Licking Lips

Licking Lips


Licking Lips
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Lip licker’s dermatitis — codes and concepts

Lip-licker's cheilitis,

Irritant contact cheilitis due to lip-licking,

Lip-licking eczema,

Irritant contact dermatitis due to saliva,

Saliva-induced contact dermatitis

Eczema or dermatitis,

Age site specific,

Scaly disorder

Eczematous cheilitis,

Contact dermatitis

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Lip licker’s dermatitis

Authors: Dr Chioma Enweasor, Clinical Fellow, Department of Rheumatology/Allergy and Clinical Immunology, University of California, Davis, School of Medicine, Sacramento, CA, USA; and Dr Sean Deane, Senior Physician, Allergy and Immunology, The Permanente Medical Group, Sacramento, CA, USA. DermNet NZ Editor in Chief: Adjunct A/Prof Amanda Oakley, Dermatologist, Hamilton, New Zealand. Copy edited by Mary-Elaine Luther/Gus Mitchell. January 2020.
Lip licker’s dermatitis is a reaction of the lips ( eczematous cheilitis ) and surrounding skin ( irritant contact dermatitis ) due to contact with an irritating substance — in this case, saliva from the patient’s own tongue [1,2].
Other names for lip licker's dermatitis are lip-lick cheilitis, irritant contact cheilitis due to lip-licking, lip-licking eczema , saliva-induced contact dermatitis and irritant contact dermatitis due to saliva.
Lip licker’s dermatitis is commonly seen in school-aged children, although it may present at any age [2,3]. In some patients, difficulty with impulse control or cognitive impairment contributes to compulsive lip-licking [4,5].
Lip-licking may begin with or without an initial stimulus, such as chapping in cold, dry weather.
Lip-licking creates chronic redness, dryness, and scaling of the lips and surrounding skin typically in a distribution that corresponds to the reach of the patient’s tongue.
Although lip-licking might seem like a benign habit, there are significant possible complications.
Lip licker’s dermatitis is usually diagnosed clinically, based on the characteristic appearance. Lip-licking may be observed during the evaluation, but direct observation is not required.
Skin biopsy is generally not indicated [3].
Conditions that are often confused with lip licker's dermatitis include:
Behaviour modification to reduce lip-licking is essential. Treatment may include:
Lip licker’s dermatitis often resolves with appropriate treatment but may recur or require long-term treatment if lip-licking behaviour cannot be corrected [5].
DermNet does not provide an online consultation service. If you have any concerns with your skin or its treatment, see a dermatologist for advice.
 © 2022 DermNet New Zealand Trust.
DermNet does not provide an online consultation service. If you have any concerns with your skin or its treatment, see a dermatologist for advice.

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Romantic Body Language » Is Licking Lips A Sign Of Flirtation
We use our tongue more in our verbal communications but do you know that your tongue can also send non-verbal signals to a person sitting next to you. With practice you may even read these non-verbal signals to interpret someone’s true desire or state of mind.
When you want to say someone that you don’t like him, you probably stick out your tongue. But this is not the entire communication your tongue does, in its non-verbal mode. In the body language realm, tongue has multiple uses. When you want to get across your message a person you love or the one you are dating you can put it on display, in slightly different way making it a romantic body langue.
By licking your lips you can send variety of messages to the person you are with. This romantic body language may have variety of interpretations, depending on the person who is doing this and also in what setting. Look at a few possible scenarios:
There may be hundreds of similar situations where you may have noticed someone licking his lips. The romantic body language has created misunderstanding in thousands of relationships. Before getting into any conclusion you should get some true knowledge about reading this or similar body language cues.
If I start answering to these questions my answer would be a “no” to most of the questions. Licking lips at dinner table while waiting for a meal does not indicate romantic desire but it indicates that he can’t wait to devour the food. But, licking lips by the man at a nightclub surely indicates that this romantic body language has been used by the man for his sole purpose of showing his sheer interest in you. Here it can hardly be interpreted in something else.
It is very important to undertake the environment and other element while interpreting the body language. It is kind of unlikely that a man exercising in the park is actively looking and flirting with girls. He might be thirsty and his lips are really dry after doing lot of running and exercising.
There may be various reasons of lip licking and it is very important that you well observe entire body language of your man before making any romantic move based on the way he is moisturizing his mouth.
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