. 12 fĂ©vr. 2019 · As Miss North Phoenix, I am an ambassador for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, an advocate for my personal social impact initiative, a volunteer, and a local representative of the Miss Arizona Organization. The events I attend range from fundraisers to bedside hospital visits at Phoenix Children’s Hospital, local community. 19 fĂ©vr. 2019 · Art never stopped being an integral part of my life, drawing, painting and taking classes. I quit work to raise my children and began painting more regularly. At first, I would paint insects because it was something that I could complete in a day. I then went on to paint native birds. I love hiking and the Sonoran Desert and that has. 5 juin 2018 · I would say that the past two years of my life have been filled with an immense amount of learning experiences that have molded me into the woman I am. Whether it’s what I’ve learned in school, through mistakes I’ve made, leaps of faith I took or just living my life day by day, I embrace each piece of the puzzle that helps me figure out. 19 juin 2018 · Today we’d like to introduce you to Christine Bleak. Christine, please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today? When I was twenty years old, I moved to Los Angeles to attend Cinema Makeup School. They taught me fashion, bridal and special effects makeup. 15 juin 2018 · Phoenix is an incredible city - but it's so large and so vast and so diverse that all of us are missing out on tons of great people, businesses, organizations, events and more. VoyagePhoenix wants to highlight the best of the Phoenix, Scottsdale & Tempe area - from freelance makeup artists that will dazzle you to the best Meetup groups in town. 11 dĂ©c. 2018 · I also worked as an artist development coordinator for a magazine based out of Queens. I was homesick though, so the second that the apprenticeship was over I moved back home to Arizona. I worked and trained at Toni & Guy as a colorist and then eventually went on to work on my own. I now share a salon, and will be starting family. 26 fĂ©vr. 2019 · Christine, please kick things off for us by telling us about yourself and your journey so far. My artistic journey began early, and because of my family, I was exposed to multiple creative art forms. My dad has always loved carpentry and welding, my crafty mom likes quilting and designing, my grandma enjoyed drawing, and my grandpa. 22 mai 2018 · We wanted to share with others how you can change your own life without being overwhelmed by that change. Thus, Tiny Life Changes was born. We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc. – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been. 28 dĂ©c. 2024 · Local Stories December 28, 2024 Life & Work with Phylisha Thompson Today we’d like to introduce you to Phylisha Thompson. Hi Phylisha, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story? I created Phylisha’s Corner because of the mental health issues I have. 20 dĂ©c. 2024 · Phoenix is an incredible city - but it's so large and so vast and so diverse that all of us are missing out on tons of great people, businesses, organizations, events and more. VoyagePhoenix wants to highlight the best of the Phoenix, Scottsdale & Tempe area - from freelance makeup artists that will dazzle you to the best Meetup groups in town. 29 nov. 2024 · Shelley Thompson – I spent a lot of time around my mother and grandmother, both of whom worked in the food arena. My Grandma Evelyn worked as a cook for Barry Goldwater where she was known for her strawberry cake. My mother’s mother worked as a chef for the dioceses for Brophy College Preparator for over 30 years. 27 janv. 2024 · VoyagePhoenix wants to highlight the best of the Phoenix, Scottsdale & Tempe area - from freelance makeup artists that will dazzle you to the best Meetup groups in town. Latest Headlines Phoenix’s Most Inspiring Stories. 10 mars 2024 · Life & Work with Dr. Philip Woodmore. Local Stories. Today we’d like to introduce you to Dr. Philip Woodmore. Hi Dr. Woodmore, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story. My home base is St. Louis, MO. I am a music educator, vocal coach, composer, author, and performer locally and internationally. 25 janv. 2024 · Today we’d like to introduce you to Barbara Thompson. Hi Barbara, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today. I am an Author, and I have self-published most of my books. I have written eight. I released my 8th book in November 2024. I have done a few book signings since. 19 mars 2019 · One day, I have decided I needed a change in my life for me and my daughter. I was a single parent who was struggling to make end meet. I decided to move up north and decided to take a chance and enroll into cosmetology school part-time for two years it wasn’t easy, I definitely had my ups and downs wanted to quit. I was fortunate. 24 juil. 2019 · I absorbed every new lesson like a sponge and eventually managed a branch office for a Utah bank here in Phoenix. Leadership has been a consistent goal for me. Unfortunately, my career in mortgage banking ended as a result of the Savings and Loan Crisis in the late eighties. Many of us with great skills were out of work during that. 3 juil. 2018 · I love how my passions and work are able to come together. There’s a wealth of academic research that suggests that lack of mentors and networking opportunities for women has materially affected the number of women in leadership roles. 7 aoĂ»t 2018 · Today we’d like to introduce you to Ashley Acker. So, before we jump into specific questions about the business, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. 28 dĂ©c. 2024 · VoyagePhoenix wants to highlight the best of the Phoenix, Scottsdale & Tempe area - from freelance makeup artists that will dazzle you to the best Meetup groups in town. Latest Headlines Phoenix’s Most Inspiring Stories. 11 avr. 2018 · Today we’d like to introduce you to Ashley Rodgers. Ashley, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far. I got into my head that I wanted to cultivate a small little stationery line. I was working at the time for an engineering company that hired me on as a tech writer. 17 juil. 2019 · VoyagePhoenix wants to highlight the best of the Phoenix, Scottsdale & Tempe area - from freelance makeup artists that will dazzle you to the best Meetup groups in town. Latest Headlines Phoenix’s Most Inspiring Stories. 14 janv. 2024 · Local Stories Today we’d like to introduce you to Ashley Anderson. Ashley, can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today. I have been in the Phoenix area now 14 years by way of my hometown, Rockford, Illinois. I never wanted to stay in my hometown for the rest of my life, I knew I wanted more. 6 dĂ©c. 2024 · Local Stories December 6, 2024 Life & Work with Julia Kolb Today we’d like to introduce you to Julia Kolb. Hi Julia, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers. 7 mai 2019 · Seeing her fight for her life and still worry about everyone else is just so humbling. I am so thankful she chose me to be her daughter. I am also inspired by all the incredible boss babes in my life! I’ve met so many kind, hard-working, inspiring women who work hard to create a life that is fulfilling. Contact Info: Instagram. 27 nov. 2024 · Phoenix is an incredible city - but it's so large and so vast and so diverse that all of us are missing out on tons of great people, businesses, organizations, events and more. VoyagePhoenix wants to highlight the best of the Phoenix, Scottsdale & Tempe area - from freelance makeup artists that will dazzle you to the best Meetup groups in town. 11 juin 2019 · Today we’d like to introduce you to Julia Hastings. So, before we jump into specific questions about the business, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. Growing up German, especially in a small Bavarian town a person does not expect to change a lot. You are very much bonded to your home, friends, and family. 29 nov. 2024 · Liv: I moved to Arizona at the height of the pandemic in October of 2024. I had been teaching English abroad in Thailand and lockdown really changed the landscape for foreign teachers. I was here for about a year and a half before meeting Walker, and it was a very transformative time, to say the least. 2 mai 2019 · Phoenix is an incredible city - but it's so large and so vast and so diverse that all of us are missing out on tons of great people, businesses, organizations, events and more. VoyagePhoenix wants to highlight the best of the Phoenix, Scottsdale & Tempe area - from freelance makeup artists that will dazzle you to the best Meetup groups in town. ARRIVE. STAY. EMBRACE. The Boutique Hotel RIVA on Lake Constance combines culinary delights and art. Mrs. Julia Kolb has been working in the management of the Hotel RIVA since 2024 and has now taken over the hotel management in the 2nd generation. Exciting. Different. New. The RIVA world is a wonderful place to feel at home. 29 mai 2019 · May 29, 2019 Life and Work with Aimee Zimmerman Today we’d like to introduce you to Aimee Zimmerman. Thanks for sharing your story with us Aimee. So, let’s start at the beginning and we can move on from there. 22 juin 2024 · Today we’d like to introduce you to Anne Zimmermann. Hi Anne, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today? It all started with street art. I used to do hula hoop and led shows aka “Soluna flowart” in the summer, and in tourist areas two years ago, I stopped because. 26 mars 2019 · March 26, 2019 Life and Work with Paige Fleischmann Local Stories Today we’d like to introduce you to Paige Fleischmann. Paige, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far. Growing up, mom always put my brother and me in sports. She knew it was a healthy outlet for us as kids. 16 juin 2024 · Local Stories Today we’d like to introduce you to Sarah Zimmerman. Hi Sarah, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story? For as long as I can remember, I’ve loved arts & crafts. I would enter in coloring contests as a kid and always gravitated toward the latest craft craze (friendship bracelets, lanyards, etc). 15 oct. 2019 · Today we’d like to introduce you to Pam Zimmerman-Hopkins. So, before we jump into specific questions about the business, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. Three things were true in my life; I was bored, thought everyone was watching and completely scared of failing. 19 aoĂ»t 2024 · I am a Phoenix-based, textile-obsessed, queer artist & designer. I base my practice on the idea of softe: environmentally responsible, tender, and textural. I am inspired by the idea of making a community softer: from hypoallergenic textile earrings to creating a thoughtful online maker resource. In my artwork, I explore material. 28 aoĂ»t 2019 · August 28, 2019 Life and Work with Mishaila Parra Today we’d like to introduce you to Mishaila Parra. Mishaila, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far. My whole life I’ve been very active. I got into dance at age 2 and from then on, tried just about every sport under the sun. 23 aoĂ»t 2019 · VoyagePhoenix wants to highlight the best of the Phoenix, Scottsdale & Tempe area - from freelance makeup artists that will dazzle you to the best Meetup groups in town. Latest Headlines Phoenix’s Most Inspiring Stories. 3 janv. 2019 · Specifically, I share my life and how it pertains to balancing motherhood, exercise, and work. I have a Masters Degree in Kinesiology so fitness comes up a lot as it has always been an interest of mine. Right now I discuss how I am getting back in shape after having my daughter. 10 nov. 2024 · Known as a connector, Sara Maria was able to bring women together from different communities that were doing women’s empowerment and introduce them to each other, building that bridge and reinforcing the belief that ‘We are BETTER together”. Her favorite communities are ‘PowerHouse Women’, ‘IStartFirst’, and ‘The Sisterhood Extravaganza’. 27 mars 2018 · Many people go through life comfortably and don’t bother stepping out of this said, “comfort zone”. My life was completely altered one winter afternoon, as my husband was fatally hit in an accident in Manhattan. My world stopped for a moment; that’s when I felt my breath, I relied on my breath to get me through the first week. 27 janv. 2024 · Local Stories January 27, 2024 Daily Inspiration: Meet Abbie Parra Today we’d like to introduce you to Abbie Parra. Hi Abbie, thanks for sharing your story with us. To start, maybe you can tell our readers some of your backstories. It was never a thought in my head to start any sort of business until maybe 6 months ago.

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